The two of them were very happy.

"Haha, no problem! As long as the money is enough, you can rent any house you want."

Xia Tian was too lazy to explain to Qiu Mengyun. Anyway, it won't take long for her to understand how outrageous her request was.

Netizens in the live broadcast room all laughed unkindly when they saw Xia Tian's expression of despair.

: Haha! Look at Xia Tian's expression. I guess there are ten thousand grass mud horses galloping through his heart.

: Who wouldn't be confused if they met such a girlfriend who doesn't care about worldly things! More than 3,000 yuan, and she actually wants to rent a three-bedroom, one-living room elevator apartment.

: It just so happens that I am also in this city. I am quite looking forward to them really finding a three-bedroom, one-living room apartment for more than 3,000 yuan. At that time, I can give up my current house and rent a house near them.

: Don't laugh, it's normal for Mengyun to behave like this. After all, she grew up in a wealthy family and never worried about the trivialities of life. She entered the entertainment industry at the age of 16, and has had assistants and agents to help her with various things in life for the past ten years. It's normal for her not to understand these things.

: Haha, I have to say that this program is quite creative. In this way, we can clearly see the most real and ordinary appearance of these stars when they lose their halo and their impressive wealth.

: No exaggeration or criticism! In terms of life experience, we still have to look at the group of Brother Long and Sister Ting. Look at how clear the division of labor is between the two of them. One goes out to find a job and the other is responsible for renting a house. It can be seen that they are aiming to make a living.

: There is really nothing to criticize about this. Brother Long's group is currently the best performer. Xia Tian's side can only be said to be slightly better than Fang Wenxuan's, but the final result still depends on which of the two fairies, Qiu Mengyun and Chen Qingqing, has a stronger ability to adapt.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the house."

After arriving at Xingfu Road, Xia Tian paid the fare and took Qiu Mengyun straight to the nearest community.

"Are we going there by ourselves? Don't we need a contact person to take us to see it?" Qiu Mengyun asked in surprise. In her cognition, whether it is renting or buying a house, it seems that you need to contact the agent or the sales department in advance. Otherwise, how can you know which of the houses is for sale and which is for rent?

Xia Tian shook his head: "No, you won't know when you get there."

The two of them entered the community hand in hand smoothly, and were not intercepted or questioned by the security guards.

"We got in so easily? Those security guards didn't even ask, aren't they afraid that we are bad people?" Qiu Mengyun asked in surprise.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Whether we are bad people or not has nothing to do with him. Do you think he stays in the security room to protect the safety of this community?"

"Isn't it?" Qiu Mengyun asked back.

"Of course not, the reason why he stays in the security room is to facilitate the collection of temporary parking fees. Otherwise, do you still expect him to work hard for the owners with a salary of three or four thousand yuan a month?" Xia Tian didn't think it was strange to Qiu Mengyun's fuss. After all, she has always lived in a high-end community, and it is normal for her not to understand such a situation.

"Okay, I am ignorant." Qiu Mengyun lowered her head depressedly. She felt that after coming out with Xia Tian this time, it seemed that the whole world had changed. The world is still the world she was familiar with, but the people and things around her are completely different from before.

"Wait a minute!"

After walking a few steps, Xia Tian stopped and took out his mobile phone after looking at a rental sign standing in front of the building.

"Hello! Hello, is this the landlord? I'm a tenant who wants to rent a house. Is your house in the Garden Community still for rent?"

"Oh, the house is still there, right? I'm in the Garden Community now. Come over quickly. I'll wait for you downstairs in Building 6."

After a brief exchange, Xia Tian hung up the phone.

"Have you contacted the landlord now? Is the phone number on this small advertisement reliable? I wonder if you're a scammer?"

Seeing that Xia Tian had made an appointment with the landlord to come and see the house in a few words, Qiu Mengyun asked with some concern.

"Haha, don't worry! Don't look at this small billboard, which is inconspicuous and looks very low. But I tell you, finding a house through this thing is often more reliable than going out to find those professional agents. After all, the agency may run away, but these landlords will not run away." Xia Tian smiled and explained to Qiu Mengyun, and signaled her not to worry.

Not long after, I saw

I saw an old man in his 50s or 60s riding a V electric bike driving towards this side.

"Young man, you just called me and said you wanted to rent a house, right?"

After parking the car in front of Xia Tian, ​​the old man asked kindly.

Xia Tian nodded: "Yes, I wonder what kind of houses you have left here?"

Hearing Xia Tian's question, the old man smiled even brighter: "Haha! I have all kinds of houses here, all nearby. I wonder if you want to share a house or rent the whole house?"

"Rent the whole house!" Xia Tian answered without hesitation.

Even if he could accept sharing a house, it would definitely be inconvenient for Qiu Mengyun.

And even if the program crew would not follow and shoot when he went home at night, they would wait outside the room every morning. If it was shared, it would easily cause trouble to other tenants.

"Okay! How about I take you to see the house upstairs first? It happens to be a two-bedroom, one-living room house, which is quite suitable for young couples like you to live in."

The landlord said as he took out the key from his bag.

"Two bedrooms and one living room? Isn't it a little small?" Qiu Mengyun, who had been standing by and listening, whispered her opinion when she heard that the house was two bedrooms and one living room.

Hearing her say this, the old man's attitude became more friendly: "Haha! It's not small. Although my house is two bedrooms and one living room, it is well decorated and has a lot of space inside. How about you go up and take a look first? If you are not satisfied, I will take you to see other houses."

"Okay, since we are downstairs anyway, let's go up and take a look first!"

In fact, Xia Tian was not very satisfied with this house, but in order to let Qiu Mengyun return to reality as soon as possible, he agreed to go up and take a look. Of course, Xia Tian was not satisfied not because the house was too small, but because the house was too big. He knew very well that with the little money in their pockets, it would be good to find a one-bedroom, one-living room house. Wanting a two-bedroom, one-living room apartment is a dream.

Seeing Xia Tian say so, Qiu Mengyun didn't say much, and followed the two people into the elevator very obediently.

The house was not big, and the two of them quickly looked around the house.

The landlord didn't lie. Although the house was not very large, the decoration was good. The space inside did not seem small, and the decoration style was quite warm, with a sense of home.

Qiu Mengyun was a little tempted, and pulled Xia Tian's sleeve and whispered: "I think this place is okay, or we can just rent it here."

Xia Tian shook his head calmly: "This place is not okay, the money is not enough."

"How is it possible? Don't we have 3,500 yuan? Is it not enough for even one month's rent?" Qiu Mengyun asked in surprise.

Xia Tian did not explain much, but asked the landlord: "Uncle, how much does this house cost per month?"

The landlord smiled and said: "This house is not expensive, only 2,000 yuan a month."

Hearing that the rent was only 2,000 yuan a month, Qiu Mengyun was ready to refute Xia Tian.

But before she could say anything, she heard Xia Tian continue to ask: "Is it a deposit of one month and a payment of one month?"

The landlord nodded: "Yes, one month deposit and one month payment. But don't worry, I am not a rip-off. When you move out of the house, I will return the deposit to you, and I won't do anything like using a lantern to determine the damage."

Until then, Qiu Mengyun understood. Why did Xia Tian insist that the money was not enough when the rent was only 2,000 yuan a month.

But she was flexible and flexible, after figuring out the situation. She immediately stepped forward, looked at the landlord pitifully and said, "Grandpa, to tell you the truth, we ran away from our marriage. My family insisted on marrying me to the idiot at the head of our village, and we had no choice but to run away. We don't have much money now, and we can't afford to rent this house. Can you find us a cheaper one-bedroom apartment?"

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