The two of them only looked for jobs that could pay them daily, so there weren't many jobs that suited them.

Either they needed to work hard to carry building materials, or they were part-time models, and neither of them liked either of these two jobs.

Although Xia Tian had a good physical fitness and great strength since he was a child practicing martial arts, it didn't mean that he wouldn't be tired doing such hard work. As for Qiu Mengyun, she was worried that she would be recognized by others if she went to work as a part-time model, which would be embarrassing.

After searching for a long time, the two finally found a job handing out flyers. Relatively speaking, this job is more flexible and there are no requirements for anyone to do it. The only drawback is that the salary is a bit low, only 15 yuan an hour.

But since they were out, they couldn't go there in vain, so they accepted the job. They worked for four hours from 5pm to 9pm, and each was paid 60 yuan, which was only 120 yuan in total.

Holding the 120 yuan just received, Qiu Mengyun complained helplessly: "This is the first time I feel that making money is such a difficult thing. I originally wanted to work hard for two days to make up the deposit owed to the landlord, but now it seems a bit far away."

Xia Tian smiled and said: "Just be content, handing out flyers is already a relatively easy job. Of course, this thing can only solve the problem of eating at most, and it is still difficult to make money from it."

Qiu Mengyun rolled his eyes and suggested: "When handing out flyers today, I found that there were many young men and women singing in front of some shopping malls and some parks. I took a rough look and the income seemed to be not bad. Do you think we can do it? If we can sing, it will definitely be much easier than handing out flyers to make money!"

"As long as we don't take the initiative to expose our identities and just sing for money, the program team should not stop us. But this thing is not suitable for us, and we can't do it now."

Xia Tian was not surprised by Qiu Mengyun's idea. After all, if a little queen of the music industry can't even think of making money by singing, then it's really a There is something wrong with your brain.

"Why? Others can do it, why can't we? You don't think it's embarrassing to show up for this? I tell you, you must not have this kind of thought. We are singers and our job is to sing. As for where to sing, it doesn't matter whether it's at a concert or on the street in the park. We just need to perform each of our works with our heart, and don't care about the opinions of those boring people."

After being rejected by Xia Tian, ​​Qiu Mengyun thought that he was unwilling to go out and sing with her because he was young and couldn't lose face, so he immediately began to preach earnestly.

Xia Tian rolled his eyes at her directly: "When did I say that I didn't do this because I was afraid of being embarrassed to sing on the street?"

"Isn't it?" Qiu Mengyun asked curiously.

"Of course not, the reason why I said this thing is not suitable for us for the time being is because we don't have the conditions to do it." Xia Tian explained.

"Uh! Are you kidding? We are both professional singers, and you actually said that we don't have the conditions to sing on the street? Then tell me, if we don't have the conditions to sing on the street, what kind of people have such conditions and qualifications? What do those people who sing on the street have more than us? How are they better than us?" Qiu Mengyun felt that she was stunned by Xia Tian's answer, and immediately raised a series of questions.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "I didn't say we were not qualified, I just said we didn't have the conditions. As for what you asked me about those young people singing on the street, what do they have more than me? Then I tell you, they have one more guitar and one more piano than us."

"Tell me, how can we sing on the street without any musical instrument? Are we just standing there and howling? Even if our singing skills are good and our a cappella singing is still good, do you think the audience on the street will buy it? Without musical instrument accompaniment, I'm afraid there won't be many people willing to stop and listen."

Listening to Xia Tian talking about the practical problems they faced one by one, Qiu Mengyun realized that she seemed to have overlooked an important issue, that is, a good cook cannot cook without rice. Even if they both have good singing skills, it is almost impossible to sing without musical instrument accompaniment.


She smiled awkwardly: "Ahem! So you are talking about this condition, I overlooked it. Then, let's work hard to make money, and when we save enough money, we will buy a guitar and sing together."

Xia Tian: "No problem, let's talk about it when we save enough money!"

The two walked and talked, but after walking for a while, Xia Tian suddenly found that Qiu Mengyun did not catch up.

He looked back in confusion and found that Qiu Mengyun was standing not far behind him, staring at a restaurant called General Lobster with a look of longing.

Xia Tian walked back and patted Qiu Mengyun on the shoulder and asked: "Let's go, why are you standing here alone?"

Qiu Mengyun did not move, but said very aggrievedly: "I'm hungry and can't walk anymore."

I heard that this woman was standing here and refused to leave because of a bite of food. Xia Tian said with a smile: "You were hungry earlier, I'll take you to eat now."

Qiu Mengyun held Xia Tian's arm and refused to leave. She pointed to the General Lobster Restaurant not far away and said: "I won't leave. Let's eat here, okay? I smelled the food when they served the food to the table outside just now. The lobster here must be delicious."

Hearing Qiu Mengyun's words, Xia Tian nodded immediately and said: "How about this, you wait here for me, I'll pack you a portion of lobster and we'll take it back to eat."

Qiu Mengyun shook her head and said: "No, I want to eat here. Besides, a portion It's not enough for me. If you don't have enough here, you can order it anytime. "

Xia Tian smiled helplessly and said, "Uh! I don't mind if you want to eat lobster, but you can't eat it freely! After we bought daily necessities in the afternoon, we only had a few hundred yuan left. Adding our wages tonight, it's only 600 to 700 yuan in total. I won't talk about how we will live tomorrow without money after this meal. I'm afraid that 600 to 700 yuan is not enough to pay the bill today. "

Qiu Mengyun also said depressedly, "I don't care, I'm hungry, I just want to eat the lobster here. "

After saying that, he squatted on the ground and didn't get up.

Xia Tian was amused by her childish and scoundrel appearance, so he had to coax her patiently: "How about this, let's pack a portion tonight. I won't eat it, so you can eat it yourself and satisfy your craving first. Give me a day, and I promise to bring you here to eat to your heart's content tomorrow."

Qiu Mengyun said suspiciously: "Are you lying to me? We don't have enough money to eat today, but will we have enough tomorrow? How much money can we make by handing out flyers in a day?"

Xia Tian quickly assured: "Don't worry, I never lie, and I keep my word."

Qiu Mengyun was merciless 's reply: "Every time you say you never lie, it means you have already started to lie."

Xia Tian scratched his head awkwardly: "Ahem, this time it's true, I really won't lie to you. I promise you in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room that I will bring you here to eat to your heart's content tomorrow, even if I have to stay and wash dishes for others for a month."

Seeing his sincerity, Qiu Mengyun finally chose to believe him: "Okay, I'll believe you once."

Soon, Xia Tian came out with the packaged lobster. Not only that, there was also a photo of the restaurant owner on his phone.

On the way home, Qiu Mengyun asked in confusion: "Xia Tian, ​​what are you doing with the leaves? And I saw you just ran to the store to buy a knife, what is that for?"

Xia Tian smiled mysteriously: "Hehe, these are the secret weapons that will help you achieve lobster freedom tomorrow."

Qiu Mengyun said disdainfully: "Tsk! You are kidding, how much is a leaf worth? How can it be enough for two of us to have a lobster meal?"

Xia Tian smiled confidently: "Then wait and see tomorrow, I will show you how I use a leaf to exchange for a lobster meal."

"Leaves for lobsters? Are you sure you are serious? Aren't you afraid that you will be kicked out by others? It's so embarrassing." Qiu Mengyun didn't believe Xia Tian's words. After all, it sounds outrageous to exchange leaves for lobsters. How could it succeed?

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