Star turned her head to the right and saw a normal-looking bakery. The walls are painted brown and there's a glass where you can see the bread that they sell. It's too normal looking. Star can't believe that EL frequently goes in this bakery.

"Is that it?" Star asked and EL looked at her with a certain look on her face as if saying 'what do you mean is that it?'

"N-no, I didn't mean it that way. I just can't believe that you're so simple. I expected you to be more extravagant" Star said waving her hands aggressively.

"You'll know why later" EL said and smiled sweetly at her.

They entered the bakery and the smell of newly baked bread brushed against their noses. Star immediately felt her stomach gurgle as she smelled the delicious scent coming from the kitchen of the bakery.

"Martha!! Aunt Martha!" EL shouted, calling someone. A woman in her late 50s came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. Her light brown hair was tied in a bun. She had soft features and her expression was gentle. As soon as she saw EL her lips formed a smile resembling a mother's.

"My dear! I didn't know you were coming today" the woman said and hugged EL tightly. She then shouted, "Jim! Come out here for a second. EL is here!" after hearing the woman shout, a guy in his early 60s came out of the kitchen running. He had a big smile on his face and also joined the hugging session. He had black and grey hair and he also had soft and gentle features.

"You never visit us anymore, your auntie and I are very lonely these days" Jim said with a sad expression on his face. He realized that Star was beside EL and his face brightened.

"Who is this young lady with you? Is she your friend? Wah, our little EL has a friend now, I can't believe this. You've grown up. I'm so proud of you" Jim said while pretending to tear up.

"Uncle!" EL shouted, embarrassed by what her uncle said.

"Let us sit down so we can talk properly" uncle Jim said so they sat down.

"What are you going to tell us EL?" Martha asked.

"I'm 6 weeks pregnant!!" EL announced excitedly with a bright smile on her face.

Martha and Jim's eyes widened in surprise and their jaws dropped. They were too surprised to say anything. After a few seconds of being speechless, they came to their senses and shouted. "What?!" they said in chorus.

"Who's the father? Is it that Cage?" Jim asked in a serious tone and EL only nodded.

A few minutes of silence surrounded the entire bakery. The atmosphere was heavy and tense. The silence ended when Martha spoke.

"Really?! Does that mean we're going to be grandparents?" Martha said eagerly. "Aww, I can't believe you're going to be a mother now" Martha said with tears in her eyes.

"A-auntie, please don't cry" EL said, trying to stop Martha from crying.

"I'm not going to cry, don't worry. Although, it looks like someone's not happy with the news" Martha said and pointed at Jim who's sulking.

"Jim, will you please you please stop pouting. What are you, an eleven years old kid?" Martha said in an annoyed tone.

"B-but honey! That bastard impregnated our EL before their marriage!" Jim said in a sulky tone.

"So what if they're not married yet? And I know deep inside your happy to be a grandpa anyway" Martha said, completely annoyed by Jim's attitude.

"A-are you annoyed by me?" Jim asked with teary eyes and Martha pretended not to hear him.

"So dear, what's the other reason for your sudden visit?" Martha asked while Jim is trying to console her.

"Oh yes about that. Is it alright if you bake the cake for my wedding?" EL asked.

"Why, of course dear! It would be an honor to bake a cake for our daughter" Martha said and smile at EL. 'Daughter?' Star thought in her head.

"Thank you as always uncle and auntie" EL thanked Martha.

"Wait a minute, ok? I'm gonna go get us something to eat while we discuss what kind of cake you want" Martha said and stood up to get some snacks for them and Jim is still clinging to her.

After a while they came back while holding a tray with four slices of chocolate cake and tea. They put the dishes and the juice on the table before sitting down. Star noticed that Jim was holding a paper and a pencil. 'What's that for?' Star thought.

After 3 hours of explaining what kind of cake she wants, they finally finished and it turns out that the paper and pencil was for sketching. While EL is describing the cake that she wants, Jim was busy sketching it. Star was amazed that Jim was able to sketch the exact same cake that EL wants.

"Goodbye uncle, goodbye aunt" EL says goodbye to her uncle and aunt and hugged them before exiting the shop with Star. They entered the car and the driver started to drive.

After a moment of silence, EL spoke. "I was raised by uncle and auntie. My own mother left me in the streets when I was a kid, so I spent 3 years of my life in the streets. I was pretty much a beggar back then. When I was six years old, a drunk guy saw me in an alley and raped me and that's when I met uncle and auntie. They saw me in that dark alley without clothes and decided to take me in. Uncle and auntie just got back from abroad when they saw me naked in that street. They used to be really famous pastry chefs and were always travelling abroad but ever since they took me in they stopped travelling and decided to open a small bakery. I developed a fear of men back then and I used to be so scared every time my uncle was near me. When I was in high school, because of my fear of men, my uncle and aunt decided to enroll me in an all girls high school.In return for their kindness, I always tried to do my best in everything. They were always so kind and patient to me. I treat them as my parents and they also treat me like their own daughter. Because of them I was able to achieve my dreams. They made me who I am today" EL said with a smile on her face. Star was amazed that despite the fact of what EL experienced in her life, she's still able to move forward and smile. She was reminded of how strong of a woman EL is.

"Cage is really lucky to have you" Star said and EL laughed a little.

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