But what's the use of regretting now?

There is no regret medicine in this world.

Seeing the bride and groom come back, men, women, young and old all came to see the bride and groom.

The children ran around the bride, and the bride Qian Xiaomei wanted to celebrate and kept giving candy to the children chasing after her.

When the children saw that the bride was actually giving candy, they surrounded the bride at once.

The bride and groom were also very happy to face these enthusiastic children. They quickly took out candy and distributed it to the children.

In addition to candy, the two also took out red envelopes for the children.

This link is the favorite of all children.

After the children asked for candy and red envelopes, they ran to the yard to play.

The bride and groom breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the children running away, and then went to the room to change clothes and came back to prepare for the next link.

The two changed into a set of Chinese dresses.

Qian Xiaomei wore a specially customized dress today, which looked very bloated, with tight flesh everywhere.

Although makeup can make the face look thinner, it is not a real magic and it is impossible to make people really thinner.


"Xiaomei, you are so beautiful today that I can't help but want to say I love you to you."

I didn't expect that the groom Zhang Qiang looked quite honest, but he was quite good at sweet talk at the critical moment.

Hearing this, Qian Xiaomei blushed slightly. She is also a woman, so naturally she has no resistance to these sweet words.

"Zhang Qiang, are you serious? Do you really love me?"

"Of course, Xiaomei, I dare to swear to the sky that I, Zhang Qiang, will always love Xiaomei. If I can't do it, let me be struck by lightning."

Faced with Qian Xiaomei's doubts, Zhang Qiang swore to the sky.

He looked absolutely sincere and didn't seem to be lying at all.

"Oh, I believe you, you don't need to swear such a poisonous oath."

Qian Xiaomei quickly sealed Zhang Qiang's mouth with her palm. How could he say such words on such a happy day?

What if it comes true? That would be so bad!


How could I think of these things?

Qian Xiaomei was shocked by her own thoughts and pouted a few times.

"Xiaomei, don't worry, I will love you forever, and I will only love you in this life."

Zhang Qiang suddenly took Qian Xiaomei's hand and said seriously.

"Well, I know."

Qian Xiaomei, who is so lively, was embarrassed by Zhang Qiang's sweet words.

Her face turned slightly red, and she nodded quickly, saying that she should know that the other party loved her.

While shy, her heart was also happy and full of happiness.

They entered the next stage, which was to offer tea to both parents and change their words to both parents.

The Qian family is rich. They not only hired a wedding company to set up the scene, but also built a stage.

Moreover, they also invited a beautiful host from Anxian TV station to help host the wedding. The price is really not cheap.

It can only be said that you can be willful if you have money...

"Dear guests, relatives and friends, welcome everyone to attend the wedding of Miss Qian Xiaomei and Mr. Zhang Qiang in your busy schedule..."

"Now we invite the parents of both parties. In fact, the happiest people on this day are the parents of the bride and groom. Let us give them the warmest applause..."

I have to say that the host of this TV station has a really good voice. The speed and tone of speech are very magnetic, and he has the style of a host.

At this time, with the warm music sounded.

The parents of the bride and groom also came to the stage.

Zhang Qiang's parents are honest farmers. It was their first time on such a stage, and they seemed very embarrassed.

On the other hand, Qian Jin and his wife seemed very calm, and they looked very confident.

After all, it was the man who married into the family, so the man's parents felt somewhat embarrassed. They had a stern face throughout the whole process, and there was no smile.

Especially Zhang Qiang's father, his face was full of a feeling of frustration.

But there was no way, who told them that the Qian family was rich.

And the Qian family only had one daughter, and in the future all the Qian family's property would be handed over to the Qian family's daughter.

That means it would all belong to his son in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qiang's father felt better.

Who doesn't have so much money in their family? Fortunately, they have three sons, so it doesn't matter if one of them is married into the family.

Even if the Qian family has more money, they only have one daughter, and the property will fall into the hands of his son in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qiang's father finally had a smile on his face.

Their Qian familyWith so much money, how could he still treat his son badly!

The only regret in his heart was that the children born by his son Zhang Qiang in the future would have the surname Qian. This was a thorn in his heart, and it hurt when he thought of it.

Seeing his son and daughter-in-law coming to serve tea, Zhang Qiang's parents seemed a little uneasy.

Fortunately, Xiaomei's daughter-in-law was better. When she got off the car, she stuffed two big red envelopes into the pockets of the two old people.

This was because Qian Xiaomei was afraid that the two old people would not have money to pay for the change of name later, so she gave each of her parents-in-law a red envelope in advance, so as to avoid having no money when giving money, which would be a bit embarrassing.

"With the changes of the world, the wedding night has lasted for five thousand years. The window is still red, the piano sounds melodious, and the marriage is bound to last for eighty thousand miles. The lights are still red, and the zither sounds harmonious..."

"Life is short, and time is long. The kindness of parents is the most unforgettable. No matter when or where, we must have a grateful heart."

"Our parents are the ones we should be most grateful to. They raised us to adulthood, worked tirelessly, gave us life, and gave us the most selfless love."

"Now the wedding of the bride and groom is full of laughter and warmth, and the family is happy..."

"Today, when the bride and groom stand on the stage and harvest the happy moment of joy, their gratitude to their parents is indispensable."

"The most important thing in the world is to be grateful to our parents."

" The most selfless love is the love of parents for their children. From black hair to white hair, they use their hardworking hands to nurture their children's growth and use their stalwart shoulders to bear their children's happiness. "

"The growth of the bride and groom is inseparable from the rough hands of their mother and the bent back of their father."

"Who says that the grass can repay the spring sunshine with its inch-long heart? The parents of the bride and groom have worked hard today. Seeing their children get married, we give the warmest applause to the parents who have worked tirelessly. "

"Now it's the most important part of the wedding. Please invite our protagonists today, the bride and groom, to the stage to toast their parents. "

As soon as the beautiful abbot finished speaking, Zhang Qiang took Qian Xiaomei's hand and slowly walked onto the stage.

The two, one fat and one thin, looked extremely mismatched, but they were a match made in heaven.

As soon as the couple walked onto the stage, applause of blessings rang out from the audience, all wishing the couple a happy old age and eternal love.

Under the hostess of the beautiful hostess, the bride and groom began to toast to their parents.

After the toast, they changed their names to each other's parents.

Both parents also gave a big red envelope.

"Woo woo, Xiaomei, you must be happy~"

Looking at her daughter's appearance, Xiaomei's mother cried with joy and wiped her tears secretly.

Her daughter grew from a cradle to a graceful young lady in the blink of an eye. It all seemed like a dream.

"Ahui, what's wrong? Are you still reluctant? We are not marrying a daughter, but marrying a son-in-law. What's there to be sad about?"

Seeing his wife secretly wiping tears, Qian Jin hurriedly comforted her.

He only had this one precious daughter, so he naturally didn't want to marry her off, so he recruited a live-in son-in-law.

In the future, the children born by his daughter will have the surname Qian, and Qian Jin will be considered a successor.

"Zhang Qiang, you can't marry this woman. You are a heartless man. You cruelly abandoned me for this woman. Are you worthy of me?"

Just when the bride and groom finished toasting and were about to leave the stage.

A woman rushed onto the stage and yelled at the groom Zhang Qiang. She rolled on the stage and cried loudly.

"What happened?"

"What happened? Who is this woman?"

"Didn't you hear what the woman said? She seems to be the girlfriend of the groom Zhang Qiang."

"Tsk tsk... This is a big melon, but why does this woman look much older than the groom?"

"These days, everything is clear. Look at those male and female stars. The age difference between men and women is not so big."

Everyone thought that after the toast, there would be nothing to do and they could wait for the feast.

But unexpectedly, there was such a big melon waiting for everyone to eat.

Human nature has always been very gossipy. When everyone saw this old woman coming to make trouble, they knew that there would be a good show today.

"Liu Menglan, why are you here? Didn't I tell you clearly that we are not suitable and it is impossible for us to be together."

Zhang Qiang's face also became ugly when he saw the appearance of that woman.

He glared at the woman, his bones full of indifference.

"Zhang Qiang, who... who is she?"

Qian Xiaomei tried her best to suppress her emotions and looked at her newlywed husband.

"Who am I? Haha... It's ridiculous. I am Zhang Qiang's girlfriend. In order to get close to your Qian family, this Chen Shimei actually abandoned me. If it weren't for you, Qian Xiaomei, I don't know if I would be with Zhang Qiang.How happy it is. "

"Damn it, Liu Menglan, what are you talking about? I told you that we are not suitable for each other, why do you want to ruin my happiness?"

Zhang Qiang looked at his ex-girlfriend and yelled angrily. He didn't know what was wrong with this woman. They had already broken up, so why did she want to destroy his hard-earned happiness with her own hands?

"I'm talking nonsense... Hehe... Zhang Qiang, do you dare to touch your conscience? Did you swear before that you would only love me in this life? ”


Faced with Liu Menglan’s questioning, Zhang Qiang was speechless for a moment.

How could this woman take the words between men and women in love seriously?

Besides, he and Liu Menglan had broken up for several months, and he didn’t even know Qian Xiaomei at that time.

After breaking up, why did she come to pester him? I had already said that they were not suitable for each other.

Liu Menglan’s personality was too strong, so the two broke up.

But Liu Menglan felt that she had spent so much money on Zhang Qiang, how could he just break up with her?

She was unwilling to accept it and thought that Zhang Qiang abandoned her in order to climb up the social ladder.

“Zhang Qiang, what’s going on? Kneel down and explain it clearly. "

Zhang Qiang's father saw this and immediately walked over to drag his son over, asking him to run to Boss Qian and explain clearly.

The Zhang family is a clean family, and outsiders cannot gossip about it.

With a "pop", Zhang Qiang knelt in front of Boss Qian.

Instantly, tears and snot flowed out, and he lowered his head.

"Xiao Qiang, explain it to me clearly, what's going on?"

Boss Qian looked at Zhang Qiang coldly. He agreed to marry his precious daughter to him because he saw Zhang Qiang was honest, but he didn't expect that the wedding hadn't been held yet, and the other party's ex-girlfriend came to the door. How would the guests who came today look at their Qian family!

"Dad~~It's not what you think. I broke up with her a long time ago. Before I met Xiaomei, I had no relationship with her, but I don't know why she came to me. "

"Is it true? You didn't lie to me!"

"Of course it's true, how dare I lie to you."

"Humph! It's better this way. "

Hearing Zhang Qiang's words, Boss Qian was also slightly relieved.

Since they had broken up a long time ago, what else is there to say.

In his opinion, it was just this woman who was making trouble!

"Dad, you have to make the decision for me!"

"My dear daughter, don't worry, as long as Dad is here, no one will bully you."

Boss Qian looked at his tearful daughter and felt heartbroken.

He must make the decision for his daughter. This is their Qian family. Someone came here to make trouble for their Qian family. Don't blame Qian Jin for being rude.

You know, Qian Jin is not such an easy person to bully.

"Hey, let me ask you, haven't you broken up with Zhang Qiang? Why are you still here to make trouble? Do you think our Qian family is easy to bully! "

Boss Qian walked up to Liu Menglan and shouted coldly.

At this time, Liu Menglan sat on the ground with her eyes staring straight ahead.

"What breakup? It's obvious that Zhang Qiang abandoned me after having an affair. He is an out-and-out Chen Shimei. He wasted my youth. I want him to compensate me for my youth loss."

Liu Menglan is also a smart daughter. She knows that at this time, it is impossible for her and Zhang Qiang to be together.

She spent a lot of money on Zhang Qiang, and he has to find a way to get it back.

Your Qian family is rich, so pay for you, the good son-in-law.

"Liu Menglan, do you have any shame? You are more than ten years older than me. You, an old woman, actually asked me to compensate you for your youth loss. It's really ridiculous. Don't you feel shameless? "

Zhang Qiang got anxious when he heard what the old woman said.

He had accompanied this old woman for several years in vain. If she wanted compensation for the loss of youth, it was him who asked for it. Why should she ask him for compensation for the loss of youth in return!

"I have been with you for several years, and you just want to break up, so you have been with me for nothing for several years. If you don't compensate me for the loss of youth today, I will not let this wedding take place!"


Seeing Liu Menglan being so shameless, Zhang Qiang was so angry that he stamped his feet.


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