"Wu Deping, you went over there to get food just now. Do you know what happened?"

"Nothing happened. A child just ate too much."

"Alas, let alone the child, I ate a little too much. It's all because the chef's dishes are so delicious. No wonder the Yan family is willing to pay a high price to invite him to cook a big banquet."

"Oh, I ate too much and my stomach became big. This chef must be responsible for me."

"Don't say these lewd words. Didn't you bring stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets? Give me one to eat."

Wu Deping's table was full of young people with big appetites. The full table of dishes was almost all eaten.

One by one, they all stood up with difficulty with big bellies.

"Uh... I haven't eaten so much in a long time. This dish is really delicious. It's a pity that I may not have the chance to eat it again in the future."

Someone touched his stomach and sighed with difficulty.

"After talking about the dishes cooked by this chef, I can't eat the dishes in those restaurants in the city anymore."

"If any of you have relatives who need to get married, I suggest that they invite this chef. The dishes are really much better than those in those restaurants."

"It just so happens that my childhood friend Eleven is getting married, and he plans to hold the wedding in a restaurant. I'll go back and see if I can convince him to invite this chef to cook the banquet."

At this time, Wu Deping was full of longing and praised his own wit.

"I tell you, Wu Deping, if you want to convince your childhood friend, you can bring the dishes back for him to taste. I guarantee that he will agree immediately."

"Oh, why didn't I think of it."

Hearing someone say this, Wu Deping slapped his thigh, but when he looked at the dishes on the table, they were all leftovers.

Should I pack the soup for him?

This is not impossible, after all, the soup is also excellent for pouring over rice.

"Wu Deping, you big complainer, you're just going to take the soup back to your childhood friend, aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

"What can I do? I can't go to other tables to grab it."

"Finally, there is a dish of snowflake meatballs, which is also delicious. You can pack some for him after it is served."

Seeing that Wu Deping, the big complainer, was going to pack the remaining soup for his childhood friend, someone reminded him.

The warm house wine in Tangjiaao is a little different. The last dish is not the egg soup, but a meatball.

"That's great. You should all be full. I'll take more of that dish later."

"No problem."

In fact, everyone was full and really couldn't eat anymore. Seeing Wu Deping said that he would pack it for his childhood friend so that he could persuade his childhood friend to ask the chef to cook a big feast, everyone nodded and said they had no objection.

"The snowflake meatballs are here~~"

With the waiter's shout, the snowflake meatballs came late.

The last dish of the warm house wine in Tangjiaao is snowflake meatballs. Once the meatballs are on the table, it means that the following dishes have been served, and those who are waiting for the dishes to be served but have not eaten can eat.

As soon as the snowflake meatballs are on the table, they immediately attract everyone's attention.

The so-called snowflake meatballs are actually peanuts, pork belly, and starch kneaded together, and then coated with a layer of glutinous rice soaked in warm water. After being steamed in a steamer, they are very delicious.

When Wu Deping saw the snowflake meatballs on the table, he cheered and picked up the white food bag to pick it up. Because he had greeted others in advance, there was no psychological burden to pick it up.

Everyone looked at the steaming snowflake meatballs and instantly regretted it.

The whole dish looked extremely soft and sticky, and it must be delicious just by smelling it.

Someone also shamelessly picked up a meatball. Although his stomach felt like it was about to burst, he still couldn't help wanting to eat the meatball.

Pick up a snowflake meatball and slowly put it towards your mouth. Take a bite with your silver teeth, and it is slightly hot.

The glutinous rice on the surface has been soaked in warm water before steaming, so it tastes very soft, sweet and delicious.

Inside is hand-chopped pork belly, which is very soft and rotten.

Hand-chopped meat filling is different from machine-beaten, and is more elastic.

The minced pork belly is mixed with peanuts, ginger, pepper, starch, etc., and rolled into meatballs of uniform size.

Of course, if you like to eat eggs, you can also add egg whites.

After rolling the meatballs into uniform size by hand, dip them in the drained raw glutinous rice and steam them in the steamer.

The man picked up the meatball and put it in his mouth. Once he chewed it, he immediately tasted the sweet fragrance of pork and the extremely crispy peanuts inside.

After finishing the whole snowflake meatball, the mouth is immediately filled with fragrance. After being steamed, the fat inside is all transformed into fragrant oil.

The oil instantly filled the man's mouth, and it was so delicious that he wanted to stamp his feet.

What should I do if I want to eat more?

The man instantly regretted it a little. If he had known that the snowflake meatballs tasted so good, he should not have been a big complainer and agreed to let Wu Deping pack it up.

Is it too late to regret now?

The others also watched eagerly as Wu Deping packed up most of the snowflake meatballs.

Some people were so greedy by the smell that they started to grab it without thinking twice.

"..." Wu Deping.

Didn't you agree to let him pack it up?

I just packed a few of them, and I saw that everyone regretted it and started to grab this dish.

He picked up the plate and poured it into the food bag, and ran away quickly.

"Tang Dazhi, I'm going back first, and I'll come to play with you next time."

Wu Deping said hello to Tang Dazhi and the others, and drove away quickly.

"Oh my god, I forgot to ask the chef for his business card." Wu Deping slapped his head. He knew he had run away just now, but he forgot such an important thing.

But he didn't want to go back now.

"Forget it, I'll ask Tang Dazhi for his contact information later. He should know it."

Thinking of this, Wu Deping drove away.


Time passed slowly.

The banquet was coming to an end, and the guests went back one after another.

As for the leftovers on the table, they didn't exist.

All the dishes on the dishes on the table were finished, and even the soup was poured into the bowls and eaten with the fragrant rice.

The kitchen assistant also set up a table. After the dishes were served, everyone sat down to eat.

"Yufeng, this dish is really good. My sister-in-law often works as a helper in our village, but the taste is not as good as the chef you hired. This dish is so delicious, the price should not be low."

As soon as the aunt sat down and ate a few bites of the food, she kept praising Chen Yuan's cooking skills.

"The price must be high. Chef Chen's dishes are so delicious, it's reasonable to be expensive."

Hearing the praise of their family's dishes for the banquet, Li Yufeng and her husband almost laughed their mouths off.

Although Chen Yuan's dishes are more expensive, they taste really good, otherwise how could they get everyone's praise.

Didn't you see that everyone who came to the banquet just now was eating happily, and all the food that could not be finished was packed and taken back.


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