"Hmph! I just like to watch it, what's your business?"

Although Xia Tian thought what he said made sense, Qiu Mengyun was still very angry about being speechless.

Xia Tian looked Qiu Mengyun up and down, and then acted as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Oh! I finally understand, that's what's going on!"

Looking at the malicious smile on Xia Tian's face, Qiu Mengyun asked cautiously: "Now you understand what it is, what are you talking about?"

Xia Tian laughed: "Hehe! There was something I couldn't figure out before, and after what happened just now, I feel like I understand it now."

Qiu Mengyun: "What's it?"

Xia Tian: "I always heard people say that big breasts mean no brains, but I don't think you're that kind of brainless woman."

"But many times, the IQ you show is completely inconsistent with your size. Match. Now I know that your brain is damaged by watching this kind of brainless domineering drama! "

Qiu Mengyun rolled her eyes: "Don't slander me here, my IQ is very high."

Xia Tian agreed: "Yes, yes, yes! You are very smart."

"No! What do you mean by what you said just now? What do you mean that I don't look like a brainless woman?"

"Are you implying me? You are so good, Xia Tian, ​​you dare to mock me for having small breasts, I will beat you to death."

Qiu Mengyun, who came to her senses, was immediately broken, waving her little fist and violently attacking Xia Tian.

Just now, when she thought Xia Tian said that she had a low IQ, she just rolled her eyes and refuted him.

Now that she knew that Xia Tian said that she had small breasts, she directly started to fight.

Obviously, compared to not being smart enough, saying that she had small breasts was even more unacceptable to him.

Xia Tian laughed as he ran: "It's useless to hit me, this is the truth. How big is your heart, don't you know it in your heart?"

Hearing him say this, Qiu Mengyun's fists were obviously more powerful.

"I told you to talk nonsense, I told you to spread rumors about me."

After fighting for a while, Qiu Mengyun might be tired, so she stopped and took a rest.

Even so, she was still upset about Xia Tian's remarks just now.

She hooked her hand around Xia Tian's neck, pulled his head in front of her, and then proudly raised her chest: "Open your dog eyes and take a good look, where am I small?"

The big white rabbit on Qiu Mengyun's chest rose and fell with his violent breathing.

This scene made Xia Tian's mouth dry for a while, although he wanted to sneak attack to try his hand.

But when he thought of the live camera behind him, he had to give up helplessly.

In order to relieve the heat from his body, Xia Tian used great willpower to force himself to look away.

"I'm sorry, I'll apologize to you, okay? You're right, I misjudged you, you're not a kid at all."

Seeing Xia Tian give in, Qiu Mengyun let him go with satisfaction.

"Hehe! You're smart, let's see if you dare to spread rumors about me again."

The fans in the live broadcast room were already stunned by the scene in front of them.

: Damn, what's going on, can I watch this without paying?

: Keep going, don't stop! Is there anything else that I, a distinguished VIP user, can't watch?

: Fuck, what do you mean, you look down on me, right? I don't need your few cents of traffic fee, you guys keep playing!

: Xia Tian, ​​this dog, why are you giving in? If he keeps going, he'll say a few more provocative words, maybe Qiu Mengyun will open her collar to show it in public. It's just a pity.

: Cut! What are you thinking about, kid? You don't care if she's not your girlfriend. Xia Tian is not a fool, how could she do such a stupid thing?

: The brother above is wrong, how can this be called stupid? This is clearly for the benefit of the brothers.

: Haha! A bunch of guys with horny brains, I see that you all have watched the domineering CEO dramas and your brains are damaged.

: Alas! Their love is so subtle, there is not even a kissing scene every day. After the show is turned off, I must find a domineering CEO who falls in love with me who is in menopause to make up for it.


Maybe he was tired from chasing, or maybe he slept in the hotel for two consecutive days, and finally returned home with peace of mind.

That night, Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun slept very sweetly.

The next day.

"Xia Tian, ​​let's

Where are we going to play today?"

"Come on, I see there's an arcade nearby, I'll take you there to play video games."

Day 3.

"Xia Tian, ​​where are we going to play today?"

"You want to play the escape room, I'll take you there today."

Day 4.

"Xia Tian, ​​do you have any plans for today?"

"How about script killing?"

Day 5.

"Xia Tian, ​​what are we going to do today? How about going to the amusement park?"

"No problem, but don't play too late. Don't forget, we promised the owner of the General Lobster Restaurant that we would go to drink with him today. "


A month passed quickly, and Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun were just like going on vacation every day, traveling and tasting delicious food everywhere.

Looking at the other two groups of guests, Xie Jinglong and He Yunting, they were just like ordinary white-collar couples.

They went to get off work on time every day and lived a nine-to-five life.

As for Fang Wenxuan and Chen Qingqing, their lives were more miserable.

They started to work as soon as they opened their eyes every day, and they could not go home to rest until ten o'clock in the evening.

It can be said that their lives were better than many ordinary working people. People have to suffer more.

Both the program team and the audience are very happy to see this result.

The three pairs of guests can be said to perfectly show the current situation of couples and married couples in all walks of life in society.

It must be said that Fang Wenxuan and Chen Qingqing are really lucky.

At the beginning, their live broadcast room was the least popular.

Except for a few true fans, most of the audience inside were watching the fun and mocking.

But since the two started their journey of working to pay off their debts at Yuanzun Hotel, the popularity of their live broadcast room has actually It's getting higher day by day.

Although there is still a big gap in popularity between Xia Tianqiumengyun's live broadcast room, it has caught up with Xie Jinglong and He Yunting's live broadcast room.

It's not that their behavior of working to pay off debts is so inspiring that everyone admires them.

But their live broadcast room is really stress-relieving. No matter what time, you can basically see Fang Wenxuan busy in the kitchen as long as you open the live broadcast room.

Sometimes he kills chickens, sometimes he kills fish. Anyway, he is so busy that he doesn't have time to rest and is ordered around like a donkey.

Such a scene can make many people who have worked hard for a long time feel relieved. God, or the workers who work overtime feel great satisfaction after watching it.

Fortunately, I am not him.

Although my current job is annoying, it is still much better than Fang Wenxuan.

No matter how hard overtime is, can it be as hard as Fang Wenxuan?

No matter how much bullshit the boss has, it is better than Fang Wenxuan being yelled at every day in the hotel.

It is precisely by watching Fang Wenxuan suffer that the mentality of many workers in the workplace is supported, making them more resilient.

In the program director's studio.

"Director, it's been a month, and the first phase should be over according to the original plan. But now the traffic of the three live broadcast rooms is good, and the ratings of our program are also good. Do you want to discuss with the guests to extend the time?"

"No, just follow the plan. The reason why the program can have such high traffic and popularity now is not due to our planning and publicity. It is entirely due to the novel performance of Xia Tian, ​​the boy, which brought topics and popularity. ”

“So, Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun are the key to traffic and ratings. As for what they are doing and what stage the program is in, the audience doesn’t care about these things at all.”

“Besides, they have been recording for a month. If they are not allowed to rest, their condition will continue to decline. The audience will get tired of watching the same thing all the time. It is taking advantage of the gap in the middle to let the guests and the audience take a break, so that when the show starts next month, it can maintain or even break the current high traffic. ”

“Okay, I understand. I will arrange for the staff to notify them that the first stage is over.”

Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun are the first group of guests to be notified.

Because normally, the program team will notify them that the first stage is officially over only after they get off work.

It’s just that Xia Tian’s situation is special. Their daily work is to go out to eat, drink and have fun.

Fortunately, the staff of the program team informed them in advance.

“You have worked hard this month. Since the show is over, there is no need to record anymore. You all go back and have a rest! "

Xia Tian said to the photography team that had been following them.

"Okay, okay. We'll go back now. I wish you two teachers have fun."

Hearing that they could take a break, the photographer was so moved that tears were about to flow.

Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun were indeed the couple who lived the most relaxed and carefree life every day among the three groups.

But the photographers who followed them

Teacher, but became the hardest photographer among the three groups of guests.

Because the other two groups of guests have fixed work every day, and their daily activities are also roughly fixed.

They only need to set up the lens in advance, pay attention to it casually in the later stage, and occasionally run errands.

Overall, the work is still very easy.

But the photographers in Xia Tian's group are different. Since these two guys don't work every day and go out to play every day.

This makes the photographers in their group have to drive after them every day.

If they play video games, script killings, etc., it's okay.

But if they play some games that require physical exertion, they will be miserable.

When playing the escape room before, the photographer followed and lost it.

There was a timid photographer who was almost scared to death by the NPC in the secret room.

Another time, Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun had a whim and went hiking to watch the sunrise in the morning.

The two of them traveled light and talked and laughed along the way, but the photographer had to carry the camera and climb the mountain with them for the whole morning.

It is said that after coming down from the mountain, the photographer's legs were trembling and he couldn't even stand steadily.

If it weren't for Xia Tian helping him carry the camera, he might have been left on the mountain.

Around 9 o'clock in the evening, He Yunting and Xie Jinglong were also notified that they didn't have to come to work tomorrow.

After hearing the news, the two did not leave immediately.

Instead, they found Mr. Zhang and Chef Liu respectively and asked for resignation.

After learning that the two were just here to experience life, Mr. Zhang and Chef Liu did not try to keep them too much and settled their wages on the spot.

When they were leaving, the most common words they heard were: When you are free, remember to bring Xia Tian here to chat more.

Fang Wenxuan and Chen Qingqing were busy until after 10 o'clock in the evening. When they were about to go back to the dormitory after work, they learned that the first stage of recording was over.

After hearing the news, Fang Wenxuan asked excitedly: "It's over? So, I don't have to get up early to work tomorrow?"

After getting a positive answer, Fang Wenxuan shouted excitedly on the spot: "Ah! Finally free, I don't have to go to work tomorrow."

Originally in a good mood, he was about to take Chen Qingqing to another hotel to get a room to rest.

When Chen Qingqing was chatting with the staff, he unexpectedly learned that they were the last group to be notified.

Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun's group learned the news in the morning and ended the recording ahead of schedule.

Fang Wenxuan's face immediately darkened, and he asked dissatisfiedly: "Why? We are all guests, why do you have to tell us last?"

"Even if you notify Xia Tian and others first, and then notify us, it won't take so long, right? If you come earlier, I won't have to work an extra day for nothing!"

The staff laughed awkwardly: "Ahem! They are different from you in positioning, they focus on eating, drinking and having fun. And the labels of your live broadcast room are: inspirational and healing. If you are notified to leave work in advance, wouldn't it conflict with the labels?"

After hearing the staff's explanation, Fang Wenxuan's face looked better.

"Haha, inspirational and healing, these are all very positive things! It seems that netizens still like us very much."

The staff didn't dare to talk, and turned around and said goodbye with an awkward smile.

He really didn't dare to chat anymore, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his mouth if he continued to chat.

I really don't know what kind of reaction Fang Wenxuan would have if he knew how he got these two labels.

Although the recording was over, Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun did not change their schedule and still had a great day.

On the way back to the rental house, Xia Tian sighed: "It's finally over. Now I can go home and rest for a few days."

Qiu Mengyun rolled her eyes: "If the people in the other two groups said this, it would be understandable. But you go out to play every day, and you still have the nerve to complain about being tired."

Xia Tian smiled and said: "You are the one who doesn't have to worry about anything and plays every day. I eat differently from you. I have to use my brain frequently to think about how to make money."

Qiu Mengyun asked: "Xia Tian, ​​do you have any plans for the next period of time?"

Xia Tian said: "I haven't been home since graduation. I have bought the ticket to go home and will go back tomorrow."

Qiu Mengyun: "No, you can't go back. My parents asked me to take you back when I have time."

"They called last night and wanted me to take a leave to go back. They said that there was something I needed to go back to deal with."

"It's just right to rest now. Don't go home yet. Come back with me to see my parents first!"

Xia Tian said with some embarrassment:

"But I've already bought the tickets. If I cancel them now, I'll be charged. Otherwise, you go back first, and I'll stay home for two days before coming to see you."

Qiu Mengyun shook her head firmly and said, "That's definitely not possible. I heard from my parents. This time I go back, they want me to break off the engagement that my grandfather arranged for me when I was a child. Do you think, as my nominal boyfriend, that it's appropriate for you not to go back with me?"

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