Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 86 Two questions

Outside the hospital, a small team of eight people was gathering.

Wearing black windbreakers of almost the same style, they sprayed some special potions nearby while evacuating the surrounding patients and medical staff as much as possible.

After all this was done, someone reported to the team leader: "Team Zhang, the cognitive impairment and evacuation activities have been completed."

Hearing this, the captain named Zhang raised his eyes and looked deep into the hospital.

At this time, it seemed to him that the corridors of the hospital were empty and empty.

After pondering for a moment, he slowly said: "Then just act according to the rules."

Hearing Captain Zhang say this, someone frowned slightly: "Do you want to wait for support?"

"The increase in the anomaly index we just detected does not seem to be a single one. This means that the forbidden objects this time may be plural. Or the danger level is far above E. With the strength of our team, we may not be able to succeed..."

This is a normal question.

Just now, they sensed that the abnormality index suddenly rose several levels.

The main control room at Jianghan University immediately dispatched a team, and they were the closest team at the moment.

It would take at least half an hour for other teams to catch up.


You can’t blame other teams for their inefficiency.

The main reason is that the real world is at peace for a long time, and a forbidden object may not appear for several months, so naturally there is no need for a large number of manpower. For example, an experienced team of eight people is enough to deal with a taboo object with a low anomaly index.

The "abnormality index" is an important indicator used by the team to evaluate the danger level of taboo objects. It represents the degree to which taboo objects affect reality. A high value is not necessarily dangerous, but a low value is generally safe.

But at this moment, the abnormal index they detected was quite... strange.

There are multiple anomaly indices superimposed together.

This means that there are a lot of taboos in this hospital at the same time!

This is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

A team of eight people can handle one forbidden object, but the combination of several forbidden objects is likely to produce horrors far beyond imagination.

However, Captain Zhang just pursed his lips and patted his subordinate on the shoulder.

"Someone has to do something first," he said. "As a team, all we need is to collect information and then wait for our colleagues."

"Information is the most valuable asset of action."

"So far, through monitoring and various clues, we know that in areas where the anomaly index fluctuates significantly, an incredibly fast humanoid creature once passed by. Preliminary estimates suggest that that may be the target."

"Since it is a humanoid creature, there may be the possibility of negotiation."

With that said, Captain Zhang turned on the safety of the pistol: "So let's communicate first and then collect information. Prepare to shout and repeat it three times. If no one comes out within three times..."

His eyes narrowed slightly: "Then consider taking drastic measures!"

The words fell.

Soon someone raised a loudspeaker and shouted into the corridor: "People inside are not allowed to move! You are already surrounded!"

The loudspeaker sounded loudly, echoing in the corridor.

Everyone's eyes were focused on somewhere in the corridor.

Their fingers were all close to the trigger, as if they would take action whenever they found something unusual.

There was silence in the corridor.

After a long time.

The man with the trumpet was about to repeat it a second time.

But the next second.


Accompanied by the creak of the door opening.

A gentle footsteps echoed in the corridor.

In addition to the footsteps, there was the accompaniment of something lighting the ground.

The sound was like a cane or the tip of an umbrella, unhurried and with an awe-inspiring rhythm.

The sound of "tuk-tuk" is like the crisp echo of chess pieces quietly falling on the chessboard. The chess player's wrist is flipped slightly, and a mountain of chess positions are arranged.

Listening to this voice, everyone became nervous subconsciously.

They stared at the end of the corridor, thinking faster than ever.

However, the movements of their hands were very steady. No one would raise a gun and shoot without being ordered to do so.

This is experience - no team will rashly attack forbidden objects without sufficient information!

In this oppressive silence.

A figure walked out of the dark night and stepped into the light of reality.

The light above his head made him look pale, but his shadow grew slantingly and disappeared into the darkness.

In the boundary between light and darkness, He stood like that, as if standing on the dividing line of time.

The oil lamp is lifted behind, illuminating the diffuse shadow behind him. The cane was gently raised in front of him to light up the chaotic dust under the chandelier.

The white mask faced everyone, and there was no sadness or joy in the pure white.

However, the moment He appeared.

On the watches worn by the team members, the number symbolizing the "abnormality index" soared sharply at this moment!

"Forbidden object!"

Everyone realized this instantly.


It’s still a taboo item for living things!

In the past, taboo objects were basically objects, and there had never been any living objects.

However, research speculates that living taboos must exist.

And among the living taboos.

Human-shaped taboo objects must also exist!

Moreover, researchers believe that it is a completely different system from the extraordinary.

Because Chaofan uses "spiritual energy".

And the humanoid taboos...

It is like an instrument covered in human skin, a taboo object that looks like a human!

Thinking of this, everyone became more focused and cautious.

No one knows the nature of the forbidden object, but one thing is clear.

That is, they are all very dangerous and even have the terrifying power to change the rules!

Therefore, before knowing the information about forbidden objects.

All teams must test and try, rather than suppress directly.

There have been cases in the past.

Because they did not understand the characteristics of the forbidden object, some team members shot it rashly.

The result of that time was that all life forms within a few kilometers were killed by that shot.

Because the forbidden object's ability was "reflection", it reflected bullets and caused thousands of deaths.

Since then, "information" has become the highest priority in suppressing taboo objects.

And facing the forbidden humanoid object that has never appeared before...

After hesitating for a moment, Captain Zhang said: "Hello."

He wanted to test whether the other party could communicate.

If you can communicate.

Then this means that there may be a safe way to deal with the other party!

After hearing Captain Zhang’s question.

Under the white figure.

A vague voice slowly came out: "Don't be wary, I don't mean any harm at the moment."

Under the pale mask, those eyes looked at Captain Zhang: "There are just some things that need to be done in advance, so I'm disturbing everyone, that's all."

"However, breaking into the owner's house is indeed a presumptuous interruption. I should also express a corresponding apology for such behavior."

Gently raise the oil lamp in your hand.

The white figure whispered to Captain Zhang: "In that case, I will give you two questions, and you can get the corresponding answers from me."

"Whatever it is, I'm going to give you an answer."

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