Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 164 - Sympathy (Part 4)

Prince Faestien closed the small opening on the door where he was peering in slowly and even more stealthily than phantom the moment he can tell that their heart-to-heart conversation is coming to an end. 

He doesn't even need to tiptoe, and he feels no nervousness in those light and agile bones of his. He was used to sneaking around during school days, and in the Palace, of course. Eavesdropping and never getting caught. He trusts in his talents, and would even go so far to say that if he was ever needed to be a spy.....

He would be the best spy in the Thirteen Kingdoms there is.

Ah, but since it is the boring Calm Era, such expertise of his was not needed. How very disappointing indeed to the thrill-seeker Prince Faestien.

"Maelle, can you promise me that if I ever wronged you, you will tell me directly about it?"

"Hmm? What do you mean by that, Brother Xendros?"

"Because after knowing you these past few days... I have considered you as a friend. I do not want our connection to be over upon my return in Ilvedia. I do not want it to be cut off now because I have failed to understand you. And so, if such a thing as that in the monastery will happen again, can you not pretend that it was nothing and instead tell me outright? Command me to ask for forgiveness?"

The last thing he heard was this exchange.

What an interesting conversation indeed, the prince's black heart could not help but be delighted.

He had long been listening and watching since the start, drinking up this interesting juice of dialogue that he should not have involved himself in. This forbidden knowledge.

Eavesdropping really is one of the best things in the world for someone like him.

He thought that in all the pantheon of gods in several books he have read, those that are established even before the Thirteen Kingdoms, during the time of a large land mass called Pluterria, there is not a single god of gossip. God of secrets, god of veils and hidden intentions. If he could form his own religion, he would put such a god in one of the highest. 

For news, gossip, and hearsay that is can be partially true or false... Is one of the biggest parts of living in a society. Of being human living among other humans.

It is natural for us to be curious on what happens to others so it will serve as a comparison to how we are doing.

If they are suffering more, then we can feel better upon our suffering. If they are suffering less, then we could wallow in self-pity and claim that the world is only unkind to us.

If they are rejoicing more, then we can strive to rejoice just as much as them, perhaps through envious motivation. If they are rejoicing less, we become grateful for what we have and not take it for granted.

Gossip is a way to continue living among other people. It is virtuous. It is a necessity.

It is a standard of health, societal health. The more knowledgeable you are of other people, the more gossip juice you drink, the higher your advantages are in this dog eat dog, god eat god world. Whether instinctual or for morality, it is useful to know more about others to either help them or beat them to pulp. People who are secretive and yet knows a lot of secrets wins this game of the deuce.

No one drinks from them, but they drink from other people. This is one of the few things Prince Faestien could be proud of himself on, to be great at gossiping yet never be gossiped about.

When Xendros opened the door to their shared room, he can only see a Prince Faestien sleeping soundly on his tiny cot, and not a grinning prince that is relishing the juice had just drank from them. Making him feel like a vampire, for he had basically dranks some parts of their life, and life is represented by blood.

A social vampire. That's what he was, and he must admit, he likes the sound of that, making a mental note of such term he coined.

Xendros stared at the sleeping figure for a while, creasing his eyebrows as this was another individual that he does not feel quite settled with yet. But he decided to put it for later, as his strife with Prince Faestien is not yet as important as Maelle's. He does not even know what to call that internal struggle yet. With Maelle, it's the desire to maintain a friendship as the way it is and not to get into arguments. But with him.......

There's seems to be nothing wrong with his relationship with the Ilvedian prince, yet it does not feel fully right either.

He would rest his eyes first. It would be apparent later in the day when His Highness stirs awake that he had lost sleep if he kept straining himself.


Later that day, they were eating some local Crescentian cuisine. Everything was red. The soup, the things floating in it, and even the desserts they had afterward. Much of them were also spicy.

Prince Faestien could handle spice well, Xendros could not.

Maelle can notice it as he takes a scoop of his red chili and chestnut parfait. "Is there a problem, Brother Xendros?"

"Why would you think so...kk..... Brother Maelle?" Xendros' eyes widened and he almost broke out into coughing.

He thought he had been hiding his expression well. At least, as well as Prince Faestien. How did Maelle notice?

Or was it really that....... Prince Faestien is not just tolerating the piquant and hot meals...... But rather, he truly enjoy them just like the Crescentians???

Then he was the only one who could not stomach it??? How vexing that would be!

"You should ask the cook for some honey or milk." Prince Faestien ate a red pasta dish with a sprinkling of black papers that was so spicy that it was almost bitter. "I have already known that Crescentian local cuisine is not as mild as ours, which is why I warned you earlier when you asked to try it. We have been avoiding it for a long time for this very reason."

"We......... Do you mean that you and Maelle had agreed upon it? You two had been avoiding to eat Crescentian food for my sake?" Xendros become even red, feeling truly flabbergasted by the thought. For the prince and his friend to secretly conspire just so he would not embarrass himself!

"We did not have any talk about it. We just happen to have the same thought." Maelle corrected his thoughts from Prince Faestien's implication. "But do not fret about not being able to handle my kingdom's food. Many visitors had stated their distaste for it already."

"No... It's not distasteful at all. They actually taste well on their own. I'm not so weak as to not handle a little bit of spice." He shook his head again and again, reaching out for some water. "But..... To eat so many all out once....... It was just a bit too much for my palate."

The considerate Crescentian priest nodded. "I can understand. You should take the prince's advice and ask for something sweet to balance them out."

"A-Alright. I apologize once more."

"Don't apologize, you have done nothing wrong."

"I feel that I have. This is another part of your cultural identity after all." Brother Xendros solemnly bowed his head. "You must feel disappointed in me, both of you."

Prince Faestien put down his fork that was eating lamb chops coated in paprika, and smiled amusedly. "Why must you apologize to me as well?"

"Because I am the representative sent by your father, and I am not doing my job well in your presence." The tips of Xendros' ears turned red. "And..... it just must be disappointing for you to see someone like me not handle such a thing, while you can."

"Someone like you...... I'm afraid I do not know what you mean by that, Brother Xendros." Prince Faestien patted his head. "But you must know that I am not disappointed. It is your body's natural reaction after all, you must not fight against it. Who am I to dictate how much you can tolerate, how much you can keep in before you burst? Go on now, relieve yourself."

Maelle did not like the words he used to refer to Xendros' condition at all.

"A-Alright, since His Highness has spoken. I will do as you pleased." Xendros stood up hastily and excused himself to 'relieve himself'.

Now it was only the two left alone, eating in silence.

Prince Faestien expertly broke the silence at the exact right time. "What a pitiful boy he is, isn't he? Always so sincere. It is a small matter after all, and yet he takes it so seriously..."

Maelle had finished downing his bowl of hot soup of bell peppers. "Xendros is pitiful but not for his behavior. He is pitiful because of the people using his good countenance to their advantage."

"Oh? That is true, I suppose." Prince Faestien wiped his mouth, lightly dabbing it with a handkerchief. "After all, a philosopher once said that it is not the victim to be blamed for being hurt, but the perpetrator for actively hurting them---"

"I will protect him from such people." Maelle said resolutely, teeth gritted.

"Please remember that, Your Highness."

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