It wasn't just his two aunts who introduced Kou Jun to a girl.

The matchmakers in the village almost trampled the threshold of the Kou family.

But Kou Jun just refused to nod, saying that his fate had not yet arrived.

The matchmaker was so angry that she almost swore.

I have never seen someone like Kou Jun, who said that his fate had not yet arrived before he even met the girl.

This is probably because the matchmaker tied a woman up for him, and he could cut the string with scissors.

After a few years, when Kou Jun was older.

Even if you begged the matchmakers in the village, they could only shake their heads.

At that age, they were powerless.

Leaving behind a desolate sentence.

"The boy from the Kou family, just wait to be single."

Kou Jun was almost 40 years old at that time, and the people in the Kou family also tacitly accepted the fact that Kou Jun was single.

But no one expected that Kou Jun, who was almost 40 years old, suddenly announced to the outside world that he was in love.

And he returned to Koujia Village with his new girlfriend.

During that time, he was definitely the top person in their Koujia Village.

The gossip topics after dinner in the village were all about Kou Jun and his girlfriend.

The news that Kou Jun brought his girlfriend home spread all over Koujia Village.

The crowds of people all ran to Kou Jun's house.

Seeing that Kou Jun really brought his girlfriend home, the old bachelors in Koujia Village were extremely envious.

They all beat their chests and sighed.

Some people were so angry that they cursed Kou Jun, the little thief, for being treacherous and forgetting their vows.

It was clearly agreed that you would be single until old, but you secretly fell in love, and the key is that this girlfriend is so beautiful.

It's impossible not to be jealous! !

The elders of the Kou family were even more happy, and they were all satisfied with the girlfriend Kou Jun brought back.

The evaluation of Kou Jun's girlfriend was also very high.

Beautiful face, gentle personality, and most importantly, a big butt, which will make it easier for her to have children in the future.

But the good times didn't last long.

Not long after, some people who were interested in her secretly investigated Yuan Jing's family background.

A widow... and a woman who had killed two husbands.

Are you afraid?

In rural areas, such things have always been taboo.

Therefore, feudal superstition has always existed in rural areas.

For rural people, it is better to believe in such things than not to believe in them.

The news that Yuan Jing had lost two husbands spread all over Koujia Village.

They began to laugh at Kou Jun for daring to marry such a woman of misfortune. Was he really afraid that he would not be able to marry a wife?

Faced with the rumors of the villagers.

Faced with the opposition of the elders of the family.

Kou Jun brought Yuan Jing to live in Dongfeng Town and opened a sports lottery store in the town.

Unexpectedly, the sports lottery business was not bad, and the two of them lived a good life.

Kou Jun wanted to make it up to Yuan Jing and hold a lively wedding.

That’s why he invited Chen Yuan to his hometown, Koujia Village, to prepare a big feast.

Kou Jun’s two aunts also gradually accepted the fact that their nephew married a widow who had been married for the third time. After all, they heard that Yuan Jing was pregnant with their Kou Jun’s child.

That’s why they reluctantly agreed.

Today is the happy day for their eldest nephew to get married.

But why do they feel so upset? They always feel like something is going to happen.

They waited anxiously until twelve o’clock, but the wedding procession had not returned yet, so they thought something might have happened.

So, they became even more uneasy.


Everyone was anxiously waiting for the wedding procession.

At this time.

"It's past twelve o'clock and they haven't come back yet. Did something happen to the wedding party?"

"Bah... you're such a bad mouth."

"No taboos, good things work, bad things don't."

Just now, Kou Jun's cousin, the college student who helped to decorate the wedding scene, blurted out a sentence.

She was immediately given a cold stare by the two aunts of the Kou family, and was so scared that she dared not breathe.

She just asked if something might happen, but she didn't say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Why is everyone reacting so strongly!

But the little girl saw that the faces of the elders turned pale, and she stopped talking instantly.

If she said anything more, she would probably be in trouble.

"Why hasn't the wedding party come back yet? Who of you has their phone number? Call them and see."

Someone said.

So some people started to take out their mobile phones to make calls.

The first one was naturally to call the groom Kou Jun, but thatThe call was connected, but no one answered.

So, someone else looked for the mobile phone numbers of other people in the wedding party.

Finally, a call was made to a wedding party member.

Second Uncle Kou took the phone and yelled into the phone: "Hey, Erlangzi, what's wrong with you? It takes so long to pick up the bride. It's already past twelve o'clock. Don't you understand the concept of time?"

Second Uncle Kou was scolding Erlangzi on the phone.

On the phone, Erlangzi also looked aggrieved: "Second Uncle, this is really not our fault..."

Erlangzi explained the whole story in a tone.

It turned out that Kou Jun, the groom, had encountered problems when he led the wedding party.

At the beginning, except for the mother-in-law, everyone in the bride's family was polite.

The bride's family also held a boudoir banquet, which looked peaceful.

However, just when everyone thought that nothing was wrong and was about to take the bride to Koujia Village.

At this moment, troubles arose.

The mother-in-law, who had been sullen before, suddenly stopped the wedding car and wouldn't let it go.

She asked for 20,000 yuan for the ride fee.

This operation immediately confused Kou Jun.

Before, they had agreed to give 38,000 yuan as the betrothal gift, and the woman had agreed.

But now when the bride was about to get on the car, there was an additional 20,000 yuan for the ride fee. How could this be justified?

Although the lottery shop that Kou Jun and his wife Yuan Jing opened in the town could make some money, it was just starting out. Kou Jun couldn't take out so much money to get married at once.

In addition, the two of them also discussed saving some money, and then they would buy a house in the town and live together.

Seeing her mother stopping the wedding car and not letting them go, and insisting on collecting 20,000 yuan for the ride fee, Yuan Jing was also a little confused.

Because her mother had never told her about this matter before.

Before, she felt that 38,000 yuan was too much for a dowry.

After all, she was getting married for the third time, which meant that she didn't need so much dowry.

But her family members scolded her for being stupid.

"Kou Jun is 40 years old, and you are only 20 years old. You are really a flower stuck in cow dung. Don't you know how to ask for more money for your family?"

At that time, Yuan Jing said that she was just a woman who got married for the third time. Others said that she had killed two husbands, and it was not easy for someone to marry her.

But her family members didn't care.

They believed that even if a woman got married a hundred times, there would still be someone who wanted her.

This made Yuan Jing angry...

So she was a cash cow for their Yuan family?

What kind of people were in her family?

She even thought about getting married a few more times to make some money for her family.

She had two younger brothers who hadn't married yet.

Her family members just wanted to squeeze her more and make her bleed more.

Yuan Jing discussed the 38,000 yuan betrothal gift with Kou Jun, and Kou Jun agreed without a second thought.

He really liked Yuan Jing. Her parents raised her up so big, it was impossible for them not to give her a penny.

But Kou Jun never expected that when she was about to get on the car, her mother-in-law suddenly stopped the car and shouted that she wanted another 20,000 yuan.

Did she think that Yuan Jing was the cash cow of their Yuan family?

He himself only ran a small shop in the town, so how could he have the money to fill the big hole of the Yuan family.

But if they didn't give the money, Yuan's mother would stop the wedding car and not let it go.

It was the same sentence over and over again.

"To take her daughter away today, we have to run over her body!"

The man's people were so angry that they stomped their feet.

No matter how the bride Yuan Jing cried and begged, her mother would lie on the front of the car and would not let the car go without money.

At this moment, Yuan Jing also understood instantly that in the eyes of her family, she was just an item for them to exchange money.

"Mom~~Can you be reasonable? Kou Jun has already given a betrothal gift of 38,000 yuan, why is he asking for 20,000 yuan for the fare now?"

"38,000 yuan is the betrothal gift, and the 20,000 yuan is the fare. These are the customs here. If he doesn't have the money to give today, then forget about getting married."

Yuan's mother was really overbearing. Anyway, if Kou Jun and his family didn't give the money, she wouldn't let her daughter get on the wedding car.

This made Yuan Jing so angry that her whole body was shaking.

It wasn't her first marriage, so how could she not know whether they had the custom of charging a fare here.

It was just her mother who was making trouble for no reason.

Both sides just kept wasting time.

Seeing that the time was about to pass, Kou Jun decided to pay the fare.

But Yuan Jing refused at this time. This was the money she and Kou Jun had worked so hard to earn, and it was all squeezed by her family. How could that be possible?

Her family members, one by one, were like vampires, and they could never be fed.

In the past, Yuan Jing had given high betrothal gifts for the two times she got married.

All those betrothal gifts were taken by her family, and she didn't see a penny.

As for the dowry, there was nothing.

She thought her family would be more restrained this time, but she didn't expect it to be even worse.

"Mom, if Kou Jun doesn't give me money today, will you really not let me get on the car?"

"Hey, you ungrateful bastard, I have raised you in vain. You haven't even married yet, but you're already turning your arm outward. Anyway, I still say the same thing, if you don't give me money today, don't even think about getting on the car."

"That's right, Jing'er, you have to understand your parents' difficulties. Your two younger brothers haven't started a family yet, and the family needs money. I hope you will be sensible."

At this moment, not only did Yuan's mother speak harshly, but even Yuan's father, who had been polite before, stood up and said.

Yuan Jing looked at her parents singing the same tune, and she was so angry that her head hurt.

"Yuan Jing, come here."

At this time, Kou Jun pulled his wife aside, "We still have some money, why don't we give it to them."

"How can we give it to them? This money is the money we saved to buy a house. Besides, they can ask for 20,000 today, and they dare to ask for 40,000 tomorrow. Can the little money we earn fill the big hole of this family?"

Yuan Jing didn't know that the character of her family was like a bottomless pit and could not be satisfied at all.

"What should I do? It's all a waste of time."

"Kou Jun, do you love me?"

"Yes, of course I love you, otherwise why would I marry you."

Facing his wife's doubts, Kou Jun said solemnly.

"In that case, let's go."


"What? I said take me away!"

Since they don't let her get on the wedding car, then she can go by herself.

As long as she is sure of the other party, she doesn't care whether he drives her back.

This operation really made Yuan Jing's family dumbfounded.

Especially Yuan's mother, she was lying on the car.

But her daughter pulled Kou Jun and ran out, and didn't get in the car.

"Oh, you damn ungrateful wolf, if you run away today, you will never come back."

If you run away today, you will never come back...

This sentence echoed in Yuan Jing's mind for a long time, and the tears in her eyes overflowed.

But as soon as the tears came out of her eyes, they were immediately blown away by the wind.

After so many years of experience, she has learned to be strong and able to face life bravely.

The action of the bride and groom was really shocking, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The Yuan family was so angry that they chased after her.

But who could catch up with the daughter of the Yuan family if she wanted to escape?

"Uncle Kou, this is what happened. Now Kou Jun has run away with the bride."

Erlangzi told Uncle Kou everything on the phone.

Uncle Kou got anxious on the spot: "I say, you fool, why are you still standing there? Why don't you drive to pick up the bride and groom?"

Now it's too late, there's no point in saying anything.

But we can't let the newlyweds really walk back.

If they just walk, how long will it take them to walk?

The people in Kou Jun's family have been tortured by the banquet food for a long time, and they have been thinking about the banquet for a long time.

If the bride and groom are allowed to walk back, won't those who are waiting for the banquet go crazy?

"Uncle, we want to leave too, but the Yuan family stopped us and wouldn't let our car go out."

"Well, then you just stay there, and if it doesn't work, call the police."


After saying that, Uncle Kou hung up the phone. It seemed that he had to find someone else to pick up the bride and groom.

But at this time, all the cars were sent to pick up the bride, so where would there be extra cars to pick them up?

It just so happened that Heizi drove his pickup truck to pick up his son, but he didn't expect that his car was requisitioned.

"Heizi, you're back just in time. Your car has been requisitioned. Let's go."

"Uncle, where are we going? It's too late. Let's drive first and I'll tell you slowly."

Seeing that Uncle Kou was still keeping it a secret, Heizi was speechless for a while. He could only push his son to Zhang Xiaoli (Heizi's wife) and get in the car to drive Uncle Kou away.


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