Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 128 - The Blue Moon Hibiscus

Vladstin thought Father Uriel's blood tasted very awful indeed. The flavor of his memories is just sickening and too full of misery and angst for his palate.

He spat some to the ground, and took the hibiscus flower, pocketing it without a word. He returned back to his cart and reattached himself like nothing happened.

The moment Sangfroid looked, he only caught sight of the little siren girl and his beloved prince's corpse playing with pebbles, along with a dumbly grinning vampire.

He had finished cooking, and wiped his hands on his clothes. He reluctantly called out. "Dinner's ready."

Seeing that the vampire did not make any movement from this, just cocking his head to the side, Sangfroined groaned and walked up to them. He repeated. "Dinner's ready. Get Ofelia out of the water."

"But I'm tied up!" Vladstin exclaimed so happily, too happily in fact.

"I know you can easily get out of that bind. Stop pretending." Sangfroid just turned and left, preparing two bowls of the meal he made and a bowl of blood. It was chicken soup. 

Vladstin chuckled and shrugged, letting the ropes fall off him in one clean strike. He walked out, stretched his limbs a bit, and pick up the siren girl. His servant corpse puppet followed closely behind.

They ate and had the most awkward dinner together ever. But then again, dinner had always had this sense of awkwardness around them. The only relatively fine one was when they first made clothes for Ofelia. It was also chicken soup, back then.

Ofelia observed his two now even more estranged fathers closely, trying to find a way to lighten up the mood between them. All she could come up with was. "I want new clothes."

"Hm?" Both turned to her, baffled.

"Ofelia wants new clothes. Ofelia needs them. But this time….. hmm... Can Ofelia show you the clothes I want?" She asked.

The two stared at each other for a split second, then look away again. They just nodded, but said. "It's late already."

"Maybe tomorrow."

Ofelia nodded. She wanted the tense atmosphere to go bye-bye now, but she has to be patient. If they say tomorrow, she has to wait until tomorrow. 

At night, she could not sleep at all. Vladstin re-tied himself even without Sangfroid saying so, sleeping whilst standing up in an uncomfortable way. The hunter once again prepared carefully for his dead….. or undead prince to go to sleep together again, hugging his cold body like a pillow.

Ofelia looked at the stars, remembering her mother telling her that stars can grant wishes. She wished on them to finally make Sangfroid and Vladstin like each other. That they do not fight anymore until Leron is revived by the hibiscus flower, which she still has to find.

Now that he can sense Sangfroid is asleep, the cheeky vampire opened one eye to peer, then opened the other, blinking at the dead of the night. He saw the little siren girl still swimming about, overly worried and pouting as she simply can't find something. He smiled, but felt like making her wait too long would count as bullying, and he doesn't want to bully a child.

He untied himself and took out the flower he hid in his pocket. He kneeled by the pool with a wide cat smile. "Looking for this?"

The little siren girl's eyes widened as much as the plates they ate on, and exclaimed. "You found it! How....?"

"Shh!" He placed a finger to his lips. 'Don't wake up Sangfroid now."

He gestured to the two sleeping at the distance, and Ofelia understood. She was happy to see the flower, observing its shimmering glow even at night, possibly bioluminescent. It has five petals, just like how we have five fingers on one hand....

She then frowned. "You're not supposed to know, Daddy Vladstin. How did you find out?"

Vladstin understood enough to guess what she was asking. He made a wavy hand gesture, representing the wind. Then, he let this wave go to his ear. "The wind told me."

"The wind told you?" She frowned, feeling her interpretation must be wrong. But Vladstin nodded. 

"I can understand you because of the wind." Vladstin said. "This flower... It is meant to cure Leron, right?"

She saw him gesturing at the flower, then speaking her Daddy Leron's name. "So you know... Eis told me you shouldn't know..."

At this, the wind blew again, allowing him to understand the Gargen language. But this time, it blew on Ofelia's ear too, and they can now understand each other completely.

"That little goat? Why did he say I should not know?" Vladstin asked. 

Ofelia's eyes widened again. "I can understand you.... And you know Eis?"

"Yes.... Well, his father, at least." Vladstin said. "Did he ever tell you why you must not tell us about the hibiscus flower?"

"He hasn't." Ofelia shook her head. "He just told me that it was 'the only way to stop the Hermit's plans'. Daddy Vladstin..... The Hermit is goat friend, right? He was the one who killed Daddy Leron, right?"

The girl shook in sobs, wiping her eyes. "Why do friends.... keep on hurting each other like this? Ofelia doesn't understand it..."

Vladstin patted her head solemnly and hugged her close. He told her the truth.

"No, Ofelia. It was not the Hermit who killed Leron. It was me. He was ill because of me, the Hermit just made him more ill until he died."

The siren girl's eyes widen at this. "I don't believe it..... You won't hurt Daddy Leron..."

"Daddy Leron hurt me first. That's how it is, Ofelia." He said. "Sometimes, the people we love the most.... hurt us the most. And the people who love us the most get hurt by us in return. Someday, you will understand."

"Then...." She wiped her tears, trying to find a hopeful sliver of light in these dark words. She was a child after all, she would not want to succumb to such darkness. "Then... Since you and Daddy Sangfroid hurt each other, you must love each other a lot?"

Vladstin could only bitterly chuckle at this, not saying anything.

He let go of Ofelia, and put the flower back to his pocket. Even when being handled so carelessly like this, it did not wilt. He had a feeling it never will, for who knows since when Father Uriel planted it in this mountain?

Speaking of the Bishop.... He can't help feeling that his situation with King Casserome is almost the same as Leron and Sangfroid's situation. Only that, Leron is not a pure, unredeemable devil, and Sangfroid would probably not abandon his duty just for him. Or would he?

Then again, he could not help but relate to Uriel a little. Because like him.....

He is so confused.

Bringing back Leron means there is no way for him and Sangfroid to reconcile at all. But why would he want reconciliation in the first place?

Why can't he just accept that they are like oil and water, and they could never mix in a harmonious relationship at all? 

And so, he sighed, and made a promise to the child. "I will keep this flower until the full moon, extract its essence and give it to Leron myself."

He will be the one to let go.

That deal the 'Hermit' offered, or more accurately, the Father Goat, will be null and void. He never really accepted in the first place.

The wind fumed in anger, but the gust only knock him off a bit, not enough to make him trip to his feet.

Vladstin just shook the dust from his clothes, and walked back to his cart, tying himself up again.


The day of the full moon eventually came. 

Sangfroid and Vladstin had created a new dress for Ofelia, using the first one as a reference, and yet they did not show any sign of getting closer with each other. They work silently, synchronized, yet not speaking with each other.

The corpse puppet is getting good at pebble throwing. Ofelia usually beat it, but it managed to gain some muscle memory and the toss improved a little.

Sangfroid still slept with it every night.

The blue moon hibiscus flower continued to glow, not losing its luster.

Everything was static. Nothing changed.


That full moon night, Vladstin peered with one eye again. He saw that Sangfroid was asleep, and opened both eyes, stretched his limbs and got out of his post.

He is going to get the mortar and pestle, then grind the beautiful glowing flower to bits and feed it to his corpse puppet.

The wind at this hour was also static. The stars were bright, and the constellation of the Winged Hog was shining brightly upon them. Vladstin realized that the higher they go up the mountain, the farther their view becomes, and he could even catch a faint glimpse of the Southern Seas.

The full moon shined blue like the flower. Therefore, it is no ordinary full moon. This must be the only moment the de-vampirizing would be effective. Vladstin wondered how it could be effective to Leron, and yet not for him.

Was it because he was a Vampire Lord?

It does not matter. This flower was never for him. Leron right before this precise rare time. He was the one fated to have the flower.

He was rummaging the bags for the materials to make the extract, when he suddenly heard.

"Can we talk for a moment?"

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