The two of them were very happy.

"Ah? What's wrong? Didn't you keep dragging me to talk about sad and sweet stories?" Xia Tian asked blankly.

"Hmph! Then go read your sad stories yourself." Qiu Mengyun snorted coldly and ignored Xia Tian.

Xia Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Hey, this woman is really troublesome. We were just chatting well, why did she turn against each other?"

The next day, the two first found the landlord and his wife to return the house.

When they learned that they were leaving, the landlord couple was very reluctant.

It was Qiu Mengyun who said that her parents agreed to their relationship and that they were going back to see their parents this time, so the old couple stopped persuading them to stay.

After saying goodbye to the landlord and his wife, the two of them drove to the airport together.

While waiting for the flight, Xia Tian took out his mobile phone and called his mother.

"Mom, is everything okay at home recently?"

Xia's mother: "It's fine. What can happen to us at home? But you, I heard that you and Mengyun went to participate in a program. How are you doing recently?"

"I tell you, making money doesn't matter. But you must take good care of Mengyun, and don't let her, a girl, suffer."

Xia Tian smiled and said, "She didn't suffer. She has been eating and drinking with me every day. I don't know how comfortable she is."

Xia's mother said unhappily, "You are just bragging. I watched your program when it was first broadcast."

"It's only been two days since the beginning, and you took Mengyun to carry the building. Your grandfather was so angry that he wanted to buy a ticket to deal with you on the spot. Your father and I couldn't stand it. Yi persuaded him to come down. "

Xia Tian said depressedly: "Mom, did you only watch it for those two days and never watch it again?"

Xia Ma nodded and said: "Yes, we are afraid that watching your show again will make your grandfather angry again, so we will not watch it later."

Xia Tian: "Forget it, let Mengyun explain to you later!"

"I called you today to tell you. The first stage of our program is over and we will take a break for a while. I am going to..."

"What? Take a break? Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and bring Mengyun back to play! Since you two left, your grandfather has been talking about you every day, and it's just right to come back to see him." Before Xia Tian finished speaking, Xia Ma said first.

Xia Tian: "Mom, how about next time? This time is really not possible. Mengyun said her parents want to see me and asked me to go home with her."

"Oh, then you should go. You have been with Mengyun for a while, it's time to visit her. Remember to buy more things when you go, don't go empty-handed." Hearing that it was to meet Qiu Mengyun's parents, Xia's mother began to give instructions.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, mom, I'm not a child anymore, I know what to do."

"Well! Seeing Mengyun is so sensible, I guess her parents are also well-educated people. You don't have to be nervous, don't have too much pressure, as long as you perform well, I believe they won't embarrass you." Xia's mother was still worried that Xia Tian would make mistakes because of nervousness when meeting his parents for the first time, so she deliberately comforted him.

Xia Tian: "I know, Mom. It's nothing. I'm hanging up now. I have to board the plane soon."

"Wait a minute. Your grandfather heard that you are going to Mengyun's house to meet the parents and wants to talk to you."

"Stinky boy, don't be rude when you go there, okay? In addition, you should be more confident. Don't think that others are inferior because they are richer than us. You must believe that there is no girl in Daxia that you are not worthy of."

"Finally, I have a few old friends in Hangzhou. If you have something to do, you can contact them using the method I taught you before."

Seeing Xia Tian hang up the phone, Qiu Mengyun asked with concern: "Is it Auntie's call? Why don't you go home and follow me? She didn't say anything, did she? "

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Nothing, just told me to remember to buy more gifts before I go to your house. Then behave well in front of the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, and don't lose the etiquette."

Qiu Mengyun waved her hand and said, "What are you buying? I don't lack anything at home, let's just go there."

Xia Tian smiled and shook his head, "It's definitely not okay not to buy, it has nothing to do with whether there is anything missing. Anyway, this is my first visit, and the etiquette should not be lost. "

"Okay, it's up to you. Anyway, you earn a lot now, so buying some things is nothing." Seeing that he was so persistent, Qiu Mengyun said no more.

Two hours later, the plane landed at Hangzhou Airport.

"What do your parents have?

Hobbies? Tell me about them, so I can be more targeted when buying things. "Walking on the streets of Hangzhou, Xia Tian asked.

Qiu Mengyun thought for a while: "My dad likes antiques and tea, and my mom likes jewelry."

"But we have a lot of these things at home, so you don't have to buy them specially. We can just bring them two boxes of Wahaha at the roadside supermarket later."

Xia Tian was almost laughed at by this girl's words: "You are so embarrassed to say that, you asked me to bring two boxes of Wahaha for the first time?"

"Do you want to see me kicked out by your parents?"

Qiu Mengyun said confidently: "Don't worry, I will definitely not do that as long as I am here. As long as I buy it, they will like it no matter what it is."

Xia Tian shook his head: "Don't talk, just listen to my arrangements."

"Master, go to Wangyuanzhai. "After getting in the taxi, Xia Tian reported a place name.

Qiu Mengyun looked at him in surprise: "Have you been to Hangzhou before? How do you know that we have a Wangyuanzhai here?"

Xia Tian smiled and said, "What's so strange about this? Wangyuanzhai is the largest antique chain store in Zhejiang Province. Even if I have never been to Hangzhou, it is normal for me to know this place, right?"

Qiu Mengyun suddenly realized: "That makes sense."

After entering Wangyuanzhai, Xia Tian did not look at the things on the shelves.

Instead, he shouted directly: "Please call your boss out and say someone is here to pick up something."

The master chef in charge of this store heard Xia Tian's words and looked at him carefully.

After making sure that he did not know this person, he asked: "Sir, what do you want to do with our boss? If you want to buy and sell antiques, you can just come to me directly. Our boss is busy and is not in the store at the moment."

Xia Tian: "I said, I'm here to pick up something. "

The chef said politely, "Sorry, sir, our boss didn't tell anyone to pick up the things today. Why don't you call our boss first, or come back later."

Xia Tian shook his head, "No need, just call him out, I know he's here."

Seeing Xia Tian's look, the clerk beside him couldn't help but ask, "Are you here to make trouble? Our manager has said that the boss is not here, but you are still making trouble here. Do you think our Wangyuanzhai is easy to bully?"

"Do you know what will happen if you make trouble in our Wangyuanzhai?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Qiu Mengyun, who had been following Xia Tian, ​​quickly pulled his sleeve.

"Xia Tian, ​​what are you doing? I tell you, the boss of Wangyuanzhai has a deep background, and even my dad has to be polite to him when he sees him. Don't make trouble here, or I can't protect you. "

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm really here to pick up something. Besides, I, Xia Tian, ​​never need to rely on women for protection."

Seeing that Xia Tian still refused to leave, the master chef who looked like a store manager said, "Sir, you said you were here to pick up something, do you have any proof?"

Xia Tian pointed to his face and said, "My face is the proof."


Hearing Xia Tian's words, Qiu Mengyun couldn't help laughing for a moment.

Xia Tian asked puzzledly, "What are you laughing at? Is what I said funny?"

Qiu Mengyun tried to suppress her laughter and said, "I'm really sorry, the tone of your words just now was so funny, just like those domineering CEOs in brain-dead short dramas."

The clerk who warned Xia Tian before was also amused by his words.

"Brother, are you kidding us? How can your face be used as proof? Do you want me to take a photo of you and send it to our boss? Or should I bring something to brand your face? "

Xia Tian did not laugh, and said seriously: "Tell him my name is Xia Tian, ​​Xia is the summer of the Great Summer, and Tian is the sky of the world."

"Hahaha! You are really funny, what is the summer of the Great Summer, why don't you just say it is the summer of the four seasons, why bother so much."

The clerk laughed heartlessly.

But the store manager standing aside, his expression became serious after hearing Xia Tian's words.

He nodded at Xia Tian: "Okay, Mr. Xia, please wait here, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Hey, Master Liu, are you really going? Have you forgotten that our store manager hates being disturbed when he is drinking tea the most?" Looking at the back of Master Liu leaving, the clerk asked puzzledly.

But Master Liu didn't mean to pay attention to him at all, and left without looking back.

Qiu Mengyun, who was standing by, also laughed and teased: "Xia Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to be so humorous."

Xia Tian: "I was just talking normally, how can it be humorous?"

Qiu Mengyun laughed and said, "The store manager who just insisted that the boss was not there is willing to help you after hearing your joke. Isn't this humorous enough?"

Xia Tian rolled his eyes at her: "Silly, you don't understand anything, I'm too lazy to explain to you."

After that, Xia Tian sat on a chair beside him and took a rest.

"Xia Tian? When did you arrive in Hangzhou? Why didn't you call me to pick you up? Who did you come with this time? Your grandfather or your father?"

Not long after Xia Tian sat down, Master Liu, who had left before, came out with a square-faced man in his 40s.

The moment he saw Xia Tian, ​​the man immediately came over and asked excitedly.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Uncle Li, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I came here alone this time."

The man called Uncle Li waved his hand with a look of panic and said, "Just call me Lao Li, but don't call me uncle. I don't deserve your uncle."

Xia Tian smiled lightly, "Uncle Li, you don't have to be so polite. It's a new era now. You don't have to be so serious about these trivial things like before."

"Haha! That's fine. Since you said so, I'll just be generous and call you uncle." Uncle Li smiled happily.

Qiu Mengyun asked curiously: "Xia Tian, ​​didn't you tell me that you have never been to Hangzhou? Then what about this Uncle Li? How do you know him?"

Xia Tian: "When did I say that I have never been to Hangzhou?"

Qiu Mengyun widened her eyes: "Didn't you just say that Wangyuanzhai is very famous, and you can know it even if you don't come to Hangzhou."

Xia Tian nodded: "Yes! Am I wrong? Is Wangyuanzhai very famous? Can people who have never been to Hangzhou know its existence through its fame?"

Qiu Mengyun: "That's right."

Xia Tian: "That's right, I just said that you can know it through its fame without coming to Hangzhou. But I never said that I haven't been to Hangzhou, right?"

"" Qiu Mengyun was speechless.

Seeing Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun being intimate, Uncle Li asked curiously: "Xia Tian, ​​do you know who this girl is?"

Xia Tian introduced with a smile: "I forgot to introduce, Uncle Li, this is my girlfriend Qiu Mengyun."

"I came here to pick up something this time because I was going to her house to meet her parents. I learned that her father likes antiques, so I came to you specially."

Uncle Li said in surprise: "Ah? You have a girlfriend? Do your father and grandfather know about this?"

Xia Tian nodded: "I know, I have taken him to meet my family, and they are very satisfied with Mengyun."

"So, your grandfather also recognizes her?" Hearing Xia Tian say that he had taken Qiu Mengyun back to meet his parents, Uncle Li looked at Qiu Mengyun with a complicated look.

Xia Tian: "Well, my grandfather likes her very much and gave her all the gifts."

After hearing what Xia Tian said, Uncle Li's attitude became more enthusiastic.

"Come on, little girl, please take a seat. What would you like to drink, coffee, tea, or alcohol?"

Qiu Mengyun was still a little uncomfortable with Uncle Li's sudden enthusiasm for her.

She waved her hand awkwardly: "No need, Uncle Li, I'm just here to help Xia Tian pick out a gift. We'll leave after we buy it, so it's no trouble."

Xia Tian also said: "Uncle Li, I have to go get jade later, so I won't stay any longer today. After I meet Meng Yun's parents, I'll bring her to your place for tea when I have time."

Uncle Li: "Okay, in that case, come with me! Let's go to the back and pick out what we like."

Under the leadership of Uncle Li, the two entered the backyard from a side door.

After entering the room at the very end, Uncle Li fiddled with the wall for a while, and the ground slowly opened up, revealing a staircase leading to the basement.

This scene, like a movie scene, stunned Qiu Mengyun.

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