Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 127 - The Prince And The Bishop (Part 3)

Uriel woke up on his bed alone. His breathing hitched, and he went to clamber his way to get some clothes, hastily putting them on, and go looking for the prince.

He was so worried about what could have happened to him. Was he caught while he was sleeping? Did he turn himself into the palace? But..... But they made a promise......

They promised they would run away. What happened to that promise?

The boy had his first taste of betrayal.

Last night, his words were loud and clear, so sincere that one could only believe him. He cried while holding on to Uriel's arms as they spent a night of mutual ruin.

"Uriel..... I can't take it anymore.... I thought this is what I wanted...." He mumbled almost incoherently. "Hah... Hah... Uriel, I don't care if you abuse me all night and all day.... I want to escape this hole I have dug for myself.... Save me..."

Uriel slowed his pace, his brows overwritten with dread and worry. "What do you mean, Your Highness? Save you from what? From the Palace?"

"From everything..... Uriel..... mmm.... You don't know what I have done... But I did it because I had to....."

The boy, who is not even a priest yet, received his first confession from a sinner who is connected to his body.

"Vinsen... Vinsen did not die... He was banished...." He muttered, clinging on to him and moving his hips. "Don't stop moving, Uriel. If I think too properly, I might not be able to tell you. Don't stop..... ngghh..."

Uriel followed his request, but his beast-like libido is depleting now from the severity of the situation. He sighed, and with a heavy heart, also admitted:

"I already know that, Your Highness."

Rome's eyes widened for a bit, but it turned sad. "You do....? ... Hmm, of course you do. You love my brother dearly after all, you are one of the few people he trusts the most...."

There is a hint of jealousy in his voice, and it made Uriel lose his bearing a bit. He doesn't know what came over him but he just has the strong urge to console the prince and caress his face while giving him gentle kisses. "No.... That's not it, it was merely that Vinsen visited me that day, before the carriage brought him out of Ilvedia. Yes, I love your brother, but only as a friend..... I hold you even more dearly in my heart..."

This caused Rome to smile a bit, a true, genuine smile. Or at least, in the poor church boy's perspective. He gave a gentle kiss to Uriel's neck. "Thank you. No one has ever told me they love me more than my brother. Everyone likes him, while everyone dislikes me... I am the abandoned twin.... The spare heir..."

"What else did he tell you?" At this, his tone becomes a bit more cold, like he was expecting something that Uriel will say that will make him upset.

The church boy was confused. "Nothing.... We were just ten back then, he merely said goodbye, and said that we may not be able to see each other again but he will try to send letters from wherever he is going."

"And.... Did he send you letters?" The jealousy is clear in his voice again. "What did they say?"

Uriel was honest, even when he can sense saying the truth will result in nothing good. "Only once a year.... so about six of them. I receive them on my birthday, and he explain to me his life with a tribe on the outskirts that took him in. He sends these letters through all kinds of birds, even falcons, and eagles and bizarre ones that I do not know the name of."

"A tribe..... He is living a savage life, someone as pristine and as regal as him." Rome chuckled with malice.

But he quickly changed his demeanor before Uriel could notice. "Anyway..... I am glad my brother is alright... Oh, Uriel, I could not bear the guilt for what I have done to him....."

"What did you..... What exactly is the cause of your brother's exile, Your Highness?" Uriel dared to ask.

"Hmm.... Come closer.... I'll tell you...." He pleaded. "Oh.... But also, move faster... on that spot right there.... yes, that's it....."

Uriel followed, but he is slowly being eaten from the inside by the anxiety and anticipation. He really wants Rome to tell it to him already or his heart would burst from restlessness. If it does not burst from overexertion before that, as they are going at it harder and faster than it could break the bed itself.

"Ah! Ah! Uriel! Mmmm.... Uriel, my brother is accused of killing someone!" He spilled and confessed as he was being railed like this.

"W-What!? Your Highness, how..... Huff..... Huff....."

"It was me! Ah! It was me! Uriel, I was the one who bashed the head of Duke's son with a stone! Ahhhnn~" 

Uriel immediately stopped moving as they were about to reach their third climax together that night. Rome whimpered under him, tears falling on the sides of his eyes like an endless stream. He held on to him, as if begging for something, yet not saying what it is.

He only mumbled another airy and provoking. "Uriel....."

"....Why..... Why, Your Highness? " His eyes were flickering, and his already palpating heart drummed loudly against his temples. It felt like his boiling and toling blood will burst out of his orifices.

"Uriel...... Sniff..." Rome cried pitifully under him. "I had no chance, you see..... I will always be the forgotten prince.... I will never be next in line unless I get rid of Vinsen somehow.... And, and the person who died..... He tried to kill me, Uriel... I was defending myself..."

He called out again and again, kissing the boy on top of him like a criminal begging for the judge to give him a freeing verdict. He sobbed and sobbed so desperately. "Uriel... Will you hate me now too? Will you hate me like they do... Will you scorn me and tell my parents about the truth...? Please, don't..... I beg you...."

"But Your Highness... This is....." He is so confused and so exhausted that he can no longer think functionally. "What you did is wrong, your own brother... He suffered because of you..."

"But can't you see!? I am continuously suffering because of him! He was the cause of all my suffering, even to this day! I tried to love him..... I tried and I tried! But he just keeps on being the source of my pain.........."

"He wasn't aware of it, Your Highness." Uriel tried to explain. "Vinsen has a good heart, though you defy him, he still insists on loving you and bringing you to the right path!"

"And so, if he wasn't aware.... Should I just not feel any pain at all? If not his, who's fault is it?" Rome countered. "Tell me, Uriel. Who's fault is it?"

"It's..." He collapsed as he is both physically and emotionally drained now. "Oh, Your Highness... I do not know anymore...."

Rome sniffled, feeling very hurt. He spoke his pain out loud. "You are hurting me too, Uriel. You're choosing him over me.... You're picking his side..."


But he could not be convinced. "You're going to tell the truth, and what do you think will happen to me? Vinsen will be returned from that savage tribe, like a hero from the stories, and I will be the villain. I will be scorned left and right, tried and imprisoned..... I might even be killed...."

There was a crack at the last word, his fear very evident.

"Uriel... Do you want to kill me?" He suddenly said very maddeningly, like he truly lost his kind. "Uriel, I'd rather you kill me right now than reveal the truth.... Please....."

"Your Highness, stop saying such things! " Uriel sounded frightened out of his wits. "Don't... Don't ask me to...."

"But either way is the same, Uriel. Kill me now, or kill me by having me executed.... I bet... I bet Vinsen would be so grateful to you..." He chuckled bitterly, like a man who is slowly losing everything. "When he becomes king, he will turn your chapel into a precipice of the Capital. You will be his right-hand man. And after so much success, you will forget about me... Grateful to get rid of me...."

"Never! Your Highness, stop!" Uriel broke into tears. "You know how much I love you..... I repeated it again and again..... Why won't you believe me?"

He promised with his whole heart. "I will not tell a single soul about this. Not your parents, not Vinsen, no one! I will carry the burden of the crime with you. I am now as much as guilty for it as you are, an accomplice, a murderer!"

Rome was surprised by such a declaration. He placed a hand on Uriel's tearful cheek, their tears mixing, and he slowly licked them. Licking them off his beautiful eyes...

"Uriel... You're my accomplice... My partner........" He said softly. "Let's just escape.... Tomorrow, I want to escape Ilveida with you..... No one loves me as much as you do, and your devoted love is all I ever need..... I promise to be yours forever, as long as you will promise to be mine....."

Uriel's eyes sparkled in the darkness. "...Do you mean that, Your Highness?"

"I do....."

That was the last memory he had before they fell asleep. And right after.....

The man who made that promise disappeared.

Days later, Uriel learned that His Highness Prince Rome did return back to the Palace like nothing happened. Meanwhile, he was reprimanded for the filth and soils in his bed, and was given 50 lashes for it on the back, being called 'sinful' by the nuns and priests. He took all of them without a word.

He never told them who he shared that sinful night with. The orphans talked about it for months, but that was the last scandal about the soon-to-be-priest. It seems he had only momentarily lost his way and walked back to the right path.

Because unlike a certain vile man, he keeps his promises.

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