Mo Sha Niu was full of surprises. It was the first time for him to eat such delicious skewers. He couldn't stop eating.

All in...

Mo Sha Niu didn't know how many skewers he had eaten. Anyway, his mouth was full of oil and he was very happy.

"Chen Yuan, are you tired? Why don't you take a rest and I will grill for you."

Gu Hongti felt sorry for Chen Yuan and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

To be honest, it was really hard to grill by the charcoal fire in such a hot day.

Gu Hongti wiped the sweat off Chen Yuan and fed him the kebab in his hand.

"Learn more from Teacher Gu."

Seeing Chen Yuan being fed, Heizi on the side was sure that he was jealous.

Heizi looked at Zhang Xiaoli and said in a deep voice.

"You want me to learn from Teacher Gu? Why don't you learn from Chen Yuan? See how good he is at cooking. If your cooking skills are half as good as his, I will definitely serve you well."

"..." Heizi.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoli say this, Heizi was speechless.

What a joke, half of Chen Yuan's cooking skills?

If you have half of Chen Yuan's cooking skills, you are definitely a chef.

With Heizi's current cooking skills, he can't even catch up with Chen Yuan's fur.

Watching Chen Yuan being fed, there was another person who felt sour in his heart, as if he had eaten a big lemon, so sour.

Today, three of the four playmates brought their female companions, only he didn't.

Originally, seeing Heizi and his friends being abused by women before, he thought that being single was actually pretty good.

But now, he was sure that he was jealous, in fact, having a girlfriend looked pretty good.

Thinking that he was so old, he had never even held a girl's hand.

It's a bit sad to think about it.

It's really a very sad story.

How to relieve worries, only grilled skewers!

I don't know who said it.

Food is the best medicine to cure everything.

Mo Sha Niu ate like crazy with a sad heart.

He was almost dubbed.

I can't stand food!!

"Chen Yuan... grill some beef bones."

Now Mo Sha Niu is really addicted to eating. His favorite thing to eat is anything related to cattle.

Beef, beef brisket, beef tendon, cowhide, bull whip...

Anyway, he loves everything that can be eaten from cattle.

That's how the nickname "Mo Sha Niu" came from.

Mo Sha Niu, once you kill a cow, you have to eat everything from head to toe.

Today I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Because of Chen An's reputation, none of the vegetable vendors were willing to sell vegetables to them.

In the end, it was Mo Sha Niu and Chen Yuan who bought the vegetables.

When the two of them went to buy vegetables, Mo Sha Niu saw that there were some beef bones in the beef stall, so he bought them with his own money.

Who told him that he liked to eat this kind of thing the most?

At that time, he asked the stall owner to saw the beef bones into small sections and roast them.

This roasted beef bones was the first time for Chen Yuan.

However, as long as he took a look at these beef bones, his mind was full of recipes related to beef bones.

Radish beef bone soup, braised beef bones, spicy braised beef bones, roasted beef bones...

Various recipes emerged at once, and Chen Yuan couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Just leave these beef bones to me."

Chen Yuan took a break, ate two skewers of grilled skewers, and prepared to roast the beef bones.

The beef bones had been marinated in advance when they were at home.

Now, just take them out and roast them.

Wrap the beef bones in tin foil and then roast them on charcoal fire.

Patience is required to roast beef bones. The more delicious the food, the more time it takes.

Time passed slowly.

The beef bones were roasted on the charcoal fire, and the aroma of the beef bones slowly came out.

"It smells so good~~ Have you smelled it? Where is this made? It smells so good."

"It seems to be over there. This seems to be the smell of beef bones. This is the first time I have smelled such a fragrant beef bone."

"Let's go... Let's take a look and see who made it so fragrant."

Although this is a picnic site, all the tourists who go up the mountain have to pass by here.

Many people passed by there and happened to smell the aroma of roasted beef bones. They couldn't help it for a while and walked towards the source of the fragrance.

"Hmm... It turns out that someone is doing barbecue over there. No wonder the fragrance is so strong."

"Is it barbecue? But barbecue won't smell so good."

As their footsteps got closer and closer, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, and those people couldn't walk.

When they came to the source of the smell and saw that they were really having a barbecue, they were stunned.

When did barbecue smell so good?They thought someone was cooking a feast here.

"What are you grilling? It smells so good, is it beef bones?"

At this time, there were quite a few people around Chen Yuan's barbecue stall.

Many people were almost drooling over the aroma of the barbecue.

It was time for lunch.

Many people hadn't eaten yet, and they were tired and hungry after climbing all the way up the mountainside.

Suddenly they smelled such a good smell, and their mood to enjoy the scenery was gone in an instant.

With such a good smell entering their nostrils, what scenery would they want to enjoy?

"Yes, grilled beef bones."

Mo Sha Niu looked at the man, his face full of vigilance.

This expression... was like guarding against thieves.

This kid, who is he guarding against?

Chen Yuan saw that the fire was almost ready, and gently peeled off the tin foil coat on the surface of the beef bones.

The beef bones were instantly exposed.

The beef bones were slightly charred under the charcoal fire.

But the meat on it was roasted golden and crispy, and the bone marrow in the bones all came out, looking so tender that people couldn't help but want to eat it.

"Tsk tsk, this beef bone is really well roasted, you can tell it's delicious at a glance."

Someone couldn't help swallowing and secretly praised.

Chen Yuan didn't care about everyone's eyes, but sprinkled various spices over, and then sprinkled chili powder.

The aroma of the beef bones itself blended with the flavor of spices and chili powder, it feels so fragrant that it can kill people.

"It's so fragrant, do you sell this beef bone? I can pay more."

A middle-aged man with a gold chain around his neck and dressed like a rich man asked.

"Sorry, this is for us to eat, we don't sell it."

Chen Yuan glanced at the rich man and apologized.

Hearing Chen Yuan's refusal, the rich man's face was also a little unhappy.

But here, there are many eyes staring at him, and he can't do anything out of the ordinary, so he had to swallow his anger and leave.

Chen Yuan and the others didn't care either.

Nowadays, everyone is so arrogant. This is their stuff. If they want to sell it, they can sell it. If they don't want to sell it, they don't have to sell it. No one can control it.

"Come... while it's hot, let's taste the beef bones together."

It was also the first time for Chen Yuan to roast beef bones. He didn't know if it would suit everyone's taste.

After hearing what Chen Yuan said, everyone started to work.

"Wild boar, my God, run, the wild boar is rushing up."

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, causing a panic for a while.


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