Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 233 I need more Li Changsheng

The Demon King's hatred for war can be seen at a glance.

To be honest, although Chen Qing was a little dissatisfied with the fact that he had taken an unknown blame, he was not completely unacceptable.

Because he knows very well that this is just an illusion, and when this illusion is completely over, the world will still become what it was before.

So he treated it purely as a branch timeline.

He had often imagined this in the past. If the world could branch out into other options, would he be able to see more possibilities?

It's like the characters in history chose a path that was completely opposite to their original one, and ran all the way on this path.

It's like opening various cans. Every time you open the metal tab, it can bring endless surprises.

But now it's just a new "can opening" process.

So Chen Qing will not be angry.

Well, I won't be angry.

With a smile on his face, Chen Qing remained silent.

He knew very well that Alice's current mental state was not very suitable for continued communication.

It wasn't that he was worried about how he would be humiliated by Alice. The key point was that if he didn't have a clear idea and turned his head and sealed the mirror neatly, Chen Qing would be really helpless.

Although Chen Qing was able to leave his body, how could he say that?

Judging from Alice's current strength, once Chen Qing chooses to leave his body and enter the mirror, he will probably be discovered immediately.

Only then will everything really be done.

However, it is obvious that the current Demon King cannot care about Chen Qing for a while.

Because Yu Sheng hiding in the woods was found.


In the distance, a sharp roar rolled like thunder.

Hearing this voice, the Demon King immediately put away the mirror and turned his head to look over there.

"It seems that Yu Qianqiu has been discovered."

His attitude returned to the calm state before, as if the previous hysteria was just Chen Qing's illusion: "But this is normal, after all, no one can escape death. So on the road to pursue the enemy, death will always be fastest."

"Each of the knights of the Apocalypse represents a part of the power of authority, but this power does not reach the level of a great being. But even so, they are comparable to sequence two. Just like famine, death, and... war. "

At this point, the Demon King's face twitched slightly.

He probably hated the war so much that he couldn't control his expression even if it was just mentioned verbally.

This level of persistence is actually slightly similar to the girl Alice's attitude towards the truth before her reversal.

It can only be said that reversal does not completely transform a person into a new individual. There are still traces to follow in some aspects.

For example, this worrying mental state.

The current mental state of the Demon King is very extreme, so he even made operations that made people feel very "low IQ" - commentary.

"To be honest, the four knights of Apocalypse are all very special. Their power should have been controlled by a more powerful and great existence, but for some unknown reason, this part of the power was finally controlled by Apocalypse."

"So I think that even among the great beings, Apocalypse is a very special individual. Because most great beings only have a single power. Except for a few people who can have multiple powers, other powers are very single."

"But Apocalypse is different."

The Demon King put his hands behind his back, listening to the distant roar of the Death Knight and the curse of the Feather Saint, and said casually: "His power does not come from himself, but all from the knights he has chosen. This is a very strange phenomenon. , because most great beings have mastered powerful power themselves, but Apocalypse himself does not, but needs to find corresponding knight candidates."

"He had to transfer his power to these people before he could take over some authority. Before that, he couldn't even use this power."

Staring into the distance, the Demon King said softly: "This method is very much like a process."

Outside the mirror, Chen Qing was also thinking carefully.

Just like what the Demon King said, he now feels that the form of Apocalypse's power is quite special.

If the corresponding four knights do not appear, then He himself is just a shell with no name of great existence. But if the corresponding knight appears, his power will be very strange.

Just like Colin's time, after the apocalypse infected Colin, before Colin could completely transform into a plague knight, he had already generated a clone that could occupy the continent.

That clone was so huge that the candle dragon summoned by Chen Qing was like a sesame seed compared to it.

To be honest, that power is really special.

And now after listening to the analysis of the Demon King, Chen Qing gradually realized the process of Tianqi's power.

It's just like……

"Like stealing."

The Demon King said in a calm tone: "The power that originally did not belong to Him was snatched away by Him for his own use in some way."

"If the four powers correspond to the four treasures, then the four knights are the keys. Until the key is found, the door cannot be opened at all, and naturally it is impossible to take away the treasure inside."

"Of course, some people may think that this is the process of 'capturing' the lost power. This is indeed a kind of speculation. Maybe in the past, Apocalypse had a very special identity and really had four powers. But for some reasons, The power of these authorities is lost."

"In order to regain these powers, He adopted a roundabout method. Instead of opening the doors himself, he used humans to help him pry them open. But this possibility is not very high, because if this is really His power, That shouldn’t be just...Sequence Two."

The Demon King stared into the distance.

In his eyes, the death knight was being suppressed by Feather Saint.

"If this is really the power of Apocalypse himself, then as time goes by, this power should become stronger and stronger until it surpasses the human level. Because the authority of a great existence is originally something close to a 'law' .”

"For example, 'moon' represents the moon itself, 'time' represents the passage of time and the foundation of time, and 'dream' represents..."

"What is it?"

The Demon King's eyes were in a trance for a moment.

But he soon returned to his original state: "In short, that's it. The authority of the great existence is the law itself. With such blessing, it is strange that the four knights of Apocalypse only have sequence two."

He continued to talk, but Chen Qing's mind had already flown elsewhere.

If he heard correctly before, then when the Demon King talked about "dreams", there seemed to be a very subtle...pause?

There was something odd about this pause.

But what was even weirder was that Chen Qing remembered that he had heard a similar pause before.

That was in the most ancient times, when strangers came into the town.

In that era, it seems that there was a description of the "dream" god.

At that time, the "Daughter of God" Pandya was very vague about this description, so Chen Qing did not think about it in this direction for a while.

At that time his main concern was space, and the "moon" who might be Alice.

But Pandya did say at that time that there were three gods in the original place of this town.

The other two gods have already made their own moves, but the god of dreams is so unknown that he is almost unknown.

This is somewhat inappropriate.

As the "daughter of God", Pandya's sources of information are definitely rich. Before this, he had already introduced space and the moon god, but only about the dreamer, he was vague about it.

Rather than saying that he was unwilling to introduce it, it was better to say that when talking about this existence, he subjectively...ignored it.

Recalling Pandya's tone at that time, Chen Qing gradually had some ideas.

"I remember that when Pandya was talking about the God of Dreams, there seemed to be a slight pause in his tone."

At first, Chen Qing thought that this pause might be because Pandya didn't know how to describe the god, but now it seems that it could be that he originally wanted to talk about dreams, but was blocked by something?

Just like what Chen Qing is experiencing now.

The God of Dreams used some method to "reverse" their thinking to a certain extent...

After all, some people say that dreams are related to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind already has the potential to escape.

So, if you think about it a little bit.

Right now, I am actually in a dream, or subconscious. At this time, you only need someone from the outside to give you some keywords, and corresponding changes will occur in your subconscious.

Is the so-called reversal the "dream world" generated by fine-tuning keywords based on one's own cognition?

This is not impossible.

At least for Chen Qing, this possibility is quite high now.

But just knowing this is useless.

Because he is probably not the only one who has this dream.

Chen Qing guessed that this dream might be online.

Some great beings may also be pulled into this dream.

And the proof is.

When he wanted to use the ancient mirror earlier, the Kunpeng tattoo on his arm suddenly became warm.

Heat in a tattoo generally represents the presence of great beings around you.

At first, Chen Qing thought this might be the guy plotting against him, so he was noticed by the tattoo.

But if you think about it carefully, it may be that there are other great beings who were also pulled into this dream, and the tattoo sensed the corresponding guy, so there were similar fluctuations.

Both of these possibilities are reasonably reasonable.

So it still needs to be verified.

After pondering for a while, Chen Qing made a decision in his heart.

If this is really a dream, then the next thing to do is to think about how to wake up from this dream.

Before thinking about this issue, there is another point.

Whose dream is this?

Maybe it belongs to Chen Qing himself, but if it really belongs to him, then does the world that has changed beyond recognition after the reversal reflect his expectation to see other people transformed into women?

And it just so happened that after his reversal, he became a "War Lord"...

"Could this dream be from the apocalypse?"

Chen Qing had some thoughts in his mind.

It's not impossible.

Because Apocalypse is probably the only guy who can connect the war lord with his identity.

And because he was also in this dream, his original identity as the Lord of Truth was replaced by the War Lord, and then seamlessly connected to the great existence.

To sum up, it is the intersection of their dreams that creates such a strange world.

So, here’s what to do next.

Probably to wake Tianqi from his dream.

And want to do this.

"We need Li Changsheng..."

Chen Qing sighed.

The reason why Li Changsheng was needed was because he had to give Tianqi a cognition that had nothing to do with dreams, and something that was so strong that it would "scare people awake" at once.

And nothing does this better than negative emotions.

The regret of not getting what you asked for, the shocking fear, the restless rage...

In short, we must rely on negative emotions to make Apocalypse want to "get up".

At present, the only person Chen Qing is sure to make Tianqi feel sick is actually Colin.

That was probably the only time Apocalypse showed very human emotions.

Whether it was trying to tempt Colin to fall, or the ridicule when he saw Colin break free later, or the panic during the final battle.

The apocalypse at that time was probably the easiest time to "wake up".

So Chen Qing needs Li Changsheng, because Li Changsheng is Colin's future guide.

Moreover, Alice currently controls the ancient mirror.

It was obvious that he did not intend to let the ancient mirror continue to spread into the future, so someone needed to come out to fight against him and deliver the ancient mirror to Colin in the future.

Only in this way can the script be written as it was before the reversal.


"Li Changsheng," Chen Qing sighed, "Where are you?"


It seemed that Chen Qing's sigh triggered the spinning thread of fate.

In a distant place, in a valley.

Li Changsheng leaned against the wall and sighed silently.

After the reversal, she looked unexpectedly petite. Her height was estimated to be less than 1.6 meters, and she even looked a little small.

This is in sharp contrast to the devil outside.

The Demon King is 1.8 meters tall and can suppress Li Changsheng in front of him. At least in terms of aura, he can completely overshadow this little girl who is the Director of the Forbidden Object Depository.

But many times, strength is not determined by temperament.

At least the current Li Changsheng's strength is far beyond what Alice can match.

Because the Demon King has not yet been promoted to Sequence Two.

And Li Changsheng is already a saint!

However, even if she becomes a saint, it is still unknown how much she can perform in her current state.

The previous fierce battle with Yue Changming left Li Changsheng in a very bad state now.

After beheading Yue Changming, she dragged her heavy body and staggered back to the place she had left.

She believed that it was the only place where she could be cured.

The one who stayed with his senior brother Qi Zhengren and was taught by the teacher named Chen...

"Ghost Valley"!

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