Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 14 Who is the hunter?

Chen Qing was thinking in his mind as he staggered towards the front desk.

"We can rule out the possibility that the coins disappeared naturally. It has only been a few hours since I copied it, and the first copied coin has not disappeared, and the subsequent ones are even less likely."

"Then the result is very clear, either it disappeared unnaturally, or it was taken away by someone. If it is the former, that is not bad. At most, it means that my understanding of forbidden objects is still biased. But if it is the latter..."

Thinking of this, Chen Qing took a breath and then slowly exhaled it.

If it's the latter, it means that the guy who took the coin either has a certain sense of forbidden objects, or is monitoring him the whole time!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know that the number of coins in Chen Qing's hand had increased. Chen Qing had always kept the coins in his pocket and never took them out. Most people would never know the status of the coins.

And Chen Qing didn't think anyone would go to the ward to go to the ward and go through a patient's pants pocket just for a few gold coins.

It’s impossible to be short of money to this extent. If you have the time, it would be inconvenient to steal a few mobile phones and resell them.

Therefore, the person who took the coin was undoubtedly aware of the situation of the coin.

And what this represents is a bit scary when you think about it...

Limping to the front desk, Chen Qing patted the table gently. This action startled the nurse on duty who was playing with her mobile phone.


The nurse subconsciously glanced at Chen Qing's hospital gown: "Can I help you?"

Perhaps it was because it was late at night and a patient was wandering around expressionlessly outside, which made the nurse think more subconsciously, so that her tone became much softer.

Chen Qing, on the other hand, frowned.

He considered his words: "I lost something."


The nurse was slightly startled.

Her first reaction made her quickly reply: "Then please tell me your ward number. When security arrives the next day, we will help you investigate."

the next day?

As long as he thought that someone might be standing behind him and peering at him, Chen Qing didn't want to wait for even a second: "The things I lost are very important. It has been too long and I am worried that someone will take them away."

He thought for a while and finally handed over his medical records: "I am a terminally ill patient with only a few days to live, and that thing was what I planned to leave to my family. But now I have lost it. This means I can’t save the last thing I can give to my family.”

Sighing, Chen Qing said quietly: "I kept those things so that my self-media brother with millions of fans can make a video to express his condolences to me, just like the overseas case. But now it seems that it is probably a success No more."

The nurse who heard this was stunned again.

She keenly captured the key words in Chen Qing's words.

Millions of fans, or self-media?

Just hearing these two words made her shiver.

She suddenly remembered that the director had said two days ago that if possible, she should never make the self-media unhappy. There was a medical incident in the hospital not long ago, and it was exposed by some marketing accounts, which made their life very sad for a while, and they were scolded every day.

Nowadays, the public opinion on the Internet is so powerful that even those chief doctors are frightened, let alone a small nurse like her?

So she hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded reluctantly: "I understand."

"Then please go to the security room," she wrote a note and handed it to Chen Qing. "There should be someone on duty now."

After taking the note, Chen Qing's expression remained unchanged: "Thank you."

He was soon limping towards the security room.

Sure enough, while walking, Chen Qing thought in his mind.

"The news just came out not long ago, and it made a big fuss. As a result, I am still afraid of the public opinion on the Internet. And my appeal is not a big deal, so I just push it."

Now that the note has been obtained, the next step is to review it.

What happened next was so natural that it exceeded Chen Qing's imagination.

After arriving at the security room, he stated his request and took out a note. Soon he was given permission to watch the surveillance.

The security guard also fast-forwarded some shots so that Chen Qing could see if there were any doubts.

But just when the time was about to reach twelve o'clock at night.


After moving the mouse, the security guard was a little puzzled: "It's broken again?"

The moment the time symbolizing twelve o'clock appeared on the computer screen, the camera only lit up for a few seconds, and then the screen quickly went black and all images disappeared.

This made the security guard a little puzzled.

While operating the computer, he casually explained to Chen Qing: "It may be that the equipment is too old, or it may be other reasons. In short, there are often problems with this camera. I will come over tomorrow to repair it..."

However, Chen Qing could no longer hear what was behind him.

At this moment, he was looking at the black computer screen with a serious face.

"It seems that I have fallen into a misunderstanding."

Chen Qing thought in his mind: "At first I thought someone had taken the coins, but that's not right."

Just now, the computer screen was not completely black.

Because Chen Qing's eyes were very focused on his pants pocket.

So he could see clearly that in the black and white picture, there was clearly a twisted and beating thing approaching his pants pocket!

The twisted shadow was very small and hidden. Chen Qing only noticed the clue because he kept looking at his pants.

And the second before the camera broke.

Chen Qing clearly saw the twisted shadow "touch" two coins from his pants pocket.

Then, stuff it into its own body!

Just like a stone falling into water, the coin in the surveillance screen appeared for less than a second before it was "swallowed" by the shadow.

And this is the beginning and end of the disappearance of Chen Qing coins!

After taking one last look at the surveillance screen, Chen Qing patted the security guard on the shoulder: "Then I'll come back tomorrow."

"By the way, when does the camera usually break?"

The security guard who heard this question thought for a while and gave Chen Qing an answer: "Usually it's twelve o'clock in the evening or four o'clock in the morning. Not necessarily, but these two time periods are more common. Hey, I often say that the best time is It's easy to fix it, but there are always people who don't fix it. You see, isn't this going to cause problems..."

Ignoring the chattering security guard, Chen Qing slowly exited the security room with deep thoughts.

"Twelve o'clock, and four o'clock in the morning?" he murmured to himself.

This may represent the "haunting time" of the twisted shadow.

Glancing at his phone, Chen Qing got the current time from the lit screen.

Two fifty-seven in the morning, one hour before four in the morning.

"Will it come again tonight?"

Probably so.

Chen Qing was also a little unsure.

But one thing was extremely clear to him.

That's the shadow, obviously very concerned about the coin. As for Chen Qing, there are still fifteen pieces left.

In other words, as long as the other party is still in this hospital.

Then it will definitely come to Chen Qing's ward again!

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