Soak the beef tendon for an hour to remove the blood from the beef, then add various spices to stew. After stewing, let the beef cool down and soak it in the brine overnight. This process only requires waiting for time to ferment and drain.

The pork elbow fried to a golden surface is put into the steamer at a specific temperature and steamed until the skin is soft and rotten. The control of the temperature is the most critical. If it is not controlled well, it is impossible to make a braised elbow with a rich taste and delicious taste.

If the temperature is too high, the elbow cannot be formed and falls apart; if the temperature is not high enough, the elbow cannot be flavored and is destined to be a failure.

A good braised elbow must be soft, juicy, beautifully shaped, and bright red in color. For a chef, this is a major test of his cooking skills.

There is also roast duck, a marinated white duck, with special spices stuffed into the belly and stitched, and crispy water poured on the surface. It is blown overnight with a large fan to dry it, and then put into the oven to bake before the banquet tomorrow.

Behind every delicious dish, there is a chef who spends a lot of time and hard work.

Chen Yuan prepared all the dishes that he had to prepare the night before. After he was done, he found that it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

A fragrant pork was still stewing in an iron pot, and the aroma of the sauce tortured the whole village.

He kept a low fire, waiting for the good taste of the sauce in the iron pot to be completely integrated into the native pork raised by the farmer.

Chen Yuan did not need to wait, everything was left to time!

After returning home, after a simple wash, Chen Yuan lay back on the bed, and soon he began to snore evenly.

The next day.

At six o'clock, when it was slightly bright, Chen Yuan woke up Chen An and went to help his uncle.

Today, his uncle's family also got up early.

Yesterday, the people who were decorating the wedding room were busy until late at night. At this time, my uncle's house was decorated with lights and colorful flags. They also hired a wedding company to set up a stage in the yard, and a long red carpet was laid all the way to the gate.

The gate was also made of colorful balls to form an arch, and there were clusters of flowers everywhere. Even the air was full of warm and festive flavors.

Especially the couplets posted on both sides of the door, with red background and gold characters, and the dragon and phoenix fonts, all seemed to be blessing the newlyweds to grow old together and be together forever.

"The calligraphy written by my third uncle is really good. If I get married, I must ask him to help me write couplets..."

Hey, why did I suddenly have such a terrible idea!

Chen Yuan was suddenly frightened by his terrible idea. A single dog who didn't even have a girlfriend actually had such a ridiculous idea. Amitabha, sin! Sin! !

How can I cook with such nonsense? He immediately restrained his mind.

Several large pots were simmering fragrant meat, and the aroma of meat and the flavor of various sauces blended perfectly together, floating all over the village. Last night, I don’t know how many people lost sleep because of this!

Early in the morning, those who came to help finished a bowl of noodles with the aroma of stewed meat. They were all experienced people who had eaten big banquets!

Today's big banquet is at noon, so I have to make some room in my stomach to put in the dishes! !

"Yuanzi... Considering that I got up so early to help, please get some gravy from the pot for me."

Chen An approached Chen Yuan and whispered.

"I'll give it to you. If others want it, should I give it to them or not?"

It's not the lack of it that is worrying, but the inequality. This is easy to offend people.

"Forget it, I'll get closer to the big pot and eat a bowl of noodles with the smell of stewed meat in sauce."

Chen An usually doesn't look very good, but he is still very reliable when it comes to major issues.

This guy was really pitiful. He was holding a bowl of noodles and approaching a big pot. He smelled the meat and ate a mouthful of noodles. The scene was really miserable.

Chen Yuan stood aside and couldn't bear to watch it.

He put down the bowl and opened the lid of the big pot of braised meat in sauce. After a night of stewing, the color of the pork had already become extremely bright red, and the meat was also very compact.

The good taste of the sauce, after a night of soft grinding and hard soaking, has penetrated into every fiber of the braised meat.

"Woo... It smells so good."

As soon as the lid of the pot was opened, the aroma that came to his face almost made Chen An faint.

This Chen An was also a ruthless person. Taking the opportunity, he suddenly took a big breath of the aroma and took a few mouthfuls of noodles with the aroma.

As a chef, try to taste the taste first, no one has any objection, right?

Chen Yuan took an iron spoon and scooped out a bowl of sauce with two small pieces of meat in it.

The red meat was soaked in the thick sauce, and the aroma was so fragrant that it could kill anyone!


Chen An took a look at the bowl of sauce and his mouth was almost watering.

If this was poured on his bowl of noodles,How delicious it must be!

"Chen An, I have a stuffy nose today and can't taste anything. Come and help me taste it."

Chen Yuan poured half a bowl of sauce into his own bowl and left half a bowl for Chen An.

Faced with Yuan Zi's "absurd" statement, could Chen An say no?

Once the sticky sauce was poured on the noodles, the whole bowl of noodles instantly improved several levels.

"Yuan Zi, I really love you to death."

"Get out!"


"Today is a good day, everything you want can come true..."

In the countryside, whenever there is a wedding, this song "Good Days" must be played. The cheerful melody and the warmness reveal a kind of peace, which makes everyone feel happy and happy.

Chen Yuan is not in the mood to appreciate the song now. He is busy without touching the ground.

Fortunately, the kitchen helpers are also very capable. They cut vegetables, wash vegetables, wash dishes, and light fires... Chen Yuan doesn't need to tell him, which makes him worry a lot.

"Uncle Pan Zi, the job of cooking is now entirely up to you. Don't just watch Douyin and burn the rice."

A big wooden barrel is placed on a big pot. This tool for steaming rice is called a steamer in Chen Village. The rice steamed in a steamer is fragrant, soft and delicious, with distinct grains, and the taste is several times better than the rice cooked in an electric rice cooker!

"Master Chen, don't worry, your uncle Pan Zi has been a professional fireman for forty years, and he can't be wrong."

"Forty years of professional firemanship? Uncle Pan Zi, how old are you this year?"

"Forty-five, I learned to cook when I was five, is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem at all."

Hearing Uncle Pan Zi's answer, Chen Yuan was also convinced.

Now the uncles and aunts in the countryside have learned to play Douyin. I don't even have an account. Should I learn to register one?

Just thinking about it, a cheerful female voice like a silver bell sounded in the yard.

"Oh my god, it smells so good, it seems that my parents didn't lie to me!"

When Chen Yuan heard the voice, he knew that it was Tang Ningning.

After not seeing each other for several years, the young girl who was still preparing for the high school entrance examination has grown into a graceful young lady.

As soon as Tang Ningning entered her uncle's yard, she was deeply attracted by the fragrance in the temporary kitchen. The smell of various dishes was desperately drilling into her nose. How could a little greedy person like her move?

She fell in love with it instantly!

"Cousin Yuanzi, is it really you? You are more handsome in person than in the video."

When Tang Ningning saw Chen Yuan in a chef's uniform, she instantly turned into a little fangirl.


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