Mo Shanniu looked like he deserved a beating, which made Chen Yuan really want to beat him up.

"Can you please eat your words properly? If you still have this attitude, I will go down the mountain."

"Don't~~Actually, this is what happened..."

Then Mo Shanniu continued to talk.

"Don't you think Sister Yu is very pitiful? A woman lost her husband at a young age. She has to work hard to earn money to support two children. She usually relies on odd jobs to earn some living expenses. Isn't she very pitiful?"

"So what? There are so many pitiful people in the world. Can you help them all?"

Looking at Mo Shanniu with a serious face, Chen Yuan deliberately said.

He just wanted to tease Mo Shanniu.

"Chen Yuan, don't be like this. I tell you, you have really changed. You were not like this before."

"Little guy, I am teasing you. Look at your appearance, it's really embarrassing."

Mo Shanniu saw that Chen Yuan was joking with him, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Chen Yuan, let me tell you this. Anyway, I have decided to marry Chen Yu in this life, and no one will marry me again."

"Brother, don't be impulsive. Why give up the whole forest for a tree?"

Looking at Mo Shaniu falling in love, to be honest, Chen Yuan didn't know how to persuade him.

People who lose their minds because of love will never listen to others' advice.

Chen Yuan was too lazy to persuade him, so he didn't waste his saliva.

In his opinion, emotional matters depend on both parties.

In fact, Chen Yuan thinks Yu Saozi is pretty good.

She is as resilient as wild grass.

Wildfires can't burn them all, and spring breezes will blow them back to life...

Chen Yuan also admires this quality very much, but as for whether Mo Shaniu can get together with Yu Saozi in the end, it really depends on their own monkey shit.

He also knows that there is basically no resistance from Mo Shaniu.

With a family background like Mo Shaniu, there is no need to consider it at all, and no one will oppose his marriage.

Moreover, he is not afraid even if the villagers gossip about him behind his back.

At his age, if he doesn't get a wife, will he be single for the rest of his life?

Domestic girls have such high requirements for their partners. If he can't find a wife, should he go to Southeast Asia to find a wife like those anchors?

No matter what others say, Mo Sha Niu has decided on Sister Yu.

"I know you want Sister Yu to cook with us, right?"

"Yes... It seems that Yuanzi understands me."

"I don't understand you."

"Hehe, Yuanzi, I'll leave this matter to you. You also know how hard Ayu works. Letting her work with us is also a great bargain for us."

"Hehe, it's a great bargain..."

Chen Yuan rolled his eyes directly, and he really couldn't bear to look at it.

If it weren't for his good brother, he really wanted to kick him aside.

But then again, Sister Yu is very hardworking and works very seriously.

It was really the right person to let her work in the kitchen.

When Yu Saozi worked, she was not afraid of getting dirty or tired, and she was not like some people who cheated and played dirty. She was also willing to work hard.

He was also preparing to form a team of professional banquet staff, so that they could professionally go to various places to prepare banquets.

Just like those who professionally prepared banquets outside, they could also receive more tasks.

Money is not very important, what is important is the system tasks.

The two chatted for a while, and saw that Chen Yuan agreed to accept A Yu to prepare banquets.

Mo Shanniu was so happy when he thought that he would have more opportunities to get along with A Yu in the future.


The so-called "the one who is close to the water gets the moon first..."

The so-called "love grows over time..."

Ahem... Mo Shanniu was full of longing, and his heart was beating wildly.

Chen Yuan played for a while and was ready to go back.

This time he came here to pick up the cheese and just take a look at Mo Shanniu's uncle.

"If there's nothing else, we'll go back."

"No! Let's eat first. It's not easy to come here."

Hearing Chen Yuan say he was leaving, Mo Sha Niu hurriedly called him back.

After a year, it's not easy to come to the mountain. You can't go back with an empty stomach.

And Gu Hongti is visiting Mo Sha Niu's house for the first time. If you don't treat him well, people will be embarrassed if you tell others about it!

"Eat? That's too much trouble."

"What's the trouble? We have all kinds of dishes at home. It can be prepared in a short time. I'll go catch a duck and kill it."

What? Trouble... doesn't exist.

Although Mo Sha Niu's family is a little poor, they are not lazy.

His uncle raises chickens andducks, and also feed a few pigs.

Although this won't make a fortune, it won't starve to death.

This is much happier than many people living in big cities who are overwhelmed by mortgages and car loans every month.

Chopping wood, growing vegetables, herding cattle...

Every day I live a life of "facing the sea, spring flowers blooming".

I just lack a close lover who will accompany me for life.

And... Chen Yuan's cooking is delicious.

It's not easy to have such an opportunity, but I always miss it to let Chen Yuan cook.

"Oh, Chen Yuan, you've finally come to the mountain, how can I let you go back hungry!"

Coincidentally, Uncle Mo also came back at this time.

He was herding cattle outside, and just came back now.

He saw Chen Yuan and the others were about to leave, and he refused to leave no matter what.

Uncle Mo locked the cattle in the cattle pen, stopped Chen Yuan and the others, and said that he would keep them for dinner no matter what.

Chen Yuan and the others had no choice but to stay for dinner.

"Uncle, what did I see you carrying into the kitchen just now?"

"Oh, it's a wild rabbit."

Uncle Mo smiled proudly.

Although he has dark skin and short stature, he looks very honest.

This farmer who has lived in the mountains for many years has extraordinary qualities.

Hunting is his specialty.

In the past, whenever he went into the mountains, he would not come back empty-handed.

He could get all kinds of game.

However, now the times have changed, and many game have become protected animals, and it is illegal to hunt them.

Today, when Uncle Mo was herding cattle in the mountains, he caught a wild rabbit.

"Wild rabbit, that's great, I'll clean it up and let Chen Yuan cook it for me."

"Okay, I haven't eaten Chen Yuan's dishes for a long time."

Uncle Mo was also very happy when he heard that his nephew wanted Chen Yuan to cook.

When he thought of the dishes that Chen Yuan had cooked before, he started drooling.

Before, his nephew Mo Sha Niu followed Chen Yuan to cook banquets outside, and he would bring back banquet dishes when he came back.

Uncle Mo still clearly remembered the first time he ate the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan. He was so happy that he almost swallowed his tongue at that time.

Uncle Mo had lived for most of his life, but this was the first time he had eaten such delicious food.

It was a coincidence today that he met Chen Yuan on the mountain when he caught a hare.

Such a good opportunity is really rare. I must ask Chen Yuan to help cook the hare.

Mo Sha Niu excitedly took out a gray-haired rabbit from the kitchen.

Not to mention, this hare is quite fat.

These days, there are fewer and fewer hares on the mountain, and it is not easy to catch one.

Taking this opportunity, I must ask Chen Yuan to cook a delicious meal.

Uncle Mo really liked the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan. When he saw his nephew take out the rabbit, he went to help.

"Chen Yuan, is that really a rabbit?"

"Yes, it seems to be a wild rabbit. Uncle Mo caught it in the mountains and now he is eating it."

This was the first time that Gu Hongti had seen a rabbit in her life. She didn't expect to see it in this situation. Her whole face was not good.

Uncle Mo and his friends were bathing and undressing the rabbit.

But Gu Hongti couldn't believe it when she saw this scene.

"Chen Yuan, rabbits are so cute, why do you want to eat rabbits!"

"..." Chen Yuan.

Seeing the change in Gu Hongti's face, Chen Yuan didn't know how to comfort her.

Usually, Gu Hongti likes to eat chicken wings the most. Why doesn't she think chickens are cute?

Chen Yuan also went to help. Uncle Mo was also kind-hearted. When he heard Gu Hongti say that she didn't eat rabbits, he thought of slaughtering another duck and letting Chen Yuan make lemon duck.

However, Chen Yuan said that duck feathers were too difficult to pluck, so they should not bother too much and just eat anything.

But Uncle Mo was such a nice guy. Since ducks were hard to kill, he just killed a chicken.

There was nothing in the countryside, but there were a lot of poultry raised at home.

The chickens raised by his family were all raised from very small chicks. They were never fed with feed, either leftovers or corn. When you eat that chicken, you feel that it is definitely 10,000 times more delicious than the feed chicken bought outside.

Uncle Mo went to catch chickens, while Chen Yuan and Mo Sha Niu were dealing with the rabbit.

Although the rabbit is so big, it doesn't look like there is much meat after peeling the skin.

Today Chen Yuan is going to make a ginger and fresh pepper rabbit.

Peel the rabbit clean, chop the rabbit meat into small meat cubes the size of a little finger with a knife, and rinse off the blood with cold water.

In addition to the rabbit, you also need to prepare ginger and green peppers.

If you like to eat something spicier, you can add millet peppers or pickled peppers.

Prepare various seasonings such as pepper, MSG, chicken essence, sugar, soy sauce, spicy sauce, cooking wine, etc.

Then heat up the oil in a pan until the oil temperature reaches about 40%.Add diced rabbit meat.

There is another important ingredient for making this ginger rabbit, that is, green bamboo shoots.

Green bamboo shoots are also called lettuce in some places. After being cooked, they are absolutely crisp and delicious.

Add water, salt and oil to the pot. After boiling, put the green bamboo shoots in and blanch them.

Put the blanched green bamboo shoots in a large bowl and prepare to use them as a base.

Heat oil in another pot and add minced garlic to stir-fry.

Add green peppers and millet peppers and stir-fry until fragrant.

Wait until the chopped young ginger is also put in the iron pot and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the diced rabbit meat that has been fried in oil before.

After it comes out of the pot, sprinkle cooked sesame seeds on the dish.

At this time, the whole dish looks very delicious and the fragrance continues to waft out.

"Hmm, it smells so good, why is it so delicious?"

Uncle Mo Sha Niu and his nephew stood aside, drooling.

The ginger rabbit smelled so good when it came out of the pot that it made people drool!

Then Chen Yuan cooked a chicken soup.

This season is when all kinds of wild mushrooms grow wildly on the mountain. The rain this year is not abundant, resulting in not many wild mushrooms.

However, there are still villagers going into the mountain to pick mushrooms. Only during this period of time, more and more people have come to the mountain, making it lively.

Chen Yuan used wild mushrooms to cook a large pot of chicken soup. The thick chicken soup was golden and delicious.

The wild mushrooms and chicken are perfectly blended together. Drinking a mouthful of the soup will make people feel extremely delicious.

After the chicken soup was cooked, Chen Yuan cooked a few more green vegetables.

These green vegetables were planted by Uncle Mo himself. They are all natural and green food.

"Let's eat. Uncle Mo, do you want to drink some wine today?"

After the dishes were served, Chen Yuan shouted to Uncle Mo.

Hearing Chen Yuan's words, the wrinkled farmer grinned: "Of course I have to drink. The ginger rabbit you made is very delicious. It is perfect to use it as a side dish."

Uncle Mo had a bright smile on his face. When he talked about wine, he became energetic.

Several people sat down to eat. Except for Gu Hongti, the other three poured wine.

With such a beautiful scenery, if you don't drink some wine, it would really be a waste of God's gift.

"Come on, Uncle Mo, I'll toast you first."

As he said, Chen Yuan raised his glass to Uncle Mo.

It seems that this is the first time he has drunk with Uncle Mo since he was a child. Chen Yuan was also a little excited.

"Okay... You've worked hard to cook so many dishes today."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Uncle Mo's eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile, and he was really happy.

He felt that he hadn't been so happy for a long time.

After Mo Shaniu didn't go home, he lived alone in this family.

Usually no one came to his house, let alone someone to drink with him.

He had lived for decades, and he had always lived in a world of inferiority.

Therefore, he had always lived a very lonely life.

Apart from socializing, Uncle Mo rarely went down the mountain to interact with people in the village.

Today, Chen Yuan, the younger generation, came up the mountain to see him and cooked so many delicious dishes. How could he not be happy?

"What's the hard work? It's just cooking a few dishes. I tell you, uncle, I'm a cook now. If I'm not allowed to cook, I always feel uncomfortable all over my body."

Chen Yuan said with a smile.

In fact, what he said was all the truth.

His current position is a village banquet chef. He is used to cooking all kinds of food. If he is not allowed to cook one day, he will feel like he has lost something.

Chen Yuan raised his glass, clinked it with Uncle Mo and Mo Sha Niu, and then took a sip.


The wine was swallowed from his mouth and slid into his throat.

Instantly, a stream of hot and spicy heat spread from his throat to the bottom.

This wine was the rice wine made by the villagers, and the alcohol content was not high, otherwise Chen Yuan, who usually didn't drink, couldn't drink it at all.

After taking a sip of the wine, Chen Yuan felt that his throat was about to be burned by the wine.

I don't drink much normally, but I didn't expect this wine to be so spicy.


Chen Yuan quickly stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of rabbit meat and ate it.


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