"Village chief, you have to come and help with the accounting tomorrow."

Uncle Lao Mo glanced at the crowd and his eyes fell on Chen Dahe.

Chen Dahe was also full at this time, and his stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, and it was difficult for him to walk.

Chen Dahe, who was about to go down the mountain, was grabbed by Lao Mo's clothes. After hearing Lao Mo's words, he immediately promised: "Don't worry, I will come tomorrow, and I will call the accountant then."

Village chief Chen and the accountant are the best partners. For all the weddings and funerals in Chen Village, basically the two of them cooperate as "Ministers of Rites".

"Okay... Then I'll trouble you."

Uncle Lao Mo grinned.

After sending the people away, Lao Mo asked his nephew Mo Sha Niu to guard the vegetables, and he went to feed the pigs.

The sow had just given birth to piglets, and someone had to take care of it.

Besides, in addition to the sow, he also fed another strong pig, which was prepared to be slaughtered for the New Year pig.

“Senior, please walk faster, they have all walked to the front.”

“Oh, today’s dishes are so delicious, I ate too much without realizing it.”

Hearing Kou Xi’s shout, He Rufeng tried to keep up with the pace.

But his stomach was too full, and after walking a few steps, he found that his stomach hurt badly.

I really shouldn’t have eaten so much, and now I regret it a little.

But can he be blamed for this? If you want to blame someone, blame Chen Yuan for making the dishes too delicious, which makes people unable to control themselves.

Chen Yuan: “…”

Fortunately, everyone seemed to be too full, so they couldn’t walk fast.

He Zhifeng used the light of the flashlight on his mobile phone to quickly catch up with his junior sister.

"Senior, I didn't lie to you, did I? I posted on WeChat Moments before, and you guys said I was lying."

"Hehe, I know I was wrong now, I apologize to you, who would have thought that a chef who cooked a big banquet in the countryside could cook such delicious dishes?"

Hearing what Junior Kou said, He Zhifeng felt ashamed.

Before, Kou Qian posted on WeChat Moments saying that she had eaten the most delicious dishes in the world.

But the picture Kou Qian posted was a rural banquet dish, so people including He Zhifeng expressed their disbelief.

This girl has also seen the world outside, how could she have a special liking for banquet dishes?

At that time, many people left messages under Kou Qian's WeChat Moments, saying that she was a country girl with no knowledge and was only worthy of eating dirty rural banquet dishes.

Now that He Zhifeng has eaten the dishes made by Chen Yuan, he feels that it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most delicious dish in the world.

This dish is so delicious, it is better than the dishes made by chefs in star-rated hotels outside.

After graduation, He Zhifeng worked in a big city, and he was considered a white-collar worker.

He had been to all kinds of private chefs and high-end restaurants.

But compared with the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan, the so-called high-end dishes he had eaten before were all dregs.

Those who laughed at Kou Xi before, actually didn't know that they were the clowns.

Now if anyone says that Chen Yuan's dishes are not delicious, He Zhifeng will be the first to get angry with him.

A team of people walked down the mountain. It is said that it is easy to go up the mountain, but it is difficult to go down the mountain.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they felt hot all over.

After exercising, they felt quite comfortable. People who had eaten too much before, after exercising, they were able to digest the food.

It is even more effective than stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, He Zhifeng also felt that his stomach was not as full as before.

Tonight, he will stay at Chen Yuan's house. Anyway, Chen Yuan is the only one at home, and there are many rooms in the house.

Before He Zhifeng came, he had planned to go back as soon as possible, after all, he only took three days off.

But after eating the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan, he felt so happy that he didn't want to leave, so he decided to take two more days off.

If he could eat the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan every day, it was not impossible to not go to work.

This is the most real idea of ​​a standard foodie.

Chen Yuan returned home and drove Kou Qian back to Koujia Village with Senior He.

Then the two returned home, washed up and went to bed (not sleeping together, but separately).

The next morning, Chen Yuan got up at dawn and prepared to go up the mountain to Mo Sha Niu's house.

What Chen Yuan didn't expect was that when he got up, He Zhifeng also got up.

He thought this white-collar worker in the city would stay in bed, but he didn't expect that he would get up by himself without being called.

"Why don't you sleep for a while? It's still early."

The sky outside was still gray, and few people in the village got up.

Now the days are short and the nights are long, unlike in summer. It is still gray and gloomy at six in the morning.

In this season, the mornings in An County are actually quite cold.

Dryness and coldness are the characteristics of this place.

Especially in the morning, if you don’t have a certain amount of willpower, you don’t want to crawl out of the warm bed at all.

In fact, ChenYuan was wrong.

He thought too much about the life of white-collar workers like He Zhifeng.

Perhaps in the eyes of most people, white-collar workers live elegantly.

But who would have thought that these white-collar workers are not as glamorous as they seem, and they live a hard life of three points and one line every day, 996 blessings.

Especially those who are engaged in design, they are no different from those programmers, and they also live a very "miserable" life.

Sometimes, for a good design or a good idea, you have to rack your brains every day, kill a lot of brain cells, and lose a lot of hair every day.

Sometimes you think this design is very cool, but after showing it to the customer, the customer thinks it is a pile of shit.

So, the life of an adult is not so easy.

When he goes to work, He Zhifeng has to go out on time at six o'clock every morning because he has to catch the subway at 6:10.

Otherwise, he will be late for work.

For He Zhifeng, getting up early every day is a very common thing.

His job looks glamorous, but sometimes he has to work overtime on weekends and weekends, and he is as tired as a dog.

After washing up, the two of them went up the mountain to Mo Sha Niu's house together.

In the morning, the air on the mountain is extremely fresh.

Standing on a high place, overlooking the entire Chen Village, there is a sudden feeling of enlightenment.

"Uncle Mo, good morning!"

Seeing Uncle Mo, Chen Yuan greeted him.

"Chen Yuan, you are here so early."

Uncle Mo was sleepy, and it was obvious that he did not sleep well last night.

"Where is Mo Sha Niu? That kid hasn't gotten up yet!"

"He went to Koujia Village to pick up A Yu."

"This kid is quite active."

Chen Yuan couldn't help shaking his head. In fact, there were enough people helping in the kitchen today, and many people were willing to come to help for free. It was because they all felt that Uncle Mo was too difficult, and Uncle Mo would usually help with any wedding or funeral in the village, and never charged a penny.

Therefore, everyone in the village is willing to help Lao Mo.

Today, there is no need to shout outside for help in the kitchen. Everyone in the village is eager to do it.

However, Mo Shaniu went out early to pick up Sister Yu.

This is clearly abuse of power for personal gain!

As he said this, Chen Yuan began to get busy.

Heizi and the helpers in the village also came up one after another and started to get busy in the kitchen.

At this time, He Zhifeng didn't know what he could do.

Fortunately, before going up the mountain, he brought his laptop up.

He found a table and started to draw the blueprint for Chen Yuan's house.

As time went by, more and more people came to Lao Mo's house.

Everyone came to help.

At this time, the open-air kitchen was full of smoke and looked very lively.

The people who came to help today were also very helpful. Those who cut vegetables, washed vegetables, and cooked pots... did not let Chen Yuan tell them to do it. They all rushed to do it and were very active.

Chen Yuan was not idle either. It was still early, and there was still some time before the main meal started.

He was going to start making breakfast. In An County, the breakfasts for banquets in rural areas were very simple.

Usually it was either noodles or vermicelli, and sometimes there was porridge, which was a relief.

Because the main meal would be held soon, there was no need to eat too much, lest he would not be able to eat during the main meal.

Originally, this breakfast did not need to be made by him, the head chef, but who told Chen Yuan to make delicious food.

The more capable, the more work!

Chen Yuan did not mind. It was just a breakfast, and it would be the same no matter who made it.

Besides, everyone liked what he made, and he was so happy that he could not wait.

Chen Yuan walked straight to a large basin.

In that large basin, there were sweet potato vermicelli that had been soaked in warm water in advance.

Sweet potato vermicelli is very popular in An County and is a common delicacy.

Especially in rural areas, villagers often use it to cook breakfast.

Sweet potato flour, also known as sweet potato flour and sweet potato flour, is mainly made from sweet potatoes.

Chen Yuan took a large sieve and fished out the sweet potato flour soaked in water.

The vermicelli soaked in warm water is crystal clear, chewy and smooth.

There is no need to be too particular about cooking this sweet potato vermicelli. This kind of vermicelli is very resistant to cooking and will not be rotten no matter how you cook it.

Add water to the iron pot and boil it over high heat.

"Uncle Pan Zi, the work of burning fire is all handed over to you today."

"No problem, don't worry, as I said, your uncle Pan Zi has been a professional fireman for decades."

Today, Uncle Pan Zi also came.

He came here purely to help this time, without asking for wages.

It must be said that Uncle Pan Zi is still the one who has to make fire.

One person manages the firewood of several large stoves, andHe was very organized, and the most valuable thing was that he even had time to check his phone.

Really, I have to admire him.

After the water boiled, Chen Yuan rinsed the vermicelli in boiling water, then scooped it out with a sieve and put it aside for later use.

All the water in the big iron pot was poured out, and then rapeseed oil was added after the iron pot was dried.

After the oil was hot, it was poured into the large basin of ingredients prepared in advance.

In the large basin of ingredients were chopped shallots, millet peppers, white sesame seeds, and chili powder prepared in advance.


The hot oil was poured on the ingredients, making a series of sounds.

Suddenly, the fragrance came out, which was very fresh and spicy.

While Chen Yuan poured the oil in, he asked Heizi to stir it constantly to prevent the things in the basin from burning.

After all the rapeseed oil in the pot was poured out, a large basin of seasoning was ready, which would be used to season the vermicelli later.

Chen Yuan then added mutton bone broth to the pot. This broth was simmered on a low fire last night.

After a night of transformation, the big pot of broth had already turned milky white, and it looked very delicious.

Often, a good pot of broth is the soul of a good chef's cooking.

No matter what dish you are cooking, a spoonful of broth can enhance the flavor and freshness.

The thick broth poured into the iron pot looks like pure milk.

Just looking at this pot of thick soup can make people hungry.

Boil the big pot of broth over high heat, then add sweet potato noodles. The cooking time should not be too long, just chewy.

While cooking the noodles, Chen Yuan fried a large bowl of peanuts in another pot.

The peanuts are very crispy after being fried. When you take a bite, they will make a crisp sound and are extremely refreshing.

Put the cooked vermicelli into a small bowl, add a few spoonfuls of peanuts, and add the seasonings prepared before, salt, soy sauce, and soy sauce. If you like sour food, you can also add vinegar according to your preferences.

"Come... everyone take a break and have breakfast."

"Breakfast is coming, I'll be there soon."

Everyone was delighted when Chen Yuan shouted. They had smelled the aroma of hot and sour noodles a long time ago and were very greedy.

Everyone found a bowl, put the sweet potato vermicelli into the bowl, and learned to season and add seasoning sauce like Chen Yuan.

A bowl of red and refreshing hot and sour noodles was successfully made.

"It seems that we came back just in time."

Just at this time, Mo Sha Niu brought Sister Yu up the mountain.

Seeing everyone holding a bowl of steaming hot and sour noodles, squatting there and eating "slurping", they were very greedy.

On the contrary, A Yu felt a little embarrassed. Today, Mo Sha Niu went to pick her up.

After they sent A-Yu's two children to school, they rushed over and found that everyone had started to eat breakfast, which meant that she was late today.

This made A-Yu very anxious. It was the first time she came to cook a big feast with Chen Yuan, but she was late.

The first impression was very bad, which made A-Yu feel a little uneasy.

However, what made A-Yu breathe a sigh of relief was that Chen Yuan did not blame her, but asked her to have breakfast, which made her very happy and calmed down a little.

She decided to work hard and perform well after breakfast.

"This girl is pretty good."

Old Uncle Mo finally saw his nephew's favorite object and nodded repeatedly, expressing his satisfaction.

Looking at A-Yu's strong figure, after marrying his nephew in the future, won't she give birth to several descendants for their Mo family?

Thinking of this, Old Mo laughed so hard that his teeth almost fell out.

This was even happier than his family's big feast today.

After everyone finished breakfast, they started to work.

Ah Yu worked very hard, and she wanted to make up for the time she had in the morning to give Chen Yuan a good impression.

Seeing Ah Yu working so hard, Chen Yuan was also very satisfied.

Thinking of her miserable life, Chen Yuan also felt that whenever there was a big banquet in the future, he would ask her to help in the kitchen.

"Lao Mo, congratulations, your sow is really fertile, and gave birth to thirteen piglets, which is really amazing."

"This is a good omen, this is a big happy event, we came here just to get some of the joy."

"Lao Mo, don't stand there stupidly, take us to see the piglets, we also brought gifts for them."

At this time, many people from Chen Village rushed up the mountain to eat the banquet.

Since it was a sow giving birth to piglets, you have to bring some gifts for the sow and the piglets?

What gifts should I bring when a sow gives birth to piglets?

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