The rain of red envelopes fell from the roof, and the people grabbing the red envelopes below were suddenly in chaos.

This is a real red envelope grab, not like on the phone, where you may get a few cents when you click it.

If you grab this kind of red envelope, there is at least one dollar in it.

"Oh, this red envelope of mine is one dollar."

"This one of mine is five dollars."

"Oh my goodness, can you believe it? There are actually 20 in my red envelope, and I have directly recovered a lot of money for the banquet."

Those who grabbed the red envelopes opened the red envelopes and checked them immediately. When they saw the money inside, they shouted happily one by one.


Pah, pah...

The firecrackers for the banquet started rang, and all the people who were eating the banquet sat back in their seats. Even the children who were running wildly on the dam returned to their seats and waited for the banquet to start. They looked very excited.

I have smelled this fragrance for a long time, and finally I am going to eat it. How can I not be excited?

"Xiao Bo, Grandpa tells you that when so many delicious dishes are served, just eat the dishes. Don't go to get rice. You can be full just by eating the dishes at this banquet. Otherwise, you won't be able to eat the dishes after you are full. That would be a big loss."

"Got it, Grandpa."

Before the dishes were served, the second son of Tangjiaao whispered to his grandson Xiao Bo.

Xiao Bo was still a child of seven or eight years old. Hearing his grandfather's instructions, he nodded as if he understood.

Seeing his grandson so well-behaved, the second son also smiled and looked towards the temporary kitchen.


Looking at the steaming dishes in the kitchen, he kept swallowing his saliva. Others who came to the banquet were almost the same, salivating because of the aroma in the kitchen.

"Tang Dazhi, Tang Dazhi..."

Tang Dazhi was busy in the kitchen when he heard someone shouting his name.

"Wu Deping, why did you come just now?"

"Oh, you are too far from the county town. It took me a long time to find you here. You didn't answer my phone call."

"Sorry, I'm too busy. I don't have time to check my phone."

Tang Dazhi looked up and saw several of his friends coming over. He hurried over to greet them.

"Dazhi, didn't you say you were going to have a banquet at the restaurant in town? Why did you want to have a banquet at home in the countryside?"

"That's right. If we had known it was going to be a banquet in the countryside, we wouldn't have come."

Looking at the messy banquet place, Tang Dazhi's friends all frowned.

"I'll take you to find a seat first. At first, I also planned to hold a banquet in the town, but since I tasted the dishes made by this chef, I was completely fascinated. You don't know how delicious this dish is. After you eat it later, I guarantee that you will want to eat it again."

"Dazhi, you are just bragging. Although it smells good, it doesn't necessarily taste good. Everyone can add spices."

Hearing Tang Dazhi's constant praise of the chef's cooking skills, Wu Deping snorted and didn't take it to heart.

Can a banquet in the countryside be so good?

Tang Dazhi knew that he couldn't convince these people, so he stopped talking. Anyway, after they ate the dishes later, they would know that what he said was true.

He arranged for these friends to find a seat and sit down. He arranged a table for friends and colleagues.

After arranging the people, he went back to the kitchen to help.

The banquet was about to start, and he had to help serve the dishes.

Wu Deping and others sat on the stools waiting for the dishes to be served.

"Hmm~~ This smells really good, and it seems to be no worse than those restaurants in An County."

"It smells really good. I've never smelled such a good smell when I ate at a restaurant in the city before."

"Come on, you want a rural banquet cook to compete with a city restaurant in cooking skills? This is a joke."

Hearing what the others said, Wu Deping smiled.

In his heart, he still looked down on rural banquet cooks.

He always believed that the dishes cooked in restaurants must be better than rural banquets.

"Are you guys not from Tangjiaao?"

"Yes, we are all from An County."

"No wonder, I tell you, this chef is very famous in this area, even multi-millionaires pay a lot of money to invite him to cook banquets."

"Yes, the richest family in our town is the Yan family. Last month, the Yan family invited him to cook a buffet for three days and three nights. The scene was very lively."

Several people at the same table with Wu Deping were Tang Dazhi's childhood friends.

Hearing what Tang Dazhi's childhood friends said, Wu Deping's face also showed interest.

Because Yan Shuhua's family held a buffet for three days and three nights, he also heard about it, and many people forwarded it in the circle of friends, and he immediately became interested.

"I heard that the Yan family gave the chef 30,000 a day for the banquet. Is it true?"

"30,000? You must have heard it wrong. Why did I hear it was 60,000."

"What? 60,000, IOh my goodness, wouldn't that be 180,000 yuan for three days?"

"More than 180,000 yuan, it seems that the Yan family thought the dishes tasted quite good, so they gave 200,000 yuan at one time."


Listening to the gossip of those people, Wu Deping was a little confused.

Getting 200,000 yuan for a banquet? This is simply unimaginable.

So, he counted on his fingers.

"My monthly salary is 3,200 yuan, and this does not include daily expenses. Let's calculate it based on earning 3,000 yuan per month. In 12 months a year, the best I can earn is 36,000 yuan?"

He needs to work for six or seven years to earn that 200,000 yuan?

After the calculation, Wu Deping fell silent.

Others can earn six or seven years' money in three days, so where did he feel superior before.

"I heard that the Yan family returned all the money for the banquet later. Is this true? ”

At this time, someone asked again.

“It’s true, but it’s only limited to those in Shangtian Village. As soon as the banquet was over, Old Yan asked his three sons to return the money from door to door in the village. ”

“Awesome, they are really willful with money.”

Hearing that the news was true, many people sighed.

“No more, no more, the dishes are ready.”

Tang Dazhi was in charge of serving the dishes for their table. At this time, Tang Dazhi was carrying four cold dishes on a tray.

Cold-mixed pig heart, five-spice beef, cold-mixed three shreds, cold-mixed cucumber~~

Compared to the dishes at Yan Shuhua’s place, Tang Guoqiang’s family looked a little worse.

However, rural banquets generally pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables. How can ordinary families serve all meat and seafood like the Yan family?

Generally, rural banquets are big banquets, which are elbows, braised pork, chicken, duck, fish, and the better ones also have beef and mutton.

As soon as several cold dishes were served, everyone started eating.

In the hot summer, these cold dishes tasted the most refreshing and were perfect for drinking.

Wu Deping was also hungry at this time. He had heard that the banquet was held at his own home in the countryside, so he had no intention of coming to the banquet at first.

He stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a bite of the dish. As soon as he put it in his mouth, his whole body was shocked, and his taste buds were strongly stimulated.

"Wow~~ It's really delicious. Whoever said that the banquet dishes in the countryside are not delicious, I'll be angry with him."

"Wu Deping, it seems that you were the one who said it just now."

After hearing Wu Deping's words, someone refuted.

This guy was the one who screamed the loudest just now, and now he is eating more happily than anyone else.


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