"Hey! You don't want to regret it, do you? I tell you, you promised me before, you can't regret it! After all, you said you never lied to me." Faced with Xia Tian's rare tenderness, Qiu Mengyun was not moved at all, but stared at Xia Tian with a vigilant face and asked.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "How could it be? I always keep my word. I just want to tell you that if you just want to eat lobster, you don't have to work so hard. Even if you rest at home today, I can still let you eat lobster in the evening."

"Humph! I don't care if you have any way, anyway, you just promised me to carry the building together, you can't regret it now." Qiu Mengyun said firmly.

"Okay, since you want to experience the bitterness of life, I will accompany you to experience it as you wish." Xia Tian did not continue to insist on taking her away. In his opinion, Qiu Mengyun was only interested in carrying buildings out of curiosity and fun. Wait a minute, after she carries a few bags, she will naturally give up after experiencing the hardship of carrying buildings.

"Then don't hesitate, let's go quickly, we can make more money if we can carry more bags." Seeing Xia Tian agreed, Qiu Mengyun immediately took his hand and trotted forward.

Under an old residential building.

"You two are not kidding, are you really going to carry buildings with us?" A young man who often does building work questioned Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun, who looked delicate and tender.

Qiu Mengyun nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes! That's right, we really want to do the lifting work with you. Please take one of us with you. Don't worry, we will not cause you any trouble."

The young man looked at Qiu Mengyun and then glanced at Xia Tian, ​​and said with some embarrassment, "Well! To be honest, I'm not stopping you from doing it, nor am I afraid that you will take my job. The main thing is that I don't really believe that you can do this job in your current state."

"Your boyfriend is better. Although he doesn't look strong, he should be able to carry a few less times. But you look so thin and delicate, you really don't look like you can do this job. How about this, you just watch from the side, and I'll take your boyfriend to carry a few times first."

He said this without any intention of looking down on or discriminating against Qiu Mengyun. It was just out of kindness, and he simply didn't want her, a little girl, to do such a hard job.

Qiu Mengyun didn't buy into this kindness.

She said coquettishly: "Huh! Why can he do it, but I can't? Now society has long been equal between men and women, and women can do it for a long time. Are you discriminating against me because I am a girl and looking down on me?"

"No, no, I really don't mean that, you misunderstood." Hearing Qiu Mengyun say that he looked down on her and discriminated against her, the boy waved his hands and explained.

"Okay, you don't have to explain to her. Of course she can see that you don't mean that. She said that on purpose, and her purpose is to make you stop stopping her from carrying the building."

Seeing the boy's anxious explanation, Xia Tian smiled and patted his shoulder, indicating that he was fine.

"Brother, I really mean well. It must be very difficult for you to find such a beautiful girlfriend. I am afraid that your girlfriend will run away after being tired."

"I know you mean well, but my girlfriend is stubborn. Once she decides on something, she will not turn back unless she hits a wall. On the way here, I have persuaded her all the way, but it is no use. How about this, you let us carry it first! Let her feel how hard this job is, and she will know our kindness. When she feels tired, she will stop clamoring to carry the building."

Xia Tian told the other party his thoughts in a negotiating tone.

"Okay, but you have to follow her! Although this job is not dangerous, she is a girl, and I am worried that she will run out of energy and fall halfway. We have to carry it to the sixth floor, and it is still very dangerous if she falls halfway." After listening to Xia Tian's suggestion, the boy did not object, but seriously told Xia Tian to take good care of Qiu Mengyun's safety.

Xia Tian nodded: "Don't worry, my girlfriend will take care of it."

"Oh yeah! Let's start working and earning money. What should we do now? Should we just move these things upstairs?"

Seeing that Xia Tian had discussed it with the other party, Qiu Mengyun immediately couldn't wait to start working.

The boy walked to

At the place where the materials were piled, she half squatted down, grabbed a bag of materials and put it on her shoulders, and then said to Xia Tian: "You can just do what I did, put the things on your shoulders, and then carry them to the sixth floor. If you get tired halfway, just stand by the stairs and take a rest. Don't take the things down, otherwise it will be very troublesome to put them back."

"Understood!" Xia Tian nodded, indicating that he understood.

After the boy left, Qiu Mengyun came to the pile of materials first. She half squatted down like the boy, and then stretched her hands behind her back to grab a bag of materials and put it on her shoulders.

But she was too weak and completely underestimated the weight of a bag of materials. Even though she shook the bag of materials with her hands for a long time, the bag of materials still stayed there steadily, without moving forward at all.

"Huh? What's going on? I saw that person just pulled it casually, and this thing was on his shoulder!"

Qiu Mengyun muttered in confusion.

Xia Tian walked forward, stretched out his hand to help her push, and then put the bag of materials on her back.

"You are too weak. With the strength of your two hands, it is estimated that you can't even open the door. You know, this small bag of materials weighs 60 kilograms. Of course, you can't hold it like this." After putting the things on Qiu Mengyun's shoulders, Xia Tian explained with a smile.

"Such a small bag, is it 60 kilograms?" Qiu Mengyun was still leaning on the pile of materials at this moment, so the weight of the bag of materials did not completely press on her shoulders, and she did not really feel the weight of the bag of materials.

"Whether it is 60 kilograms, you will know if you stand up straight."


Qiu Mengyun nodded obediently, then supported the materials on her shoulders with one hand, and slowly stood up with Xia Tian's arm with the other hand.

"Wow! It's so heavy, is 60 kilograms so heavy? I saw him carrying it away just now, it was quite easy, why is it so heavy on me?" Qiu Mengyun said with some difficulty.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "You look relaxed when others are carrying things. They all make a living by carrying things upstairs. If it weren't for us to demonstrate, they would usually carry two bags directly, so it must be easy for him to carry one bag and leave! How about it, now you know how hard it is to carry things upstairs? I tell you, you are just standing on the flat ground now, and it will be more tiring to carry things up the stairs later. If you regret it now, it's not too late."

"I don't regret it, maybe you will be worse than me later." Qiu Mengyun said stubbornly.

"Haha! I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Xia Tian smiled heartily, then bent his legs and squatted slightly, and casually grabbed the two bags of materials on his shoulders with his hands.

However, Qiu Mengyun did not see this scene, she had already started to carry things and walked slowly forward.

"Xia Tian, ​​are you here? It can't be so long, and you haven't put the things on your shoulders yet? Do you need me to help you?"

When he reached the stairs, Qiu Mengyun stopped and asked.

"I came here a long time ago. If I hadn't followed you, I would have climbed to the third floor by now."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that I was here? If I hadn't been waiting for you, I would have climbed to the fourth floor a long time ago."

Although it was a bit difficult to walk, Qiu Mengyun did not admit defeat.

"Yes, yes, yes! You are right. It's all my fault. I should have reported my situation to you in time. Okay, stop talking. Go upstairs quickly. The longer you keep this thing on you, the heavier it will feel."

Xia Tian did not argue with Qiu Mengyun, but urged him to go upstairs quickly.

Qiu Mengyun also felt that he seemed to be more tired as he spoke.

He stopped talking immediately and began to climb up slowly by holding the stairs.

"Huh? You are quite capable, it seems that I underestimated you."

When the two climbed to the corner of the first floor, they saw that the boy who went upstairs first had returned.

When he saw Xia Tian carrying two bags of materials and still following Qiu Mengyun with a relaxed look on his face, he exclaimed in surprise.

"What are you looking at? He has been left behind by me. Why don't you praise me but praise him instead?"

Qiu Mengyun, who was walking in front and didn't know Xia Tian's situation, said unconvincedly.

The boy didn't argue with Qiu Mengyun, and smiled and said, "Yeah! You are also very good."

After saying that, he didn't stop and continued to go downstairs to carry things.

When the two of them went up to the second floor, the boy had already surpassed them with his things.

"Ahhh! How can he be so fast? If this continues, won't we earn less than handing out flyers?" Seeing the boy carrying two bags of materials and easily surpassing them, Qiu Mengyun complained a little depressed.

"Don't worry, we just can't get used to it at the beginning. Maybe we can improve our speed after we get used to it."

Xia Tian didn't tell Qiu Mengyun anything, but just smiled and comforted her.

"That makes sense. Practice makes perfect. I believe that the two of us together will not carry less than he alone."

Hearing Qiu Mengyun's confident words, Xia Tian couldn't help but complain in his heart: If you sit down and act as a cheerleader, he is indeed confident that he will not lose to the other party. But with you, it's not certain.

After climbing a few more steps, Xia Tian noticed that Qiu Mengyun's breathing seemed to have become heavier. So he quietly took another step closer, then quietly stretched out his left hand and helped Qiu Mengyun hold the bottom of the bag from behind.

With Xia Tian's help, Qiu Mengyun immediately felt that the weight on her shoulders was much lighter, and her steps were much lighter.

Qiu Mengyun, who was only focused on climbing the stairs, didn't know that this was the result of Xia Tian's help. I just simply thought that I had broken the threshold of fatigue just now, and now my body has fully adapted, so I feel so relaxed.

She smiled happily and said, "Hehe! Xia Tian, ​​you are right. It is indeed much easier after adapting."

"Now I feel that carrying the building is not so tiring. It is completely within the acceptable range! I can't believe that I am a talent for carrying buildings."

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