At this time, many people from Chen Village rushed up the mountain to have a banquet.

Since it was a sow giving birth to piglets, shouldn’t we bring some gifts for the sow and the piglets?

What gifts should we bring when a sow gives birth to piglets?

This was the first time for everyone to encounter such a thing in their lives. No one had ever held a banquet because a sow gave birth to piglets before.

But everyone thought about it and decided that since it was a pig, they should send something related to the pig.

Some people brought pig feed, and some brought dried vegetables for feeding pigs.

There was even a rack for roasting suckling pigs. Are they going to roast suckling pigs? Don’t scare those “children”, they are just newborn piglets.

Damn, the one who sent a butcher knife, what are you thinking? You are too impatient. At least let the parents grow up.

These people are really, this is not a gift, it is even more cruel than a death warrant.

After they sent the gifts and gave the money, they went to the pig pen to see the piglets.

A sow gave birth to thirteen piglets. This was the first time I had seen such a thing, so I felt very curious.

"Let me count them. Wow, there are thirteen piglets. This sow is so capable. She gave birth to so many piglets."

"Let me see how healthy these piglets are. You must have put a lot of effort into it, Lao Mo."

"That little black piglet looks so good. It's silly and cute. Lao Mo, you have to keep this one for me. I'll come back to take it home to raise it in a month or two."

"I want that little flower piglet, Lao Mo, I'll take that one. You have to take good care of it for me. Don't let it get too thin."

Those people came to the pig pen and liked the cute piglets in the pen. Some people even started to pick the piglets on the spot.

Have these people ever considered the feelings of the sow? They are going to sell their piglets. Have you discussed it with them?

Now the Internet is becoming more and more developed, and with the popularity of smart phones, people's entertainment methods are becoming more and more abundant.

Among the people who came to the banquet, many people like to shoot videos and then post them on the Internet platform.

They not only like to shoot various short videos and post them on the Internet, but also like to watch videos on the Internet platform.

Now not only the grandpas and aunts in their sixties and seventies can play with smart phones, but even children of two or three years old can play with them.

Moreover, there are still some young people in the countryside who do not go out to work, but stay at home to do self-media, do live broadcasts and bring goods, and also shoot some videos and put them on the Internet platform.

While recording their beautiful lives, they can also make money.

Qian Duoduo is a local self-media person in Dongfeng Town. He went out to screw screws as soon as he graduated from high school.

After Xilai came into contact with the self-media industry outside, he resolutely resigned and returned to his hometown to start the self-media industry and never returned.

However, Qian Duoduo really underestimated the cruelty of the self-media industry.

Originally, she thought that just like others, she could do some farm work at home, cook various delicacies, eat and drink, and attract countless fans. By constantly increasing her fans, she could also make money through live streaming. In this way, she could not only make money by shooting videos, but also make money through live streaming.

But she thought too much, there are too many people eating this bowl of rice.

Qian Duoduo has been back to her hometown for more than half a year. The self-media business has always been tepid. The number of fans she has accumulated for so long is only 12,000 fans. The videos she shot are not watched by anyone, and the income is pitiful.

After doing it for so long, there has been no progress, and she is thinking about giving up.

On this day, she was watching videos with her mobile phone, thinking about learning how to shoot videos well to attract audiences.

At this time, the platform pushed some popular videos to her.

She saw some videos shot by some aunts in Chen Village next door.

"Is this a banquet?"

Qian Duoduo looked at the content of the video and found that the video creator was shooting a rural banquet.

She watched a young chef cooking in the video, and there were people standing around, watching the young chef cooking.

Not to mention, the young chef looked pretty handsome.

Qian Duoduo was immediately attracted by the content of the video, and watched the short video unknowingly.

"This is a really good video!"

After watching it, Qian Duoduo almost exclaimed.

She was actually deeply attracted by this video, not because the video was shot so well, but mainly because the content in the video was so attractive.

What's special is that the young chef is so eye-catching, and the dishes he made almost made her lick the screen.

Qian Duoduo checked the account that created this video and found that the other party had more fans than her.

And this short video of a rural feast alone has gained a lot of popularity.Stars, likes and reposts.

This made Qian Duoduo very envious.

The creator of this video is just an ordinary rural woman, who filmed it for fun, but she didn't expect to attract so many fans.

She habitually swiped her phone and actually saw several videos of the rural banquet.

Qian Duoduo felt that something was wrong.

It's just a video of a rural banquet, why is it on the hot search.

She curiously clicked into the comment area, wanting to see why everyone likes such a video.

Soon, she found the answer in the comment area.

"I can't stop laughing. There are so many strange things in this world. This is the first time I've seen such a strange thing since I was born."

"Let's not talk about you. I'm a 50-year-old man and I've never seen such a strange thing before."

"That's right. This sow gave birth to piglets and held a banquet. I've never seen it before."

"What's wrong with people nowadays? In order to collect money, they are so shameless that they hold a banquet when the sow gives birth. Alas, it seems that I can't afford the money in the future."

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Uncle Mo, the host of the banquet, is also very pitiful. He has never married a wife in his life and still lives in a shabby house. Whenever someone in the village holds a wedding or funeral, he helps and gives money. The villagers sympathize with him and all Support him to hold this banquet. "

"You don't say, looking at these banquet dishes, it feels pretty good."

"The netizen above is new, but all old fans know that there is a top chef in Chen Village, Dongfeng Town, who cooks better dishes than those in five-star hotels."

"Is there anyone like me who came to see Master Chen?"

"Of course, Master Chen is so handsome and cooks so well, he is simply my ideal boyfriend."

"Get out of here, you shameless people, you are stealing my boyfriend, I tell you, I will only marry Master Chen in this life."



Qian Duoduo looked at the comments of those netizens on the Internet and finally figured out the truth of the matter.

It turned out that

This banquet was because a sow in a villager's house in Chen Village gave birth to piglets, and what surprised her was that the villagers did not hate this phenomenon of collecting random membership fees, on the contrary, they were extremely supportive of holding this banquet.

In addition to the villagers' sympathy for Uncle Mo, they also liked the dishes made by Master Chen so much that the people in the village went crazy.

Through the comments of those netizens, Qian Duoduo finally knew that the reason why those videos were so popular was largely because of Master Chen.

Qian Duoduo had heard that there was a very powerful village banquet chef in the village next door, but she had never seen him.

Now that I think about it, the famous village banquet chef must be Master Chen.

Looking at those not very professional rural women, they just took a video and there were so many people paying attention to it. This is definitely a traffic code.

If they can go to the scene for a live broadcast, they will definitely attract a lot of fans.

When she thought of this, Qian Duoduo immediately got excited.

Chen Village is also quite far from their village. If they walk, they will definitely be too late.

Qian Duoduo's eyes fell on her brother Qian Xiaoxiao's newly bought motorcycle.

She didn't know if her brother's brain was rusty, and he would actually spend 10,000 yuan to buy a motorcycle.

He also spent money to modify the car, installed tweeters, double flash lights, and the exterior color was also fancy.

This is definitely a ghost fire boy.

If there were any other means of transportation, Qian Duoduo would not choose this ghost fire motorcycle.

But now there is no way, it is too late, so she rode her brother's ghost train and drove to Chen Village.

When she arrived in Chen Village, she asked the villagers about the venue for the banquet.

"Uncle, do you know where the sow gives birth to piglets for the banquet?"

"What piglets?"

"Uncle, where is the banquet in your village?"

"What? What banquet?"

"Ma Dongmei..."

"Oh, there are many people with the surname Chen in our village, and no one with the surname Ma."


Qian Duoduo arrived in Chen Village and found that the doors of every household were locked and no one was at home.

She finally caught an old man, who looked to be in his seventies or eighties. Not only was his legs and feet a little inconvenient, but even his ears were a little unclear.

Soon, a "Ma Dongmei" drama was staged.

Finally, Qian Duoduo asked for a long time and finally got the answer.

The old man pointed to the mountain in front and told the people who were holding the banquet that it was on the mountain.

"..." Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo looked at the mountain in front of him that had no road access.I felt lost at the time.

"My friends, we are going to find that handsome chef. According to the grandfather just now, he is cooking for people on the mountain. Now I am going to climb the mountain. If you want to know the follow-up content, you can click on the free follow-up to support the anchor."

When she arrived in Chencun, Qian Duoduo turned on the live broadcast.

Then she said in the live broadcast room the purpose of her coming, which was to come here to take pictures of a family here holding a banquet for their own pigs.

The barrage suddenly became lively, and those netizens were brushing the screen.

Qian Duoduo looked at the mobile phone screen and was stunned.

When she was live broadcasting before, there were not so many people in the live broadcast room.

The fans who followed her also increased. In a blink of an eye, she actually had hundreds of fans.

This is simply poking the honeycomb of the "traffic password".

Qian Duoduo looked at the mountain and gritted her teeth to climb up.

Everything is for traffic, liver.

"Do you think it's possible that the old man is a liar and deliberately tricked the anchor to go up the mountain."

"Haha... If that's the case, it would be interesting. I really want to see the anchor's confused look after climbing up the mountain."

Someone in the live broadcast room actually wanted to see Qian Duoduo's embarrassed look after running to the wrong place.


When Qian Duoduo climbed up the mountain panting and saw the scene in front of her, she was really confused.

It's not that she came to the wrong place.

She came to the right place, but there were too many people eating at the banquet. It was crowded and there were all kinds of noises. It was really too lively.

When she went there, the banquet had already started.

I saw a crowd of people sitting on the benches to eat, and the scene looked lively.

They were all scrambling for food, and there were "swords and shadows" everywhere.

"Hoohoo...Family, after my unremitting efforts, I finally climbed up the mountain, but I found that I seemed to be late, and everyone had already started the feast."

Qian Duoduo was panting and out of breath.

She took a look at the live broadcast room and immediately felt that all the hard work was worth it.

The live broadcast room was full, and there were one or two thousand people watching online.

Compared to the double-digit number of the previous live broadcast, it was much better.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was also in an uproar.

"Wow... What a lively rural banquet. So many people came today. No wonder there is no one in the village below the mountain. I'm sure all the villagers came to the banquet."

"Oh my God, this banquet is too lively. Oh my God... So many people."

"Does anyone know what kind of banquet this is? Is it a wedding banquet or a birthday party? Why don't they even put up a festive couplet?"

"Brother, I can tell at a glance that you are new here. The sow in the host's house gave birth to piglets, so they held a banquet."

"... That's awesome. The dishes look quite rich. With the money for the banquet, they might as well renovate the house. It looks like this house has become a dangerous building. Is it safe to live in it?"

"I heard someone say that the host of the banquet is a bachelor in the village, childless, and has never held a banquet in his life. The villagers feel sorry for him, so they let him hold the banquet. Otherwise, go and hold a banquet for the pigs and see how many people will come to eat!"

"Yes, I watched several videos today and read the comments of the people in them. They said the same thing. It seems that this uncle raised his own nephew with great difficulty, which delayed his own marriage."

"Woo woo... This uncle is too good and too great. Unlike my uncle, I went out to work for two years, and the old house in my family was occupied by him. That old man..."

"Look, I saw the anchor drooling. Anchor, you have to pay attention to your image. You are going to be a big anchor in the future. I just took a screenshot and will show it to the anchor later."

"I advise you to stop meddling in other people's business. What's wrong with the anchor drooling? I just like to see the anchor drooling."


The live broadcast room was unusually lively and was about to quarrel.

At this time, Qian Duoduo also came back to her senses and wiped her mouth embarrassedly.

Oh my god... It's so embarrassing.

There are more than 3,000 people in her live broadcast room now. She drooled in front of more than 3,000 people. She really wants to die.


Everyone count, how many sows did Lao Mo give birth to?

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