After they agreed to play badly from today, the two of them were obviously more relaxed and ate more happily.

Just when Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun were ready to leave after eating and drinking, they saw two waiters carrying two boxes of beer.

Xia Tian asked in astonishment: "Uh, brother, is this the wine you ordered? We have already finished drinking, why did you order so much again? You don't want me to crawl home, do you?"

The restaurant owner also looked at the two waiters behind him in confusion, then shook his head and said: "No, I'm with you all the time, how can I have time to ask for wine. What's wrong with you two, who asked you to bring the wine?"

The two waiters smiled and said: "Boss, this is sent by guests from other tables, and they said it was for this little brother."

"Well! There's more. After this handsome guy finished singing, many people ordered wine and specifically sent it to this handsome guy. Not only that, there are also many People added dishes to your table, and even many people secretly paid for you. "

The restaurant owner frowned and said, "How can this be possible? Didn't I just tell you? I'm treating Brother Xia Tian to dinner tonight, how can I let other guests pay? It seems that I, the restaurant owner, am very stingy and can't even afford a meal."

"Go and tell those guests who have paid the bill that I treated them to this meal, and ask them not to compete with me. If you want to treat Brother Xia Tian to dinner, wait a week and pay when he comes again."

The restaurant owner was obviously not very happy that someone had taken the lead and paid for their meal. It was a bit too contemptuous to treat people to dinner in your own territory, but in the end you didn't pay for it yourself.

"Boss, I'm afraid this won't work. Many guests just left after paying, and we can't contact them at all." A waiter said with some embarrassment.

Hearing the waiter's words, the restaurant owner also frowned and fell into deep thought.

Another waiter suddenly had an idea and said, "Boss, how about this! You will continue to treat us to dinner tonight, and we will save the money paid by others. When Xia Tian comes to eat again, we will slowly deduct it from the bills paid by other guests."

"Yes, your idea is good, let's do as you say! Go and count how many people have paid and how much they paid in total. And those who sent wine and added dishes to our table should also be recorded. Don't send us wine and dishes anymore. Now everyone is full and satisfied, and it would be a waste to send more." The restaurant owner was very satisfied with the waiter's suggestion and immediately decided to adopt her suggestion.

After the waiter left, the restaurant owner smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Xia, you are really good at giving people surprises. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult for me to invite you to dinner in my own restaurant."

Xia Tian waved his hand and said, "Brother, you are joking. It's just that everyone thinks it's interesting and they all get together."

"No need to say anything else, just remember to come to my place for dinner more often in the future. Anyway, so many customers have saved money for you. If you don't come, you will not only disappoint everyone's kindness, but also waste the money they spent on you." The restaurant owner said with a smile.

Qiu Mengyun nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, didn't you just tell everyone that we will come to your restaurant again with the full version of the song in a week. No matter how busy we are, we will not let you break your promise."

"Brother sister-in-law is open-minded! Sister sister, you are really a beautiful and kind-hearted white moonlight. Brother Xia Tian can find a girlfriend like you. It is really a blessing for him in his previous life." Hearing Qiu Mengyun agree, the restaurant owner offered his praise without hesitation.

"Mengyun, how was your meal? Are you full?" Xia Tian looked at Qiu Mengyun and asked.

Qiu Mengyun nodded.

"Brother, why don't we stop here today? We've eaten enough and drank enough. Thank you for your hospitality here!" Xia Tian looked at the restaurant owner and said goodbye.

"Going back so soon? I was thinking about going to the next show. You sing so well, why don't you go to KTV to show us?" The restaurant owner obviously didn't want to say goodbye to Xia Tian so soon, and wanted to take him to another place to treat him well.

Xia Tian shook his head and politely refused: "Forget about singing. We were busy before coming to eat today.

It's been a long time, I'm a little tired now. Why don't we wait until next time when we are in a better state, and then we can have a party together! "

Hearing Xia Tian say that he was a little tired, the restaurant owner changed his tone and said: "Tired, then how about this, I will take you to wash your feet and massage. It happens that I am a little tired after a busy day, let's go and relax together. "

Xia Tian did not answer immediately, but cast an inquiring look at Qiu Mengyun.

Seeing Xia Tian looking at her, Qiu Mengyun did not answer directly, but blinked at him.

Xia Tian understood and continued to decline: "I'm really sorry, my girlfriend must go to bed before 12 o'clock every night. Otherwise, she will have insomnia and can't sleep all night. "

Hearing Xia Tian's words, Qiu Mengyun's eyes flashed with surprise, but she said nothing.

"Is that so? I really didn't think it through. It's really a little late at this time today. Then you should drive slowly on the road, and send me a message to report your safety when you get home. "The restaurant owner also noticed that Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun looked a little tired, so he stopped trying to persuade them.

"Okay, I'll send you a message on WeChat when I get home."

After saying goodbye to the restaurant owner, Xia Tian took Qiu Mengyun to the roadside and stopped a taxi to leave together.

After getting in the car, Qiu Mengyun immediately asked, "The boss just asked us to go for a foot massage, why did you refuse? I'm so tired after carrying the building all day, isn't it just right to wash my feet and relax?"

Xia Tian said innocently, "Didn't you ask me to refuse? I asked you what you meant, and you kept blinking at me, didn't you want me to refuse?"

Qiu Mengyun said unhappily, "What kind of understanding ability do you have? I asked you to agree, but who knew you refused without even thinking about it. I was thinking about doing a SPA by the way, but now there's nothing."

Xia Tian said depressedly, "You can't blame me for this. If you want me to agree, you should nod at me! You said you didn't nod or shake your head, but just winked at me, I must have thought you wanted to refuse. "

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Today's plan was to come here to eat lobster. Now that we have eaten lobster, there is nothing to regret. Anyway, you can carve photos with leaves, and if I really want to go to the foot bath next time, I will ask you to carve a photo of the boss lady with leaves. Let's take the leaves to exchange. "

Qiu Mengyun didn't take this matter to heart and soon thought it through.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "No wonder you want to give up so much, it turns out that you have made up your mind to catch me as a coolie, right?"

"It's not my fault. Who told me that I don't have as many talents as you. If I had your skills, I would definitely take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks early. "Qiu Mengyun coaxed Xia Tian with a smile.

After returning to the community, Qiu Mengyun scanned the fare to the driver, and the two got off the car together.

"Hey, the boss who just had dinner with me seems to have transferred 8,800 yuan to me." Xia Tian, ​​who was lighting his phone, saw an unread message on WeChat on his phone, so he clicked it and took a look. Unexpectedly, it was a transfer from the restaurant owner to him.

"What is he transferring money to us? Did he recognize our identities? But it shouldn't be like that. Didn't we all put on makeup before going out? He shouldn't recognize us so quickly, right? "Qiu Mengyun was also very confused when she heard Xia Tian say that the restaurant owner transferred more than 8,000 yuan to them.

If it was just a red envelope of a few dozen yuan, they could understand it, perhaps the other party was generous enough to pay for their car fare.

But this red envelope of 8,800 yuan was not a small amount. If they didn't know why the money was transferred, they didn't dare to spend it.

After pondering for a moment, Xia Tian finally said, "Why don't we not take the money, just pretend we didn't see it, and let it automatically return after 24 hours."

Qiu Mengyun shook her head and said, "You definitely can't do this, then we still don't know why he transferred money to us. If you don't know the reason, he may continue to transfer money to you later. This time it's WeChat, you can still wait for the money to return by itself, but what if he transfers it directly to your Alipay through your mobile phone number next time? That is real-time arrival, if he insists on transferring it to you, what can you do?"

"Then what do you say we should do? "Xia Tian directly threw the question to Qiu Mengyun.

"It's simple, just call and ask. When we parted just now, didn't he ask us to report back to him when we got home? You can use the excuse of reporting back to him to ask why he transferred the money. Only when we figure out the matter can we know how to deal with it." Qiu Mengyun analyzed clearly.

Xia Tian nodded, expressing his approval

Agree with her point of view.

Then he picked up the phone and made a voice call to the friend named Qin Fen.

"Hello, Brother Xia, are you home?" After the call was connected, Qin Fen's warm and friendly voice came from the phone immediately.

Xia Tian also responded with a smile: "Yes, Mengyun and I have returned to the community. It's not because I'm afraid that you, Brother Qin, will worry, so I immediately called you back to report that I'm safe."

"Haha! Okay, I get it, as long as you get home safely." Hearing Xia Tian's words that valued him so much, Qin Fen was also very happy.

Xia Tian continued, "Brother Qin, I actually have one more thing to ask you this time. What happened to the 8,800 yuan you just transferred to me on WeChat?"

"Did you forget to switch the chat window when you transferred money to someone else just now, so you mistakenly transferred it to me?"

"Hahaha! I knew that you would not call me just to report your safety. Now it seems that you are right. You really came for the 8,800 yuan." Qin Fen seemed to have expected Xia Tian to ask about the 8,800 yuan. He was not surprised or surprised at all.

"Brother Xia Tian, ​​this money was not transferred to the wrong place. It was for you. I know you may not understand why I transferred money to you. In fact, this is not my money, but the money of those diners tonight."

Hearing that it was the money of those diners, Xia Tian frowned even more tightly.

If it was just Qin Fen's money, then things would be simpler. He could just not take it or return it to him after taking it.

But if it was the diners' money, things would be troublesome. He couldn't remember so many people and didn't know who gave the money. As a result, even if he wanted to return the money, he didn't know who to return it to.

"Brother Qin, you should know that I'm not a professional singer. So I can't accept the tips from those guests. Otherwise, you can think of a way to return them." Xia Tian said with a wry smile.

Qin Fen shook his head decisively and refused: "I can't find so many people. If you want to return it, just come and return it yourself."

"Besides, these are not tips from others. It's just the money that those guests gave you wine, added dishes for you, and paid for you when you sang today."

"I thought that since you don't charge for eating here, there's no point in keeping this money, so I might as well transfer it directly to you."

Xia Tian said with some resistance: "No, it's better to keep this money with you. In this way, when they come to eat in the future, you can use this money to help them get rid of the bill or add dishes for them. It's better than giving it directly. I'm strong!"

Qin Fen persuaded him, "Xia Tian, ​​just listen to me and take the money! Actually, I'm giving you this money for another reason, which is to remind you not to forget our agreement in a week."

"When you come to my restaurant to eat again, you must bring the complete version of the song. It will cost money to find someone to make the accompaniment, right? Just think of this money as the money raised by everyone to help you record the accompaniment of the song. If you feel bad, just be on time and don't let everyone down."

It has to be said that Qin Fen's statement is very convincing. Xia Tian, ​​who had been trying to refuse before, finally nodded and agreed after listening to his words.

"Okay, then this money will be used as crowdfunding for everyone to listen to songs."

Hearing Xia Tian agree, Qin Fen continued: "I don't know much about music production, and I don't know if this 8,800 yuan is enough. If the money is not enough, you must tell me! You will come to my store to sing at that time, no matter what, as the owner of the venue, I must express my gratitude. If the money is not enough, I will cover the rest."

"It's fine to let you come here to sing for free, but I can't let you pay for it yourself!"

Xia Tian did not refuse: "Okay, if the money is not enough, I will definitely call you, the big sponsor."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Tian looked at Qiu Mengyun who had been waiting beside him and said: "Let's go, figure it out. This money is transferred to us for the production of song accompaniment. I have already received it, so don't worry about it."

Qiu Mengyun laughed heartlessly: "Haha! Xia Tian, ​​do you think you are the poorest singer in the entertainment industry? Even the accompaniment of the new song has to be crowdfunded by fans."

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