Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 165 - Sympathy (Part 5)

"What are you insinuating, Brother Maelle?" Prince Faestien fluttered his eyelashes innocently.

"Nothing." Maelle just smiled without any mirth, sipping a cup of chili hot choco. "You will pay for the meal, won't you, Your Highness?"

"But of course! No need to ask." Faestien grinned and placed a bag of 100 Cansiers on the table, twice the real sum of their meal.

Maelle paid this deed no attention as he was already looking at the direction of Xendros, who was coming their way after drinking a gallon of milk and honey. His complexion looks much better now. 

"I'm alright now.... Your Highness.... Maelle." He nodded to both of them. "Shall we take our leave? I already gave the cook our regards for a wonderful meal."

"That's good, Xendros. I also gave them a little bit more money to support their fine establishment. I don't think that's enough to show my appreciation for them, but I have to save a little to buy some more things when we travel back to Ilvedia."

Xendros took a look at that large pouch left on the table, and scratched his head. "Er, Your Highness, I think that is a little too much. You might catch the servers aback from such a large sum. Just 5 Casiers more than our meals' price would have sufficed, they would already appreciate it."

"Really?" Prince Faestien widened his blue eyes. "I see... The standards I am used to with giving gifts and showing gratitude must be different from how commoners do it. I apologize for my insolence. But I really want to give them 100 coins.... How about you say it is a donation as well? You should hand it to them since you are a priest and so donating would be more reasonable for you."

"Wouldn't it be more suspicious? How can a poor priest gain such large amount?" Maelle countered. "I say just reduce it to 5 as Brother Xendros said."

"Hmm, you do have point. You are very intelligent, Brohter Maelle." Prince Faestien shamelessly pandered to him. "How about this then? Say that an anonymous benefactor handed it to you to give away to this restaurant. That should take awaymuch of the suspicion or apprehension."

"I understand... Your Highness does not want to reveal his identity after all. May the Holy Dragon Lord bless you for your kindness." Xendros nodded and enthusiastically went back to the kitchen to hand out the money.


Prince Faestien cocked his head to the side as he heard Brother Maelle muttered something under his breath. "What is that, Brother Maelle? Did you say something?"

"We are leaving in three days time. After that, I will be moved to Mystopia upon giving the final reports of our venture to His Majesty, and you cannot be with us when we arrive. Therefore, it is best you leave already tomorrow." Maelle said, as he turned away from him and to the door to hide his scowl.

The prince pretended to know nothing just like a dumb little sheep. "Tomorrow? Could it not just be on the morrow? The day before you go back?"

"No. That would make it too obvious. You must return tomorrow."

"Alright..." Prince Faestien said like a disappointed child, pouting. "But why does it fell like..... Brother Maelle is just pushing me away? And do you not worry for my safety with traveling alone? Didn't Brother Xendros brought it up on our first day here, how there are many thieves and ruffians on the road? What if I get captured by them?"

"May the Crimson Wolf guide you in your travels." He said nonchalantly, and slammed the door on his face.

Prince Faestien grinned but was actually a little disappointed deep inside.

Brother Maelle is a hopeless case. He thoroughly despises him. And he knows too much, so there is no way to break through his hardened heart.

So, must he only focus on Xendros, then? He is already biting the hook by an inch. Might as well give all his efforts on fully capturing an easy prey. 

Besides, it is also fun to break someone's perceptions completely. Xendros' mind is too black and white. You are only either good or bad. And to him, the sly, scheming pirnce is one of the good ones. That kind of rigid mentality will be the most explosive when it breaks... Hah.....

Prince Faestien wondered if it would make him break his mind too.

And moreover...

If it will break his friendship with Maelle.

He looks forward to doing that. This is just the beginning. Even if it takes him years... he will be patient.

The seed of doubt had already been planted.


That night, Maelle had a dream that Crimson Wold had visited him once again.

In an isle full of sand, possibly inside a large hourglass, he sat on a table and sipped tea. This is the land between Vystivo and Kistre. His dear friend's abode.

He waited until it's large majestic figure as a red wolf coalesced into the empty seat in front of him, hot red tea the color of blood waiting for them both.

Maelle picked up the tea and drinks from it. "What brings me here once more, old friend? Do you have something to tell me?"

"Not something to tell, old friend." The Crimson Wolf spoke without opening its mouth. "But something show."

"A vision? You rarely give me those, old friend. Only riddles." Maelle smiled.

But the Crimson Wolf looked stern and solemn as ever, expression unreadable.

"Do you still recall the last riddle I gave you?"

"Yes." Maelle set up the cup, since he had sensed that matters are more on the serious side of the spectrum with this immortal deity. 

He spoke the riddle in a sing-songy and lazy voice.

"It can run and escape, let leave traces behind

It can always be found, yet you can never find

It gives and it takes, leaving scars in the mind

Forlorn shall be the person struck by its kind."

After saying that, Maelle scoffed. "Pah! This riddle is a tough one, old friend. Even more so than the rest. Could you not give little ol' me a hand?"

The red wolf replied, his voice like that of the booming thunder muffled from the settlement one stays it, echoey and loud. "No. I can only beguile and confuse, but never influence a person, never give answers." 

"Then is this vision connected to the riddle?" Maelle inferred.

"You must only seek for yourself, Maelle."

The priest nodded, his golden eyes full of understanding. "I have expected that to be your answer. I just like hearing it, for it is one of the sole truths in life." 

The Crismon Wolf turned into a mist, no longer responding. Then...

He saw two boys walking by a field of dandelions.

One has white hair and golden eyes. The other has black hair and blue eyes. Their hands are clapsed tightly with each other, their faces beaming with joy.

"When I grow up, I want to be with you forever." The boy with white hair said.

"Me too! I want to stay with you always. After all these years, I cannot part from you anymore."

So they promised, but then a great flood came after behind them.



They spoke each other's names, but the flood kept them apart. It washed away everything, including the field, and eventually......

Drip! Drip! Drip!

It overflowed into the sandy land where Maelle was having tea.

"Well, that is indeed........ something. Old friend, you never fail to impress me."

He remained seated as the dream itself is flooded, just calmly sipping his tea. He has no thoughts. When receiving a vision, it's best to not have any thoughts and just let what happens to happen.

No chance of fighting it, like that big flood.

Those two boys are being too childish. 

They should not have tried to reach out anymore. They should have let go, and accepted their fate...........

But, the vision appeared to him once more as he drowned.

He saw two boys walking by a field of dandelions.

One has white hair and golden eyes. The other has black hair and blue eyes. Their hands are clapsed tightly with each other, their faces beaming with joy.

"When I grow up, I want to be with you forever." The boy with white hair said.

"Me too! I want to stay with you always. After all these years, I cannot part from you anymore."

So they promised, but then a great flood came after behind them.



They spoke each other's names, but the flood kept them apart. It washed away everything, including the field, and eventually......

Drip! Drip! Drip!

Maelle woke up with his body abruptly sitting up, with sweat falling down his forehead, trickling like crazy on his palm. He breathed heavily, a first when it comes to having tea times with his friend the Crimson Wolf.

He felt his heart moving faster than ever, and a strong, irrational urge came to him. A very, very irrational urge with no explanation and no sense at all.

"Old friend...... What's the meaning of this!?"

But he was asking the empty air. He turned to his window.

And saw a carriage moving away, with a dark-skinned priest waving goodbye.. He immediately rushed to get out of his bed, wanting to chase it like a wolf himself.

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