
Xiaoya was instantly conquered by the delicious food.

Her mother's love and other things are no longer important at this moment.

It's going to rain, and her mother is going to remarry.

She doesn't have the time to care about those messy things now.

In her eyes, nothing can compare to the delicious food on the table.

For a little foodie, the most important thing is to eat the delicious food, and nothing else matters.

Xiaoya never dreamed that she would eat such delicious food here.

In this life, she has never eaten such delicious food since she grew up. It is really too delicious, making her a little unable to stop.

It can be said that since her father died unexpectedly, she rarely eats meat all day long.

Her mother is a widow, she has no money at all, and she has to take care of two children.

Every day she can only go out to do odd jobs to supplement the family income.

So naturally she is very tight and frugal in terms of food. Usually, she eats once a week.

I am so happy to have such delicious food today.

Aunt Yu looked at the little girl who was still worried just now, but now the rain has passed and the sky has cleared up, as if what happened just now had never happened.

This little heartless... After all, I am not as important as those delicious foods.

Aunt Yu rolled her eyes, picked up some dishes for her son and daughter, and then she prepared to eat herself.

In fact, seeing her son and daughter eating with their mouths full and no expression, Aunt Yu's heart was inexplicably sour. These two children have really suffered a lot following her.

They usually don't have a good meal, and now there are so many delicious foods on the table, they must make sure the children are full.

This is also the main reason why she is the first to help in the kitchen every time the villagers cook a big banquet.

But now when the villagers hold a banquet, some of them invite the special banquet to come to the door to set up the banquet, and some go directly to the restaurant to hold the wine, and there is no need to hire a kitchen helper at all.

This time, Kou Jun from Koujia Village finally invited someone to come over to cook a feast. After asking around, she found out that they really needed to ask a kitchen helper to help, so she came over immediately.

Nowadays, when people cook a big feast in the countryside, they don’t work in the kitchen together like they used to.

The host family will give a red envelope to the kitchen helper.

At the very least, the helper will take some of the leftovers from the kitchen back home.

Looking at the rich dishes on the table, Sister Yu didn’t know how to pick up her chopsticks.

Which one should she eat first?

Pickled pepper chicken feet?

Although this dish is for tomorrow’s banquet, Chen Yuan made a lot of it when he was cooking it.

Although the pickled pepper chicken feet have only been refrigerated for an hour or two, they haven’t really absorbed the flavor yet.

But the color of the dish suddenly increased her appetite.

She couldn’t wait to pick up a chicken foot and put it in her mouth, chewing it gently.

The wonderful taste filled her entire mouth at once, making her cheer and jump for joy.

The chicken feet were soft and glutinous, but also very tasty and chewy.

She especially liked to eat those tendons, which were chewy and elastic.

When you put them in your mouth, they made a crisp sound, and the more you chewed, the more fragrant it became, making you want to eat them non-stop.

The person who was happier than Sister Yu was Aunt BO Ba.

Before, she wanted to eat one secretly, but was stopped by Heizi.

Originally thought that she would have to wait until tomorrow to eat the banquet, but the surprise came too quickly, and she didn't expect to eat it so soon.

When Aunt saw this dish on the table, she almost jumped up again.

Amitabha, fortunately she didn't jump up, she was eating and had to spit it out.

As soon as she sat down, she stretched out her chopsticks to pick up a few and put them in the bowl.

When she put the pickled pepper chicken feet in her mouth.


She roared in her heart, it was really delicious.

It was sour and spicy, very refreshing and chewy.

She found that she had lived for decades in vain. She didn't expect that there could be such delicious food in the world.

Once you eat it, you can't stop.

"Come... I'll toast everyone."

At this time, Kou Jun stood up and raised his glass to toast everyone present.

"Congratulations, Kou Jun. I apologize to you for anything wrong in the past."

The speaker was Kou Jun's childhood friend, who used to laugh at Kou Jun for not being able to get married at such an old age.

Later, Kou Jun got together with Yuan Jing.

This childhood friend persuaded him to be with the widow, saying that widows should not be married, and so on. Anyway, what he said was very unpleasant.

Now Kou Jun is going to marry Yuan Jing, and he is not a stingy person, so he called his childhood friend to come over for dinner.

Hearing Kou Jun say that he is going to get married tomorrow, this childhood friend also came over.Those unpleasant words were not said.

In fact, he always felt that he was doing it for Kou Jun's good.

Now Kou Jun decided to marry that woman, and that childhood friend no longer persuaded him, only blessing him.

Hearing the blessing from his childhood friend, Kou Jun also smiled and nodded.

Let the past be the past.

Anyway, no matter what others say, he only recognizes Yuan Jing in this life.

"Hurry up and eat the food, this food is really delicious. I found that I have lived in vain and have never eaten such delicious food."

"That's right, Master Chen, your cooking skills are really great, and the dishes you cook are really delicious."

"Come on, let's all toast Master Chen."

All the friends and relatives who came to warm the table tonight were Kou Jun's relatives and friends.

These relatives and friends were very excited to eat such delicious dishes, and they all praised Chen Yuan's delicious dishes.

Someone suggested to toast Chen Yuan.

Hearing that person's proposal, some people immediately began to agree.

"As long as everyone thinks it tastes good, come on, everyone, eat the food. Don't eat it after it gets cold."


Faced with everyone's toast, Chen Yuan naturally did not refuse. After returning the toast, he drank a small glass of wine.

This wine is very mellow and not very strong.

It is a sorghum wine brewed by a wine stall in Dongfeng Town. It doesn't feel spicy at all when you drink it. It is fragrant, sweet and mellow.

"Heizi, don't drink. You will drive later."

Chen Yuan glanced at Heizi and said.

He has always advocated the principle of "don't drink when driving, don't drive when drinking".

There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first one...


Heizi nodded. Now he has to listen to whatever Chen Yuan says. Who made him cook delicious dishes?

This warm table wine ended perfectly. The dishes on the table were basically solved cleanly. The fighting power is still very good.

After eating and drinking, Chen Yuan and his friends planned to leave.

I have to come early tomorrow to prepare the feast, so I have to go back early.

The used bowls and chopsticks will be washed by Auntie BO Ba and the kitchen helpers from Koujia Village.

"BO... Auntie, the rest of the work is up to you. Thank you for your hard work."

"Oh, little master, don't worry. It's just a small thing. Why should you work so hard? Little master, you are really too tired today. You must have a good rest after you go back. You still have to prepare the main feast tomorrow."

"Okay... By the way, Auntie, when you call me, can you please not add a 'little' in front of it?"

"Little master doesn't sound good?"

"No... It's mainly because I don't like the word 'little'."

Chen Yuan said.

"Then why do I feel like there is a 'BO' or something in front of it when you call me?"


Chen Yuan was really speechless and panicked.

If the other party knew the truth of the matter, it would be embarrassing.

He didn't answer, he could only perfunctorily say something, and fled in fear.

"Well, Uncle Kou, I'll leave all the dishes for the banquet to you. When there are no sparks in the stove, the dishes will be ready. Then find a way to get them back to the house. It's too tempting to leave them outside."

Before leaving, Chen Yuan said to Uncle Kou solemnly.

There are too many wild cats in the countryside at night.

If those wild cats steal the banquet dishes, I will regret it to death.

So such an important matter must be explained solemnly, otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be terrible.

"Master Chen, don't worry, there will be no problem leaving these things to me."

"Well, make sure to protect the dishes."

Hearing Uncle Kou's assurance, Chen Yuan was still a little worried.

So, he solemnly told Kou Jun about the matter again, and then left with peace of mind.

"Xiao Chen, do you want to take my car when you go back?"

When Chen Yuan wanted to get on Heizi's pickup truck, Uncle Geng shouted to Chen Yuan and the others while picking his teeth.

That posture was really leisurely to the extreme.

In the countryside, driving a sports car, and having food and wine, that life is simply as happy as a god!

"Uncle Geng, have you been drinking? Don't drive after drinking, it's not safe. Otherwise, leave the car here first and take our car back."

"Drinking, I didn't drink. The dishes you cook are so delicious, why should I drink."

Uncle Geng shook his head like a wave drum, and he would definitely not admit that he drank.

"Uncle Geng, you are very dishonest. You obviously drank, but you still said you didn't drink. I saw it all."

At this time, Mo Shaniu stretched out his head and ruthlessly exposed Uncle Geng.

"..."Uncle Geng looked at Mo Shaniu hatefully, "It's just a couple of sips. Don't worry, I'm not smart.Still very sober."

"Uncle Geng... why don't you listen to my advice?"

Chen Yuan was still thinking about persuading Uncle Geng, but he didn't expect that he just smiled and climbed onto his truck with a farm license plate.


After a while, the farm truck made a "Ku Ku" sound and ran away.

"Hey, Uncle Geng runs really fast, he doesn't look drunk."

"I hope there won't be any accidents! "

Hearing Heizi's words, Chen Yuan said in a deep voice.

Just now, he looked at Uncle Geng's back as he left, and he always felt that something was wrong. Would there be any accidents?


Chen Yuan quickly cursed himself for being a bad mouth in his heart. Uncle Geng's driving skills were so good, and he was also an experienced driver, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved, thinking that there shouldn't be any problems.

Chen Yuan got in the car with Kou Jun and the others, and said that he would come back early tomorrow.

Then he asked Heizi to drive back.

After returning home, Chen Yuan was about to go to the bed and lie down comfortably like Ge You after washing up.

But at this moment, his cell phone rang.

"Hey, Heizi, what's the matter? It's so late... Don't say you miss me, my heart is weak and can't withstand your intimidation. ”

“Bah~~ Who missed you, shameless, I called to tell you that Uncle Geng had an accident…”

“What happened to Uncle Geng?”

Hearing Heizi saying Uncle Geng had an accident on the phone, Chen Yuan sat up.

He thought Uncle Geng would have an accident after drinking and driving, and sure enough, he guessed it right.

“What could happen to him? He just drank and overturned the car.”

“Is he okay?”

Hearing Heizi saying Uncle Geng’s car overturned, Chen Yuan became nervous for a while.

This is a car accident, Uncle Geng won’t be in any trouble!

“He is very peaceful.”

“…Uncle Geng…”

Hearing Heizi’s words, Chen Yuan’s mind buzzed, and he was really stunned.

He left peacefully, could Uncle Geng have left them like this?

“Haha…I’m kidding you, I thought that Niu left peacefully. ”

“What cow passed away peacefully? Heizi, you bastard, tell me clearly.”

Chen Yuan yelled at the phone.

He hated it most when someone only said half of what he was saying, which made people feel itchy. He really wanted to beat someone up, and he kept thinking about it all the time.

“Okay, I’ll tell you…”

Seeing that Chen Yuan was anxious, Heizi didn’t keep him in suspense on the phone, and told Chen Yuan the whole story.

It turned out that Uncle Geng drove his car into a fellow villager’s cowshed on the way home after drinking.

As a result, he crushed the fellow villager’s head to death. Dead.

He also suffered some skin injuries and a fractured left leg. He was sent to the Dongfeng Town Health Center.

He was not in danger of death, but he crushed a fellow villager's cow to death. It didn't matter if he was injured, but he had to compensate for the cow.

You said whether to carry him or not.

At that time, Chen Yuan advised him not to drive after drinking, but he ignored it and didn't take it to heart.

Now he is fine. He worked hard and earned money.

"Okay, it's still the blessing of the Bodhisattva. As long as he is fine, everything will be fine. "

Chen Yuan lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, this Uncle Geng was quite lucky.

He rushed into the cowshed and crushed the cow to death. He only had a broken bone and some skin injuries.

He was really lucky.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yuan put his mind back.

Since Uncle Geng was fine, that was the best ending.

Don't let the tragedy of the person being gone but the money being there happen...

Chen Yuan looked at his phone and found that it was still early, so he planned to watch some short videos first.

Then he saw a video about a girl wearing yoga clothes to climb a mountain.

"What's the joke about this girl wearing yoga clothes to climb a mountain?"

Chen Yuan was a little confused. When did a new joke appear on the Internet?

He flipped through his phone and roughly understood what this joke meant.

Just at this time, Gu Hongti called him on video.

Is this girl asking me to go hiking?

Chen Yuan thought with a bit of bad taste.


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