The police were very busy, but the police were very busy.

Qiu Mengyun took the alarm video sent on her mobile phone very seriously, and immediately called the property management to ask how the errand boy got into the community.

She didn't care about the money for a camera, but she was worried that the other party might be a crazy fan.

If such a person knew where she lived, the consequences would be quite serious.

Such people are fans in name, but they are actually more terrible than black fans.

Black fans would at most curse at her on the Internet, but such people could do anything.

This time, he secretly knocked off the camera in his house while she was not at home. Who knows what he would do next time he came.

Maybe he knocked off the camera this time to pave the way for the next action.

After just a moment, the property management gave a reply: "Miss Qiu, the errand boy who just entered was called by Mr. Xia Tian. The reason why he was able to enter the community was because Mr. Xia Xia specifically called our security guards to inform him."

"What's wrong, Miss Qiu, did the errand boy do something in the community just now? He hasn't come out yet. If he has done something illegal like theft, we will catch him now."

Qiu Mengyun quickly denied: "It's okay, I just saw a stranger at the door of my house through the surveillance, so I called to ask."

Since this errand boy was called by Xia Tian, ​​her previous worries no longer exist.

As for the guy knocking off his own camera, although she has not figured out whether it was his personal behavior or Xia Tian's instruction.

But she can slowly check these, there is no need to let the security guard stop him, otherwise if they really ask something, it will not be good for Xia Tian's reputation.

"I want to see today if this matter has anything to do with Xia Tian."

Then she clicked to view the historical video and began to view the surveillance footage 30 minutes before the incident through the video footage saved in the cloud.

Poor Xia Tian, ​​he thought he had handled it perfectly and had successfully resolved the crisis.

I wonder what his expression would be if he knew that the surveillance video of Qiu Mengyun's house was backed up in real time in the cloud.

Qiu Mengyun fast-forwarded all the way until the figure of the errand boy appeared in the video, and then he resumed normal playback.

After seeing the errand boy come to the floor where his house was located, he did not directly destroy the surveillance camera, but stood at the door of his house and knocked politely.

Qiu Mengyun had already guessed in her heart that this person must not know that this was her house, and even did not know whether there was anyone at home.

After Qiu Mengyun finished watching all the surveillance footage, her doubts deepened.

Through the conversation between the errand boy and Xia Tian in the surveillance footage, she could hear that the reason why the errand boy knocked off the surveillance footage of her house was entirely instructed by Xia Tian.

This guy even made up a story of a loving father and a filial son in order to get others to help him.

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't figure out why Xia Tian specifically asked someone to knock down the surveillance camera in her house.

Did he think that the camera clearly captured the entrances of the two houses and violated his privacy?

Based on her own understanding of Xia Tian, ​​he is not a stingy person and he shouldn't go to such great lengths for such a small matter.

Prank? Not really, most pranks are meant to trick people.

But knocking down the camera doesn't seem to achieve the effect of a prank.

Especially now that both of them are participating in programs in other places, there is no point in doing such a thing at home.

Could it be that she accidentally offended that guy these two days, and he didn't dare to get angry in front of him, so he secretly asked someone to secretly knock down the surveillance camera in his house to vent his anger?

But this doesn't make sense. She has been staying at Yuanzun Hotel with Xia Tian these days.

Except for eating and sleeping, Xia Tian spent most of his time instructing Chef Liu and the others on their cooking skills, so the two of them had no time to have conflicts.

As for kicking Xia Tian to the ground that night, Xia Tian must have been unaware of it, otherwise he would have jumped up with her on the spot with his personality.

After thinking for a long time, Qiu Mengyun still had no clue. She was too lazy to guess blindly, so she got up and opened the door to Xia Tian's room.

She didn't even knock on the door, and was ready to push the door open.

As a result, when she put her hand on the door handle, she found that Xia Tian had locked the door.

Damn, what does this guy mean? He even locked the door for a nap.

The door of the room was locked?

Is he worried about me, and worried that I would sneak in and take advantage of him while he was sleeping?

This is too much, this is not trusting my character!

Let alone the two of them are in different rooms, even if he sleeps next to her, she will not...

Well, when he sleeps next to her, it seems that it is nothing for me to touch him twice out of curiosity.

"Knock, knock!"

In desperation, Qiu Mengyun had to knock on the door honestly.

Xia Tian, ​​who thought he had everything figured out, was lying on the bed happily watching Odebiao pull bananas.

After hearing the knock on the door, he was not nervous at all, just thinking it was a normal thing.

"Didn't I tell you to go back to your room to rest, why did you come and knock on the door so quickly? You can't tell me that you have already slept and woke up, and let me take you out shopping now?" Xia Tian smiled and teased.

Qiu Mengyun did not answer his question, but said with a look of disgust: "What do you mean? You locked the door during a nap. Do you think I will take the opportunity to do something to you?"

Xia Tian also knew that it was a bit strange for a grown man to lock the door during a nap.

He quickly explained: "Haha, don't get me wrong! I just wanted to change clothes and was afraid that you would come in suddenly and we would both be embarrassed, so I locked the door."

"I don't mean to guard against you at all. I still recognize and believe in your character."

"Humph! It's best not to guard against you. If there is any defense, it should be me who guards against you." After listening to Xia Tian's explanation, Qiu Mengyun felt much more comfortable.

Xia Tian did not continue to dwell on this topic, and asked directly: "Mengyun, what is the matter that you came to see me now? Could it be that I guessed it right, you can't wait to go shopping now?"

Qiu Mengyun shook her head: "No, it has nothing to do with shopping."

"It's like this, the house near my company is the one opposite you. The camera at the door of the house was knocked off, and I wanted to come and ask you if you know what happened?"

"Ah? How did you know so quickly?"

"Oh, that's not right. I actually want to ask, we have been recording the program here. How did you know about this matter thousands of miles away?"

Realizing that there was something wrong with his first question, he quickly added another sentence.

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