Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 156 - Antipathy (Part 3)

Xendros looked back to Faestien. "Would you like to join us, Your Highness?"

Faestien gave a brief nod. "If you shall allow me... I am not familiar with the streets of the Crimsom Kingdom after all."

"Why did you come to grace our streets away, Your Highness?" Maelle asked.

Xendros narrowed his eyes, because he felt like he sensed apprehension and sarcasm from his tone. But why? Why would he treat a prince in such a way? Do they know each other?

His growing distrust had turned to growing dislike just from this. Because to Xendros, the prince of Ilvedia is not worthy of any disrespect. 

He is one of the purest souls he had ever met. A noble who upholds his duty not out of obligation, and not to earn fame...

But out of his own volition, not speaking of it ever again. A true symbol of humility.

Little did he know that it is not out of humility, but pure indifference. Faestien has a penchant to do things without caring for the moral value. He will do good because he feels like it, and sometimes for the personal gain, and he will do bad because he feels like it, also due to personal gain from time to time. 

"I wanted to escape the suffocating air of our kingdom for a while, so I must ask both of you to keep my identity a secret." he placed a finger to his lips. "Please be kind to me, Brothers. I am but a humble prince that is like a sheep kept for so long in a kennel. I have been shedding my wool for the Ilvedian people for a long time, and it had left me feeling cold and empty. I want to escape for a while and let it grow a bit again, becoming full until shedding season."

An innocent lamb..... Xendros really felt that way about him. He felt very sympathetic to this prince, indeed. And especially since he used the symbology of lambs and sheep..... which to the Draconians, symbolizes pure and altruistic people. They are like martyrs and servants.

Xendros felt very affectionate and protective for such people, for they are truly rare to find. Not just rare to find.....

But also difficult to determine from fake ones.

It would have been good if these pretenders are like wolves wearing sheep clothing. Wolves will be easier to identify. They have a different build and demeanor from real heeps. They stink of a different scent, and they cannot make the same sound. The moment they open their mouth, what comes out are loud howls, which will be an obvious determiner of their real identity.

These 'wolves' can be found in masses all the time.

The love to make themselves appear larger than life. They love to howl all their good deeds to others. When given the chance, they would proclaim just how good they are to gain benefit from it and social acceptance.

No, they are very easy to identify indeed. they are no cause for concern, for it is easy to reveal a wolf in sheep's clothing as well.

Let them howl and howl, until their clothes are slowly drooping off their body. They got revealed by their own words and actions. The stink would not be able to hide anything at all.

But..... there is a different kind of people pretending to be innocent heeps that the young priest has encountered through his lifetime giving inside a church.

And those are goats in sheep clothing.

Goats look very similar to sheeps, except for their tails. The goats tail points upward to the sky, while a sheep keeps his tail down. Still, this is less noticeable compared to wolves. And when they wear the fluffy coat of sheep, there's no easy way of telling the difference if they manage to cut their horns and shave their beard.

Goat people are those who seem to have true intentions for doing kindness. But in truth, they are very evil people indeed that just learn to disguise their appearance. They are so good that they can copy the behavior and mentality of a kind person, not just the appearance. They may even believe that they are good from time to time.

But their tails are always pointing upwards. They are always on high alert for any mistake compared to real sheeps. If they sense that their identity is in danger of finding, they get scared and lower their tail down. And that movement shall be noticeable. That short lapses, that little change of gestures that only appear once you blink....

Xendros had only seen and encountered a handful of such goats in sheep clothing. He hopes to never encounter them again, as they always leave him with feelings of disappointment or betrayal.

Despite this, he still thinks Faestien is not a goat. He still trusts him, and wants to take him under his care.

"Of course you can join us, Your Highness, and of course we shall not speak of your identity when we have entered Crescentian walls." Xendros promised, bowing his head lightly. "For your own safety a well, I strongly suggest that we all stay close with each other. You must hare the same lodgings with us. I cannot bear to send off the prince of Ilvedia on his own....."

"Why don't you just let him travel back after a little sightseeing?" Maelle said without looking back, eyes forward and shoulders straightened. "That way, there shall be no 'endagering the Ilvedian prince' to worry about."

"You want him to travel on his own?" Xendros was incredulous of this suggestion.

"Well, he managed to do so. He brought us here on his own, on the guise of a driver. He can handle himself."

"That is exactly what I am concerned about. What if thieves thought that he was a mere commoner and truly a carriage driver that they can plunder, and brought harm to him."

"A simple solution: Don't run into thieves."

"Brother Maelle, don't be unreasonable. Running into thieves is not an avoidable event, if fate shall have it, such misfortune can happen to anyone. Shall the blame be on the victim for having such a misfortune....." 

They continued to bicker among themselves, which Faestien found fascinating for a short while, yet got bored of eventually. Paticularly on Xendros' sermon-like way of speaking to Maelle. He had grown strong distaste for it, for a commoner to act like he knows so much. It is the same prejudice his father, King Fabian, holds over intellectuals and scholars from the lower sectors of Ilvedia. 

Yes, they may be smart, but even in intelligence, there is a hierarchy to follow.

Even in kindness which this priests likes to preach on, there is still a hierarchy. He remembered another philosophers accounts about it, this hierarchy of morality: 

The accepted hierarchy of the good, based on how a low, higher, or a most high egoism desires that thing or the other, decides today about morality or immorality. To prefer a low good (sensual pleasure, for example) to one esteemed higher (health, for example) is taken for immoral, likewise to prefer comfort to freedom. The hierarchy of the good, however, is not fixed and identical at all times. If someone prefers revenge to justice, he is moral by the standard of an earlier culture, yet by the standard of the present culture he is immoral.

'Immoral' then indicates that someone has not felt, or not felt strongly enough, the higher, finer, more spiritual motives which the new culture of the time has brought with it. It indicates a backward nature, but only in degree. The hierarchy itself is not established or changed from the point of view of morality; nevertheless an action is judged moral or immoral according to the prevailing determination.

There is no moral or immoral person.

Merely people who chose a good that society deemed as of lesser value to them.

People who value the small joys of mischief, or inciting emotions of someone, of bringing discord to others. People who value the goodness of causing humanity to experience suffering in order to not remain static and achieve change. And this boring but beautiful purple-eyes priest really needs an intervention in order for change to be achieved. 

It is not wrong to wrong Xendros if it is for the 'greater good'. 

With this, he felt even more assured. Xendros is deplorable, and must be made aware of it. He must be tainted in order to see how tainted he truly was. Too tainted in white and narrow-minded ideal about morality because of his upbringing and the holy books he consumed. He sees nothing wrong with it, if he ever offends him. For a wie man said:

It is much more agreeable to offend and later ask forgiveness than to be offended and grand forgiveness. The one who does the former demonstrates his power and then his goodness. The other, if he does not want to be though inhuman, must forgive; because of this coercion, pleasure in the other's humiliation is slight.

"Xendros... how about you accompany me to Crescentia if Brother Maelle shall not like it?"

The two men stopped arguing, and they answered at the same time.



Xendros narrowed his eyes and turned to Maelle questioningly. Maelle shrugged. "I am your guide. It is my duty as representative. I cannot let you away of my sights. If you shall accompany the prince....."

He gave a genuine disdainful look hidden with a smile.

"I shall accompany you in accompanying him."

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