"How about we go have a midnight snack?" Chen Yuan looked at the midnight snack stall and swallowed his saliva.

Ever since he had a big feast in the countryside, he felt that he could not live without food in his life.

"Then you have to treat us."

At this time, Yuan Fang swallowed her saliva, glanced at Gu Hongti, and joked.

Chen Yuan nodded and said, "No problem, it depends on how much you can eat."

There are more than 100,000 yuan in the account today, so it's no big deal to treat them to a midnight snack.

"Grape... your boyfriend is too good."

To be honest, Yuan Fang's eyes were full of envy.

In the past, her family urged her to go on blind dates and find a partner, but she didn't take it seriously.

She always thought that men were all pig trotters, so why look for one.

But now, her good sister Grape actually secretly found a pig trotter without telling her.

The key is that this pig trotter is pretty good.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also good at making money. Where can you find such a pig trotter?

The three of them came to the night snack stalls. Looking at the dazzling array of night snack stalls, they were dazzled and didn't know what to eat.

Chen Yuan gave the choice to the two ladies, and he just had to pay behind them.

Grilled skewers, grilled chicken, grilled sausages, stinky tofu, cold noodles, cold pot skewers...

Anyway, they sell everything.

Chen Yuan and his friends found a seat at a barbecue stall and sat down, then ordered some oysters and grilled skewers, and went to the milk tea shop next door to order three cups of milk tea.

The three of them sipped milk tea while waiting for their grilled skewers to be served.

There were so many people eating midnight snacks at night that the orders at the barbecue stall were lined up.

At this time, Chen Yuan noticed two stalls next to him.

One sold fried rice with eggs, and the other sold fried noodles.

At this time, it should be the most crowded time, but there was no one at these two stalls.

Chen Yuan was a little curious. Even if the skills were poor, if they set up a stall on this street, there would not be no one.

He stood up and walked over to see what was going on with these two stalls.

When he arrived in front of the stalls, he discovered the truth.

It turned out that it was not that the two stall owners were too bad at cooking, but that they were too Buddhist.

In front of the two stalls, there was a sign that said: If you want fried rice (fried noodles), fry it yourself! ~

Chen Yuan was stunned and his worldview was shattered.

How could a stall be set up like this?

This is probably a fake stall. To be honest, this is the first time Chen Yuan has seen such a Buddhist stall.

Are they sure that there will be business if they set up a stall like this?

Chen Yuan tried to shout: "Boss, give me a plate of fried rice with egg, or fried noodles."

Whether it was fried rice with egg or fried noodles, Chen Yuan was not picky. He wanted to try and see if these two stall owners were really Buddhist or deliberately doing this gimmick to attract customers.


"Buy fried rice and fry it yourself. The old man is busy now."

"The same goes for fried noodles. Fry it yourself and we will charge you for the ingredients... Old man Qi, watch out, I'm going to checkmate. Checkmate!"

"Hey, I didn't expect Lao Liu to do this to me. Fortunately, I was prepared. You can't kill me with this move."

"..." Chen Yuan.

Looking at the two old men under the tree next to him who were "killing" happily, they didn't care whether you came to buy fried rice or fried noodles!

Originally, Chen Yuan thought that these two stall owners wanted to do reverse marketing, but he didn't expect them to be Buddhist stall owners.

Anyway, the raw materials are there. If you want to eat it, you can fry it yourself. They don't make money from you, but just charge you for the ingredients.

In this world, there are only these two companies that do business like this.

How can a stall owner directly provide ingredients and let customers cook it themselves?

I'm afraid it's crazy... But some people really do it.

Are they the food carriers?

Chen Yuan looked at the two cute old men playing chess there, without even looking at him.

"Handsome, if you want fried rice, come here and I'll make it for you." At this time, a stall owner lady next to him waved to Chen Yuan.

She also runs a fried rice stall, which is in the same business as Old Man Qi.

Old Qi is busy playing chess and has stopped doing business.

In this way, the old lady is the happiest.

As long as there are customers stopping in front of these two Buddhist stalls, the old lady will loudly solicit customers.

Anyway, the two old men will not be unhappy about the old lady's behavior.

Because of these two Buddhist stall owners, they will rest at a certain time.

They don't care about the business of the stalls. They can do business or not, but they have to play chess.

Why do they set up stalls? Of course, they are to make money, but isn't making money to enjoy life?

The two uncles also thought clearly that after setting up the stalls for a few hours, the two of them rested.The two sat under the tree, drinking wine and playing chess. It was a pleasant life. Anyway, money can never be earned, so it is better to enjoy love and make money while enjoying life. Not to mention, Chen Yuan really thinks that these two old men really know how to enjoy life. The Buddhist behavior of the two old men often attracts people. Some people took pictures of these two stalls on the Internet and came to check in from time to time. Some people really come here to eat what the two old men make. If they come late, they really can't eat it. Anyway, the two old men will close the stall on time when the time comes. Then they sit aside, drinking and playing chess. Some netizens came late and couldn't eat what the two old men made, and they seemed a little disappointed. At this time, the egg fried rice lady opposite was the happiest. When she saw customers coming to the two Buddhist stalls, she immediately recruited customers. It's true that her stall's business was not very good before, but once the two uncles stopped working, her stall's business got better.

If there were more people, the aunt and her husband would be too busy to handle it.

At this moment, Chen Yuan came to the two Buddhist stalls and looked around.

The fried rice aunt thought that Chen Yuan and his friends were also here to check in, so they were her potential customers, and she must work hard to attract customers.

But the fried rice aunt had the wrong target.

The aunt was still trying hard to attract customers, she thought that after the customer in front of her took a photo, he would patronize their fried rice stall.


This customer actually walked straight to the operation area of ​​the fried rice stall opposite.

What did he want? Did he really want to make a fried rice by himself?

The fried rice aunt immediately felt that her idea was ridiculous. No customer would make a bowl of fried rice by himself.

At least, since the fried rice lady set up the stall here, she has never seen any customer who is really stupid enough to make fried rice for herself at that stall.

Today, the fried rice lady's cognition was overturned.

The strange eater actually started to fry rice.

The fried rice lady cursed Chen Yuan in her heart as a complete fool. He had ready-made fried rice but didn't eat it, and he had to make fried rice for himself!

This guy either has a brain problem or is too stingy. He doesn't even want to buy fried rice for himself, but has to fry it himself.

However, the fried rice lady didn't care and continued to attract customers.

But not long after, a fragrance filled the air, which immediately attracted the attention of people around.

At this time, the fried rice lady also smelled the fragrance.

Is this the fragrance of fried rice?

After frying fried rice for so long, she has never smelled such a fragrant fried rice.

Generally, she doesn't want to eat their own fried rice.

She used to eat it every day, but it was too greasy.

Now, when she smelled the fried rice, it actually aroused her appetite.

"Hmm? It smells so good, it seems to be the smell of fried rice, but when does fried rice smell so good?"

When the smell of the fragrant fried rice came out, the people around immediately stopped, attracted by the fragrance.

The rich fragrance made the people present unable to move, the fragrance was too fragrant.

Their eyes fell on the source of the fragrance, and they saw a small pot of golden fried rice in a large iron pot covered with glaze.

The fried rice in the pot exuded a mouth-watering fragrance, and all the people present instantly felt the baptism of the delicious storm, making people feel comfortable in their whole body and mind.

This was like a long-lost feast, which resonated with people's hearts.

At this time, everyone's eyes were deeply attracted by the fried rice in the iron pot.

All eyes were like nails, nailed to the egg fried rice.

The egg fried rice in the iron pan was like a golden grain pile, and each grain of rice was wrapped in egg liquid, which looked unusually plump.

It looked like grains of gold.

Is this still egg fried rice?

No one would object if you said it was a work of art!

From a distance, you can smell the fragrance of rice and eggs.

"Young man, are you selling this egg fried rice?"

A beautiful woman with fashionable dress and exquisite makeup, wearing sunglasses on her face, gives people the feeling of being aloof.

Fortunately, we will call her Gao Leng sister for the time being.

Gao Leng sister is an urban white-collar worker. When she just came out of the bar with her friends and passed by the night market, she was suddenly attracted by the smell of egg fried rice.

Before, Gao Leng sister was not interested in such high-fat things.

In order to maintain a slim figure, she rarely eats such high-calorie foods.things.

As for the fried rice on the street, she had never thought that she would be interested.

But when she smelled the fried rice made by Chen Yuan, and looked at the distinct golden rice grains, she inexplicably had an appetite and couldn't help wanting to eat it.

So, Sister Gao Leng wanted to ask if Chen Yuan sold the fried rice.

Chen Yuan glanced at Sister Gao Leng and said in an unromantic way: "Sorry, no... This rice is fried for my girlfriend. If you want to eat it, fry it yourself."

After that, he pointed to the sign in front of the stall.

Sister Gao Leng looked at the handwriting on the sign and was stunned for a moment.

This really wants her to fry it.

He fried so much rice, can't he sell some to her?

But Chen Yuan ignored her.

"Uncle, please take a look at how to calculate the material cost here."

At this time, the old man Qi stopped playing chess and stared at his old pot in a daze.

What about the material cost...

At this moment, Old Man Qi wanted to kick Chen Yuan away with one foot, and then run away with his precious iron pan.

The old man has been frying egg fried rice for his whole life, but he can't make such fragrant egg fried rice.

"Old Qi, did you see how he fried it?"

"No, if you hadn't been in a hurry to defeat me just now, I would have seen it."

"Can you blame me for this? I say, Old Qi, you have been making fried rice for so many years, I guess your fried rice skills can't catch up with others."

"Don't blame me, haven't you seen this kid's cooking skills are so good, you can't make fried rice better than others, haven't you seen him flip the pan? Without a few years of operation, you can't do that."

"Why should I compare with him, I'm just a fried noodle maker."

"... Old Zhang, Believe it or not, your level of fried noodles is not even good enough to carry shoes for that kid. "

"Old Qi, you are jealous, shall we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If you can't beat him, you have to let me play a 'rook' next time we play chess."

"Damn, I didn't expect you to be so mean, Old Qi, you actually want me to play a 'rook'."

"Just tell me if you dare to bet! Don't let me look down on you."

"Hey, you Old Qi are actually excited. Let's bet, why don't you dare!"

The two Buddhists immediately started fighting.

The old Zhang (the owner of the fried noodles stall) always thought that his fried noodles must be better than Chen Yuan's.

In the eyes of the old Zhang, the young man's fried rice is good, but his fried noodles may not be as good as his own.

What a joke, the old Zhang has been frying noodles for decades, but he is still not as good as a kid who is still wet behind the ears?

"Uncle, have you finished talking? How much do I charge for the ingredients?"

Watching the two Buddhist uncles talking there, Chen Yuan did not interrupt them.

After quietly packing the fried rice in a disposable lunch box, the two uncles finally finished talking and quickly interrupted.

"Young man, I think we are destined to be together, so I won't charge you. But... your fried rice looks pretty good, just give me one."

To be honest, Lao Qitou is really impatient to try the fried rice made by Chen Yuan.

Because he just saw that the fried rice made by Chen Yuan was so fragrant.

He is also a master, and he thinks that the taste of this fried rice must not be bad.

"Is that so? Okay, I'll give you this."

Chen Yuan thought about it and nodded.

Since the other party is unwilling to charge money and used other people's materials, he must give some compensation to them, otherwise he will feel bad.

"Thank you, young man. That... you heard it just now, can you make some noodles for him to see?"

Old Qi held the box of egg fried rice handed over by Chen Yuan, like a treasure.

At the same time, he stared at Chen Yuan with expectation, hoping that the other party would fight against Old Zhang and kill the other party's "car".

"Then wait a moment."

As he said, Chen Yuan took the egg fried rice.

"Chen Yuan, is this the rice you fried yourself?"

Seeing Chen Yuan coming back with the egg fried rice, Gu Hongti was delighted.

She knew Chen Yuan's cooking skills, and anything he made was definitely delicious.

"Oh, it smells so good, this egg fried rice smells so good!"

Yuan Fang was also surprised, and she naturally smelled the fragrance just now.

The fragrance was so fragrant that she couldn't help swallowing her saliva.



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