Hengxian sashimi is a big deal, with more than 20 kinds of ingredients and sauces.

Houttuynia cordata, lemon shreds, ginger shreds, perilla leaf shreds, mustard tuber shreds, finger peppers, ginger shreds, sour buckwheat heads, etc. are indispensable. Fortunately, these things are relatively easy to find in rural areas.

In addition to these ingredients, sauces are also indispensable. If one is missing, the taste will be affected.

Chen Yuan's knife skills are amazing. He cut the big grass carp weighing more than ten pounds into slices in a short while.

I saw a long grass carp, which instantly turned into several pots of evenly thick sashimi slices, like paper, which looked very pleasing to the eye and very ornamental.

A whole fish was cut into sashimi, leaving only the fish head and tail, as well as the fish skeleton.

These will naturally not be thrown away. I will add some pickled cabbage later and make a pickled fish dish.

That's very nice...

"This sashimi looks delicious."

Zhao Xiangfen looked at the sashimi on the table and her saliva was secreted instantly.

"Our Yuanzi's dishes are so delicious, they will definitely make you hungry."

"Well, you can tell by looking at this dish."

Hearing Chen An's words, Zhao Xiangfen nodded seriously.

If Chen An had said this before, Zhao Xiangfen would definitely not believe it.

But now that she has seen Chen Yuan cook sashimi, she knows that he is a master of cooking.

After preparing all the ingredients and sauces for the sashimi, Chen Yuan prepared to cook a few other dishes.

Chen An's parents knew that their son was going to bring his girlfriend back, so they bought the dishes early and waited for their son to come back.

But Chen An had already told his parents not to cook first, and let Chen Yuan do it, and they could just help on the side.

Chen Yuan looked at the dishes prepared by Chen An and his friends, and he had an idea of ​​what to cook.

Potatoes and beef, mushrooms and chicken, lotus root and pork ribs, green peppers and pork...

These are all home-cooked dishes, and they are relatively easy to make.

The side dishes are already prepared, and Chen Yuan just needs to cook them.

Chen Yuan didn't act pretentiously and started to cook.

Chen An's family also has a big boiler, which is all burned with firewood, and the firepower is very strong.

When Chen Yuan cooks, his movements must be chic, and his smooth movements immediately attract all the eyes.

"Tsk tsk, this guy looks really neat when cooking, and he is completely at the level of a chef."

"What a joke, this is our Chen Village's treasure, and the chefs outside are not as good as him."

Hearing the exclamation of Chen An's mother's family, the locals of Chen Village began to explain.

So he is the chef of Chen Village?

No wonder.

The only person who can be called the chef of Chencun is Master Chen.

Master Chen is famous not only in Dongfeng Town, but also in several surrounding towns.

After all, as Chen Yuan's cooking reputation has increased, his reputation in the surrounding area has become more and more famous.

The wood stove is fast to cook, and in a short time, the table is full of dishes.

"Wow... This dish is really fragrant, it is worthy of being cooked by Master Chencun."

Many people smelled the fragrance of the dishes and immediately couldn't move their feet.

But if the relationship is not too close, it's really embarrassing to stay there.

Chen An just brought his girlfriend back, not engaged.

Moreover, even if it is an engagement, it is a meal for relatives and friends. People in the village are always embarrassed to stay there to eat.

The villagers left reluctantly. Chen An's relatives were all very happy and excited. They were drooling at the dishes on the table.

"Sit down. Take your own bowls and chopsticks. Don't be polite."

Chen An's parents warmly greeted relatives and friends. They were really happy today.

Their son brought his girlfriend back. They were very proud and proud in the village.

Those relatives and friends were not polite and sat down to eat.

Zhao Xiangfen couldn't hold back any longer. She rubbed her hands and sat down.

"Yuanzi, you've worked so hard. You sit down too."

Chen An was a little embarrassed. Looking at Chen Yuan who was sweating profusely, he quickly asked him to sit down.

"You guys eat first. I'll go wash my face first."

This autumn heat is really too strong. I made several dishes in a row, and my forehead was covered with sweat.

Chen Yuan walked straight into the RV, washed his face, and then sat back at the table.

"Young man, the food you cook is really delicious. I heard from Anzi's mother that you cook for big banquets. Do you have a business card? If my family has any business, I can invite you to cook."

"That would be great."

As soon as Chen Yuan sat down, he heard an old lady next to him speak.

This old lady looked very unfamiliar,It should be a relative of Chen An's mother.

Hearing that she wanted a name, Chen Yuan also took out his business card very neatly.

How could he miss such a good thing that he was asked to take on a task.

How can I say this kind of thing, the more the better.

"Master Chen, can you give me one of your business cards first? Take it back and I will write the number on the wall so that I won't forget it."

When someone saw Chen Yuan take out his business card, he asked for one.

People in the village were afraid of losing their numbers, so they liked to write their phone numbers on the wall with charcoal to prevent themselves from forgetting them.

Facing so many enthusiastic people, Chen Yuan was also very happy to hand out his business card to everyone.

He was also very happy in his heart, because these were all his potential customers and he couldn't offend them.

The happiest person was Zhao Xiangfen, because she could eat the sashimi she had been longing for.

Her brother-in-law was from Hengxian County, and Hengxian sashimi was quite famous throughout the country.

Last time I went to Hengxian, I had sashimi from Hengxian at her brother-in-law’s house. The taste was simply amazing.

Ever since she had sashimi in Hengxian, she always thought about the taste of sashimi.

She often heard Chen An say that the chefs in Chencun cooked delicious dishes, so she mentioned the sashimi in Hengxian.

Unexpectedly, the chefs in Chencun really made it.

She took a bite with chopsticks full of expectation, and her eyes lit up instantly.

Hengxian sashimi has put a lot of effort into the six words "species, strength, white, thin, thick, and fresh".

The so-called species refers to the good fish species to be selected for sashimi.

Flower fish, green bamboo fish, mandarin fish, grass carp, carp, and dace can all be used to process and make sashimi. The best wild flower fish with fat, sweet and crisp meat and few bones is the best, followed by green bamboo fish.

But in Chencun, there are more carp and grass carp.

However, it was Chen Yuan's knife skills that made the fish sashimi slices boneless.

Strong means that the fish meat should be firm and strong, chewy, and elastic in the mouth.

The fish meat is strong, and the tongue is juicy, and the more you chew, the more delicious it is. If the fish meat is not good, it will be like rotten cotton, and people will not be able to enjoy the pleasure of chewing.

White means that the fish meat is crystal white, like the white snow on the mountain peaks.

So when killing the fish, you must cut the gills to kill the blood. When the blood is gone, the fish will die. Only then will the fish meat be as white as snow, crystal clear as jade, and jade-like.

Thin means that the slices of fish should be as thin as cicada wings and melt in your mouth.

With the blessing of the systematic cooking skills, Chen Yuan's knife skills can be said to have reached a superb level.

After seeing the target, the knife falls quickly, and the slices slide down like feathers.

Gently unfold the fish slices. If the words are thin enough to be seen, it is a top grade, and if the words are not seen, it is a low grade.

After Chen Yuan's skillful hands, the sashimi slices placed on the plate are like blooming flowers, which will instantly attract countless dancing butterflies, making people daydream and full of poetic beauty.

Thickness comes from the richness and thickness of those seasonings.

It is precisely because of those thick seasonings that the fishy smell of sashimi slices can be suppressed, and diners can taste the freshness and refreshing taste of sashimi.

When eating sashimi, chopped green onions, ginger, garlic, lettuce, chili oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are indispensable.

On the basis of these ingredients, the sashimi in Hengxian is added with more than 20 kinds of side dishes such as unique papaya shreds, lemon, onion, taro shreds, etc., which makes people feel that the taste is very rich, the layers are distinct, and it is delicious.

Because many materials are not available in Chencun, Chen Yuan can only use other ingredients instead.

However, even if these ingredients seem to be very different from the real Hengxian sashimi, it is still an unusual surprise when you take a bite.

"Is this sashimi? Can you eat this?"

People in Pingnan Province are not used to eating raw food. When they saw that the raw meat slices were not cooked yet, some people couldn't accept it.

In their minds, if these fish are not cooked, they think there will be parasites in them, and they can't eat them.

So the people in Chen Village can't accept this dish at all. When they think that the fish meat is raw, they can't eat it.

Zhao Xiangfen was very happy to see that no one tried the sashimi. She ate it happily and stamped her feet under the table.

She felt like she was flying in the air, as if she was in heaven.

The sashimi she had eaten at her brother-in-law's house before was not comparable to this.

This time, the sashimi didn't have so many ingredients, but it tasted countless times better than before.

Chen An looked at the dish that Zhao Xiangfen had been thinking about, and wanted to reach out for the chopsticks to pick it up, but hesitated a little.

After all, he had never eaten raw meat since he was a child, and he had no courage to try it.

He secretly glanced at Chen Yuan and found that this guy was putting some ingredients and raw fish into his mouth, wantonlyHe started chewing.

He looked like he was enjoying the food, enjoying it with relish.

"Chen An, what are you looking at? Eat it, I tell you, this sashimi is really delicious, I have never eaten such good sashimi, try it."

"Is it really delicious?"

"Really, I'd be a puppy if I lied to you."

Chen An was skeptical, so he bit the bullet and picked up some side dishes, wrapped a piece of sashimi and ate it.

"Hmm? This taste is crispy and fragrant, it's too delicious."

As soon as Chen An finished eating the sashimi, his eyes lit up instantly.

What kind of divine delicacy is this, or is it sashimi? How come there is no fishy smell at all.

After eating it, the fragrance lingered in my mouth and my teeth were full of fragrance, which really made people a little intoxicated!

"I said it tasted very good."

Zhao Xiangfen leaned close to Chen An's ear and whispered in his ear.

Seeing that other people kept their distance from this sashimi, the two were very happy and ate happily. It was a great feeling that no one was snatching food.

No one touched the sashimi, but other dishes were eaten by others.

It was the first time for the people from Chen An's mother's family to eat the dishes made by Chen Yuan. Once they put them in their mouths, they couldn't stop eating.

After Chen Yuan's little hands, this home-cooked dish became extremely delicious. For them, it was simply a heavenly delicacy.

Baji Baji~~

There were fewer people talking at the dinner scene, and all they could hear were the sounds of eating.

Originally, many people wanted to express their opinions and views on Chen An bringing his girlfriend back this time, but now there was no sound.

Chen An ate the dishes with a smile, and his ears were also relaxed.

"I'm telling you, I've lived for decades and I've never eaten such delicious food. I found that I was really living a dog's stomach before."

"That's right, did you eat the beef stew with potatoes just now? Wow, it's really delicious. The beef is chewy, but it melts in the mouth. Even the potatoes inside are delicious, soft and juicy, very tender, and the aroma of beef is in the mouth. The sauce inside is really delicious with rice."

"Did anyone try the sashimi just now?"

"That thing is Who dares to taste it if it's not cooked, but I saw Chen An and his friends eating it with relish.

"No matter how good it tastes, I can't eat it. I have such a shallow taste that I'm lucky if I don't spit it out when I think it's raw."

"I think the sashimi is not as delicious as the stir-fried pork with green peppers. I've been eating stir-fried pork with green peppers for most of my life, but today I tasted this divine delicacy for the first time. I even ate three bowls of rice."

Chen An's relatives and friends ate very happily and praised Chen Yuan's cooking skills.

After the relatives and friends had their meal, they all left.

Before leaving, they just picked up some good words to make Chen An's parents smile and feel happy.

I heard that relatives and friends said that Chen An brought back a very good girlfriend this time, and asked Chen An when they would have an engagement wine and a wedding wine.

How could Chen An's parents know these?

Young people nowadays are not very casual when they fall in love.

Dating this one today, and that one tomorrow, if it doesn't fit, just change.

Now ask them when their son will get engaged or married, how can they tell clearly.

It depends on the two young people and the girl's parents.

Anyway, the Chen family still likes this future daughter-in-law, as long as the girl agrees, they have no problem.

After dinner, Chen Yuan and his friends are leaving.

They have to go to Shen Lang's house to make preparations in advance. If they go late, they will be busy until late.

Hearing that Chen Yuan and his friends are leaving, Chen An and his friends also came out.

"Anzi, I'm really sorry this time. I originally wanted to treat you to a seafood dinner, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

"It doesn't matter, you can treat me next time."

Looking at Chen An who felt a little guilty, Chen Yuan also comforted him.

In fact, Chen An was also kind-hearted, but it was the first time he brought seafood from such a far place, and he had no experience.

It's such a hot day, but there's no ice cubes here, so they all went bad, what a pity.

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