【System Task: Accept the commission from the top brother Shen Lang. 】

【Task Description: Shen Lang spent a lot of money for the Internet celebrity Rong'er. After Shen Lang's unremitting efforts, he finally got the beautiful woman. Rong'er agreed to Shen Lang's proposal, which made our Brother Lang very happy. Master Chen, please cook a popular and delicious feast for the lonely Brother Lang, so that the villagers of Shangtian Village can once again feel the charm of god-level cooking! 】

【Complete the task and receive the reward randomly distributed by the system. 】

【Do you accept it?】


As soon as Shen Lang hung up the phone, the system message came.

Chen Yuan was also a little speechless. There were only one or two tasks in August and September. It was really too idle.

But in October, the tasks were endless.

In addition to the boss Qian of Jiahui Supermarket, Brother Lang, there was another one who was a childhood friend of Tang Dazhi's friend Wu Deping.

Wu Deping's childhood friend planned to get married during the National Day holiday. He originally wanted to go to a restaurant in the county town to hold the wedding, but after eating the snowflake meatballs that Wu Deping brought back, he changed his mind and planned to invite Chen Yuan to cook a big banquet in their community.

Chen Yuan received the call and asked about the situation. It turned out to be October 5th. He had plenty of time.

He immediately took on the task.

In other words, he had already received three people during the National Day holiday. It was simply a cheating rhythm.

Time flew by.

It was the day before October 1st.

Tomorrow is the wedding day of Qian Xiaomei, the daughter of Boss Qian.

As a local tycoon, he was quite generous and planned to hold a big banquet in his hometown.

Boss Qian opened supermarkets in several towns. In each town, he had a building, all of which were self-built houses.

Not only that, he also built a big villa in Boss Qian's hometown.

Although the self-built villa is not as magnificent and luxurious as Yan Shuhua's, it is also very impressive.

Boss Qian's parents have passed away for many years, and the villa in his hometown has been empty and no one lives there.

If no one lives in this house for a long time, it will be unpopular and cold.

After Qian Xiaomei decided to marry in the Qian family, Boss Qian invited people from the cleaning company to clean the villa, so that it looks like it is real.

"Wow, Boss Qian, your villa is quite nice. It looks like you spent a lot of money on it."

"It cost me more than one million, but I haven't lived in it for a few days."

Chen Yuan looked at the big villa of the Qian family, which was very impressive. This rich man is really so willful.

It cost more than one million to build such a beautiful villa in his hometown, but he didn't live in it. It was really a waste.

In fact, many people in rural areas now have built buildings, but they don't live in them. They only go home to live for a few days during the Spring Festival, and most of the time they are closed.

"Then we will prepare the dishes for the banquet today. I have called the kitchen helpers. I will be responsible for the money of three people, and you, Boss Qian, will be responsible for the rest of the wages."


"No, Boss Qian, what do you mean? We have already discussed it before. I will only be responsible for the money of three kitchen helpers, and the rest will be paid by you."

Hearing what Boss Qian said, Chen Yuan was obviously stunned.

Aren't you a big boss? How can you be so stingy?

"Master Chen, don't be anxious, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"You said..."

"Look how anxious you are. You don't have to pay. I will cover all the expenses."

"Boss Qian, what do you mean?"

"It means literally. I will pay for all the kitchen helpers. What do you think?"

"This is not appropriate."

After Boss Qian finished speaking, Chen Yuan really understood what a real rich man was.

What can Chen Yuan say?

I can only say that I want more such rich men!

It wasn't much money, so Chen Yuan didn't bother with Boss Qian.

As for the dishes, Chen Yuan had already discussed it with Boss Qian.

There were 30 dishes in total, both meat and vegetables, very generous.

Roasted chicken, braised pork, preserved vegetable braised pork, four-happiness meatballs, steamed grouper, cold cucumber, cold shredded shreds, spicy chicken feet, eight melons in sauce, salted shrimp, garlic-flavored dragon beans, seasonal fresh fruit, osmanthus candied lotus root, old soup mutton, colorful fungus...

Anyway, the dishes for a big banquet in a rural area are always the same.

Unless it's some specific banquets, the dishes are also different.

In Dongfeng Town, they have tofu for funerals, but not four-happiness meatballs.

If meatballs are to be served, seven-sorrow meatballs are served.

As for the dishes, Boss Qian went to buy them himself.

He is in the retail industry and knows a lot of people. He can definitely buy groceries at a much lower price than Chen Yuan and his friends.

SoAll matters can be handed over to Boss Qian and his men, and he only needs to prepare the menu.

The dishes for tomorrow's banquet have been bought, and Chen Yuan even went to check them. Not to mention that the dishes that Boss Qian asked people to buy are of good quality. It seems that the people who help him buy the dishes are still very reliable.

Chen Yuan called several kitchen helpers in the village, in addition to Heizi and Uncle Pan Zi, there are also Aunt Wang and several reliable aunts in the village.

When everyone heard that Chen Yuan wanted to invite them to help in the kitchen, the aunts in the village were so happy that their mouths were crooked.

Not only can you get money to help Chen Yuan in the kitchen, but you can also eat the dishes cooked by Master Chen.

The most important thing is that if there are any leftovers, the host will let them take some back.

How could such a good thing be missed!

So, when Chen Yuan asked them to help in the kitchen, they did not hesitate at all and agreed immediately.

Tomorrow is the 11th day of the 11th month, and we have to prepare all the dishes that need to be pickled and stewed in advance.

Otherwise, it will be too late tomorrow.

Chen Yuan asked people to build the stove in the villa first, and also built the temporary kitchen awning.

Tables, chairs, benches, pots, pans, and bowls were all loaded by car.

Once the things were loaded, the kitchen helpers began to help move them down.

"Auntie Wang, take a few aunts to wash the dishes and chopsticks."

"Okay, Master Chen, just tell me if you have anything to do."

Chen Yuan spoke politely to Auntie Wang in the village, and Auntie Wang immediately nodded and agreed.

What a joke, now Chen Yuan has a very high status in the minds of these aunts in Chen Village.

Chen Yuan was also very happy to see that the aunts in the village were so obedient.

As a chef, he likes to use such people, and he can do whatever he wants. Chen Yuan is like a general on the battlefield, and he feels very accomplished.

The aunties went to wash the dishes, and Heizi and his friends had already started to build a stove in the large courtyard of the villa.

When the stove was built, Chen Yuan put the iron pot on the stove.

"This young Master Chen is so strong. How happy it would be to be his girlfriend."

"Oh, Sister Li, you have become bad too. You can even say such lewd words."

"Pretend, just pretend hard for me. Everyone knows it."

"I heard that Chen Yuan has a girlfriend. Otherwise, I will introduce him to my niece. My niece is so beautiful and she is a college student."

Seeing Chen Yuan twist a big iron pot with one hand, the aunties who help in the kitchen were stunned for a while.

Full of boyfriend power, which woman doesn't like it!

Hearing the words of the aunties, Chen Yuan grinned and continued to do his work.

He put all the big iron pots on the wood stove, poured clean water into the iron pots, asked Uncle Pan Zi to heat the water and clean the iron pots.

Chen Yuan began to arrange the ingredients. His movements were very skillful and smooth, which looked pleasing to the eye.

On the other side.

"Hey, Qian Jin, you are planning to let your daughter Xiaomei get married in your hometown."

"Tsk tsk, this villa is so beautiful. It must have cost a lot of money when it was built."

"This wedding venue is so beautifully decorated. It must have cost a lot of money."

Boss Qian invited people from the wedding company to decorate the wedding scene, and many nearby villagers came to watch.

The villagers were also very curious. Qian Jin rarely went home all year round.

This time he suddenly came back with lights and decorations. He was going to marry his daughter.

Although Boss Qian's hometown is also in An County, it is not Dongfeng Town, but Yangshui Town, which belongs to the same county.

This town is also 50 to 60 kilometers away from Dongfeng Town.

Boss Qian's village is called Zhenglong Village.

The villagers of Zhenglong Village came to Boss Qian's house and talked a lot.

Qian Jin didn't know how to answer, but he couldn't be too cold to these enthusiastic villagers, otherwise someone would gossip.

Boss Qian also greeted the villagers enthusiastically, took out Huazi, lit them politely, and talked to the villagers.

When they heard that Boss Qian's daughter was getting married tomorrow, they all said they must come to the banquet.

Boss Qian naturally welcomed it. Although he couldn't go back to his hometown several times a year, he had visited every household in the village that had had personal connections before.

Although some people didn't go to the banquet, they all gave their share of money.

"Hmm? It smells so good, why is it so fragrant!"

At this time, Chen Yuan had already started preparing dishes in the temporary kitchen in the yard.

The beef in the marinade was bubbling, and the aroma was rushing into everyone's nose, so fragrant that everyone couldn't move their feet.

They all shouted to come over to eat. If such a delicious dishIf they can't eat, won't they be upset?

So they all made up their minds to come to the banquet tomorrow.

Chen Yuan prepared all the dishes that needed to be prepared tomorrow and prepared to rest.

Because the distance back to Chen Village was too far, Boss Qian also prepared a room for Chen Yuan and his friends. There were eight kitchen helpers in total, and the villa couldn't accommodate them, so Boss Qian personally drove them to the restaurant in the town.

The rooms were limited, so Chen Yuan slept in the same room with Heizi.

After a dreamless night, before dawn the next day,

Chen Yuan got up early and started working with the kitchen helpers.

The kitchen was busy, and as the bride of today, she also got up early in the morning to prepare makeup.

Boss Qian paid for a professional makeup artist to come to the villa to make up for his daughter.

Qian Jin only had this one daughter, so naturally he had to hold a grand wedding for his daughter.

Because he only had one daughter, the groom was a son-in-law.

Anyway, Boss Qian has plenty of money, and many people are lining up to be his son-in-law.

Just kidding, being able to marry Qian Xiaomei means that you can definitely save decades of hard work and decades of detours.

"Xiaomei, you are so beautiful today!"

A gorgeous makeup artist put on makeup for Qian Xiaomei, and then her mouth looked like it was covered with honey.

However, this makeup artist is really superb, and she made Qian Xiaomei lose more than ten pounds. The original round face was made to look like a melon seed face.

This is not makeup, it's simply a disguise.

"Sister Meijia, thank you."

Qian Xiaomei looked at herself in the mirror, her face full of surprise, she never realized that she would be so beautiful after putting on makeup.

Although Qian Xiaomei is a very open-minded girl, she is also a girl, who doesn't love beauty?

"In fact, there are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women. You are already beautiful, just learn to put on makeup."

The makeup artist actually envied Qian Xiaomei. Her family had so much money that she didn't have to worry about living. This was a good life!

"Really? Sister Meijia, can you teach me how to put on makeup?"

"Yes, actually, it's not difficult to put on makeup. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Chen Meijia smiled and nodded, actually because of Qian Xiaomei's family background.

Chen Meijia also wanted to be friends with Qian Xiaomei.

Qian Xiaomei was so happy that she almost jumped up when she heard that Sister Meijia agreed to teach her how to put on makeup.

Qian Xiaomei, who had put on makeup, seemed like a different person. China's makeup technique was really amazing, and it was worthy of being one of the four great magic techniques in China.

Because the groom was coming today, Qian Xiaomei went to the man's house to pick up the groom.

The groom was from their Yangshui Town, which was only a dozen miles away.

Boss Qian also gave the groom enough face and invited a large fleet of luxury cars to go over, which looked very impressive.

The bride Qian Xiaomei took the fleet to the groom's house and picked him up.

The groom Zhang Qiang looked thin, like a stick. When he got off the wedding car, his face was full of smiles, without any melancholy, and he looked very festive.

Zhang Qiang's attitude towards Qian Xiaomei was also very good, and he took good care of her.

When he got off the wedding car, he even helped Qian Xiaomei, as if he was afraid that she would fall.

"Tsk tsk, the groom doesn't look unhappy at all."

"Why not? Don't you know that marrying Qian Xiaomei can save you decades of hard work?"

"That's right. Qian Xiaomei is just a little fat. She looks pretty good. She put on some makeup today. She is a real beauty."

"Yes, I almost didn't recognize Qian Xiaomei when she put on makeup today. So every fat person has potential."

"I regret it. If I had known earlier, I would have married Qian Xiaomei and helped her lose weight. She would be a big beauty after losing weight."

"Erniu, forget it. How could the Qian family be interested in someone like you?"

"Fuck, Ergouzi, what do you mean! How can I be inferior to this groom? This groom is skinny and not as strong as me."

Everyone in the village came to see the bride and groom. Some saw that Qian Xiaomei didn't look so bad after putting on makeup. Some regretted why they didn't think of pursuing Qian Xiaomei in the first place.

But it's too late now.

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