Xie Chong and Wang Meiyu came to the dam of the old house one after another. When they smelled the big iron pots, their mouths watered and they couldn't even walk.

"Master Chen is busy. Do you need our help?"

Xie Chong came to Chen Yuan and greeted him politely.

Wow, this is a person who has cooked for multi-millionaires. The dishes must taste like those in five-star hotels.


Chen Yuan frowned and looked at the couple. "Do you want to ask the host for help? I can't make the decision."

Chen Yuan wanted to say no, but after all, these were the host's brother and sister-in-law. He didn't need to offend them and do things that were thankless.

Xie Chong was also a shameless person. He actually went to his brother to talk.

Xie Feng just looked at his second brother and sister-in-law coldly and ignored them.

Xie Chong and his wife smiled awkwardly. Regardless of whether they agreed to let them help or not, they stayed in the temporary kitchen and refused to leave.

Heizi looked at the two more people in the kitchen, acting suspiciously, as if they were going to do something bad.

He didn't give them a good look:

"If you want to work in the kitchen, do it well, or get out."

Xie Chong and his wife had originally wanted to steal some food, but they met this vicious black man. Both of them were frightened and afraid of him from the bottom of their hearts.

It really fits the saying.

Brine and tofu, one thing conquers another.

"Brother, what are you talking about? We will definitely work hard."

The two did not say to leave, and really worked hard in the kitchen.

This made Xie Feng, who was helping on the side, feel that the sun was rising from the west. It was not the style of his second brother and second sister-in-law in the past.

But time is running out, and there is no time to think too much. Anyway, it’s good that nothing goes wrong.

After all, they are his brother and sister-in-law. He can’t drive them away in front of so many relatives.

After this incident, he has completely seen the true colors of his two brothers and sisters-in-law.

In the future, apart from being filial to his parents, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with them anymore.

Let’s live our own lives and never have any contact with each other.

“The second son and his wife are so shameless. They quarreled with the third son and his wife yesterday, and today they took the initiative to help in the kitchen. Who are they doing this for? They are completely slapping our faces.”

Zhou Huayun learned that Xie Chong and his wife went to the temporary kitchen to help early in the morning, so she and her husband scolded them for being so shameless.

"Wife, what should we do? Why can't we let the second son and his treacherous couple eat the banquet dishes while we two stay at home and watch with envy."

"Of course we can't. No matter what, we are also the child's uncle and aunt. Today is the full moon banquet. If we go to the banquet with the gift, will we be kicked out? I don't believe it."

Hearing her husband Xie Hong's words, Zhou Huayun naturally wanted to find a way to go to the banquet. If people knew that the second son of their family went to the banquet, they, as the eldest son, did not, they would definitely be laughed at.

Zhou Huayun and his wife also shamelessly took their two sons to the banquet.

They did not go to the kitchen to help, but went straight to the "Rites Secretary" who recorded the gift money.

In rural areas, the person who records the account is generally called a cabinet, and some places call it an account office.

In Xiejia Village, it is called the Rites Secretary.

The name is different in each place, but no matter what it is called, it plays the same role.

That is to record the gift money for the host family and collect the share money.

Although this secretary of the Ministry of Rites seems to have an easy job, he must not be careless at all.

If the money is recorded incorrectly, the secretary of the Ministry of Rites will be held responsible.

Generally, there are two secretaries of the Ministry of Rites who keep accounts, one for accounting and the other for counting money. The division of labor is clear so that there will be no mistakes.

Otherwise, once there are more people, there will be chaos.

Today, Gu Hongti is the secretary of the Ministry of Rites and is responsible for accounting. And Xie Feng's cousin is carrying a crossbody bag and is responsible for collecting gifts.

When the cousin collects a gift from someone, she asks Gu Hongti to write down the person's name and the amount of the gift.

"Write it down for me, my name is Xie Hong."

Hearing Xie Hong's voice, Gu Hongti subconsciously raised his head and happened to see Xie Hong's face.

Isn't this his brother-in-law's eldest brother?

Gu Hongti also heard about what happened yesterday. He originally thought that the other party would not be so shameless to come to the banquet, but he didn't expect that the other party would still come so shamelessly.

"Brother Xie Hong, how big a red envelope are you giving to your nephew?"

The cousin is a few years younger than Xie Hong, so she has to call him brother.

"How much can I give? My third son is a rich man. He does business in the town and makes a lot of money., I am the eldest brother and I am so poor, how can I give so much money? I will give the same as the villagers.

The cousin was still thinking about how much money Xie Hong could give, but Xie Hong gave 200 yuan and said that he was the same as the villagers.

He didn't think at all that he was the uncle of a child and gave 200 yuan, and whether he would feel embarrassed.

"Gu Hongti, write it down for him, Xie Hong, 200 yuan."

Looking at Xie Hong's back as he left, the cousin shook her head helplessly.

This Xie Hong was really stingy. He only gave 200 yuan, but his whole family came to the banquet. If it was someone else, he really couldn't afford to lose face.

Gu Hongti was also very speechless, but you can't refuse the money given by others.

She didn't say anything and wrote down the name of the person.

As time went by, more and more people came to the Xie family's old house for the banquet.

"It smells so good. Where did you invite this chef? I feel like I'm dying of greed." ”

Today, many people came to the banquet, mainly relatives from both sides.

On the contrary, there were very few people from the village, mainly because Xie Feng’s two sisters-in-law had offended all the people in the village before.

No matter what the Xie family did, the villagers would not come to participate.

Originally, Xie Feng held a full-month banquet for his son, and the people in the village did not want to come, but the fragrance was so fragrant that the children in the family were very greedy.

But when they heard the adults say that they would not go to the banquet, my God, they rolled on the ground and wiped all the dust and chicken manure on the ground clean.

Not to mention that the children were crying because of greed, the adults were also very greedy.

Since everyone was so greedy, why not pay for a banquet?

So several people in the village made an appointment to come to Xie Feng’s house to pay for the banquet.

"Uncle Qigong, you are so good. You are so old, don’t work so hard. "

"That's right, look at Uncle Qigong's back, it's even more hunched, he's so old, there's really no need to work so hard."

"Today your Sanwazi's family is having a wedding, we're here to have a feast, you won't reject us, will you?"

"Oh, we're all from the same village, what are you talking about, come to have a feast, I'm an old man, I'm so happy!"


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