Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 74 In my name (please follow up)

After putting the ancient mirror away, Colin and his brother slowly stepped out of the wooden house.

Holding his brother's hand, Colin pressed his chest gently: "...I can feel it."

A vague connection wrapped around his body, like a slender thread, connecting him to a certain location.

That is probably what the Lord of Truth calls "salvation."

At this moment, Colin became more and more convinced.

The Lord of truth has absolute control over time.

He really left a gaze thousands of years ago, and then let this gaze continue for thousands of years, until it descends on this Bell Mountain at this moment!

It's simply unheard of power.

Can the legendary Sequence One achieve such terrifying power?

Sequence three is a demigod, sequence two is a "saint", and sequence one...

He's probably the real god, right?

"God, what is it like?"

Looking back at the ancient mirror behind him, Colin fell into deep thought: "Is a being like the Lord of Truth a god?"

Or is He more mysterious than those gods?

After all, it is a far-reaching existence that even the secrets of thousands of years ago are treasured...

There are also myths in the wasteland. The "gods" Colin mentioned are those myths that spread in the wasteland.

This is normal. After all, thousands of years have passed since the disaster in the wasteland. The creation of new myths is also a quite natural process.

Moreover, the lower the level of science and technology and the lower the productivity, the greater the worship of myths.

For example, Colin heard several fairy tales when he was young.

For example, a little girl's ancestor once mistakenly entered a wonderful fairyland, but was later expelled. But hundreds of years later, the girl's descendants took a divine book and returned to the fairyland again.

There are also those who have received the divine law and acted chivalrously and righteously along the way, and have since become a symbol of the law that governs justice and regulation.

Or, a traveler who obtains a divine scroll and embarks on the path of searching for ancient legends, leaving countless legends in various parts of the world.

These are all myths born after the disaster.

But in these myths, above the gods, there seem to be existences that are more mysterious than the gods.

Divine law, divine scroll, divine book...

It seems that above the gods in those storybooks, there are existences that are more secretive than them, giving them the first step to ascend to heaven.

And that existence...

"Will it be like the Lord of Truth?"

Thinking of this, Colin couldn't help but be shocked by his guess.

This guess is too shocking.

Because this means that the "fate" Colin has formed now is equal to those true gods and heroes in mythology!


What if?

Along with his thoughts, a certain idea quietly grew in his heart, like a seed buried in the ground.

With just a little watering, bright flowers will bloom...

"Haven't you found it yet?"

Just as Colin was thinking.

Beside him, a hoarse voice said: "I don't want to waste any more time, now."

Accompanying that voice were several subordinates who responded to the order.

Immediately afterwards, Colin heard several heavy footsteps next to him.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer to his direction.

After sensing this, Colin suddenly understood: "They are starting to shrink the encirclement!"

It was clear that they were dissatisfied with this fruitless search, so they decided to increase their intensity a bit.

And the result of increasing intensity is...

In the distance, Colin saw several bright spots of light.

Those light spots were pale green, like the rotten fungi Colin had seen before, growing in clusters and emitting bursts of stench.

"Put the spores down."

The hoarse voice said: "If we can't find it again, we will turn this mountain over. Change the terrain of this mountain and make it disappear completely. I don't believe it, we can't find it like this!"

As the words fell.

Colin's pupils shrank slightly.

These guys actually want to destroy this snow mountain? !

"Are those green light spots spores? I can feel the pollution on it. It is definitely a highly dangerous taboo."

Thinking of this, Colin gritted his teeth.

He took his brother and ran all the way, no longer caring about any possible informants!

"We can't let these guys succeed!"

Once their plan is accomplished, they will be unable to escape!

And his movement of escaping successfully alerted the men in black behind him.

"found it!"

The hoarse voice was filled with uncontrollable joy: "Catch him and ask him about the secret of the vision... That is our tribute to the Holy Son 'Zhenya'!"

Subsequently, Colin and the group started a chase on top of this snow-capped mountain.

Those guys are much higher in rank than Colin, so Colin is far inferior in terms of physical strength. Plus he had a younger brother with him, so he walked even slower.

But Colin also had advantages.

That is, he is more familiar with snow-capped mountains, and...

He knows where he is going!

With a sudden move of his legs, Colin carried Jack in a big jump and jumped down from a low valley.

Getting closer.

Colin could feel that the vague connection with him had now completely revealed his direction.

Just need to get to…

A crisp gunshot echoed in his ears.

Then my hands felt empty.

As if he noticed something.

Colin turned back and looked at the ground.

On the white snow, his brother Jack had a bullet hole in his chest, and a hook-like iron tool on his back, locking him firmly in the snow.


Colin looked at his brother blankly, at the blood flowing from his chest and his pale face.

His spirit seemed to be broken at this moment, and there was only a buzzing in his ears.

And behind him, above the valley.

A man in black was holding a large gun with a strange shape and said to the person behind him: "Found it! Kill the little one, but not the big one!"

"Start recycling now!"

What came to my ears was the sound of countless hooks and locks hitting the ground.

The men in black are moving quickly towards this side.

Looking back, Colin's blank eyes were filled with dark flames again.

He had never hated a group of people so much.

However, in his heart, the rhythm of the forced connection reminded him.

"There is still hope for you."


Holding his collar, Colin turned around and ran away with a twisted expression.

He lunged in the direction he was last pointed at.

The men in black behind him stretched out their hands in his direction, but they were always one step behind him.

That moment when that connection reaches its peak.

Colin's hand finally touched that "thing".

And when he pressed his hand on that thing, he felt a calm feeling.

That is the thickness that has accumulated over thousands of years.

It's also...the only thing he can look forward to carrying his hope at this moment.

After wiping off the snow on the thing, Colin pressed his fingerprints on the thing with trembling hands.

Behind him were several men in black approaching, but in his arms there was only the stone.

However, the touch of the rock is reassuring.

With his fingers tracing the carvings on the stone, Colin recited the writing on the stone word by word.

"The god of Zhongshan is called Zhuyin."

His voice is fast.

The man in black behind him stepped on his body and roughly pressed his arms, but he couldn't stop him from looking at the stone slab.

"The shadow of a candle is regarded as day, the silence is night, the blowing is winter, and the breathing is summer."

Along with his voice, a strange aura quietly rose.

It is the breath of day and night, yin and yang, spring and summer, heaven and earth.

It is an origin that is so ancient that it even surpasses human imagination.

Although because there aren’t enough characters outlined on the slate.

But just these handwritings are enough to trigger visions in heaven and earth.

Because this is something that has been circulating for nearly ten thousand years before the catastrophe, even before humans...

Forbidden knowledge!

Listening to his voice, the leading man in black suddenly realized something was wrong: "Tear his mouth apart!"

"He is using forbidden knowledge to induce visions!!"

Several hands grabbed Colin's face, forcing him to turn away from the stone slab.

The back of his head hit the ground hard.

Colin's eyes were on the sky.

The stars in the sky looked extremely bright at this moment, like a hand gently falling from the sky.

Then, click on his eyebrows.

"On my behalf."

A voice whispered in Colin's ears: "Give you a chance to reverse everything."

"Live and write your legend, Colin."

The words fell.

In the sky, a huge, red dragon head phantom exploded!

A strange red creature appeared on the other side of the sky.

And in His eyes, there seemed to be a scorching sun and a bright moon.

The long bodies are intertwined together, like clouds curling up, like thunder embodying light.

Breathing in and out, leaning up and down, the breaths blow together.

In that vast and ancient miracle that is difficult to see.

The red dragon slowly raised his eyes and closed his eyes.

And with this action of His.

The vast forward flow of time seems to be contained by something at this moment.

Then the rivers flowed backwards, and time... turned upside down!

Day and night alternate before our eyes, and the sun and moon rise and set beside us.

The breath of time hit his face, making Colin unable to open his eyes.

I don’t know how long it took.

When Colin opened his eyes again.

He was no longer in the valley, but in the cabin.

And beside him.

A small stone fell quietly.

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