Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 75 Iron Determination

"I, what am I...?"

Kneeling on the ground, Colin looked at his hands blankly.

Without the blood on his mother and Jack's body, it was still as white as before, just like the heavy snow outside the wooden house that never melts all year round.

And there is no fatigue that seemed to emerge from the depths of the soul before, instead there is surging physical strength and perfect spirit.

Just like...him in the past.

"I remember that I was suppressed by those men in black earlier."

Colin murmured to himself: "Then, I told the forbidden knowledge on the stone tablet, which triggered a vision. I saw the dragon's head on the horizon, and then I passed out..."

When the memory in my mind flashes back to here.

The next second, Colin's brain suddenly hurt!


No need for reminders from others.

The physical condition clearly told Colin: he was back.

He really went back to the past from the future, to a time when nothing had happened and he had just found a way to save his brother!

"This is a gift from the Lord of Truth..."

Colin's eyes were full of shock: "It was Him who used His authority to send me back to the past."

What an awesome power this is.

A trace left from the era a thousand years ago, like a boat sailing against the current, has survived the erosion of time. Finally, after thousands of years of raging pollution, this graffiti-like trace has bloomed with an unprecedented dazzling luster.

The giant red dragon raised its eyes in the air, closed its eyes, then struck the world with its breath, and finally...

Go back in time and reverse the future!

Think of this.

Colin did not hesitate and kowtowed several times to the heavy mirror.

He kowtows his hair sincerely, out of pure respect for the "Lord of Truth" rather than respect for the "deal".

"Thank you, thank you..."

His voice was whining, as if there was snot stuck in his throat. Tears hung on his face, soaking the dusty floor in front of him.

In the heart of this young man, nothing could be more tragic and joyful than this moment.

He gained "despair" today, but also today...

I have the most sincere and precious "hope"!

Congratulations to Colin.

Chen Qing outside the mirror just chuckled.

"The effect is better than I imagined, Zhu Yin." He said lightly.

Originally, Chen Qing thought that Zhuyin's power would only produce "immortal" characters similar to those in online novels.

After all, that is just an insignificant paragraph in the grand description of Zhu Yin. In the ancient "Shan Hai Jing", the record of Zhu Yin is not only that part.

But just a fragment is enough to trigger such terrifying power.

Colin, obviously going back in time.

The evidence is that Colin instantly appeared in the mirror in front of Chen Qing.

After Colin left with his younger brother, the mirror was blank. But just now, Colin seemed to have gone back in time, reappearing in front of the ancient mirror with the same posture as before.

So Colin has clearly returned from the future to the present.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Chen Qing saw with his own eyes that the strange shadow on Colin's body seemed to dissipate a little.

"I just don't know if the others went back together, or if Colin went back alone."

Chen Qing thought in his heart.


"Leave quickly."

In the mirror, the voice of the Lord of Truth came: "You still have unfinished business."

Listen to the Word of the Lord of Truth.

Colin wiped his tears and nodded heavily.

Just like what the Lord of Truth said.

He still had things to do.


After hesitating for a moment, Colin finally said softly: "I have a question."

" want to give me such a chance?"

As a being of absolute order, the Lord of Truth should not have given Colin additional gifts.

All of His actions up to now have followed the principle of equivalent exchange.

However, Colin didn't know what he had to pay the price for taking action like that before.

Even if he is killed, his individual value cannot be worth "turning back time".

Of course, Colin was not questioning the Lord of Truth.

He was almost dead at that time. If it were not for the mercy of the Lord of Truth, he would have been buried in the snowy mountains long ago.

He was just worried that his own value would not be able to compensate for such a grand "bet" made by the Lord of Truth.

And for this question.

The voice in the mirror was as calm as ever: "Anyone is qualified to knock on the door. But not everyone can see me many times, so you are more valuable than you think."

"And I just happened to get it, and I took away the possibility that belongs to you from the future, that's all. You actually paid the price, but you don't know it now."

Looking at Colin, the voice in the mirror said with a faint smile: "But that's too far away. All you need to do now is pick up the stone next to you, then go down the mountain to complete your unfinished business."

"I'm waiting for the moment you come back and fulfill your contract."

At this point, the mirror in front of him rippled again.

Colin was left alone kneeling in front of the mirror, silently looking at the pebble beside him.

"My future...?"

He bent down and picked up the small stone.

After looking at the stone, Colin discovered that it was clearly the stone that he had held tightly in his arms before. It's just that it's worn out a lot now, with only a small scrap left.

And on the leftover material, there is a simple character printed on it.


This is the handwriting still imprinted on the stone.

Holding the stone, Colin suddenly had a feeling.

This stone is forbidden.

Because the knowledge recorded above was too taboo, the stone itself became a taboo object. But for some reason, it returned to Colin's current time and space, and became the small size it is now.

However, even with this reduction, it still possesses certain "candle shadow" powers.

Holding it in his hand, feeling the pollution surging in his body, Colin closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

He is trying to use this forbidden object.

And after a simple test.

Colin slowly opened his eyes, looking at the stone with shock in his eyes.

"It can actually...pause time."


Using this stone, one can pause time nearby for "three seconds".

Although it sounds short, three seconds can often achieve certain comebacks.

It’s no wonder that the Lord of Truth said that he should be given a chance to “reverse everything”.

Not just turning back time.

It also gave Colin the ability to completely end this tragedy!

"Thanks you."

Holding the stone tightly, Colin vomited out his heartfelt thanks for the first time: "Thank you very much..."

Put the stone in your pocket.

He took one last look in the mirror in front of him.

Then turned around and walked down the snow mountain.

When he left, his eyes were full of steely determination.

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