The old man was very happy.

"Alas! Brother Liu, you don't have to envy me. You should have heard this saying: God closes a door for you and opens a window for you."

"Actually, I am the same. You may think that I have a great talent for cooking and it seems very enviable. However, you don't know what I have lost, and you don't know how much I have endured behind the scenes that I shouldn't have to endure at my age."

Seeing that Liu Zhenxing was deeply shocked, Xia Tian comforted him with a few words.

Hearing him say this, Liu Zhenxing became interested: "Oh? Is there anything that Brother Xia can't tell you? If so, you might as well tell us, maybe we can help."

Although he said caring words, Liu Zhenxing's excited tone and expectant expression had already betrayed his desire to eat melons.

Even Qiu Mengyun and He Yunting looked at Xia Tian with curiosity.

In their cognition, Xia Tian has always been the talented singer. If there is any difference, it is that today they have seen his top talent in cooking.

But whether it is Qiu Mengyun, who has been in contact with Xia Tian for the longest time, or He Yunting, who has just known Xia Tian for a short time, they did not find any obvious shortcomings or disadvantages in Xia Tian.

But from Xia Tian's tone, it seems that his life is not smooth sailing, and he seems to have encountered many hardships that ordinary people can't imagine, which can't help but make their gossip hearts burn.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him expectantly, Xia Tian put down the duck he had just deboned and sighed.

"Alas! This matter has actually troubled me for many years. I was not going to tell anyone. But since we are talking about this today, and you all care about me so much, I will make an exception and tell you!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Don't worry, Xia Tian, ​​we will definitely keep it a secret for you."

"Yes, yes, yes! No matter what it is, we promise that our attitude towards you will not change in the future. We will never have bad thoughts about you because of some bad things you did."

"Brother Xia, you didn't give up becoming a chef because of this, did you? Tell me quickly, as long as I can, I will definitely find a way to help you, and I can't let you, the foreign star in the culinary world, be buried."

Hearing Xia Tian say this, the curiosity of several people increased a little. They urged Xia Tian to tell it quickly, and promised to keep it a secret for him and not cast strange eyes on him for anything.

"Ahem! I'm really a little embarrassed to talk about this, mainly because it's a little embarrassing to talk about it."

Xia Tian didn't speak immediately, but shyly began to shy away.

Seeing him like this, everyone was more certain that this must be a big news.

Otherwise, with Xia Tian's shameless temper, how could he be embarrassed? Something that makes him feel embarrassed, how could it be a small matter?

At this moment, not only did Xia Tian successfully whet the appetite of several people on the scene, but even the fans in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears to listen.

: Brothers, hurry up and call people, Xia Tian is about to expose his black material, everyone must not miss it!

: Don't worry! I've been prepared for a long time, and now I have all the recordings and videos turned on. As long as Xia Tian opens his mouth, I will make this black material become his nightmare for the rest of his life.

: 666, the brother upstairs is still professional, I will turn on the screen recording.

: Cut, what's yours, I even have a backup generator ready here. Even if the world ends, it can't stop me from eating melons.

: Hahaha! Brothers, awesome! After watching Xia Tian brag for so long, I finally waited for him to have a brain cramp and expose his black material. This time I must record it and enjoy it slowly in the future.

: Uh! Are you too optimistic? Doesn't anyone think that something is wrong with this matter? With Xia Tian's temperament, how could he be fooled so easily and take the initiative to expose his black material?

: Damn! Are you poisonous? I was in a good mood, but after hearing what you said, I began to feel uneasy. I always felt that Xia Tian had some conspiracy waiting for everyone.

: Get out! You two are killing fun. If you don't want to watch the fun, leave on your own. Don't stay here and ruin everyone's mood.


Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was arguing endlessly, Xia Tian finally spoke slowly.

"Do you know how good I am at cooking?

So good, but never considered being a chef? "

Several people at the scene all shook their heads blankly.

"You know, I'm obviously very good at writing songs and singing. But before I met Mengyun, not only did no one know that I could write songs, but no one even knew that I could sing?"

Everyone still shook their heads blankly.

Xia Tian sighed: "Alas, this is actually related to the environment I grew up in. Some experiences in my early years have left me with an indelible psychological shadow. This is why I don't want to tell others anything, nor do I want to show it in front of everyone."

"What's the matter? Is it school bullying?"

"Did you lose your enthusiasm for these hobbies because of the excessive pressure of studying when you were studying in your early years?"

"What is it? Tell us quickly, we are all so anxious."

Listening to the speculation and urging of several people, Xia Tian smiled slightly: "This is a long story, dating back to my middle school years. ”

“I have been an excellent student since I was young, so I have always been in the top three in my grade. I am also very popular with teachers and students in school. I always think that this is because I study well. I have earned everyone's respect and love through my hard work. ”

“This has always been the biggest motivation for me to continue to work hard and move forward, and it also makes me believe that as long as a person works hard enough, he will definitely get a good result. ”

“But by chance, I heard a conversation between two female classmates. The content of their conversation overturned all my previous cognition and collapsed my worldview. ”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene involuntarily slowed down their breathing. Even Master Li, who was cooking, stopped his actions and looked at Xia Tian with curiosity.

Because anyone who has heard the story knows that things are about to be reversed and the story is about to usher in the climax.

“At that time, the school beauty of our school was questioning the study committee member of our class. She asked: You are so good at studying, why do you come to Xia Tian for tutoring every day? I think that with your grades, you don't need to take extra classes at all. Why don't you give me the time? "

"Originally, I thought that the girl in our class would answer: learning never ends. But who knows, her answer is: Tsk! Who wants to compete with you for extra class time? If it weren't for Xia Tian being handsome, do you think I would be willing to stay with a poor student like you every day? And how dare you say that to me? Don't think I don't know why you come to Xia Tian for extra classes every day. You don't want to improve your grades. You just cling to him because he's handsome! "

"The school beauty who had been working hard in my eyes collapsed the next moment. She said: Yes, I just went to Xia Tian for extra classes because he's handsome. What's wrong? There are many good students in the school, otherwise why should I go to him? Don't think that you have more advantages than me just because you study better than me. After all, boys still like beautiful girls, and only I can match him. ”

Everyone could tell something was wrong as they looked at each other.

Xia Tian seemed not to notice their changes and continued to talk.

“This incident was a big blow to me at the time. I didn’t expect that the people around me were completely different from what I knew, and even the world was starting to be a little different.”

“I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t give up in the end. I asked many girls what impressed them most about me. As a result, something even more painful happened. All the girls I asked had the same answer, which was: handsome.

“Even later, when I asked male classmates, they would add the word handsome on the premise of good study.”

“It was this incident that made me realize a cruel fact. That is, no matter how hard I try, no matter how well I study or how outstanding my other talents are, I will always have only one label in the eyes of outsiders. That is: handsome!”

“Can you understand how desperate I was at that time? Can you feel the injustice and anger? "

"Why? Why do they only remember my handsome face even though I studied so hard and won so many first places in the grade, and completely ignored the sweat and hard work behind my excellent grades? Why do I have such a high talent for cooking, but every time after making delicious dishes, their first comment is always that this chef is so handsome. Why do I have outstanding talent in music, but everyone still pays attention to my face first. "

"It is because I realized that no matter how hard I try, I can't

Because while God gave me these talents, he also put an unsolvable shackle on me, that is, this handsome face. Alas, being handsome is my biggest fault! "

"So, Master Liu, you can feel my pain now, right? I wonder if you have any good ideas to help me solve my problems? "

After saying that, Xia Tian looked at Liu Zhenxing seriously and asked for advice.

Hearing Xia Tian's question, Liu Zhenxing's face instantly turned the color of liver.

What? What is this? What does being handsome mean?

Listen, is this what people say?

This kid has amazing cooking talent, and now I am eagerly waiting for him to analyze his troubles, but he tells me that being handsome is his biggest trouble. This is simply shrimp and pig heart.

If there were not many people around watching, Liu Zhenxing would have wanted to pick up the spoon next to him and hit Xia Tian on the face. Not only did he solve his troubles, but he also helped himself to vent his anger.

However, this kind of thing can only be thought about in the heart. He responded with an ugly expression: "Normal mind, normal mind. Huh! Take a deep breath, tell yourself that the world is beautiful, don't care about what others say, don't be angry, don't punish yourself for others' mistakes. "

After saying this, regardless of whether Xia Tian listened or not, Liu Zhenxing closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Seeing this scene, all the fans in the live broadcast room were so happy.

: Hahaha! I knew that Xia Tian would not be so stupid and so easy to manipulate.

: Where is the person who just clamored to record the screen? Humph! Now you know how far-sighted I am, brother. I have long said that Xia Tian never plays by the rules.

: Damn, Xia Tian is such a jerk. I have been waiting for a long time. I came to listen to your tragic past or your black material in life, So you just told me this?

:Fuck, Xia Tian is such a bad guy. He is just being Versailles. He is just a little handsome. What's the big deal? When I was young, I was also at the level of Wu Yanzu in Northeast China.

:Ahem, Xia Tian is such a mean guy. He was the first one to comfort Chef Liu. But in the end, he made Chef even more sad.

:The meanest thing is that after doing something bad, he even asked Chef Liu if there was any way to help him solve his problems. This is so heartbreaking.

: Alas! Poor Chef Liu, listen to the last few words he said to Xia Tian. It didn't sound like he was trying to enlighten Xia Tian, ​​but rather like he was comforting himself.

After He Yunting and Xie Jinglong looked at each other, they secretly agreed not to provoke Xia Tian anymore, as this guy's tactics were too wild.

Who would have thought that he would talk for so long and go around in such a big circle, and in the end he was actually talking about this.

Without the interruptions of the crowd, Xia Tian began to concentrate on cooking again.

It was just a pity for Master Li on the opposite side, who took several sets of deep breaths before he could adjust himself again. The mood returned to cooking.

It didn't take long for both of them to finish their dishes.

The duck in front of Master Li looked like the Imperial Capital Roast Duck, which was placed on the plate in slices.

Xia Tian's dish was a whole duck on the plate. What was a little peculiar was that a rope was tied in the middle of the duck, making the whole duck look like a gourd.

After seeing the other party's dish, Xia Tian smiled and praised: "Master Li is amazing. If I'm not mistaken, the dish you made should be the camphor tea duck that is as famous as the Imperial Capital Roast Duck! This is a classic dish in Sichuan cuisine. I didn't expect to see such authentic traditional Sichuan cuisine here."

Master Li didn't dare to be arrogant, and responded with a smile: "My skills are nothing. The dish made by our Chef Liu is the real peak."

Xia Tian nodded: "Now that you mention it, I am quite looking forward to seeing Chef Liu's skills. "

Liu Zhenxing, who had just been fooled by Xia Tian, ​​did not have the time to exchange pleasantries with them at this moment, and said directly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, since this is a PK, let's see who is the winner in terms of taste!"

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