The soul has always been an interesting topic.

Throughout human history, discussions about the soul have never stopped. Whether it is religion or science, there have been certain experiments and investigations on this thing from different angles and levels.

It's just that although this world is a place where supernatural powers exist and there are taboo objects that can be called bugs, even the containment organization has a very low level of understanding of souls.

For them, the so-called soul is more like consciousness.

There is nothing we can do about this.

From what Chen Qing has observed so far, nothing can have an effect on the soul at this point in time, so naturally there is no way to explore this thing.

Compared to the shelter organization, Chen Qing and Alice have a deeper understanding of souls.

After all, they are semi-supernatural beings.

Chen Qing is a pure pollution-type transcendent, while Alice is not strictly a transcendent because she has no way to ascend and does not know how to use this power.

Just like now, she also knows little about souls.

"Although I have had similar experiences, that feeling only happens occasionally."

Alice said with some distress: "I was a little curious before. I used the school computer to check it when I was still in school, and then I found out that this thing is called 'lucid dreaming'..."

Because her understanding of the extraordinary world was too shallow, Alice really just treated this experience as a lucid dream.

So her research on the soul is actually very superficial.

From this point of view, the real soul master at this point in time is probably Chen Qing.

But speaking of it, although the level of soul research at this time was very low, after the disaster, there were many similar taboo objects.

For example, the mask Chen Qing obtained from Qi Lu before.

That was what Qi Lu offered as a sacrifice when he met Chen Qing for the second time.

According to Qi Lu, this thing was the treasure he found in a treasure map after wiping out a local nightcrawler's lair.

It was a relic from the Zenya Federation thousands of years ago. Qi Lu found this mask in that relic and dedicated it to Chen Qing.

And the puppet that had been accompanying Qi Lu until now was also found in this ruins.

This mask is pure white. When worn, it allows people to control thorns. It is a relatively powerful field control prop. Chen Qing has also used it in the past.

And he also used this mask when he appeared in front of the containment organization disguised as the Lord of Truth.

With this thought, Chen Qing took the mask out of his pocket.

Alice looked at this pure white mask with some curiosity.

She didn't know why, but she always had a rather subtle feeling when looking at this white mask.

It was as if this mask had a deep connection with her, making her heart beat a little faster.

This feeling is strange and totally unreasonable.

But Alice soon forgot about this.

Because Chen Qing handed the mask to Alice casually.


Alice took the mask in confusion, not knowing the meaning of Chen Qing's move.

Chen Qing looked at her calmly: "Put it on and take a look."

"When you put it on, you will have a deeper understanding of the so-called 'soul'."

The mask has the effect of tingling on the soul.

And this kind of pain is clearer than any verbal description.

In fact, if possible, Chen Qing felt that the Buddha jumping over the wall obtained from Qi Lu was probably the best demonstration. Using that thing can actually make people feel out of body, and then enjoy seeing the world from a higher dimension.

But the effect of this thing is a bit too strong.

If used on Alice, Chen Qing felt that it might explode the body of this girl with weak spiritual power.

So he chose the next best thing and asked Alice to try on the mask.

This thing can best let people know how the so-called "soul" works on human beings.

Alice only hesitated for a moment.

Just like her previous actions.

She will not show the slightest doubt about Chen Qing, but she also has the deepest desire for another world.

So she put the mask directly on her face.

And when the mask is on the face.

Alice's fingers dug tightly at the edges of the mask.

Chen Qing could see that the expression on her face seemed to be distorted for a moment, but it soon returned to its original state.

Soon, she took off the mask and looked at Chen Qing in surprise: "I have feelings."

"Something left my body, formed another system, and then completely changed into another feeling..."

In response, Chen Qing nodded: "This is the soul."

"What just happened to you was a stimulation to your soul. As long as you put on this mask, your soul will feel this strong sting all the time."

Caressing the mask, Chen Qing said slowly: "In this way, human beings can continuously strengthen the strength of their other bodies. Even at a higher level, human beings can... let their souls completely separate from their bodies and exist."

This is a level he has reached in the past.

But that requires help from other things.

But now, after experiencing the baptism of Buddha jumping over the wall several times, Chen Qing has gradually mastered how to leave the body in a normal state.

So it's really okay for him to teach Alice.

And Alice is really curious about this thing.

Just when she was about to speak, the inexplicable familiar feeling came to her again in the next second.


Alice pressed her hand to her head for the second time.

At the same time, Chen Qing raised his head and subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

I don’t know when the moon started to rise.

The bright moonlight passed through the thick clouds, inadvertently bringing out a layer of pure white veil, draped over Alice's body, making her long golden hair look even more holy.

And it's not just that.

When the moonlight shone on Alice's body, Chen Qing could feel that the weak spiritual power in Alice's body became active.

Just like after the bait fell into the lake, the fish tentatively swam in the direction of the hook.

Alice feels like Chen Qing right now.

The energy in her body was gathering in a certain direction, very fast, and no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't resist it.

And if Chen Qing's feeling is correct, the direction in which this force is constantly surging and converging happens to be...

"No, that's not right!"

Alice held her head and said in a difficult voice: "This time is different from before...!"

"I feel that the place where I was stung by the mask before has changed a little! It's like, it's like there's something else filling it in!"

Alice's voice was a little incoherent because of fear: "Something's wrong, no, I don't feel good."

She staggered and grabbed Chen Qing's collar: "Old, teacher! I feel very strange. There seems to be some change in my soul. I feel very strange, very strange...!"

Before she could finish speaking.

The next second, the white light on her body exploded completely.

The pure white light without any flaws instantly occupied the world, engulfing the surroundings like a wave until there was no other color in this empty field.

And Chen Qing almost immediately activated the Qi in his body.

The expression on his face was somewhat grim.

Holding Alice with one hand, Chen Qing looked at the white light in front of him: "This feeling is..."

A great being?

The white light bursting out of Alice's body now is exactly the same as the overwhelming pollution when the apocalypse came before.

Chen Qing firmly grasped Alice's wrist: "Is Alice a great being? That's why her body has this special power? No, it's still a little strange. If she is really a great being, then why didn't I do it before? Feel?"

And she doesn't seem to know this herself.

Before that, Alice was still asking for help from herself. It was obvious that the current situation was far beyond her expectation.

So it may not be a truly great existence, but it is definitely related to it.

But no matter what, great existence is unique.

There is no doubt that there is the soul of a great being in Alice's body at the moment, because this kind of thing can adjust itself to different timelines, just like Apocalypse does, bringing the power of the future to the present.

This is why Chen Qing grabbed Alice's wrist in the first place.

He couldn't let this great being leave like this.

At present, none of these extraordinary creatures are stronger than Chen Qing, but various methods are emerging in endlessly. Just like the space monster that caused the containment failure, even now Chen Qing has nothing to do with him.

So he directly grabbed "Alice's" hand.

Once the other party shows any thoughts of escaping, Chen Qing can control him immediately.

"The only good thing now is that after the great being comes to the human body, it will not have any impact on the body of the possessed person."

Chen Qing was thinking in his heart.

Apocalypse came to the Holy Messenger's body before and used that guy for a while. And after He returned, the Holy Messenger did not change much.

Still so annoying.

Therefore, Alice's safety problem is relatively easy to solve, especially when she controls the other party.

Chen Qing was fully confident that he could stabilize the opponent and prevent him from operating on Alice's body immediately.

So the next thing to do is wait.

Wait for this white light to disappear completely.

Let’s discuss the terms with this guy who has taken over Alice’s body!

"Not only can the soul leave the body, but it also has the moon, and it seems to have something to do with the Kunpeng tattoo."

Chen Qing grabbed the opponent's wrist firmly: "We have to get something out of this guy this time!"

Just when he was thinking this.

The white light finally slowly dissipated.

And wait until the white light dissipates.

Chen Qing also immediately pulled Alice in front of him.

He said expressionlessly: "Who are you...huh?"

It was as if he noticed something unusual.

Chen Qing subconsciously looked at Alice in front of him.

He suddenly felt that the little blond girl in front of him gave people a very strange feeling.

His appearance hasn't changed much from before, he still has one nose and two eyes.

But her expression and demeanor were completely different from before.

If the previous Alice gave Chen Qing the impression of a precocious brat.

The current blonde girl is a pure "empty shell".

A robot, an inorganic thing that has lost its center.

This feeling is very strange.

But it's not unfamiliar.

Because Chen Qing had seen a similar expression from someone before.

And that person is Chen Qing himself.

When he saw this expression, it was after he realized his soul was out of body through Buddha jumping over the wall...

When looking at your body from a higher level world.

His body looked like this at that time!

"So," Chen Qing showed a rare trace of confusion, "This guy's soul has left his body?"

But how is this possible?

You know, the fluctuation just now is obviously the arrival of a great being at this point in time, and it should be that guy's soul occupying Alice's body.

How could it be that what came over was an empty shell?

Chen Qing's brain didn't understand it at first.

But soon, a horrifying guess flashed through his mind.

"If the great existence is actually Alice herself."

"Furthermore, her soul in the future is vacant, disappears, or for some other reason. In short, her soul is lost. The only soul that exists in countless timelines is Alice herself at this point in time."

"Then, when the great being uses its power to adjust the timeline, the empty soul will be sent to this body. And Alice's own soul..."

It will be sent to the time when the soul is released from the body!

This can explain the uniqueness of the soul of a great being.

Because Alice now is the only soul!

"So, what era was Alice sent to?"

Chen Qing subconsciously grabbed Alice's hand.

This is a very serious problem.

Because the Alice sent there obviously did not have the power of a great being.

And what allows the great existence of the empty shell to adjust the timeline must not be accidental, but someone's intention.

So, if nothing else happens.

Maybe at that point in time, someone was waiting for this moment to come!

The girl is bound to face danger.

After realizing this, Chen Qing immediately carried Alice to the nearby cabin without hesitation.

Then he took out the ancient mirror and pressed his fingers gently on the mirror surface.

He didn't use the ancient mirror for the time being because he wanted to figure out Kunpeng's tattoo.

But now Alice, who holds one of the secrets of Kunpeng's tattoo, was sent to the future, and seems to be related to a certain great being.

Alice cannot die.

At least Chen Qing can't die until he gets the answer!

So Chen Qing used this mirror.

"Look for it and see what era it is from."

Chen Qing took a deep breath and tapped the mirror with his finger.


And at the same time.

After the catastrophe, in a small town of strangers.

Pandya collapsed on the ground and looked above his head in shock.

In his sight.

A man wearing a white mask looked down at him.

And the hand in the white mask was gently pressing on his mother's forehead.

And his mother, the blond "Moon Goddess".

It seems Weiwei...


At this moment, Pandya suddenly had an illusion.

His mother, the Moon Goddess, seemed to be at some point in time.



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