Previously, a family in Tangjiaao held a warm-house banquet and invited a mobile chef from another place to prepare banquets.

The dishes he prepared were really not tasty, and basically no one touched the dishes on the table.

The leftovers were not eaten by people, which made the host family very embarrassed, and finally all of them were fed to pigs.

And this banquet held by Tang Guoqiang's family received good reviews from everyone.

"Tang Guoqiang, if your Dazhi gets married and holds a banquet, you must invite this chef to come and prepare the banquet. If it is another chef, then I, Tang Baonian, will not come to the banquet."

Tang Baonian is a five-guarantee household with no children. Generally, he would not attend any banquet held by any family in the village.

Anyway, his family does not need social connections. If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry.

However, since Tang Guoqiang's family started preparing the dishes for the banquet yesterday, the fragrance has spread throughout the village, making Tang Baonian very greedy. Why don't you allow him to pay 100 yuan for the banquet?

"I'm telling you, if anyone in our village invites this chef to cook a banquet, I'll give him 200 yuan for the banquet."

This time, Tang Guoqiang's family had a big banquet, and Tang Baonian only planned to give 100 yuan as a gift, but the banquet dishes were so delicious, and he was afraid that Tang Guoqiang's family would lose money, so after the banquet, before leaving, he walked to Tang Guoqiang with the packed dishes and took out another 100 yuan and stuffed it into his hand.

"Guoqiang, if your Dazhi holds a wedding banquet, you must notify me, and I will give him 200 yuan."

"Uncle Baonian, what are you doing?"

Seeing Tang Baonian stuffing 100 yuan into his hand, Tang Guoqiang was a little confused.

"Nothing, but I think the 100 yuan I gave you before was a little too little, so I'll give you another 100 yuan."

Tang Baonian seemed to be afraid that the other party would refuse, so he walked away after stuffing the money, "This banquet is worth 200 yuan, nephew, don't be disgusted, I can't let you lose money."

Although he, Tang Baonian, didn't have much money, he would never let anyone suffer a loss.

In his heart, the banquet was worth the money.

The taste of the dishes was very much to his liking, especially the braised pork with preserved vegetables and the braised pork elbow.

They were all steamed until soft, fragrant and glutinous, fat but not greasy. With a light sip, even an old man like him, whose teeth were about to fall out, could easily chew them.

The dishes were not only beautiful in color, but also delicious. The combination of meat and vegetables did not look shabby at all.

Take the plate of spiced beef for example. The presentation was really beautiful. There was a thin layer of cucumber slices underneath, which looked like a plate of fresh flowers, making people reluctant to pick up their chopsticks.

Chen Yuan learned this presentation from Master Guo of Dingfulou. Although the system rewarded him with god-level cooking skills, many details were not done well at all and needed further improvement.

After all, Guo Tao and his friends came from a big restaurant, so they did a good job in some details.

Guo Tao and his apprentice wanted to learn from Chen Yuan, but they did not expect that they would also be learned by Chen Yuan.

After Tang Baonian stuffed the money in, he took the packed food and ran away.

"Uncle Baonian is really a fool. He doesn't have any money, so why did he give so much money?"

Tang Guoqiang held the red note in his hand and wanted to catch up with Tang Baonian, but he had already run away.

In addition, he thought that even if he caught up with Tang Baonian, if he didn't want it, it would be embarrassing to stuff it in.

It's really difficult.

"Guoqiang, since Uncle Baonian gave it, it's also his good intention. When the time comes, you can pack some dishes for the banquet. We can't take this money. You can go buy some meat for him and bring it over."

"Okay, let's do it."

Hearing what his wife said, Tang Guoqiang nodded. It was the only way.

After all the people who were eating the banquet left, the kitchen helpers began to clean up, put away the tables and chairs, and the dishes and chopsticks needed to be washed.

Tang Guoqiang and his wife were also quite good at dealing with people. They gave red envelopes to the kitchen helpers from her mother's family, and packed some of the leftovers in the kitchen for them to take back.

Chen Yuan and his friends were also planning to go back. When the tools for the grand banquet were packed up, they would just ask someone to come and take them back.

Seeing that Chen Yuan was leaving, Tang Guoqiang and his wife took his wages.

Originally, they planned to cook for 15 tables, but 21 tables came. Fortunately, they bought some food later and added a few more tables temporarily.

It was just that Chen Yuan was exhausted. Fortunately, the kitchen helpers from Li Yufeng's mother's family were very helpful, otherwise he would not have been able to complete the task today.

According to what was agreed before, 200 yuan per table, a total of 21 tables, that is 4,200 yuan, and Chen Yuan paid for the three kitchen helpers on the chef's side.

After paying the money, Tang Guoqiang and his friends stuffed the grand banquet dishes, cigarettes and wine into Chen Yuan's car.

Chen Yuan wanted to refuse these things, but Tang Guoqiang and the others were so enthusiastic that he couldn't refuse.

"Master Chen, thank you for your hard work in setting up the banquet this time. The dishes you cooked are very good. We are all very satisfied. You deserve it. "

"Okay, thank you uncle, thank you aunt."

"Oh, why are you being so polite to us? By the way, do you have a business card? If someone wants to hold a banquet, we can introduce you."

Li Yufeng thought that if relatives and friends wanted to hold a banquet, she would help introduce them, so that they could go to the banquet openly.

"Business card, right? I happened to have it with me today."

The business card that Chen Yuan ordered online had arrived a long time ago. It took no more than three days from the time he placed the order to the time it was mailed to the town. It must be said that online store business is efficient now.

Chen Yuan took his business card out of the car. There were quite a few people who came to ask for his business card, so he gave each person one. Anyway, this thing is cheap, a big box for a few dollars.

"Master Chen, your business card is well made. It is not like some business cards that are fancy, with pinyin and foreign languages, which makes my eyes dazzled. ”

“Yes, Master Chen’s business card is down-to-earth. We rural farmers can understand it at a glance.”

That’s right. Chen Yuan’s business card only has a few Chinese characters and Chen Yuan’s phone number.

Simple and clear, rural people feel very pragmatic and generous at a glance.

Hearing those uncles and aunts take his business card and keep praising the business card, Chen Yuan felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, this business card was made by Chen Yuan to save trouble and money.

Taobao online store wanted him to design the original, and he, a rural feast cook, didn’t know how to design, and he had to pay extra for them to design a business card.

Chen Yuan hated this kind of extra charge the most, so Chen Yuan asked him to type the words "Chen Yuan, rural feast cook" on the business card in large fonts so that the old people in the village could not see it clearly, and then added his own phone number. Unexpectedly, it had an unexpected effect.


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