Time flies, and it is the day before the full moon banquet of Xie Feng's family.

After the busy Mid-Autumn Festival, the bakery can basically handle the work.

In the past few days, Xie Feng has focused his main energy on his son's full moon banquet.

Although it is a bit tiring to invite people to host a banquet, the food is not only full of food, but also safer than the banquet outside.

Xie Feng is also a life of worrying. His parents are in their seventies and eighties, and there are some things that they can't help at all.

In addition, although there are three brothers in the Xie family.

But he and his two brothers don't have a good relationship.

So when it comes to the critical moment, none of his relatives can be relied on.

On this day, it was four or five o'clock in the morning.

Xie Feng got up early and went to buy vegetables with Heizi, Chen An and others.

There was no need for Chen Yuan to go shopping in person, so he slept until he woke up naturally.

After waking up, he cleaned up and had breakfast, then asked someone to load all the tools for the banquet to Xie Feng's house.

After all the pots, pans, tables, chairs and benches were loaded into the car, Chen Yuan drove the dining car to Xie Feng's house.

Anyway, there were only about ten tables for Xie Feng's full moon banquet, so driving the dining car over would save the need to build a stove.

Xiejia Village, where Xie Feng's family lived, also belonged to the jurisdiction of Dongfeng Town, but it was far from the town center, about 20 kilometers away.

Dongfeng Town was already remote compared to An County, but who would have thought that their Xiejia Village was even more remote.

When Xie Feng and Gu Yingtao were dating, Old Gu found out that he was from Xiejia Village and refused to agree to the marriage.

In the end, the two young people made things difficult, and Gu Yingtao came back with a big belly, which almost pissed Old Gu off to death.

What else could he do at that time? He couldn't drag his daughter to get an abortion.

Later, after getting along with each other, although Xie Feng's family conditions were not very good, he was honest and reliable, and his appearance was not bad, so Lao Gu and his family gradually accepted him.

After Xie Feng married Gu Yingtao, he followed Lao Gu and his family to learn the pastry business and opened this Qianxun Cake Shop together.

They also bought a house in the town. Except for going home to visit their parents, they rarely went back to their hometown.

Chen Yuan drove the transformable food truck on the rugged mountain road. This broken mountain road was more difficult to drive than the winding mountain road in Ziqueling. Basically, there was no flat road.

Sometimes it was uphill, sometimes it was downhill. If you meet a novice driver, you would never dare to drive on this road.

I haven't been to Xie Feng's house, but fortunately there is a navigation. After ups and downs along the way, I finally arrived at Xiejia Village.

"Hey~ Uncle Gu, where are you? Why can't I see you?"

Chen Yuan sent a message to Xie Feng. He asked Chen Yuan to contact Gu Qianyue and even sent his phone number.

It seems that Xie Feng and his friends haven't come back from shopping yet.

So Chen Yuan called Gu Qianyue.

"Chen Yuan, I'm here. Do you see the big camphor tree? I'm under the big camphor tree."

"Oh, oh, I see it."

Chen Yuan hung up the phone.

Just now, he saw a figure under a big camphor tree halfway up the mountain, heading towards them.

Chen Yuan rumbled up the hill. He didn't know how much horsepower the car had. Anyway, even the Wuling God Car was a little brother in front of it when climbing a slope.

After all, this dining car is a product of black technology.

"Chen Yuan? Here, did you buy this car? I've never seen you drive it before."

"Oh, I bought it a long time ago, and I don't drive it much. I only drive it to places farther away. Uncle Gu, which house is Xie Feng's? I can let the car behind drive over."

"Why drive? I can't drive over. There's no road."

What surprised Chen Yuan was that Gu Qianyue pointed to a dilapidated old house and said it was Xie Feng's house.

He thought that this old house was abandoned because no one lived in the village.

Driving all the way here, although Xiejia Village is far away from the town center, every household has built a small Western-style building, which looks very impressive.

It is estimated that it is difficult to find an old house like this in Xiejia Village.

Chen Yuan heard what Lao Gu said and got out of the car helplessly to check.

He found that the old house was surrounded by a pond and there were woods on both sides.

There was a narrow path connecting the old house and the road.

This makes their car fly over here?

What era is this? There are still people whose houses are not accessible by roads.

Chen Yuan cursed in his heart, feeling that he was cheated by Xie Feng, that bastard. If he had known this, he would have asked him to pay more.

"Chen Yuan, what should we do now?"

The driver of the car behind didn't know what to do. Even the driver had been to the top of Ziqueling Mountain.

But the old house of Xie's familySurrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, the only way to survive is to fly over.

"What can we do? Just unload and move everything over." Chen Yuan rolled his eyes, but then he thought of something and turned to look at Lao Gu, "Uncle Gu, didn't you say Xie Feng has two brothers? Can you call them to help?"

"Tsk, if I could ask them to help, I would have called them a long time ago. You don't know what kind of character his two brothers are. They listen to their wives in everything..."

When talking about Xie Feng's two brothers, Lao Gu's face suddenly darkened, and he started talking like a long-term wife in the village.

When Lao Gu finished speaking, Chen Yuan was also confused.

It's probably that the two brothers are cowards, henpecked, and listen to their wives in everything.

And Xie Feng's two sisters-in-law are not easy to deal with. They are not easy to get along with. They can't stand others doing well in everything, and the relationship between them is not very good.

Xie Feng had planned to dig through this narrow path to build a road, but his brother and sister-in-law disagreed.

They said that cutting down the trees on both sides of the old house would affect the feng shui of their Xie family.

Xie Feng was so angry that he wanted to kick his brother and sister-in-law into the pond in front of the house.

Before, the Xie family had agreed on this when they divided the family.

No matter who the Xie family's old house was left to, the two elders of the Xie family would live in the old house for a hundred years in the future.

Xie Feng was the youngest of the Xie family and the last to start a family, so the old house was naturally divided to him.

However, even if he inherited the old house in name, his two brothers and sisters-in-law would not allow him to demolish it and rebuild it.

Later, Xie Feng simply bought a house in the town, which made his stingy brother and sister-in-law jealous.

I thought the old couple of the Xie family secretly hid money to buy a house for their youngest son.

At that time, the two sisters-in-law were in a big fight, and the whole Xie family was turned upside down.

It was Gu Qianyue and his family who went to clarify in person that the money for buying the house was supported by the old Gu family, and it had nothing to do with their Xie family.

Xie Feng's two brothers and sisters-in-law finally calmed down, but they were still very jealous.

They were all born to the same parents, so why could the third child live in a building in the town?

This is totally unfair!

Since then, the brothers and sisters-in-law have not had any contact with Xie Feng and his family.

They usually meet on the road, and they don't say hello to each other.

Well... It's boring. I feel that sometimes, brothers don't get along as well as ordinary friends.


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