Chen Yuan said goodbye to the host and drove back by himself.

He sent Pan Zishu and Chen An back.

Chen Yuan drove to his uncle's house and took the packed banquet dishes, cigarettes and alcohol.

"Chen Yuan, why did you bring so many things again? Didn't I tell you to keep them at home?"

Chen Yuan brought the things to his uncle's house, and his aunt "blamed" her nephew.

This nephew was too generous. Every time he went out to cook a banquet, he would bring back the cigarettes and alcohol given by the host to his uncle.

They were embarrassed to always give them like this.

"Aunt, we are all family, don't be so polite. Besides, it's useless for me to take these things back. And these banquet dishes should be put in the refrigerator first. You don't have to wait for me for dinner. I'll go to sleep first."

I went to cook the banquet early in the morning today, and I was tired, so I thought about resting early. Anyway, I just finished the banquet and I definitely couldn't eat dinner.

"Chen Yuan, wait a minute."

Just as Chen Yuan was about to leave, his aunt stopped him, "A little girl came to see you at noon, saying she was your friend. She took a picture of the monkey with her mobile phone and left."

"Oh, I know, she sent me a message."

Chen Yuan nodded, and immediately knew it was Gu Hongti.

Gu Hongti came here today mainly to see the monkey master.

The monkey has been staying at Chen Yuan's house for a month or two, and has not been in contact with the relevant departments.

This matter has been handed over to Gu Hongti to handle. Today, someone finally contacted her, so she came here to take a few videos of the master brother and sent them to that person.

"Aunt, I know."

Chen Yuan nodded to his aunt.

"Chen Yuan, that little girl is pretty. Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, she's just an ordinary friend. Don't guess."

Chen Yuan was speechless. His aunt didn't seem like such a gossipy person!

He was so scared that he almost ran away. It was too scary. He was afraid that the elders would ask such questions.

"Chen Yuan, let me tell you, many aunts in the village have come to matchmake for you recently. What do you mean?"

Seeing his aunt chasing and shouting, Chen Yuan quickly ran back home.


The eldest brother saw Chen Yuan coming back and called out enthusiastically.

This time, Tang Guoqiang's family had a big feast, and time was too tight, so he didn't bring the monkey with him.

The monkey was left at home and taken care of by his aunt and others.

Seeing the eldest brother's excitement, Chen Yuan touched the monkey's little head and threw a banana to it.


The monkey took the banana and grinned at Chen Yuan, as if to say thank you.

To be honest, after spending so many days with the eldest brother, I really don't want to send it back.

After boiling water and taking a bath, Chen Yuan lay comfortably on the bed.

[Ding! The system task has been completed. Randomly distribute system rewards, a peeling knife, 200,000 cash, and a complete collection of rural banquet customs]"


Chen Yuan shouted excitedly. This time, it was finally not a lottery, but a direct cash reward.

200,000, so good, so good, and there is no need to worry about the dog system taking tens of thousands of kickbacks.

Clicked the money in the prop column.


Bundles of red bills appeared out of thin air and hit him.

This feeling of being hit by money is really great. I have never seen so much cash in my life, especially after the circulation of mobile payment, I haven't used cash for a long time.

The money rewarded by the system used to be a string of numbers. The cash given this time really shocked him.

After feeling the feeling of being hit by money, Chen Yuan checked the peeling knife rewarded by the system again and found that it was very handy to use. He would use it to peel apples in the future.

Chen Yuan finally checked the This is a collection of rural customs for burning big banquets.

He lightly clicked the prop column, and a thick book appeared in his hand.

This thing is really thick, like a thick brick. It is very handy in the hand and can be used for self-defense.

Damn, is this asking me to finish reading this thick book?

Chen Yuan instantly felt that he was cheated by the system. He was afraid of doing exercise books when he was a child, and now the system threw him a book thicker than a brick.

What can he say? Just say destruction!

But he seemed to have thought too much.

According to the method given by the system, the brick book instantly formed an e-book in his mind.

Chen Yuan began to complain in his heart. If he had this system to help him study before, then Huaqing University and Jingcheng University would not be his choice?

As long as Chen Yuan wanted to know the situation of burning big banquets in a certain place, he only needed to lightly click the e-book, and the content would flood into his brain like a tide and become his own things.West.

This book is completely tailor-made for him. The content is all about some customs of holding banquets in rural areas and the taste of dishes in various places.

This is a great benefit for Chen Yuan.

It will be very convenient to hold banquets in all parts of the country in the future.

Because the customs of holding banquets are different in different parts of the country, the taste of dishes is also very different.

With this treasure book of holding banquets, Chen Yuan can also hold banquets in various places with ease.

Meimei put the money away and watched short videos for a while.

I was in a good mood today, so I gave a live broadcast girl two yuan. After all, she twisted for a long time, so I thought it was charity.

After watching short videos for a while, Chen Yuan put down his phone and fell asleep.

The business of holding banquets in August and September is really bleak. After the banquet at Tang Guoqiang's house is over, we can only wait for the full moon wine at Gu Hongti's brother-in-law's house.

The day after Tang Guoqiang's family finished the feast was the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.

This day is the most traditional festival in China, and it is also very grand for ordinary people.

In the rural areas of An County, every household will worship the moon god, and then insert the incense ball (that is, insert the lit incense into the picked grapefruit), which is said to be a blessing.

Chen Yuan was still sleeping in bed early in the morning when Chen Ping called him to have breakfast.

"Chen Yuan, today is a festival, come over to eat with us in the evening."

"Okay, I'll come if I have nothing to do."

The breakfast at my aunt's house today, there are some leftover banquet dishes from yesterday on the table, and a few farm side dishes.

The farm side dishes taste very good, much better than the greenhouse vegetables bought outside, sweet and full of water.

Chen Yuan basically didn't touch the banquet dishes, but he ate the farm side dishes with relish.

The farm side dishes fried with lard are shiny and extremely delicious.

Seeing that his aunt did not mention the matchmaker in the village to arrange a marriage for him, Chen Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was in a good mood and ate two large bowls of rice.

"Mom, didn't you say that there are several aunts in the village who want to introduce a date to Yuanzi?"


I thought his aunt had forgotten about it and could escape, but I didn't expect his cousin to be so unkind.

"Uncle, aunt, you guys eat slowly, I'm full."

"Chen Yuan, where are you going? Sit down and tell me about the matchmaker to see what you think, so I can tell the matchmaker."

"Aunt, turn them all down and tell me that I have someone I like."

"Look how scared you are, kid. It's just someone who is matchmaking. When you get older, the matchmakers won't want to come to your house anymore."

Looking at Chen Yuan's back as he ran away, his aunt shook her head helplessly, thinking about how to reply to the matchmakers in the village.


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