Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 222 Separation

The information that the statue came to life cannot be conveyed to Chen Qing for the time being.

Not only because he has no way to interfere in Pandya's era, but also because...

The mirror is not on Pandya's side now.

It's funny to say that as the focus of the competition between the two sides, the mirror was not discovered by anyone on both sides.

And the reason is very simple.

The mirror was previously in the hands of the stranger Logan, and he placed the mirror in the hotel.

Later, the demigod Chen Si noticed the mirror, but he did not show it. Instead, he continued to drink and chat with Logan as if he did not observe it at all.

And then came the White Mask.

He slashed directly at the hotel, cutting the entire room in half, so that the demigod Chen Si had to escape from the hotel in fear.

At the same time, because of the white mask, Chen Si couldn't pay attention to the mirror placed in the hotel.

Luo Gen, the only one who still cared about the ancient mirror, fainted because of the pollution on Chen Si's body.

When the two people disappeared, Bai Mask also turned and left.

So something quite interesting happened.

The "ancient mirror" was still very important in the mouths of both parties and was equivalent to the beginning of the incident.

Now he was lying in the ruins of the hotel, with no one paying attention.

It can only be said that although people on both sides are fighting for this mirror, the specific purpose has little to do with the mirror.

For them, this ancient mirror is probably just a tool to achieve their goals.

Unlike Qi Lu, Li Changsheng and others, who have a specific understanding of the powerful effect of mirrors.

This also led to the fact that this treasure, which could be connected with the "Lord of Truth", fell into the hands of a somewhat strange person after several twists and turns.


Pick up the mirror with one hand.

She was the girl at the front desk of the hotel. She had received Logan before and had given some kind reminders to him. She also knew Pandya.

This is a very ordinary looking girl.

She had some freckles on her face, she didn't look very old, she was wearing dusty clothes, and her appearance showed that she was from a relatively well-to-do family.

And now the girl is holding the mirror, looking left and right.

The next second.

"Ah, is it lit?"

The girl looked at the mirror curiously.

After she touched the mirror, a ripple of water rippled on the surface of the ancient mirror.

Then an inexplicable pollution spread from the mirror.

The power of this pollution is very strange. Ordinary pollution should be disordered and random, with no idea of ​​where it is going, as if it is floating in the air in the world. You can sense their presence, but you don't know exactly where they are going.

And this kind of pollution has a very obvious direction.

It's like there is something in the ancient mirror, transmitting its own pollution power through this mirror.

This surprised the girl at the front desk.

"This mirror looks so weird."

She checked the mirror, but except for the flash of light before, the entire mirror looked very ordinary.

Except for one thing.

When the mirror is facing her, what is reflected in the mirror is not her appearance.

But pure darkness.

There is no impurity at all, just like looking at a bottomless well at night, the kind of darkness that seems to be able to swallow people up.

Looking at this obviously weird thing in her hand, the girl at the front desk tilted her head.

Then she put it in the warehouse.

I didn't pay attention to it, and I didn't continue to observe it. I just pretended it didn't exist.

Pure indifference.

"Okay, what are you going to do next?"

After stretching, the girl at the front desk looked at the flat crack in her hotel where someone had cut it in half.

I couldn't help but curl my lips.

"It's too much trouble," she seemed to be complaining. "I told you that this place is not suitable for doing these things. Tsk, it's really troublesome. Hey, it will take a lot of effort to clean up next..."

With that said, she gently wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead.

"It's really troublesome. It's getting more and more troublesome."

She muttered.

Then, her body gradually became unreal.

An invisible, strange force slowly erupted from her body.

If there were outsiders at this moment, they would probably be able to discover it.

The power in this girl is very much like a being.

The one known as one of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"...

The power of "Famine Lord"!

When this power completely exploded, the figure of the girl at the front desk became more and more erratic.

It's like she is not an entity that really exists here, but some kind of ethereal creature floating in mid-air.

This form was called by later generations...


At this moment, in that dark pit.

The white mask stood on the blond giant, looking down at Pandya.

After hearing the white mask's voice, Pandya was horrified to realize that the voice of the guy in front of him who seemed to be in the clouds sounded so familiar.

He had heard that many years ago, but it seemed to have become a dream for him afterwards...

"Mother's" voice.

He raised his head blankly, a trace of astonishment flashing in his eyes.

And under his gaze.

Bai Mask also slowly took off the pure white thorn mask.

Then, a beautiful face was exposed in front of Pandya.

That face, and the blonde giantess beneath her at the moment...

Exactly the same!

After seeing the appearance of the white mask, Pandya was completely at a loss.


He said with some disbelief.

But the white mask didn't express anything.

She just glanced at Pandya with a look that was so calm that it was almost indifferent, and then withdrew her gaze.

"The soul," she said, repeating the phrase she had spoken before, "is another cloud hanging over this town."

"Everything that appears in this town is essentially the soul of another great being. Not just me, but you too."

She stepped on the shoulders of the blonde giantess: "So, do you understand?"

"The goddess of the moon who occupies the orthodox power? Or are you planning to continue pretending to sleep until the dream comes? If I were you, I probably wouldn't do this. Because when the dream comes..."

She said indifferently: "That is the real ending."

These words seemed to make the blond giantess beneath her feet tremble.

If placed on a normal human body, it would be just a slight tremor. But when a person's body is as tall as a mountain, even the blink of an eye is enough to bring up a breeze.

Therefore, even Pandya can clearly feel it.

The blond giantess whom he thought was his mother seemed to have awakened.

And he was still frightened by White Mask's words.

After a long time.

The blonde giantess finally raised her head.

"Where is this?" The first words she asked shocked Pandya. "Who are you?"

Pandya looked at the eyes of the blonde giantess.

With just one glance, he realized that the woman in front of him was definitely not the mother he remembered.

His mother was far wiser, calmer, and more rational than the woman she is today.

The woman now looked like a young child. Although she was wary, she showed an almost innocent look.

At least when normal people have just woken up and are facing suspected danger, they will never say words such as "Where is this" to reveal their status.

This sentence will only make the other person realize the ignorance of the woman in front of him!

Pandya realized this.

And White Mask seems to be well aware of this.

So she stepped on the shoulders of the giantess: "I don't have time to explain too much to you, because these are not the only troubles I have to face next. I can only tell you what you have to do next. "

She looked at the huge female giant's eyes and said word by word: "I know you came from a long time ago. I don't know exactly when, but this at least means that you are pure and clean. Worthy of trust.”

Looking at the dazed blonde giantess, White Mask said in a deep voice: "You should still remember that you were taught and taught by someone in the past. Don't say that person's name! That is very dangerous, very dangerous!"

The white mask stopped a certain subconscious action of the blonde giantess.

And Pandya could also detect an expression on her face that was almost... "horror".

This was the first time she had shown such obvious emotion since entering the conversation.

And this also made the giantess shut her mouth.

Gently pressing his chest, Bai Mask took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Because at this moment, his name is also a kind of 'knowledge'. And knowledge will lead to taboos."

"In short, what you need to do next is to continue to accumulate your power, and then be completely intertwined with that person's fate."

Looking at the giantess, White Mask said softly: "This is also part of the previous plan!"

The giantess looked at the white mask in confusion.

From just now until now, she has clearly revealed an "I am ignorant" expression.

She is as innocent and innocent as a pure kid. Although she matures precociously, she cannot escape from the confinement of experience and knowledge.

And the only one who could sense something was wrong here was the pretty boy.


Pandya said loudly: "Who are you?! What is your relationship with my mother?!"

He looked at the white mask. Although Pandya was as confused as the giantess, because he knew more things, he was more confident when asking questions: "Also, what is the relationship between you and the war lord in this giant cocoon? What's the relationship?! Who did you say we should deal with?"

Face this problem.

White Mask looked at him deeply.

Then she gave an answer.

"What we have to deal with is his 'body'," she said softly, "a body without a soul."

"During the great catastrophe, for some reason, his body and soul were separated. The soul, as you can see now, is being sealed in a cocoon and being nourished. And his body has become this The scariest monster in the world.”

Looking at Pandya, the smile on the white mask's face was a bit mocking: "When the catastrophe came, the whole world was covered by pollution. And those guys who already showed extraordinary characteristics were even more affected, so they, in the first In an instant, some kind of shackles were shattered by pollution, causing the body and soul to be directly separated."

"Especially the person in the giant cocoon. He was the last transcendent person, and he has secrets that none of us know. So after the pollution arrived, the pollution on his body expanded and spread to all of us immediately. It was simply unimaginable. And at that moment..."

"His soul and body were completely separated. The soul fell into a deep sleep while the body expanded rapidly. Until now, it became something."

Exactly what it became, she did not say.

It seemed that he didn't want to delve further into this aspect, so Bai Mask quickly calmed down his expression.

Covering up what she had just seen fleetingly...


"As for me," she looked at Pandya expressionlessly again, "I am also a soul, but not complete, because I was created by someone, mixed with part of the soul of your mother, or the goddess of the moon... …”

"Special individual."


White mask on forehead.

A tattoo of Kunpeng is looming.

She reached out her hand and pressed it gently on her forehead, as if she didn't want the tattoo to be completely exposed.

And after that, she looked at Pandya: "It just so happens that you are an apostle in the future. Now you need to remember everything I said clearly. Your task is to pass these contents to the last one in the future. apostle'."

"You have to tell him what we really need to deal with."

She looked at Pandya and said word by word: "This world does not need to be distorted by pollution, but there is a being who releases the power of pollution. Because of this, knowledge has become a taboo. It also turned into this ghostly appearance.”

"That guy is the future..."

Before she could finish speaking.

The next second, the surrounding rocks began to slide down again.

It seems that there is a special change coming from outside, making this pit that should have been extremely strong become very fragile.

And this also interrupted White Mask's words.

This made her face look a little ugly: "Ying Kui!"

White Mask seemed irritated.

But in the end she did nothing but took a deep breath.

"Time is running out," she looked at Pandya and the giantess, "take this guy's soul away and find the mirror."

"Now the Moon Goddess has awakened, the demigods have also entered, and the confinement of the space should have been dispersed. This means that 'truth' can set his sights here, so you need to find that mirror, and then let the truth know this place what happened."

"When He knows everything, that's when the wrongs of this town are brought back to right."

As she said that, she dodged and disappeared in front of the two people.

Only the blonde giantess and Pandya were left looking at each other, looking at each other.

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