Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 13 The Four Extraordinary Codes

After waking up, Chen Qing glanced out the window and saw that it was already dark.

I actually slept through the night...

Propping himself up on his elbows, he didn't start scrolling through his phone like before, but opened the memo and started spelling bit by bit.

"First of all, I already know that using forbidden objects will cause some kind of consumption; secondly, the ancient mirror does not seem to be included in this list; finally, the ancient mirror has a way to communicate between the two worlds, and it will send things from the other world."

Rubbing his chin, he tapped his fingers on the phone screen: "Then the key is how to use these characteristics to help me find a treatment."

"If I use taboo objects, it will cause consumption, then what about the existence in the mirror? I see that they often disconnect, especially the second Colin, who disappears halfway through the conversation. Is it because of excessive consumption, or because he Give up and continue communicating?”

This is temporarily doubtful, but according to the first conversation partner, Li Changsheng, the other party seems to think that talking to the "Lord of Truth" requires a "sacrifice."

And the result of the sacrifice is the inexhaustible gold coin.

Then perhaps, in the other side's world, using forbidden objects will also cause certain losses. And Li Changsheng's way to avoid this kind of loss is to rely on sacrifice?

By the way, how did Gu Jing deliver the things here?

Is its ability really limited to communication and express delivery?

After groaning, Chen Qing wrote down these two points as questions.

Then he opened a new line and continued: "Now that we know the basic situation of the two worlds, the logic of the next action also needs to be slightly adjusted."

"First, I need to increase the information density as much as possible. If the person in the mirror uses the ancient mirror, it will also consume money, so in order to prevent them from dying directly while using it, I have to try to increase the amount of information in one sentence. In this way Doing it reduces the number of dialogue turns while also maintaining my mysterious persona.”

In short, it is one sentence, three mysteries, five questions, and more than seventy, eighty, or ninety bigger secrets.

Chen Qing didn't know if he could do this, but in order to prevent those little leeks in the mirror from asking silly questions like "Does 1+1 equal 2?" and "Does Sun Wukong have a girlfriend?" He had to do it this way.

"Second, I need to proceed as step by step as possible. I don't know much about the situation in another world. If the other party asks some very broad questions at the beginning, it may expose my identity. So for those who are too advanced, Asking questions, I have to choose to refuse at the beginning.”

"Well, in this case, I might be able to create something similar to a 'membership system'. It depends on the strength of the opponent's sacrifice, and then gradually unlocks the difficulty of asking questions. At first, only let them ask relatively simple questions, and then sacrifice, and then Gradually increase their access level..."

Thinking of this, Chen Qing suddenly felt as if he had become the golden finger in those online novels.

Use levels to divide authority, use secret knowledge as resources, and then still be trapped in the mirror, a very high-level existence...


Just thinking about it makes people feel... quite interesting!

Shaking his head to get rid of this extremely fun thought, Chen Qing continued to write down the precautions seriously.

"Third, I need to understand the mechanism of forbidden objects and ancient mirror sacrifices. This is the foundation for my future settlement."

This is also the most critical one.

He felt keenly that it seemed that his first two "visitors", one Li Changsheng and the other Colin, had some knowledge of his mirror.

Perhaps it was because the ancient mirrors in another world were not as unknown as in his world. Among people in another world, ancient mirrors may be very famous.

What Chen Qing needs is their knowledge of ancient mirrors.

Forbidden objects must be the key to Chen Qing's governance in the future, and the ancient mirror that can transmit forbidden objects definitely has an extremely special place. Even to reassure himself, Chen Qing needs to understand the secret of the ancient mirror.

Therefore, I have to pay a little more attention to this aspect in my next communication with the mirror world.

"And then the fourth and final point."

After scratching his head, Chen Qing sighed, and finally typed on the screen of his mobile phone: "Find out whether extraordinary exists in the real world."

"Everything has its origin. Since the extraordinary object of the ancient mirror has appeared, there must be a reason for its birth. Therefore, there may still be extraordinary powers like the ancient mirror in this world."

This is what Chen Qing needs to deal with next.

Apart from ancient mirrors, is there any extraordinary power in this world?

This question may not be simpler than point 3 to some extent.

If it exists, will this extraordinary power be dangerous to me? Can you cure your own disease?

If it does not exist, then what is the origin of the appearance of ancient mirrors? Can I borrow the power within the ancient mirror to affect the real world to a certain extent, thereby promoting the progress of modern medicine and finding another way to heal myself?

These two routes are what Chen Qing needs to figure out next.

He is a relatively cautious person, so he always makes a plan before taking action.

Unfortunately, the current information at hand cannot support him in doing so, so he can only temporarily forget his past habits and prepare to be reckless.


Putting the phone aside, Chen Qing rubbed his eyes: "That's all for now."

What you need to do next is to follow the above "settings" and further package yourself into the true "Lord of Truth".

At this time, Chen Qing was extremely lucky. When he had an attack in the second grade, he was talking about the "Lord of Truth" who could answer all questions, and not anything else.

If it were a great being who could realize any wish, then he probably wouldn't be able to continue the first round of dialogue with Li Changsheng...

How can there be a great being who can fulfill wishes, but in the end cannot even interfere with reality?

"about there."

He thought and yawned.

Then Chen Qing reached out and touched his pants pocket.

He planned to see if the gold coin continued to multiply.

After touching them, Chen Qing put them in his palm and counted them: "1, 2, 3...15."


After counting, Chen Qing frowned slightly: "Why is it 15?"

I had a total of 17 before.

Why are there two missing?

With doubts, he counted again, but in the end he found that there were still only 15.

Could it be that someone took away two of them? !

Thinking of this, Chen Qing's expression suddenly changed!

"Judging from the copying situation, every gold coin has the ability to copy! And there are two missing at once. If I go to the worst plan, I may have copied five or six rounds in the few hours I slept!"

If it grows by multiples...


At this time, Chen Qing didn't care about lying on the hospital bed. He got up and limped towards the front desk wearing blue and white clothes.

There was no way he would lose these coins before he fell asleep.

So, either these two coins ran away on their own. Either...

Someone just took it!

But this is not possible.

Chen Qing never took out coins in public, let alone showed them off.


"Someone is watching me? Or, someone can sense extraordinary objects?"

Updated at 12 o'clock this morning (`)

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