It has been a day since the clash between Star and Pricilla. Right now Star is in her bedroom reading when all of a sudden her phone rings. She picked it up and a girl's voice spoke from the other end of the line.

"Hi Star, this is EL" she sounds reluctant

"How did you get my number?" Star asked in a calm manner.

"Oh sorry. Are you angry? I asked Cage to tell me your number" EL apologizes to Star. Star merely asked how she got her number, why did EL sound so apologetic and nervous.

"I'm not angry. I was just asking. Why did you call me anyway?" Star asked, changing the topic.

"Will you accompany me today?" EL asked shyly. This is the first time she is asking someone to accompany her. "To where?"

"To look for a cake for my upcoming wedding" EL said. Star was wondering why EL's asking her instead of Cage.

EL answered the question in Star's head like she was reading her mind. "Cage can't come with me. He had a meeting today so he said to ask you instead" EL said awkwardly.

"What time is it?" Star asked.

"What?! You'll really go with me?!" Star can feel EL's excitement through the phone. "8 o'clock. I'm going to your house" Star looked at the time on her phone. It was 7:15 am. Just enough time for her to get ready.

"Ok. I'll see you later"Star said and ended the call.

She then got ready, she dressed herself and put on a light make up. After 40 minutes she finished. She looked at her wrist watch. Since she still have another 5 minutes, she'll play with her phone for a little while. Just when she was about to open her phone, someone rang the door bell. She opened the door and EL is smiling at her, full of excitement in her eyes. "Hi" she said excitingly. Star didn't say anything and instead she just showed her a smile.

They went to the parking lot where EL's car was parked. Star noticed a man in a suit standing firmly beside the car, "who is he?" Star asked El.

"He's the driver that Cage hired" Star was taken aback by what she just said. Star never thought that Cage could be this overprotective of a person. "I guess someone's very loved" Star teases.

EL blushed before answering, "he's become more protective of me lately because I'm pregnant with our child" Star was astonished by what she just heard.

"What? You're what?!" She asked again, making sure if she misheard what EL just said.

"Oh. Didn't Cage told you? I'm 6 weeks pregnant" EL said. Star didn't know what to say that time. She just stood their, her mouth wide open because of shock.

"Well I guess he haven't told you yet. We only found out the day before yesterday" EL said and blushed, not noticing the dumbfounded Star.

"I can't believe he never told me. And I can't believe that dumbass is going to be a father" Star heard EL giggle as she say those words.

"I also can't believe either. I had a suspicion so I went to the doctor and she told me I was pregnant" EL said, smiling brightly.

"What did Cage say about it? I bet he looked dumb when you told him" Star said. At that time they were already at the car and the driver was silently driving as they continue to chat.

"Yes, he fainted from shock. It was really funny. And after I told him the news he bought so many book about pregnancy and started reading them. He also started to search for names for the baby" EL said. For Star, EL, at that time, looked so beautiful as she had a huge smile on her face.

"So this is a mother's aura" Star whispered, she felt envious as she gazes upon EL's bright smiling face. "Huh?"

"Nothing. Look, we're here now" Star erased the thought and pointed the shop from inside the car.

"Oh. Here it is, my favorite bakery" EL said as she got out of the car.

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