Just now, old fat uncle Gu saw his little daughter coming down from upstairs with a red face.

She won't be bullied by this little piglet and little bastard, right?

I have to interrogate Sanwazi later!


Chen Yuan fled in a panic, panting heavily, afraid that Comrade Gu would see something.

His forehead was sweating and his heartbeat was accelerating.

How can dating be so exciting...

When he came out of the corridor, he saw Gu Hongti.

She was greeting the customers in the store, her little face was still a little flushed, her eyes were watery, and she was very moving.

But now she pretended to be indifferent, as if the kiss just now had never happened.

This little girl is quite good at pretending.

"Xiao Chen, are you full? If not, I'll cook you some more."

"Grandma Wu... Don't bother, I'm full now."

Hearing what Grandma Wu said, Chen Yuan hurriedly said.

Although the dandan noodles made by Grandma Wu are delicious, his stomach is too full now and he can't eat anything at all.

No matter how delicious something is, if you eat too much, it will not taste delicious.

Distance creates beauty.

The same is true for food. If you get tired of something all of a sudden, no matter how delicious it is, you won't want to eat it anymore when you see it.

"What's the trouble? Your uncle Gu and the others are back just in time. I'll cook it together."

"Grandma Wu, I'm really full. I came here after lunch."

Faced with Grandma Wu's enthusiasm, Chen Yuan could only refuse.

If he eats another bowl of noodles, his stomach will burst!

"Okay, since you don't want to eat, I won't force you." Grandma Wu smiled and prepared to go upstairs to cook noodles. At this time, she suddenly turned her head and said, "By the way, Xiao Chen, if you come here in the future, you don't need to bring anything else, just bring some banquet dishes. I like the banquet dishes you cook."

Grandma Wu has no other hobbies.

She can neither play cards nor dance square dance like other old people.

She just likes to eat.

When she was young, she traveled all over the country and tried all kinds of food.

She is also an old gourmet and has tried all kinds of food.

But since she ate the dishes made by Chen Yuan, she really fell in love with them all of a sudden.

She has lived in this world for more than 60 years. She has been in many restaurants, big and small.

But there are not many people who can catch up with Chen Yuan in cooking skills.

In her eyes, Chen Yuan is a "freak", a "freak" in the chef world.

At such a young age, it is really precious to be able to cook such delicious dishes!

This is why Grandma Wu likes Chen Yuan.

She wanted Chen Yuan to be her grandson-in-law.

Chen Yuan's delicious dishes would definitely be a plus.

How to use this "Cooking Copy Card"?

Chen Yuan was thinking about this at the moment.

After seeing Grandma Wu's skill in making pasta, Chen Yuan finally decided to try using the Cooking Copy Card.

But he hadn't seen the instructions before, and didn't understand how to use the Cooking Copy Card for a while.

At this time.

The system popped up a message.

[How to use the Cooking Copy Card, please take out the card in the prop column, keep a distance of three meters from the object to be copied, and silently say "Cooking Copy" to perform cooking copy. ]

Is it that simple?

Chen Yuan was a little speechless. He thought it was very complicated at first.

So Chen Yuan started using the copy card according to the method given by the system.

He took the Cooking Copy Card out of the system prop column.

Then he held the copy card in his hand, pointed it at Grandma Wu, and silently said "cooking copy" in his heart.

At this moment, he felt a strange energy transmitted from Grandma Wu.

That feeling was very magical, hard to explain, just very mysterious.

A mysterious feeling.

He could even "see" the blue progress bar in the void.

That was the copy progress bar.

The number of a few percent kept flashing and changing.

As the copy progress bar changed, the knowledge about pasta quickly flooded into his mind.

This knowledge was not like the muscle memory given by the system.

The cooking skills copied through the cooking copy card were like something he was born with.

Even without the help of the system, he could independently make a dish of pasta.

The methods of making pasta were continuously instilled into Chen Yuan's mind, and then completely transformed into Chen Yuan's own things.

"Oh, why do I feel depressed and my feet have no strength."

When the copy progress bar came to 80%, Grandma Wu took a deep breath and leaned back on the chair from her standing position.

Could it be that this copy card has a negative effect on people?


Chen Yuan was shocked. If this cooking copy card had any negative effects on the person being operated, he would rather not use it.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom... are you okay? You were fine just now!"

Seeing Grandma Wu covering her chest, Wu Xunfang and Gu Hongti ran over and looked at Grandma Wu with concern, fearing that Grandma Wu had some illness.

"It's okay... just a little stuffy in the chest, I'll be fine after standing for a while, Ti Ti girl, pour me a glass of water."


Hearing the grandmother's instructions, Gu Hongti quickly took the cup and poured a glass of warm water to Grandma Wu.

Then fed Grandma Wu to drink it.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan was thinking about whether to stop copying.

At this time, the system finally responded.

[Once the cooking skill copy card is used, it cannot be stopped. Please rest assured, the host, the card will not hurt Grandma Wu and will not cause any harm to her body. ]

"Why does Grandma Wu feel uncomfortable?"

Why doesn't Chen Yuan believe it...

It's obvious that Grandma Wu is in pain.

[Please rest assured, the system is not an unforgivable evil, and it will not do such a heinous thing. Because Grandma Wu is older, she may feel a little uncomfortable during the use of the cooking skill copy card, but it will not harm her body. ]

[On the contrary, this copy card is good for her and can eliminate some of her minor ailments. ]

Is it true or not...

But now, Chen Yuan has no choice.

He can only watch the copy progress bar change rapidly.

88%, 89%... 96%, 97%...

At the same time, Chen Yuan also prayed in his heart that Grandma Wu was okay.


Finally, the cooking skill copy card stopped working.

At this moment, Chen Yuan had a lot of knowledge about pasta in his mind.

This knowledge was different from what the system gave him, and it all became his own.

As long as he wanted to use it, he could use it at will, without any help from the system.

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