Now the Zhang family suddenly wants to hold a big feast in the courtyard of the community.

The originally lifeless courtyard suddenly became lively.

The courtyard has not been so lively for a long time, and people's suppressed hearts suddenly became restless.

Therefore, people in the community are concerned about the Zhang family and see if they need anything for the big feast.

This touched the Zhang family very much.

At this time, Zhang Long heard Chen Yuan calling him, and immediately walked over and asked Master Chen what he wanted.

Chen Yuan said: "It's like this, we originally wanted to build a few big stoves here to facilitate the feast tomorrow, but when we came here, we found that there was no material to build it."

"Ah, it's all my fault. I forgot to tell you before that there is no material to build a stove here, and it is not convenient to build it."

"What should I do?"

Chen Yuan was also speechless. The two stoves he was using now were ready-made before.

But if a big feast is held tomorrow, these two ready-made stoves are not enough.

Seeing Zhang Long's confused look, Chen Yuan didn't know what to say.

You ask me what to do?

If I knew what to do, why would I ask you?

Just when both of them were in trouble.

Zhang Yunxiang came over and said, "It's just a stove, Master Chen, let me ask you, can't we use those abandoned paint buckets?"

"Paint buckets? Sure, as long as you can get them."

Chen Yuan listened and nodded seriously.

If the paint buckets are processed, it would be very good to use them as stoves.

It is much easier than building a stove by yourself, and you can move it anywhere.

"I can get it, no problem, I'll get it now."

Zhang Yunxiang was also happy when he heard that the paint buckets could be used. He could still get this thing.

Chen Yuan looked at Zhang Yunxiang's back as he left, and prayed that he could bring him some surprises back.

Time passed bit by bit.

The sky gradually dimmed.

As dusk approached, the fiery clouds on the horizon were like gold, sprinkling on the ground, and the ground was instantly plated with gold, which looked extremely spectacular and majestic.

Looking at the last fried fish in the iron pan, Chen Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there were more than ten people helping in the kitchen today, the key points still had to be operated by Chen Yuan himself.

It was not that Chen Yuan did not trust them, but mainly because he was blessed with god-level cooking skills by the system. Some things he did and others did were completely different.

Even for the fried fish just now, his control of the heat was more precise than anyone else.

I just need to look at the oil temperature with my eyes and feel it carefully to know whether the oil temperature is right.

The fish was tumbling in the pan, and he only needed to take a glance to know when to turn it over and when to take the fish out of the pan.

In fact, to achieve this level, it takes many years of experience accumulation.

But Chen Yuan took a shortcut and saved the accumulation in the middle.

After having the system, the experience of those chefs will unconsciously enter his head, as if those cooking knowledge are innate, very magical.

Chen Yuan is preparing to pack up and leave.

It will take at least more than an hour to get back to Chen Village from An County, and he has to come early tomorrow to cook the feast.

So, Chen Yuan decided to stop here today, pack up the things, and talk about it tomorrow.


"Master Chen..."

I saw Zhang Long with a shy face, like a virgin girl waiting to get married, twisting and turning, which made Chen Yuan have an illusion.

Will this guy play the role of groom or bride tomorrow?

"What's the matter?"

Chen Yuan felt a layer of goose bumps on his skin.

"It's like this, you also see so many neighbors come to help, you can't let everyone go back hungry."


Chen Yuan suddenly felt a bad premonition.

This is not thinking of asking me to help cook.

As expected...

"Master Chen, we need to trouble you to help cook a few dishes for dinner. Of course, we won't ask you to work for nothing. We will pay you more money later."

"Why pay more? We need to eat anyway. Just pay for the ingredients."

Originally, Chen Yuan and his friends were planning to go home for dinner. When he heard that the host wanted him to help cook, he was eager to do so.

Although it was a bit tiring and hard.

But he and the kitchen helpers he called over didn't have to go back hungry.

When they heard that the host wanted to keep Chen Yuan to help cook, the kitchen helpers cheered and were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

They all started to help actively.

The dishes were bought separately. When Zhang Long heard that Chen Yuan agreed to help cook, he immediately ran upstairs. After a while, he ran down with the dishes for dinner. "Master Chen... the dishes are here. How do you cook them?" Zhang Long came over with the dishes. He was also very honest. He didn't know what Chen Yuan wanted to cook, so he brought all the dishes he could carry at home and let Chen Yuan choose what dishes he could make. Chen Yuan opened the bag Zhang Long brought and took a look. The dishes were pretty good. There were meat, fish, and vegetables. Nothing was missing. Looking at the dishes Zhang Long brought, Chen Yuan had an idea in his mind and knew what dishes to cook. As soon as the dishes were brought over, the kitchen helpers came over to help pick and wash the vegetables. They couldn't eat them when they were working before, so they were really greedy. Now they want to eat the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan right away. How can they not be proactive? Only more active...

"Master Chen, take a break first. When we prepare the dishes, you just need to stir-fry them."

"What? Only let Master Chen stir-fry the dishes. Can you cut vegetables as well as Master Chen? I just saw him cutting vegetables. I thought my eyes were blurry."

"Yes, I just saw Master Chen cutting fish. My God, he took the knife and cut a few times on the back of the fish. I blinked my eyes, and the fish had crisscrossing knife flowers on it. It was really scary."

"If it was in ancient times, I would have thought Master Chen was a knifeman."

Some people wanted to take over and help Master Chen cut the vegetables.

But as soon as this was said, it was immediately refuted.

You are cutting vegetables. I am embarrassed to say that you can even cut potato strips into potato strips.

Chen Yuan's knife skills are really good at cutting vegetables. The vegetables he cuts are neat and uniform, and the thickness is even. The dishes he cooks make people hungry.

When the kitchen helpers prepared the dishes, Chen Yuan did not pretend to be pretentious and started to arrange the dishes.


Chen Yuan raised his knife and cut it down, and the knife shadows overlapped. The vegetables on the chopping board were cut in an instant and neatly stacked together, like a work of art.

When Chen Yuan prepared the dishes.

"Uncle Pan Zi, please turn up the fire."


Uncle Pan Zi has been a professional fire maker for decades and is very experienced. Hearing Chen Yuan's instructions, he immediately turned up the fire.

It was still a big iron pot, but this pot became extremely obedient in front of Chen Yuan.

After a while, the vegetables in the pot were cooked.

"Hmm~ It smells so good. If you eat this dish, it will definitely be delicious!"

Not only the onlookers were greedy, but other people in the community couldn't stand the smell.

It's a pity that we have to wait until tomorrow to eat the banquet. This is the dish that the kitchen helpers eat.

"Today we are lucky enough to eat."

"That's right. Let me tell you, Chen Yuan has cooked banquets for multi-millionaires in our place. His cooking skills are really amazing."

"Oh, so amazing, no wonder the dishes are so fragrant, I will eat them hard later."

The kitchen helpers kept rubbing their hands and watching the dishes on the table. They were so greedy that they wanted to die.

"Chen Yuan... All the things are back. Where should I put them?"

At this time, Zhang Yunxiang, who was out on business, came back.

As soon as he entered the gate of the community compound, Zhang Yunxiang directed a pickup truck to drive into the yard.

"Come over, come over here, okay~~ stop!"

On the back of the pickup truck, there were several large stoves made from large iron oil tank barrels.

This kind of stove made from iron oil barrels is both convenient and durable.

In fact, Chen Yuan wanted to find a few such iron barrels a long time ago, but he never found them.

"Heizi, call a few people over and move all those stoves over."


Hearing Chen Yuan's words, Heizi immediately called a few people to move things.

Heizi took a few people to move those stoves over.

With these stoves, they will be much more relaxed.

Otherwise, they have to use bricks to build the stoves, which is tiring and time-consuming.

All the stoves were moved out of the car, and they were not needed at this time, so they could only be stacked against the wall.

"Chen Yuan, your dish is so delicious. I heard from our Zhang Long that you were the one who cooked dinner, so I rushed over here."

Zhang Yunxiang looked at the delicious food on the table, and the fatigue on his face was instantly swept away, replaced by a face full of joy.

Just looking at it makes people drool, let alone eating it.

"It's time to eat, everyone get your own bowls and chopsticks."

When the last dish came out of the pot, Chen Yuan called everyone to eat.

"Finally, we're eating. I'm really starving to death.""Tsk tsk, it looks delicious."

As soon as Chen Yuan called for dinner, they started eating immediately.

A dozen people were too lazy to bother, and all sat at the same table.

A dozen people were gathered around the big round table, and they all started to pick up the dishes with their chopsticks.

"Oh my god~ It smells so good, this dish tastes so good."

Those people picked up the dishes with their chopsticks and put them in their mouths, and cheered immediately.

For many people, they have never eaten such delicious dishes in their lives.

Everyone stopped talking and picked up the dishes desperately to eat.

The dishes are so delicious, wouldn't talking delay everyone's meal?

Baji Baji...

There was a silence in the yard, all filled with the sound of picking up dishes and eating.

Looking at the scene of eating in the yard, other people in the community were immediately envious.

Now it was dinner time.

Every household was making dinner, and smelling the fragrance of the dishes downstairs, those who were preparing to eat instantly felt that the dishes on their tables were not fragrant.

They were all thinking about the time passing quickly, and they couldn't wait for the feast.

"Tsk... It smells so good."

After taking a bite of food and a sip of wine, Zhang Yunxiang couldn't help but shout out.

After taking a sip of wine and putting a bite of food in his mouth, the taste was really priceless, it was simply a life comparable to that of a god!

In his heart, Zhang Yunxiang praised the chef his son had hired for a lot of money, and the dishes he cooked were really better than those in big restaurants, and the money was really not wasted.

The fighting power of more than a dozen people was really amazing.

They finished all the rice in the two rice cookers, and the dishes on the table were eaten cleanly, and even the soup was eaten by the rice.

This fighting power was really off the charts.

After the meal, the kitchen helpers did not leave immediately, but stayed to help clean the dishes.

They left only after everything was done.

Chen Yuan looked at the time, it was not early, and they should go back.

"Zhang Long, you should ask someone to take good care of these banquet dishes. Otherwise, if they are moved upstairs and spoiled by wild cats and dogs, it will be bad."

"Got it, Master Chen, just go back, I will ask someone to move all the dishes upstairs immediately."

"Okay, then we will go back."

Chen Yuan arranged everything and prepared to go back.

An County is also so far away from Chen Village. It will take more than an hour to drive back, so Chen Yuan did not delay any longer.

As soon as Chen Yuan and his people left, Zhang Long called a few people to move all the banquet dishes prepared for tomorrow upstairs, just in case. If these dishes were soiled by wild cats, they would regret it to death.

The Zhang family moved all the prepared dishes upstairs and cleaned the yard.


The next day.

Chen Yuan and his people came early.

"Hey, Anzi, this atmosphere is a little bit wrong. Why is there no wedding atmosphere at all?"

Heizi followed Chen Yuan to the Post and Telecommunications Community and looked around.

There was no stage, colorful flags, banners, etc., and there was no wedding celebration at all.

Is this a wedding banquet?

This is probably just for the banquet.

In fact, the Zhang family held a banquet this time, mainly for the people in the courtyard of the community. The man and woman had already obtained the marriage certificate, and they knew each other well and didn't have too many requirements.

Both the Zhang and Zou families were very casual people.

This time, the banquet was mainly for the people in the courtyard of the Post and Telecommunications Community, so there was no decoration at the wedding scene.

It was simple and didn't look like a wedding at all.

Chen Yuan also felt a little strange. Logically, this was a wedding banquet, and it should have some wedding banquet look.

However, when they came to the Zhang family, they saw that their house was decorated as a wedding room, and it looked extremely festive, and they felt that there was finally some atmosphere that should be there.

Chen Yuan first asked people to assemble the kitchen in the yard. All the previous things were put away yesterday, and even the awning was dismantled.

After all, it is in the community, and it will affect the travel of people in the community.

The site was also built very quickly, and the things were ready, and there were more people coming to help today than yesterday.

Standing there, it was so crowded that Chen Yuan felt a little oppressive.

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