Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 232 The Taker

In fact, neither of these two choices is good news for Chen Qing.

The former means that his inheritance is cut off, which is simply digging up Chen Qing's roots.

The latter means that there is a person or a family who is very familiar with him, so that not only has he never used the ancient mirror, but he does not even allow others to use it.

And it's not just that.

If it remains dark from now on, it means that the guy and family holding the ancient mirror are so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Because only in this way can they survive time, let their inheritance continue in the future, and preserve Chen Qing's ancient mirror from generation to generation.

Of course, both options above are only possibilities.

In fact, there are other possibilities, such as the ancient mirror being destroyed in the future, or the person who created the illusion did not consider the ancient mirror itself.

However, the possibilities of these choices are relatively small. After all, no matter who destroys the ancient mirror or who does not understand the ancient mirror, it is unlikely to appear in the current hallucination.

Chen Qing has always felt that this illusion was generated based on his own consciousness, and how could there be no ancient mirror in his consciousness to participate in the follow-up.

Therefore, the previous two possibilities are more likely.

"Then here's the question. Both possibilities mean that after Alice's era, my 'war' suffered a certain impact, so that either it was passed down for generations, or others hid me."

Rubbing his chin, Chen Qing began to consider the meaning of this.

After thinking for a long time, he still didn't understand what kind of crisis it would be to make his inheritance disappear into history so that there would be no picture in the future.

You must know that even if it is buried deep in the center of the earth, there is still a one in ten million chance of being dug up. The ancient mirror obviously spans all time, which means that as long as there is a probability for something, it is infinite.

Therefore, only if the probability is zero, can the future be completely dark.

Without sufficient information, this is doomed to be futile thinking.

So Chen Qing soon decided to continue collecting more intelligence.

And now, the best intelligence gatherer is undoubtedly Alice.

At present, when there is no way to observe the future, Alice's era is the only point where Chen Qing is destined to find the answer.

For no reason, Chen Qing found the current situation quite interesting.

When he first started, he took the time node Alice as his origin, and then spread to the future and past like a network.

And now, he is using this time as the starting point for research and laying out his plan again.

I have to say, this really feels a bit like the "destiny" mentioned by Tianqi.

"Speaking of fate."

Chen Qing's fingers tapped on the table.

In fact, when he got the news about "destiny" from Tianqi before, Chen Qing thought it was ridiculous.

He does not believe in the so-called fate, because fate is often subject to "time".

Only the passage of time can make destiny show its original appearance, because destiny generally refers to the future, and the future is originally a part of time.

But the critical time is his authority.

This is no joke, even if Chen Qing is only a Sequence Eight, time is really controlled by him.

Even if it's not completely dominating, it's at least controllable.

The answer is ancient mirrors.

What is reflected in the ancient mirror is definitely the future, and if you can only see the future, it is just "foreknowledge".

But Chen Qing can even get things from the future from the ancient mirror, and in turn, send the knowledge and taboos of his own era to the future.

This cannot be explained by pure prediction.

This is undoubtedly time manipulation.

Not to mention that the future "Lord of Truth" is at the ceiling level among great beings. Although because of the uniqueness of great beings, the current Lord of Truth can only become a role in other people's memories, but this It does not prevent Chen Qing from becoming more and more powerful as time goes by.

Therefore, he should not have allowed part of his authority to be tainted by others.

But now, it seems that this future has been taken away by others.

And it happens to be the future, destiny...

Chen Qing thought this was so interesting.

This so-called fate seems to have been staring at him from the beginning.

And judging from Apocalypse's description, this guy's position is also quite ambiguous. It’s not like they are completely leaning towards Apocalypse and the others to deal with him, but they are not on his side either.


Chen Qing's mouth curled up slightly.

He could feel that those guys hiding in the dark seemed to have been exposed now.

Apocalypse is undoubtedly the representative of these people, but he is not the core member, otherwise he would not have been caught by himself so easily.

But now, "Destiny" has revealed part of his shadow.

Not to mention that "Space" is also one of the members who opposes "Truth", and its status does not seem to be low.

This is true.

At this moment, Chen Qing felt that maybe if he raised his head and looked behind him, he could catch a glimpse of countless pairs of eyes peering towards him from the thick black mist.

These guys are afraid of themselves. They are either limited by the rules they have set, or they are in awe of their own authority, so they unite together in an attempt to defeat themselves.

And this illusion may be part of their method.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing felt a lot clearer.

"Then the most important thing for me now is to get rid of this illusion. Then follow this illusion to find those guys who intervened in it."

This is a great opportunity.

Because being able to create an illusion on yourself means knowing yourself and always observing this side. So you only need to start with the object of suspicion, and you can easily find the potential object.

And the best part is not yet here.

Because this is before pollution, most people have no power. Moreover, the great beings in the future are also restricted from each other, and it is unlikely that two great beings will appear at the same time.

Plus everyone sucks at the moment, so it makes for a great setting for plotting. After all, in this highly developed information society, but with low individual strength, just a little attention is needed, and that is an excellent place for communication.

It's like an apocalypse.

When he and Chen Qing chatted, they were all in the present, rather than traveling to the future after the catastrophe.

So this brings a benefit to Chen Qing.

Once you discover a potentially dangerous object, you only need to follow the clues and easily find the guy who has communicated with him in recent times.

And that guy is definitely one of the people who plans to deal with him!

Of course, most people can't do this. But Chen Qing is different.

He is the only transcendent person currently, and he is also one of the non-staff members of the containment organization, and the most important thing is.

He has a great reputation and can easily do things that others cannot.

And that's the benefit of being famous.

After thinking of this, Chen Qing's brows gradually widened.

After thinking about what to do next, he became less anxious.

Even if someone is staring at him now, there is still Apocalypse's protective shield, so he is undoubtedly safe at the moment.

And what he has to do next is to figure out how big the gap is between himself after the reversal and between "war" and "truth".

Because this will be the key to him breaking this illusion!

So he groaned and said to the Demon King: "Our contract has been made, and no one can end it."

This sentence made the Demon King couldn't help but sneer.

"You are such a bastard," he said without concealing his sarcasm. "You chose that method to make the contract, and now you are pretending to come here and tell me that there is no way to break the contract. It seems that you think you have already convinced me? "

"But it doesn't matter. You must know that the rules of the great existence are set by you yourself. Especially after that incident, even you yourself can't end it personally. You also think that you can guide others by giving them power like in the past. Dispute, and ultimately profit from it?”

"I tell you, it is no longer possible! Before this, I have personally killed several other apostles you selected, and next, I will kill Li Changsheng!"

The Demon King sneered and raised the mirror: "I will let you stay in this ancient mirror for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to extend your tentacles to the real world!"

After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be you.

Chen Qing suddenly felt a little funny.

He had been analyzing for a long time, but he did not expect that the result of the analysis was actually done by Alice herself.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was indeed possible.

Because Alice was mentally disturbed before the reversal, she split into several personalities, and this probably didn't change after the reversal.

And the split personality itself also had the idea of ​​killing all the other Sequence Twos because of future encounters. Therefore, under the influence of some butterfly effects, it is not incomprehensible that the current demon king would want to kill other apostles.

But doesn’t this mean that the Demon King is not...a reborn person?

Chen Qing quickly fell into deep thought.

Because the reason Alice in the future would do this is because she would ascend to Sequence 2 in the future, and was hunted down by Li Changsheng to an almost crazy level. And in the past, because of the bad relationship between Bounty King Yamashita and her, her spirit was corroded by the death curse, and that's why she turned into this ghostly appearance.

But now it seems that Alice started killing the apostle even before he entered the Bounty King's tomb.

This also means that the time point when Alice was supposed to be reborn did not exactly follow the trajectory, and the time did not match up.


He is not a regenerator.

Chen Qing quickly came to this conclusion.

But whether Alice is a reborn person or not, it doesn't stop Chen Qing from talking nonsense with him.

"You can't kill Li Changsheng."

Outside the mirror, Chen Qing folded his hands and said in a calm tone: "She is my most satisfying 'work', and it is not comparable to flaws like yours."

During this period of communication with Alice, he had roughly figured out his "war" character.

He would actively choose apostles, then provoke wars among the apostles, and let the apostles kill each other. Moreover, he can also gain certain benefits from the apostle's battle.

There is no doubt that this is indeed consistent with the authority of "war".

So what needs to be explored next is.

What can be gained through this in the war?

And if you want to understand this, you have to start talking about the "struggle" itself.

Chen Qing was very sure that Alice would tell the answer.

Because he also has a certain degree of grasp of Alice's current character.

At the moment, Alice's character is very violent, crazy, and extremely resistant to herself. Moreover, Chen Qing could detect a faint hint of inferiority in his words and actions.

This low self-esteem comes from his persistent pursuit of Yu Sheng's grandson to be his "good friend".

This kind of character makes Alice have a strong desire to talk, so with just a little stimulation, this crazy person will say everything like beans from a bamboo tube!

as expected.

The devil's fingers gripped the mirror tightly.

The expression on his face twitched at that moment, looking extremely ferocious and dark, as if he had been poked in some painful spot.

He took a deep breath and his tone became colder than ever: "You seem very confident."

"That's right. After all, Li Changsheng is the strongest apostle you created. Before she got your power, she was already Sequence Three. And after you, she became a saint, even at the beginning of her promotion. With the ability to compete with Yue Changming. Not only that, she also killed Yue Changming with her own hands, establishing her own reputation."

The corners of the Demon King's mouth cracked.

It's a pity that Chen Qing couldn't see his true appearance through the ancient mirror, otherwise he would definitely be able to detect that something was about to move in the Demon King's mouth.

It seemed to be a flash of light.

Bright, yet weak, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

But the Demon King seemed to be completely unaware of this: "Since you value her so much, then I'll do it better."

"I will personally chop off her head and break her limbs. Since she is a saint, then I will cut off the foundation of her promotion. Her laws will be banned for thousands of years, and even forever!"

Looking at the mirror, the Demon King said word by word: "You and the wrong apostles who were born because of you, I will correct them all to 'correct'! After that, you will be completely reduced to nothingness in the war. In this No one in the world will remember your existence!"

What did the "me" do in the past?

Looking at Alice who was almost hysterical, Chen Qing was thinking in his mind for no reason.

He felt a little headache.

Taking things you didn't do on your own will always give people the illusion of being a "takeover".

But there is no way.

Since I decided to put my hat on, then this plate.

You have to pick it up even if you don’t want to.

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