The movie starts with an ordinary campus scene, nothing surprising.

But as the plot progresses, the heroine drinks too much at the graduation party. When the hero sends her home, he can't help but secretly touch the heroine's thigh.

Seeing this plot, Xia Tian instantly recalled what he did when Qiu Mengyun drank too much at his house.

Even though he was thick-skinned enough, he still lowered his head in guilt when he saw the scene in the movie reappear.

Qiu Mengyun, who had just watched the surveillance video in the afternoon, was no less familiar with this scene than Xia Tian.

Seeing that what happened to her actually appeared in the movie she watched, her mood was indescribably complicated.

She picked up the drink at hand and took the opportunity to take a look at Xia Tian who was sitting next to her.

When she saw that Xia Tian was more guilty than herself, she lowered her head and studied his shoes.

Qiu Mengyun, who was originally a little nervous and embarrassed, saw that Xia Tian seemed to be more guilty than herself, and her mood immediately relaxed.

Yes! He did it, what does it have to do with me.

Even if there is worry and fear, it is Xia Tian's business, what does it have to do with me.

Besides, Xia Tian, ​​this funny guy, probably thought that he had someone knocked off the surveillance, even if it was a foolish destruction of evidence.

I guess at this moment, he didn't know that he already knew the truth.

Thinking of this, Qiu Mengyun couldn't help but want to tease Xia Tian.

He turned his head and pulled Xia Tian's sleeve.

When Xia Tian looked up, she asked casually, "Xia Tian, ​​do you think this male lead is annoying and low-class?"

Xia Tian pretended to be ignorant and said, "Ah? What's wrong? Did he do something? Sorry, I was distracted just now and didn't see what happened."

Qiu Mengyun naturally knew that this guy was lying, but she was too lazy to expose him, because that would be no fun.

She patiently explained to Xia Tian: "It's like this, the plot just now is that the hero and heroine drank too much at a classmate party. When the hero was sending the heroine home, he took advantage of the drunken heroine to secretly touch her."

"What do you think of such a man? Do you think he is a scumbag and a lowly person like me?"

Xia Tian replied awkwardly: "Uh! This is not necessarily the case. I think this kind of thing still depends on the specific situation."

"It is obvious now that the hero and heroine have a good impression of each other, and they must be in love. If they become a couple later, then this matter will not be a big deal."

Qiu Mengyun retorted: "That's hard to say. Youth films are the best at playing the plot of love that cannot be obtained and regrets of missing."

"Look at this hero. He obviously likes the heroine very much, but he just doesn't confess to her. If he doesn't dare to confess, it would be fine if he has always liked her in his heart, but he secretly Touching someone, such behavior is not a scumbag. "

Xia Tian said weakly: "This matter, in fact, can not be counted like this. Now we are all looking at this matter as a bystander, all our thoughts and opinions only represent ourselves. "

"The most important thing about this matter is to see how the heroine looks at this matter. Her inner view and evaluation of the hero are the most fair. "

Hearing Xia Tian's answer, Qiu Mengyun looked at him with interest: "In this case, why don't we substitute it. If you are the hero in the movie now, and I am the girl in the movie. Now you secretly touch me while I am drunk, do you think you have done something wrong, and will you be responsible for your behavior? "

"No, no, no, I didn't, I'm not that kind of person. "Qiu Mengyun's words made Xia Tian feel a sense of crisis for no reason, and he directly denied three times.

Although he has good acting skills, he is very resistant to this kind of thing, as if he is a rare gentleman.

But all this, in the eyes of Qiu Mengyun who knew his cards, was just a cover-up.

She did not argue with Xia Tian, ​​but continued to guide: "I didn't say you were such a person, we are not discussing the correctness of this behavior."

"If you did this to me, how would you deal with it after you did it? Would you feel that you were wrong in your heart, and what kind of explanation would you give me? Would you continue to pretend to be confused by relying on my ignorance, or would you take the initiative to confess and then confess to me?"

Xia Tian thought for a moment, and then slowly said: "I still use the male and female protagonists to

Just call each other names. It always feels awkward to say it directly. "

Qiu Mengyun didn't care about these details. She nodded and agreed: "Okay, you can call me whatever you want, as long as your answer is the true answer in your heart after putting yourself into the role."

Xia Tian: "I think it depends on the situation. If the relationship between the two is already very good. Both of them can clearly feel the friendship of the other party, then this matter must be made clear and become a breakthrough in changing their relationship."

"But if the relationship between the two is not so strong, and they are still in the stage of having a vague affection for each other, then it may be more appropriate to conceal it for the time being."

"Why?" Qiu Mengyun asked curiously.

Xia Tian explained: "It's like this. If neither of them has made clear their feelings, but they have a good impression of each other. That means that the two are getting along very happily now and are still in the stage of improving their relationship."

"At this time, if this matter is said, it will undoubtedly destroy the sense of ease when the two are together. Whether the male protagonist feels guilty or the female protagonist has a grudge, this budding relationship will die prematurely. "

"In fact, many times, attracting two people to get close and determining whether they can be together is not the external factors such as the other person's figure, appearance, family background, and work, but the feeling when the two people are together. "

"If you feel relaxed and happy when you are with each other, and you can't help but want to stay for a while, then it is probably that you are attracted to each other. In this case, the two people will most likely become lovers. "

After listening to Xia Tian's explanation, Qiu Mengyun's smile never stopped, and it was obvious that she was very satisfied with Xia Tian's answer.

"Well, it's well said, at least it makes sense in my opinion. "

"But I still have a question. Since it is confirmed that they are the right person, why are there so many unhappy marriages in this world? "

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