Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 12 Just call it this

"Your question is a bit special."

In the ward, the doctor in a white coat looked at a medical record and looked Chen Qing up and down with confusion in his eyes.

Chen Qing, on the other hand, was lying on the hospital bed, looking up at the ceiling: "What's the problem, doctor?"

After he made the emergency call, he couldn't help feeling dizzy and almost fainted.

Fortunately, he managed to gather his energy at the last moment, barely supporting his body and blowing out the oil lamp. He climbed to the door and opened the door to prevent medical staff from entering.

After doing all this, he finally couldn't bear the resurgence of his condition and blood loss after the oil lamp was put out, and he fainted easily.

When he woke up again, he was almost in the ICU.

Fortunately, Chen Qing finally handed over his case, which stopped the medical staff from carrying him and a stretcher into the ICU.

But the consequence of doing this was that a man in a white coat came over to take a look at him.

To be honest, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a man in a white coat standing in front of his hospital bed, looking at him with a complicated expression. Even Chen Qing's state of mind was shaken.

Could it be that this is to advise me on which coffin board is more suitable to buy? !

This thought came to Chen Qing's mind.

He remembered this hospital.

It is said that there have been medical troubles and oolongs before, which caused a lot of uproar and became quite famous throughout the country. But because it was relatively close to my home, the ambulance came quickly.

If he could, he really wouldn't want to come to this hospital!

But fortunately, the other party didn't seem to have any intention in this regard.

He just looked through the past cases and said casually: "You have been having a lot of physical problems recently. You should take a good rest during this period."

"And, um, your previous illness..."

Before the doctor finished speaking, Chen Qing smiled: "It's okay, doctor, I know my own illness."

When he said this, his mood was very open-minded, and even his tone seemed extremely flat.

This actually made the doctor who wanted to say something finally get stuck.

Probably because it was rare to see such a...calm patient, the doctor glanced at Chen Qing with a complicated expression and hesitated for a moment: "Okay, I won't say anything more."

He was also responsible and reminded Chen Qing not to give up hope. However, what he didn't expect was that Chen Qing would be so ordinary.

"This is a matter of looking away..."

Shaking his head, the doctor folded his hands and left the ward.

In fact, the doctor never dreamed that Chen Qing did not look away because of despair about the illness.

On the contrary, his hope was much more intense than before!

"It turns out that there is indeed something in the world inside the mirror that can have an effect on my health."

Glancing at his hand, Chen Qing murmured to himself: "However, it is not permanently effective. And after using it for a period of time, it seems to have put a burden on my body."

Then here comes the problem.

What is the reason why the taboo "oil lamp" can affect you? Is that effect unique to it, or is it common to taboo items?

The common sense that Colin told Chen Qing before did not include these, and Chen Qing did not ask carefully.

Now it seems that I am still a little anxious because I see the hope of "recovery"...

After deeply reflecting on himself, Chen Qing decided to experiment well next time and then plunge into real life.

And about the issue of taboos.

After thinking about it, Chen Qing leaned out half of his body and reached for the chair next to him.

After groping for a while, he found the pants he had been wearing before.

“Need to experiment a little bit.”

He took out a golden coin from his pants. Chen Qing's eyes reflected the luster of the coin: "Let me think about it, how was this thing copied in the first place?"

It seems that after I put it in my pocket, it copied automatically.

So what are the conditions for it to copy?

Holding the coin, Chen Qing thought hard: "Is it a confined space...?"

When I came here before, the zipper of the pants pocket was not opened, so it did not meet the conditions of a confined space.

After thinking about it, Chen Qing put the thing back into his pocket and zipped it up little by little.

Then he began to wait.

After about ten seconds.

Chen Qing keenly felt that the weight of his pants pocket seemed to be heavier.

After unzipping his pants, Chen Qing put his hand in and fumbled, then pulled it back.

When he opened his hand, there were two identical coins in his palm.

"Sure enough, it's a confined space." Chen Qing said to himself.

After finding the pattern of replication, he put the two coins in again.

And keep waiting.

But this time, he waited for a full twenty seconds.

Twenty seconds passed before the weight of the pants changed.

Touching it again, Chen Qing found that there were two more coins inside his pants.

As if he had caught something, he groaned, and then continued to put the four coins in.

This time it was not forty seconds, but eighty seconds. Four coins were copied, plus the previous four, for a total of eight coins.

"So, is it 2 raised to the power of (x-1) times 10? x is the number of coins put in? And the number of coins coming out is 2x?"

A very simple math problem.

While thinking in his mind, Chen Qing continued to stuff the coins into his pocket.

This time he waited patiently for more than twenty minutes, and also read a novel for a while.

Wait until twenty minutes have passed.

Chen Qing felt keenly that his pants were heavier than before!


As he thought...

Just when this idea flashed through Chen Qing's mind.

The next second, he suddenly felt as if some warm liquid was flowing through his nasal cavity.

Along with this heat flow, there is also a strong feeling of dizziness.

It was like a heavy hammer hitting his head, which directly made Chen Qing's spirit extremely depressed.

But Chen Qing's heart was quite calm.

"Is it overused? I copied it four times in total, and the number of copies increased exponentially, so it consumed a lot of money?"

A chain of logic flashed through his mind.

And this logical line also verified one of his conjectures.

That is, using these taboo items does require "consuming" something.

As for what is consumed? Chen Qing didn't know, but he felt that it was probably not irreplaceable.

Otherwise, the oil in the oil lamp would not ignite until it was almost gone. And that coin, that Li Changsheng couldn't just give it to him so easily.


Holding back his dizziness, Chen Qing pinched the coin, his eyes wandering: "If using all taboo items requires consumption, then... where is the mirror?"

"Why didn't I feel dizzy when I used that mirror? Is it because the mirror is not a forbidden object, or is it because it is quite special?"

Playing with the coins in his hand, Chen Qing felt that his mind was a little confused.

This is probably due to the depression caused by over-exercising and two bouts of depression.

The "consumption" brought about by the use of oil lamps and replica coins on Chen Qing seemed to be not only superimposed on his body, causing him to bleed from all his orifices, but also exerted on his spirit.

At least Chen Qing felt more exhausted than ever at this moment.

"Forget it, why do you think so much?"

He shrugged: "Let's honestly consider how to fool those people."

Feeling relaxed, Chen Qing pinched the coin again and placed it under the sun.

"This thing is as abstract as violating the laws of physics."

Chen Qing rubbed the coin and said to himself: "I don't know if you can keep copying it. Well, this is just like running water. I don't know if the previous Li Changsheng gave you a name."

"No, since it's in my hands, it belongs to me. In that case, I should give you a name."

Come up with a name.

Rubbing his chin, Chen Qing smiled.

What he loves most is taking names.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly: "Then, you can call it 'inexhaustible gold coin'! Anyway, you are as inexhaustible as river water!"

This is the name for now!

Stuffing the coins into his pocket, Chen Qing did not close the zipper this time.

The 16 copied coins, plus one previously copied coin, were lying deep in his pocket, hidden in the darkness.

After doing all this, Chen Qing finally couldn't bear the pain in his brain, so he simply lay on the bed and fell asleep.

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