It's difficult!

Chen Yuan felt that this matter was a bit tricky. He had a bad feeling that this mission might not be easily completed.

But now that we are here, we must face it actively.

Gu Qianyue, the old father-in-law, was embarrassed to ask for help, so Chen Yuan had to step in at the critical moment.

Chen Yuan didn't smoke, but he always carried cigarettes with him, and they were Huazi.

This cigarette was like a mushroom bomb. It was not the same thing to have a sword without a sword in hand.

Chen Yuan caught someone with a cigarette and spoke politely.

"Uncle, I'm busy. Come and smoke a cigarette. Please help me move some things."

"Oh, what kind of cigarette is this? It looks very high-end, and it's in traditional Chinese."

"Little master, what are you asking us to move? What are you doing?"

"We are here to cook a big feast. If anyone in the village needs to cook a big feast in the future, you can contact me."

After Chen Yuan handed over the cigarette, he handed over his business card to the person. He really remembered to attract business for himself at all times.

"Hey, Chen Yuan? You are the Little Master Chen they are talking about, right?"

"Uncle, do you know me?"

Chen Yuan was a little embarrassed. He is so famous now?

No way, he is so low-key now!

"Of course I know him. Now Douyin is full of short videos of you cooking big banquets. The dishes you cook almost make us cry."

"By the way, Little Master Chen, which family are you hosting a banquet for in our Xiejia Village this time?"

"Uncle, you saw our two cars parked over there, which family could it be."

After Chen Yuan said this, the uncles guessed it.

"Oh, it turned out to be Sanwazi's family..."

"Uh, that Little Master Chen, I have to remind you, if you go to his house to cook a banquet, you have to be careful of his two tigress sisters-in-law."

"Be careful of his two tigress sisters-in-law?"

Chen Yuan's heart skipped a beat. Is there really something bad going to happen?

But when Chen Yuan wanted to ask more, these people refused to say anything.

So he had to give up. Things had come to this point, so he could only take it one step at a time.

"Chen Yuan, you are really something."

Gu Qianyue saw that Chen Yuan really called a few people over, and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

But Chen Yuan couldn't be happy at all, and always felt that there was a pit waiting for him ahead.

As soon as everyone worked together, they began to unload the things under the car. After unloading, they followed the narrow path and began to move things to Xie's house.

Not to mention, it was a long way from the road to Xie's house.

Although the things were not very heavy, there were many of them.

Thanks to Chen Yuan for calling a few people in the village to help.

After moving all the things to Xie's house, Chen Yuan handed cigarettes to the people in the village. They took the cigarettes and left with laughter.

"So it's Sanwazi's family who's holding a full-month banquet. Didn't they say they were planning to hold it in a restaurant in town?"

"How would I know? But the chef Sanwazi invited is very famous in our town. I still remember the buffet at Yan Shuhua's house, which was prepared by this young chef."

"So it's him. I was wondering why he looked so familiar. This chef is amazing. The dishes he makes all depend on his hand speed. Let's see who grabs the food faster."

"Really? Then should we consider paying for the banquet?"

"What banquet... Just wait and see. It's hard to say whether Sanwazi's banquet will be held."

"That's right. His two sisters-in-law are not good people. Who knows what trouble they will cause."

Several uncles from the village who helped were chatting while smoking cigarettes.

Someone suggested paying for the banquet, but when they thought of Xie Feng's two sisters-in-law, everyone shook their heads and said they couldn't afford it.

They didn't want to miss such a good chef cooking.

But I just couldn't do it.

With those two tigresses in the Xie family, it was another matter whether the banquet could be held.

The few people walked away slowly while smoking.

On the other side...

Chen Yuan looked at the pile of things placed on the dam and was also very troubled.

After all, there were only Lao Gu and Chen Yuan left now. The truck driver was very kind to help move these things here.

Gu Qianyue and Chen Yuan looked at each other, staring at each other on the spot.

But they couldn't just stand there and watch. Xie Feng and the others hadn't come back from buying vegetables yet, so they had to do something.

The two began to set up tables and awnings on the dam.

"Who are you? You came to my house to set up a awning, take it down for me."

The two were busy, and suddenly a shrew stood up and spoke to them arrogantly.

This shrew is Xie Feng's sister-in-law Zhou Huayun, who is a well-known shrew in the village. Everyone in the village is afraid of her.

Almost all the neighbors around her quarrel with her.After the fight, the villagers didn't want to deal with her.

"His sister-in-law, I'm Sanwazi's father-in-law. We're going to have a big banquet, and we're preparing a venue." Gu Qianyue had only met Zhou Huayun once several years ago. After so many years, no one knew each other.

"Oh, so you're in-laws. But didn't Sanwazi say before that he was going to hold the banquet in a big restaurant in town? What's wrong? He's thinking about going back to the countryside to hold it. Is it because he doesn't have the money to go to the restaurant that he came back to hold it?"


Sister-in-law Zhou Huayun's mouth is really foul, and it's unbearable when she opens her mouth.

Makes people really want to slap her...

Gu Qianyue was so rude that he couldn't say a word.

At this moment, if Wu Xunfang was present, he would probably quarrel with Zhou Huayun in person.

"Oh, you're the sister-in-law of the host family, right? Then don't just stand there and talk, come and help."

Chen Yuan doesn't care if you're a shrew or not, he's not afraid of offending people.

Uncle Pan Zishu had to go out for something today, and he will come for the main banquet tomorrow, otherwise she will have to experience the power of his poisonous tongue.

"Who are you? You are giving orders here."

"I am the chef of this banquet, please don't interfere with my banquet here!"

Please don't interfere with my banquet here!

This sentence, like a magic sound, pierced Zhou Huayun's mind.

At this moment, she felt a buzzing in her mind.

Oh, it's really ridiculous to be called aunt directly. Am I that old?

"You stinky chef, who are you calling aunt? Believe it or not, I will call someone to smash these things right away!"

"Hey! I really don't believe it. You go and call someone, I'll wait here and see who dares to smash it!"

Hearing Zhou Huayun's threat, Chen Yuan really didn't believe it.

"You scoundrel, you set up this shed in front of my house without my consent. Don't you have any law?"

"What do you mean in front of your house? I was only commissioned by Mr. Xie Feng to come here to cook a big feast. I don't care about anything else."

Chen Yuan still did his own thing and fiddled with the table, which made Zhou Huayun grit her teeth in anger.

What kind of person is this? It's really infuriating.


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