"You little jerk, try to grab one."

The duck boss looked fierce, staring at Mo Sha Niu with his eyes, which made Mo Sha Niu's hair stand up.


It's normal for the duck boss to have a violent temper when he sells hundreds of ducks a day?

"Boss, I'm kidding you."

"Joke? You think it's funny? I got up before dawn to work, and I don't have time to chat with you here. 22 per catty, if you want it, I'll catch you, otherwise get out."

I didn't expect that this duck boss had such a bad temper.

One by one, are the vegetable sellers so arrogant?

Those vegetable sellers in the town are so arrogant that they won't sell anything to you.

The duck boss's operation has made everyone feel helpless.

The base price is 22 per catty, and if it's less, I won't negotiate with you.

As a result, Chen Yuan and his friends walked around the vegetable market and found nothing lower than 22 per catty.

During the National Day holiday, the price of goods soared, and the price of ducks also rose a lot. Other places were 24 or 25 per pound.

They returned to the duck owner who sold ducks before.

"I told you, there is no way this Xintai market can be cheaper than ours."

The duck owner snorted.

Chen Yuan didn't waste any words and asked the boss to catch ducks directly: "Catch 18 ducks for me, not too fat, I will make roast ducks. By the way, I need you to help kill them and pluck their feathers."

Plucking duck feathers is too troublesome and labor-intensive.

Chen Yuan knew that those who sell ducks could also help kill them, and it was much easier for them to pluck feathers.

It seems to use some kind of rosin.

After the ducks are killed, just put them in the rosin and roll them, and those difficult-to-pluck feathers will become clean.

"If you help me kill the duck, I'll charge you 20 yuan more per duck. I'm not the one who helps me kill the duck. I'll ask someone else to do it."

The duck owner immediately spoke up when he heard Chen Yuan say he wanted to help kill the duck.

He was only responsible for selling ducks, and there were other people who killed the ducks. It was impossible for the duck owner to pay them to kill the ducks.

Chen Yuan also thought it was troublesome. If he bought the ducks, he would have to ask someone to kill the ducks, and he couldn't pluck the feathers as cleanly as they did.

"Okay, but you have to help pluck them cleanly."

"Don't worry about that. They are professional duck pluckers. How can they not pluck them cleanly?"

Hearing this, the duck owner naturally patted his chest to guarantee it.

After Chen Yuan bought the ducks, he took Heizi and Moshainiu to buy other vegetables.

Pork, beef, mutton...

All of these need to be purchased. If you want chickens, go to Heizi's house. Anyway, they are all sold at normal prices.


Everyone came to the beef stall. Moshainiu seemed a little excited when he saw the things on the cow.

"Mo Sha Niu, don't be impulsive, this is raw."

Hei Zi saw Mo Sha Niu's bloodshot eyes and quickly reached out to hold him, fearing that this guy would do something out of line.

"Hey, Hei Zi, why are you holding me? I'm not stupid, I know this is raw and can't be eaten now."

Seeing Hei Zi holding him, Mo Sha Niu was also surprised.

Is he afraid that he would run over and eat it raw?

Although he likes to eat things related to cows, he is not so hungry that he will eat anything.

"Hehe, I saw your expression and thought you wanted to eat raw beef. You scared me."

Hei Zi laughed.

"Get out of here, this meat is raw and bloody, can it be eaten?"

Mo Sha Niu rolled his eyes at Hei Zi, it's a pity that he could think of it.

"You two, stop making trouble, come and help carry things."

Chen Yuan bought some beef and beef brisket.

The beef was to be bought back to make a stir-fried beef with white pepper, and as for the beef brisket, it was to be braised beef brisket.

Seeing Chen Yuan buy beef and beef brisket, Mo Sha Niu was the happiest.

Braised beef brisket was definitely his favorite dish.

Mo Sha Niu immediately stepped forward to carry the dishes.

Oh, it's quite heavy.

"Yuanzi, what other dishes do you need to buy?"

Heizi asked after him.

"You haven't bought pork elbows or anything yet. It's too tiring to carry so many things. Let's just rent a cart."

"I'll go."

As soon as Chen Yuan finished speaking, Heizi responded very actively.

After a while, Heizi came over with a cart.

It costs five yuan to rent a cart, and a deposit of 100 yuan is required. The deposit can only be refunded after the cart is returned.

"Come on, put all the things up."

Heizi shouted.

So, Chen Yuan and the others put all the things in their hands on the cart.

Heizi and Moshaniu each pulled a cart and walked forward.

"Let's go buy pork elbows first, and then go back to make pork elbows in sauce."

Chen Yuan was in frontLead the way.

"Sauced pork elbow..."

When Heizi heard this, his mouth was salivating, as if he could eat the delicious sauced pork elbow the next moment.


The three of them came to the pork stall to buy pork elbows, and bought a total of 18 large pork elbows.

Kou Jun's family had already planned to set up 15 tables for the banquet this time, but Chen Yuan still bought 18.

Generally, chefs like to prepare more tables for large banquets.

Chen Yuan's parents used to do the same when they prepared large banquets in the village.

After buying the pork elbows, Chen Yuan asked the pork seller to help burn the pig hair with a blowtorch.

Then they went to buy other dishes.

There were so many large and small dishes that even the cart couldn't fit.

Put all the dishes on the pickup truck.

"The ducks should have been killed, Heizi, you stay and take care of the things in the car, I will go get the ducks with Mo Sha Niu."

As he said, Chen Yuan and Mo Sha Niu pulled the cart to the stall where the duck boss was.

At this time, the ducks had been killed, and they looked very good. If they were made into roast duck, how delicious it would be!

The two foodies, the ducks have not been put into the car yet, but they are already thinking about eating roast duck.

Have you really considered the feelings of the ducks?

After putting the ducks on the car and returning the cart, they were ready to drive back.

"Heizi, you drive, I'll take a nap in the car."

Chen Yuan said.

Chen Yuan got up early today, and his head was groggy at this time, so he thought about taking a nap in the car, because he still had to go to Kou Jun's house to cook a feast later.

Hearing what Chen Yuan said, Heizi didn't say anything, just nodded, and got on the driver's seat.

Heizi drove the car to Kou Jun's house.

The village where Kou Jun lives is called Koujia Village.

This Koujia Village is also under the jurisdiction of Dongfeng Town, and is only a dozen miles away from Chen Village.

"Yuanzi, is this the place? Why does it look so desolate? It seems that no one has lived in that house for a long time."

"It should be here. I came here according to the location sent by Kou Jun."

Facing Heizi's questioning, Chen Yuan was also confused.

The house in front of him was too old. It was a Soviet-style house built in the 1980s and 1990s.

It looked like no one had lived there for a long time.

Did Kou Jun send the wrong address?

Chen Yuan was puzzled and quickly sent a voice call to Kou Jun.

"Hello, Junjun? What address did you send? Did you send the wrong location?"

"No, the location is correct. Where are you now?"

The two communicated on WeChat and found that this location was the place Kou Jun said.

And the house in front of them was Kou's house.

This Soviet-style red brick house was really built in the 1990s by Kou Jun's parents.

Since Kou Jun's parents passed away, this house has basically been abandoned.

But Kou Jun wanted to hold a banquet here, and the house was not cleaned up to make sure it could hold a big banquet.

Although this house is not a dangerous building, it looks very old, and even the basic hygiene is not done well. It doesn't look like a place where a wedding will be held tomorrow.

Do they have to do temporary hygiene for those who are holding a big banquet?

Chen Yuan got out of the car and looked at the gray old house in front of him, frowning all of a sudden.

"Chen Yuan, how is it, is it here?"

Heizi turned off the car, got out of the car, and saw that Chen Yuan's face was a little strange, so he asked.

"Oh, don't mention it. It's this house, but the sanitation of this house has not been done yet, and it has not been decorated. Do you think this is a place for a banquet?"

"Fuck, why don't we accept this banquet? Isn't this just making fun of us?"

Hearing Chen Yuan's words, Heizi was also extremely angry and shouted.

No host is like this. Knowing that there will be a banquet tomorrow, it's fine if he doesn't prepare at home, but he didn't even clean up the house. Is he waiting for those who are preparing the banquet to help him clean up?

"Okay, wait until the host comes. Let's put the dishes in the yard first."


Chen Yuan knew that Heizi was just talking in anger, so he quickly comforted him.

Hearing Yuanzi's words, Heizi also nodded.

He was also so angry just now. The banquet was accepted and the dishes were bought. How could he refuse?

Heizi drove the car into the yard, and as soon as the car stopped, he stepped out of the car.

Seeing everything in the yard, his brows furrowed even deeper.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, almost as tall as a person. How long had it been since he came back to live here?

Chen Yuan and the other two found a place that looked cleaner, covered the ground with a tent cloth, and then took the vegetables they had bought out of the car.It looked like they didn't buy anything, but when they unloaded the things from the car, there was a huge pile of things.

"Did we buy so many things before?"

Seeing such a large pile of vegetables on the ground, Mo Shanniu's face was full of surprise.

When he was moving things up from the vegetable market, why didn't he notice so many things?

"That's right."

Heizi snorted and looked at the old house.

This house has a history of several decades and looks extremely vicissitudes.

But vicissitudes are vicissitudes, but the quality of the houses built in that era is still very good. If you find someone to clean it up and spend some money to renovate it, it will look pretty good.

But at this moment, this old house is like an old man in his twilight years, covered with cobwebs, and looks gray and lifeless.

"What are you doing? Why do you buy so many vegetables and put them here?"

At this time, an old man in his fifties or sixties passed by with a load on his shoulder and saw a pickup truck parked in the yard.

The three of them also moved a lot of things inside. What was going on?

"Old man, come and smoke... Do you know the owner of this house?"

"Yes, this is my eldest brother's house, and now it belongs to his only son."

The old man took the cigarette very politely and spoke.

"Oh, so you are Kou Jun's uncle. He is going to hold a wedding banquet here tomorrow. We are here to help with the banquet."

"What? You are going to hold a banquet, no wonder you bought so many dishes. Also, Kou Jun is really a kid. He is going to hold a wedding at home tomorrow, but he didn't even tell us."

Hearing Chen Yuan's explanation, the old man was really stunned.

His nephew is really a kid. He is going to hold a wedding banquet, but he didn't even tell his relatives.

Could these relatives stand up and stop him from marrying that woman?

There are four brothers and sisters in the Kou family.

In addition to this uncle, Kou Jun also has two aunts.

This family structure is similar to Chen Yuan's, and both of their parents died in car accidents.

Therefore, Chen Yuan easily thought of himself when he saw Kou Jun.

This is also the main reason why Chen Yuan insisted on helping Kou Jun.

Kou Jun's uncle told them about his nephew while smoking.

As his uncle told the story, everyone gradually learned about Kou Jun's affairs.

It turned out that the person Kou Jun was looking for had been married twice before.

The bride-to-be was called Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing had been married twice before she met Kou Jun.

It was just that the previous two marriages broke down, and the reason for the breakup was that both husbands died in accidents.

Kou Jun was not young at all, he was almost 40 years old.

The relatives and friends of the Kou family were very anxious when they saw that he was so old and had not found a girlfriend.

Later... Kou Jun took Yuan Jing back to Koujia Village to meet the Kou family. Everyone thought this girl was pretty good.

She had a big butt, and she would definitely give birth to a baby after marrying her.

Another thing that made the Kou family satisfied was that Yuan Jing was more than ten years younger than Kou Jun.

Yuan Jing was only in her twenties at the time, while Kou Jun was almost forty.

Ever since Kou Jun brought the beautiful Yuan Jing back to Koujia Village, people in the village have been saying behind his back that Kou Jun was really lucky to meet such a good girl like Yuan Jing.

For a while, people in Koujia Village were extremely envious of Kou Jun for being able to find a beautiful wife at such an old age.

During that time, Kou Jun returned to Koujia Village every now and then.

As soon as he entered the village, he heard the villagers praising him for his ability and finding a good partner.

But the good times didn't last long. For some reason, the news that Yuan Jing had been married twice before spread to Koujia Village.

The village immediately started to gossip, and the ugly words they said were really unbearable to hear.

They said that Yuan Jing was simply a jinx and very unlucky, otherwise why would both of her husbands die in accidents?

If such a person is not a jinx, what else can he be? Whoever marries such a woman will be unlucky!

These rumors spread quickly in the pranking Koujia Village. Everyone knew who the woman Kou Jun brought back before was.

The label of jinx widow fell on Yuan Jing's head.

The limelight changed suddenly. Those who envied Kou Jun for marrying such a beautiful wife began to laugh at Kou Jun.

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