Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 157 - Antipathy (Part 4)

"Truly?" The prince's eye brightened like a thousand stars.

"Yes. But I suggest you do not dally for too long in this kingdom of ours. The King and Queen of Ilvedia must be looking for you already." Maelle frowned in disdain. "I do not want to be involved in any ruckus that might follow after in the future. I am simply serving as a guide to an Ilvedian emissary, you are not part of my responsibility. So I hope Your Highness understands where I'm getting at, hmm?"

Faestien shook his head. "Of course, of course. I understand. I shall not bring any trouble to you and Brother Xendros. I shall travel on my own back to Ilvedia, and not share about my connection to you to my father and mother."

"See? It should not be of any concern, Brother Maelle. The prince will not bring us any harm upon him joining." Xendros smiled at Faestien. "We should go inside the gates now. Shall we present anything upon entering?"

"No, there is no need to present anything." Maelle shook his head, and advance further than the two. "This is enough to grant us passage."

Upon reach the guard's viewpoint, who were wearing simple and traditional armor and helmet along with crimson red capes, Maelle did a series of claps. After clapping twice over his head, then below both knees, and again at the front. He then placed his thumb and index finger between his lips to whistle. Two long, one short, one long, three short.

The three of them waited for a long while.

Not long after, the gates of Crescentia had swung open for them.


The sound was loud and grating and the dust took a while to settle after swirling into the air. Maelle only used the bandana over his head to cover his noise, taking it out with a whish and then using it to fan out the dust as well. Faestien just lowered his head and used his hat as protection. It was only Xendros that was left unprepared and have nothing to cover his nose and so coughed a little and felt his eyes stinging.

"Are you alright, Brother Xendros?" The prince asked with much concern. He handed out a white handkerchief from his pocket.

"I am alright.... No need for that, Your Highness." He coughed out again. The sides of his eyes are red, and he tried to suspend the urge to sneeze.

"Just take it." Faestien convinced him with that beautiful smile.

Xendros found himself flustered a little, and became confused on why he would be so flustered. "If Your Highness insists..."

"I do insist."

Xendros finally took it. "I shall wash it and return it to you once it is completely clean of my dirt."

"Haha, no need to do that. And you're not dirty, Brother Xendros. It's just a bit of dust." Faestien walked forward, strutting like a peacock and making sure to give the priest and good view of him. "No need to return it either, you can keep it all your life if you want."

"Y-Your Highness....." Xendros felt like choking from the dust that permeated his lungs and from the embarrassment. "Thank you. You really are too kind."

"Would you two like to enter now or are you still busy chatting with each other?" Maelle asked, his expression plain and unreadable. "This humble guide is getting a little impatient from standing at the entrance for too long."

''Ah, I suppose you are right. Let us go." Xendros nodded and moved for ward, still in a bit of a daze from receiving the soft and silky handkerchief from the prince of his kingdom himself.

He can now sort of understand the hysteria people felt whenever they see him and his family tour around the kingdom during Blessing Day. Most of it would be the young ladies of his age, but everyone can just feel delight whenever the royal family is around. They have an inexplicable and inevitable pull towards others, swaying their emotions with just a few gesture. Even when their act of kindness is just as small as handing out a handkerchief, one would feel like they have received a blessing from above and be grateful for all their life.

Wait..... Why is he thinking of a mortal this way? What blessing?

'Thou shall not worship false gods.'

It is only the Holy Dragon Lord that can deliver miracles, and saints and angels through their intercession. Prince Faestien is not a god, saint, or angel. He must not be too fond of him to the point that he would confuse it for worship. As a priest, it would be more than wrong, beyond immoral. He must control himself and his fanaticism.

And so, he had also began to be a little wary of the prince. He also felt guilty of such wariness, because the prince really is not at fault here. He is not aware of the effect he had over Brother Xendros.

Little did he know that Prince Faestien was in fact very, VERY well aware of the effect he had on him.

He grinned a little from Xendros' daft expression. Ah, what an adorable prey it was, who may seem stiff and stone-hearted and yet still wear such a heart on his sleeves. He can sense it easily despite his inexpressiveness. The twinkle in those purple eyes.....

How he wants to keep those eyes in a jar to look at him so brightly forever.

Alas, that would mean that the owner had died, and he is fond of the owner very much too. He shall toy with him much, much longer. And perhaps, one day, Brother Xendros would be so enamored by him as to even offer those eyes willingly for him...

They walked int he streets of Crescentia with the sly prince having these perverse romantic thoughts. The poor Ilvedian priest was unaware at all.

The moment they step their foot inside, all their senses were immediately overwhelmed by so much bustling activity. Everything is colorful and vibrant. The newly painted and marked clothes that are being hanged by women to dry, the tattoos on their skin, the pots and kettles that clanged and banged. There were vases of many shapes and sizes that tell a story on their own. Customers and merchants bantered all day as everyone haggled prizes.

"50 Cansiers!"

"70 Cansiers!"

"55 Cansiers!"

"60 Cansiers!"

"Alright, alright! I'll take it if the cinnabar ink is included! My child would want to decorate his own laisti vase."

Xendros was fascinated by their conversations. He had studied Crescentian well, but even within this kingdom, there are so many dialects that he can sense who is from the Mainland and who is not. The person buying, the father who wants a vase for his child, was possibly someone from another region than the capital. There is a difference in the roll of his tongue.

"People from the Northern areas visit here too, I see. Is there a certain occasion today?" Prince Faestien suddenly came by his side, asking Maelle.

"Yes." Maelle answered simply, not elaborating.

"You can understand Crescentian, Your Highness?" Xendros asked with much intrigue.

"I do, but only the basics. I have studied much of the languages in the Thirteen Kingdoms and some variants since my childhood, it is part of the curriculum for a prince like me. How else would I be able to become a rightful king in the Calm Era if I could not even communicate in treaties with other sovereigns?"

The amethyst-eyed Ilvedian priest nodded in understanding. So it was like that. It was not because he was interested and wanted to study, but out of the necessity of the life of a prince. He now feels even more pitiful of him indeed, imagining him always locked up in his room like him and only having the company of language books.

Faestien's life was not like that at all. Some parts of it were indeed like that, but there was also much mischief that could be done when no one else is looking.

The prince can sense his pity and chuckled. "Learning languages also has its merits. That means that you can earn the friendship of almost everyone in this world. A philosopher once said that: 'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.'" 

"You are truly well-versed in words of philosophers, Your Highness." Xendros praised. "You are so educated unlike us common folk."

Maelle suddenly spoke, holding a finger to the sky. "Education is not the basis of knowledge, for all important knowledge in life are the ones that cannot be taught."

"Ah, I know who said that." The Prince grinned in delight. "You read Carwilo, Brother Maelle."

"Only heard of him from a friend. I do not like philosophers for they are mostly just old braggart with a lot of things to say, but this one line speaks the truth."

"I like philosophers because whether they speak the truth or not, they can fill your ears and mind with so many beautiful words."

Xendros was baffled by this exchange, as it felt like it means something much, much deeper. But his focus was taken by a little girl who went by his side, speaking something in Crescentian.

"Pardon? What is it again, little one?" He asked and leaned down closer to her.

"Would you like to be the Fake Rose King, sir?"

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