Hear this.

Captain Zhang was stunned for a moment.

But he soon came back to his senses: "Is it a taboo for asking questions?"

It's not like he hasn't seen such taboo objects before.

Among the taboo items kept by the organization, there are similar types.

It was a textile machine. Just write the question on the cloth and it could spin an answer.

It's just that this answer... is only one-seventh accurate.

Just like asking how much "1+1" equals, the textile machine will give "0", "log5", "obtuse angle", "all things moving in the sky", "2", "magical girl steamed bun card", "very good" respectively. The answer makes me spin”.

There must be a correct answer among the seven answers given.

But it took seven attempts.

Moreover, the answers are also misleading. For example, 0 can also be understood as binary 1+1.

So researchers have a love-hate relationship with that textile machine.

Love because it really has the right answer.

And hate is because...

They have to find out for themselves which is the correct answer.

But even so, the loom is one of the best-selling taboos in the entire organization.

After all, even though there are six wrong answers, just one correct answer is enough for the questioner to find his way!

And now.

That human-shaped forbidden object seems to be quite similar?

After pondering for a moment, Captain Zhang cautiously tried again: "I have a question. This is not a question. You don't have to give me an answer."

"I want to know, is the answer you gave correct?"

This question is a kind of "test".

When the team faces forbidden objects, they need to go through many attempts. Currently, having a conversation with a question-type taboo is one of the methods Team Zhang is trying.

Even if the answer given by the other party is wrong or he remains silent.

As long as the other party's attitude changes, it will be enough information for researchers to understand this forbidden humanoid object!

This is what their team does.

Exploring information on forbidden objects and then handing it over to researchers.

Now, although it is the first time to face a humanoid forbidden object, Captain Zhang has already begun to try this kind of work.

And for this question.

The pale figure said calmly: "This is indeed not a problem, but the rules of the transaction."

"I can tell you clearly that the answers I gave are all what I think are correct."

"So, what's your problem?"

After getting this answer, Captain Zhang nodded.

Very good, I have started to understand gradually.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again: "First question."

He stared closely at the white figure: "Who are you?"

Compared to other questions.

Team Zhang still starts from this angle.

Because this question can reflect the characteristics of this humanoid taboo to a certain extent.

And this will also become the most valuable material for researchers!

The words fell.

The white figure opposite said in a smooth voice: "It's a very interesting question."

"The name is just a code name, not to mention that my own name is also lost in history. But if you want, you can call me 'Truth'."

He said calmly: "I am a traveler walking in history. Anyone who sees me can get a chance to trade. They can obtain forbidden knowledge from me, as long as they can afford the price."

Hearing this, Captain Zhang frowned slightly.

It does sound like a taboo question type.

This first question gave Team Zhang a lot of valuable information.

Regardless of whether the information is true or false, just the words spoken by the other party are enough for researchers to conduct crazy research.

So the second question...

After thinking for a while, Team Zhang continued: "Second question."

"what is your purpose?"

Hear the words.

Truth paused for a moment.

After that, He slowly said: "This question is beyond the limit of what you can ask. It's not that I don't want to give you an answer, but that you can't bear the answer."

"The answer I can give you is - the future."

He looked at Captain Zhang: "My purpose is to correct that polluted and distorted future."

The words fell.

Regardless of whether Captain Zhang understood it or not, he bowed slightly and said, "Then, the two questions are over. Please allow me to say goodbye."

With that said, Zhenli turned around and left slowly in front of Captain Zhang.

Captain Zhang frowned even more.

He seemed to want to say something, but finally held back.

Just quietly watching the truth leave.

But the next moment.

It was like something had been opened.

A sharp and fierce cry echoed in everyone's ears.

It was like the hissing sound of a snake spitting out messages, except that the sound was much sharper and louder than that thing.

Just this sound shocked Captain Zhang and the eight people under them.

at the same time.

On their watches, the anomaly index is also soaring at an unprecedented speed.

Just a few blinks of an eye.

The anomaly index has soared to... almost the level of an A-level forbidden object!

Everyone's spirits were tense as never before at this moment.

Because they clearly see it.

In front of the truth, a dark shadow seemed to jump out!

It was like a snake, twisting and entwining in front of everyone, its dark snake body clinging to the shadows.

And from that snake.

Everyone felt as thick as a mountain...danger and suffocation!

"B-level... no, A-level."

Captain Zhang’s fingers trembled: “A-level forbidden object!!”

And it’s still a Class A taboo in vivo...

After the humanoid forbidden object, the second living forbidden object appears!

No one dared to take a breath.

There is only truth.

He turned his back to Captain Zhang and gently stretched out his hand.

"Click" sound.

It was like the sound of something closing.

After a moment, He turned around and said, "Sorry, I frightened you."

"The 'Wasteland Black Snake' is a polluted life of sequence five. Although it only has one eye left, it is not very peaceful. For ordinary people, high-sequence pollutants are indeed too dangerous."

"Goodbye then. I hope to see you all in front of the door of truth next time."

Finish this sentence.

Truth stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the wall in front of him.

And then the next second.

It's like something was separated out of thin air.

A hole slowly appeared in the wall in front of him.

The night wind blows in through the hollow and stirs the hair of truth.


Under the watchful eyes of Captain Zhang and others.

He stepped out directly.

And disappeared without a trace.

Only Captain Zhang and others were left looking at each other, looking at each other.

After a moment of silence, Captain Zhang sighed: "Go back."

He rubbed his eyebrows: "I have a hunch that we and the truth... will definitely meet again."

That's a guy who can control A-level forbidden objects.

And according to His will...

That A-level forbidden object used to be a living thing, and the eyes of that creature seemed to have been taken off by him!

Want to understand this, Captain Zhang soon realized.

Even if the truth is not an S-class forbidden object, its danger level is definitely far beyond that of A-class!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh again.

"First there was the 'Transcendent', and then there was the failure of the 'Dawn' encirclement and suppression. Now has another truth come out..."

Pulling out a lighter, Captain Zhang lit himself a cigarette.

While smoking, he looked at the glass of the hospital corridor.

I always feel like this world is getting more and more chaotic.

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