Besides, Chen Yuan lay flat at home for several days, watching the time come to the end of September.

But after the full moon wine party at Xie Feng's house, he has not received any new tasks.

This day, that is, a day in late September.


"Chen Yuan... Chen Yuan, are you at home?"

Chen Yuan was lying flat at home watching short videos. He was watching them with great interest when he heard someone knocking on their door, and it seemed that they were still calling his name.

Chen Yuan quickly got up from the bed and opened the door, and found that it was Chen An's parents.

"Uncle, aunt, what are you doing?"

Chen Yuan saw that Chen An's mother was a little upset, her eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

Chen An's father was not much better, there was no smile on his face, and his face was stern.

"Oh, Chen Yuan... Do you know that Chen An went to meet some netizens? "

Chen An's mother asked with a sad face.

"Aunt, don't worry. I also know that Chen An is going to meet his online friend."

Chen Yuan hurried to comfort Chen An's mother.

"Chen Yuan, you are really something. He is going to meet that online friend, why don't you help persuade him?"

"Uncle, how can I persuade him? You can ask Heizi. We have tried our best to persuade him, but he won't listen to us no matter what we say. We have no choice."

Why does Chen An's father still blame himself!

That day, Chen An said that he was going to meet the female online friend called "Zhao Xiangfen". Chen Yuan and Heizi kept persuading him, but the other party didn't listen.

What can they do? Even if they tie him up, it will not help.

"In fact, this matter cannot be blamed on Chen Yuan. Our Chen An is disobedient and doesn't listen to anything. It is not the fault of others. ”

Chen An’s mother is very reasonable. How can she blame others for her own child’s disobedience?

“Chen Yuan, I’m sorry. I was a little anxious just now. I hope you don’t mind.”

Chen An’s father was also very anxious, so he said that just now.

Now that Chen An’s mother blamed him, Chen An’s father also reacted and apologized to Chen Yuan.

“Uncle, aunt, don’t worry. Let’s try to contact Chen An first. If it doesn’t work, then we will choose to call the police.”

“We contacted him, but the child just didn’t answer the phone. How can this child be so stupid? He had to meet a female netizen for no reason. He must have been deceived. I heard that there are many scammers in Haicheng. If you deceive people, there will be no good results.”

“This child should be taught a lesson so that he can understand the dangers of society.”

“What can I do? My Anzi, I hope he won’t be choked by others. ”

“Hey, you woman, why are you talking nonsense? The one who is gagging is northern Myanmar, which is abroad. Do you understand? Or have you watched too much Douyin and your mind is confused?”

“I think you are confused. Is it only northern Myanmar that is gagging? Maybe our Anzi was deceived and went abroad. There are scammers rampant on the Internet. No one can tell.”

“You are a stinky woman with a crow mouth. I don’t want to talk to you. How can you curse your own son like you?”

As they talked, the couple actually quarreled, and neither of them was willing to give in.

“Uncle, aunt... Stop quarreling, let’s discuss Chen An’s matter.”

Chen Yuan was speechless for a while. Chen An’s whereabouts were still unknown, and the couple quarreled like this again. It was really worrying.

“Yes, yes... Now our Anzi’s matter is important. ”

When it comes to Chen An, the couple immediately stopped arguing and paused.

“Did your Anzi tell his family where he went?”

Chen Yuan asked.

“The child didn’t tell us anything. He just sent a voice message to his cousin, saying that he went to Haicheng District to meet an online friend, and then he never contacted his family again.”

“That’s right, Anzi’s mother and I sent him a message but he didn’t reply. We called him but he didn’t answer, so we came here to ask if he contacted you.”

Chen An’s parents flashed anxious eyes, and Chen Yuan also expressed understanding.

“In fact, your Chen An didn’t contact me either, but I’ll video him now.”

As he said that, Chen Yuan took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat video to Chen An.

The first one didn’t answer, so he called the second one, and this time he answered.

“Anzi, where are you now? Don’t you know how anxious your parents are at home? "

Chen Yuan yelled at the video.

This guy is too irresponsible. He ran away from home without telling his family and went to see a girl by himself.Netizens, I really want to drag him over and beat him up.

"Oh, don't mention it, you don't know how unlucky I am. I was playing at the beach yesterday, and my phone fell into the sea. My poor new phone is gone just like that."

In the video, Chen An instantly wailed in pain. The newly bought phone was broken just like that. It was really infuriating.

"Anzi, this is your mother. Where are you now? Your father said that you were deceived and sent abroad, and your kidneys were cut! Woo~~"

Chen An's mother cried to her son in the video. Seeing her son jumping around, she was happier than anyone else.

"Mom, don't listen to my father. Your son is fine. Besides, my kidneys are smelly. What's the use of cutting them?"

"Hey, you stinky boy, you are still talking nonsense here. You wait for me. When you come back, I will beat your ass."

Hearing his son's words, Chen An's father was so angry that he yelled at the video.

"Dad, your daughter-in-law is here, can you speak more elegantly?"

"What, daughter-in-law?"

Hearing his son's words, Chen An's father was a little confused for a moment.

"Hello, uncle, aunt..."

Just then, a girl appeared in the video.

Although this girl didn't look very stunning at first glance, she was also very attractive and was definitely a good wife and mother.

This was exactly the ideal daughter-in-law candidate for Chen An's parents.

"Who is this girl?"

Looking at the girl on the phone screen, Chen An's parents were a little confused for a moment, and even a little at a loss.

"Dad...Mom, this is Zhao Xiangfen, whom I mentioned to you before. You still don't believe this is true, but the girl is very good."

Chen An shouted proudly in the video, and it was obvious that he was nourished by love.

"Oh, this girl is really good-looking. I tell you, Chen An, you can't bully Xiangfen."

Looking at how likable her future daughter-in-law was, Chen An's mother protected her.

Chen An: ...

So my biological son is worthless.


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